



Old Testament Emphasis

lllt'el this la11er re,p1irement will be plart'<l on prol.ia1io11. Graduates from ;1 pprnved 1111ac:cre<lited colleges, if arrepted, will be gra111e<l provisional arrep1a11re, 1]1011)(!1 exrt'plions may lie 111adt' wht'n tl1e GPA L~ hif(llt'r tl1an 3.0. B0111 prnha1io11 an<l provLsional accep­ lanre 111ay be rha11)(t1l lo hill acceptance

gram is ,1i mt'<l al developin!i ahili1y lo <lo apoh~elirs in v.1rio1Ls 111i11is11y pm· Hra111s surh as para d111rrh and !oral rl111rrh t'VJ11Hdis111, ,Ls well as prt'parinH the s111<le111 for f11nher !irn<l11;11t· work in pl1ilosophy, ethin;, reliliiotLs st11dies. law, poli1iral !11.·ienre, aml theol<l)\y.

OT fi03 ElemenL~ of Hdirew I .. .. ..... .:\ OT fi04 ElemenLrnf Hebrew II ....... J OT 705 Exegt'Sis in Genesis an<l

Tilt' 11a111rt' and srnpe of Tallx,1's Cliris1ia11 ed11ra1io11 pnl)\1.1111 a11d spt'· rializa1io11s are de1er111i11e<l hy 1l1t'

Selected Pa.""-lges...... .. .. ...... J

four di111e11sio11s whirh fi ,llow:

OT717 Ol<lTestamentinNear

Theological Integration

Ea.~tem C,ontext.....



NT :,OJ Beginning Greek .................2

PH :,2:l Mt'taphysirs I PH :,24 Metaphysirs II .. PH !i44 Epis1e111ology I.. PH !i4:, Epis1e11111l11gy II

Our Chris1ia11 t1h1<~11io11 pn')(ra111 is

........ .3 . .......... '\

NT :,02 Beginning Greek .. ..


au i111ewal pan of 1lw 1!1t•olo)!;iral e11viif 1lie s111<le11t eam, a CPA of 3.0 or liet­

NT :,03 Introduction to Exegesis.... .3

rn11111t·111 of 1he st·111i11;11y. The pn')(ratu rela1es t1h1ralional pr;1.-iire to lheol<>)(i· ,.ii p1i11riples, seeki11H lo inte)\r.lle S<>rial s,·ie11n.,; a11d 1heol<l)\y lo heller se1ve lht' Cl111rd1 's t1h1ra1io11al r11i11is11y t'fforts.

ler 011 the first t'ip;ht 1111i 1s al Talbot. Grad11a1es fro111 approved unaccre<lile<l


Ol<l Tt'Stament electives

PH :,47 l11e Theology and l'l1iloS<r

(4 exegesis, 7 open) ............ . ............ 11

rnllt'!\t'S 111ay lie re<p1ired to take cenain additional lilieral ans comsework (not l!:!. appli,:1hle lrnl'ard the graduate <legree) ,

pliy of Srit'llrt' .

..... .....&- 10

General electives.........

.... ;l

PH !i!i(i 111e His101y of E1l1i rs .. PH :,87 St-111inar iu E1h iral Sys1e111s


New Testament Emphasis

if 1heir 1111dergrnd11ate program <li<l 1101

NT :,()J Beginning Greek .............. ...2 NT :,02 Beginning Gret·k ................ 2 NT :,03 Introduction to Ext"gt'sis.... .3 NT fi04 Exegesis in the Gospels ........ :{

Ministerial Preparation

and E1hiral Re,LS<>llill!i ... .... :{

i11rh1de these rnur.;es.

Our Chris1i,111 ed11rn1io11 prolir,1111 exists 10 prt'pare 111i11isiers i11 the New Tes1a111e111 sense, for a varie1y of h111r­ tio11al rolt's for servire in !oral rl111rd1es a11d related i11s1i1111io11s. This fiK·11s 011 r11i11is1ry prepar,11io11 e11rn11r­ ages s111de111s 10 lake what tl1ey learn in rlasses and IISt' ii ill 111i11isll)' rnlllt'XIS, hoth whill' in s,·hool a11d in the f11111re.

PH G24 St-111 inar in E1 hiral

Issues I....

......... .3


PH (i2:, St-111i11ar in Etliiral

A. Sa1isfar1orily complete !if>

NT fiO!i Exegesis in the Epistlt's

Issues II ......


ser11eslt'r 1111i1s. St-e (D.) bdow.

an<l Acts ................... ... .. .. ...... 3

PH (i(i7 St-111i11ar in Pl1ilosophiral

ll. Take 1he comses prescribed in the Master of Arts in Christian Edu­

NT 701 l11e Worl<l of tht'

An1hropology ......................2


Testament. .... ............... 2

PH (i84 St-111i11ar in Pl1ilosopl1y

OT fi03 Elements of Hebrew I ........ J OT C,04 Elements of Hebrew II ........ '.{

ratio11 rnrrirnhun.


of ReliHion .

C. 400 ho11rs of supervised field 111i11is11y approved hy a farnlty a<lviS<>r.

PH (iW, St-111i11ar in Pl1ilosopliiral

... .8

New Testament electives.. ..


.... :{

General electives.............................&-10

Individualized Program


.... ... ............... :·Vi

Co111ple1e the program in no

Eleuiws .

1 This prngra1 is rl1arar1,·rized hy au e111phasis 011 adap1a1io11 lo the i11divid11al llt'l'ds ;11111 go;ds of 1l1e Sill· d1·111s, i11 rega rd 10 ho1h their pt'rso11al

111ort' 1ha11 five years.

Theology Emphasis

Reduction and Transfer Guidelines for Philosophy of Religion and

E. C11111ple1e an acreptahle li1er­ a111rt' ft' View on a ministry issue rela1ed to a selerlt'd specialization. F. Al ll'.i.,t 24 uni ts unique to the pn')(t:11111111Lsl llt' taken al tills seminary.

(Select one of the following gro11ps of co11rses) ..................................7 units NT 501 Beginning Greek .... .........2 NT :,02 Beginning Greek .............2 NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis.. .:\

Ethics Emphasis

S111dt'IIIS wi1l1 s;11isbrlol)' 1111der­ Rrad1w1e pa1;1llel rn111e111 in pl1iloS<r phy will he rnnsidned for rnurse redur1io11. All re1p1es1s for rnmse red11r1io11 are sul,jerl 10 dq,an111t·111al approval on a rase hy rase h;tsL,. S111- de111s seekin!i romse rt'1h1r1 io11 IIIILSI have earnt'd al lt',ISI a "B" !irade. Sl11<lt'11ls 111ay only 11:msfrr rn11rses that art' parallel in rn111t·11t aud 1ake11 fn,111 ,ll"rredited !i1;11hi;11e s,·l1ools and st'tll inarit's. R.. ,p1t'sl for 1ra11sft'r of rnmses shollld he s111>111 i11 ed lo Ille Rt')!;is11;1r's Ollire with prior approval ft-0111 1l1 e ,lt-parllllt'lll. S111<h-111s IIIIISI rnlllpktt' in reside1irt· a 111i11it1111111 of 24 units rt'q11ired in the l'l1ilrn"phy of

;11111 l'ora1io11al ohjerlives.

11 is pres11t11ed 1ha1 s111de111s will

1·111t'r the prn!\rJtll with a dearly t'slal>A s1ude111 1111Ls1 have al a 3.0


BE !i30 Elementary Principles of

lisl1ed Cl1ris1ia11 faith and, 11orn1ally, with a definitt' voralional orit'nlalion. The pro!it:1111 is <lesi)(ned lo alford t·arh s111de111 a fo111fold oppor11111i1y: (a) tl1e anp1isi1io11 of k11owled!it' (h) tht· develop111e111 of prnft'ssio11al skill, (r) 111,· e11ha11re111t'11I of pt'rsonal

CPA (011 a 4.0 scale) lo !(ra<luale. St11- de111s art' plact1l 011 academic probation if their CPA fi>r any semester fa.IL, bdnw '.Hl, and wi ll remain on probation a., lon!i ;Ls the singlt' semester or cum11la- 1ive GPA remains lielnw 3.0. Probation s111de111s are granted one semester in

the Biblical Langual(t'S....3

Qiristian l110U!(ht electives..... ....... .4 722 Cull~ ofAmerica ................... 2 PH f,()'2 Apologetics ....... ...... ......... .....3 HT TH 709 Contemporary Theology .....2 Qiristian l11011ght electives* .... ... ..&-12

Bible Exposition or Q1ristian

f(row1l1 ;111d (d) the deepenin)( of perwliirh 10 lirinH their academic work up

Thought electives ..... ....... .... ................ Ii General electivt'S .. ....... .................... 7-11 *If the Greek option is d1ost'n , only eight Q1ristian Thought elt'CliVt' m1its in this category are mp1iml.

S<>llal rn111111i1111e111 10.Jt·s1Ls Christ.

to lht' required level (3.0) for con1i1111- a11re in the seminary. Astudent cannot

Timeliness of the Program

!il~11f11alt' whilt' on prnbalion.

Tl1is Chris1ia11 ed11r;<1io11 JHO)(r.1111 is desigut·d lo r11eel the sperifir needs of the Ch11rrl1 with e111ph,tses ill a vari­ t'I)' of e<l11ra1io11al 111i11is1ry areas, i11rl11di11)(: Children's Mi11is11y. Yo111h Minislly, Adult and Family Millistry, Ce11t'r;il Cl1ris1ia11 Edm:alioll Min­ istries, Crnss-rnl111ral Ed11ra1ioll Mi11-

PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS The academic program leading to the Master of Arts <legree in Q1ristian Eduralion is slrnrlllre<l to incht<le (I) hihliral and theological fo1111<la1ions; (2) a rnrt' rnrrirnhnn rn11sis1ing of fou11d ,11io11al courses an<l practical skills; (:{) a vocational specialization. The Standard Program: 56 Units

Philosophy of Religion and Ethics Emphasis

ReliHion and Ethics e111plusLs. Biblical and Theological

l11e main purpose of this emphasL~

is to help the st11<lent bemmt' an apoloStudies/Diversified Emphasis

gist an<l develop tl1e skills involw<l in <loing apologetics with spetial fom, on

BE :,30 Eleme111,11y Principles of

lhe Bihliral LIIIHlla)!;t'S ........ :{

is11y. a11d Cliris1ia11 For111,11io11.

philosophy an<l social ethia.. l11e a11i(Seier! 011e of the fi,1lowi11!i) ........... 2-:{

In li!ihl of in<Tt';L,ill)( dt·ruands for persons 1r;1i11t·d in Cliris1ia11 t'd11ra-

tu<lt'S an<l character traits of an apol,r gist will ue fostered by <lepartmt'nt

HT 7'1.'L Cull:- of Arn t"! ira CL!ir,G Wrnld Rt·~~ions

1io11, 1l1e JH0!\1; 1111 is s1rnr111red 10 prel11e program lt'a<ling 10 the Ma.~ler

activi ties, professional 1111><.lelinH, and PH f>O:l Apolo~t1i1 s teaching techniques. The skills nert'sPT :>10 Ev.111)!;elis111 a11d Follrnl'•lljl ..... :l

p;1n· pers,111s lo serve rn111pele111ly in

of Ar1., dt'liree in Chris1ia11 Education, wi1h a 111i11is11y specialization in chil­ dretts' 111i11is11y, youth ministry, general Chris1i;111 ed11ca1io11, family and adult 111i11is1ry, nossrn limal education mi11- is11y. or ,viri11l.l l li>r111a1ion, inchr<les a 111i11i11111111 of !",(i 1111i1., of s111dy. l11e stu­ dent who L' al.ile lo enroll in 14 units

1l1is !irowi111i lield .

l'T 70:{ Cl111rrh and Sorit·ty .. .. CE li00 Ed11ra1io11al Mi11is1ry i11

.... ~

sary for tl1e craft of apologetirs will bt' <levdope<l by equipping the st11<lt'11I lo tl1i11k for himself or herself, <lo r~arrl1 sophical an<l ethical rnnrepts for spelling 0111 what CJ11istia1Ls believe an<l why tl1ey hol<l those belids. l11e pnr

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All applic1111s 1111L,1 hold 1l1e Barht'· lor ofAns dt'!\rtt or its ;11;11le111ir e11uiv.1- le111. l11t·y 1111Ls1 have a :l.O (;PA (011 a 1.0 si;1le). Tho!'I.· a,wp1ed wl11> <lo 11<>1

1l1l' Ch11rrl1. ......................... :l

an<l 11n<lers1a11<l the necessary philnBE. CE. HT. NT. OT, PH. PT. TH

elertives (a 111axilllu111 of Ii units in

PT and CE). ..

. .. 14

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