Old Testament Emphasis
lllt'el this la11er re,p1irement will be plart'<l on prol.ia1io11. Graduates from ;1 pprnved 1111ac:cre<lited colleges, if arrepted, will be gra111e<l provisional arrep1a11re, 1]1011)(!1 exrt'plions may lie 111adt' wht'n tl1e GPA L~ hif(llt'r tl1an 3.0. B0111 prnha1io11 an<l provLsional accep lanre 111ay be rha11)(t1l lo hill acceptance
gram is ,1i mt'<l al developin!i ahili1y lo <lo apoh~elirs in v.1rio1Ls 111i11is11y pm· Hra111s surh as para d111rrh and !oral rl111rrh t'VJ11Hdis111, ,Ls well as prt'parinH the s111<le111 for f11nher !irn<l11;11t· work in pl1ilosophy, ethin;, reliliiotLs st11dies. law, poli1iral !11.·ienre, aml theol<l)\y.
OT fi03 ElemenL~ of Hdirew I .. .. ..... .:\ OT fi04 ElemenLrnf Hebrew II ....... J OT 705 Exegt'Sis in Genesis an<l
Tilt' 11a111rt' and srnpe of Tallx,1's Cliris1ia11 ed11ra1io11 pnl)\1.1111 a11d spt'· rializa1io11s are de1er111i11e<l hy 1l1t'
Selected Pa.""-lges...... .. .. ...... J
four di111e11sio11s whirh fi ,llow:
OT717 Ol<lTestamentinNear
Theological Integration
Ea.~tem C,ontext.....
NT :,OJ Beginning Greek .................2
PH :,2:l Mt'taphysirs I PH :,24 Metaphysirs II .. PH !i44 Epis1e111ology I.. PH !i4:, Epis1e11111l11gy II
Our Chris1ia11 t1h1<~11io11 pn')(ra111 is
........ .3 . .......... '\
NT :,02 Beginning Greek .. ..
au i111ewal pan of 1lw 1!1t•olo)!;iral e11viif 1lie s111<le11t eam, a CPA of 3.0 or liet
NT :,03 Introduction to Exegesis.... .3
rn11111t·111 of 1he st·111i11;11y. The pn')(ratu rela1es t1h1ralional pr;1.-iire to lheol<>)(i· ,.ii p1i11riples, seeki11H lo inte)\r.lle S<>rial s,·ie11n.,; a11d 1heol<l)\y lo heller se1ve lht' Cl111rd1 's t1h1ra1io11al r11i11is11y t'fforts.
ler 011 the first t'ip;ht 1111i 1s al Talbot. Grad11a1es fro111 approved unaccre<lile<l
Ol<l Tt'Stament electives
PH :,47 l11e Theology and l'l1iloS<r
(4 exegesis, 7 open) ............ . ............ 11
rnllt'!\t'S 111ay lie re<p1ired to take cenain additional lilieral ans comsework (not l!:!. appli,:1hle lrnl'ard the graduate <legree) ,
pliy of Srit'llrt' .
..... .....&- 10
General electives.........
.... ;l
PH !i!i(i 111e His101y of E1l1i rs .. PH :,87 St-111inar iu E1h iral Sys1e111s
New Testament Emphasis
if 1heir 1111dergrnd11ate program <li<l 1101
NT :,()J Beginning Greek .............. ...2 NT :,02 Beginning Gret·k ................ 2 NT :,03 Introduction to Ext"gt'sis.... .3 NT fi04 Exegesis in the Gospels ........ :{
Ministerial Preparation
and E1hiral Re,LS<>llill!i ... .... :{
i11rh1de these rnur.;es.
Our Chris1i,111 ed11rn1io11 prolir,1111 exists 10 prt'pare 111i11isiers i11 the New Tes1a111e111 sense, for a varie1y of h111r tio11al rolt's for servire in !oral rl111rd1es a11d related i11s1i1111io11s. This fiK·11s 011 r11i11is1ry prepar,11io11 e11rn11r ages s111de111s 10 lake what tl1ey learn in rlasses and IISt' ii ill 111i11isll)' rnlllt'XIS, hoth whill' in s,·hool a11d in the f11111re.
PH G24 St-111 inar in E1 hiral
Issues I....
......... .3
PH (i2:, St-111i11ar in Etliiral
A. Sa1isfar1orily complete !if>
NT fiO!i Exegesis in the Epistlt's
Issues II ......
ser11eslt'r 1111i1s. St-e (D.) bdow.
an<l Acts ................... ... .. .. ...... 3
PH (i(i7 St-111i11ar in Pl1ilosophiral
ll. Take 1he comses prescribed in the Master of Arts in Christian Edu
NT 701 l11e Worl<l of tht'
An1hropology ......................2
Testament. .... ............... 2
PH (i84 St-111i11ar in Pl1ilosopl1y
OT fi03 Elements of Hebrew I ........ J OT C,04 Elements of Hebrew II ........ '.{
ratio11 rnrrirnhun.
of ReliHion .
C. 400 ho11rs of supervised field 111i11is11y approved hy a farnlty a<lviS<>r.
PH (iW, St-111i11ar in Pl1ilosopliiral
... .8
New Testament electives.. ..
.... :{
General electives.............................&-10
Individualized Program
.... ... ............... :·Vi
Co111ple1e the program in no
Eleuiws .
1 This prngra1 is rl1arar1,·rized hy au e111phasis 011 adap1a1io11 lo the i11divid11al llt'l'ds ;11111 go;ds of 1l1e Sill· d1·111s, i11 rega rd 10 ho1h their pt'rso11al
111ort' 1ha11 five years.
Theology Emphasis
Reduction and Transfer Guidelines for Philosophy of Religion and
E. C11111ple1e an acreptahle li1er a111rt' ft' View on a ministry issue rela1ed to a selerlt'd specialization. F. Al ll'.i.,t 24 uni ts unique to the pn')(t:11111111Lsl llt' taken al tills seminary.
(Select one of the following gro11ps of co11rses) ..................................7 units NT 501 Beginning Greek .... .........2 NT :,02 Beginning Greek .............2 NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis.. .:\
Ethics Emphasis
S111dt'IIIS wi1l1 s;11isbrlol)' 1111der Rrad1w1e pa1;1llel rn111e111 in pl1iloS<r phy will he rnnsidned for rnurse redur1io11. All re1p1es1s for rnmse red11r1io11 are sul,jerl 10 dq,an111t·111al approval on a rase hy rase h;tsL,. S111- de111s seekin!i romse rt'1h1r1 io11 IIIILSI have earnt'd al lt',ISI a "B" !irade. Sl11<lt'11ls 111ay only 11:msfrr rn11rses that art' parallel in rn111t·11t aud 1ake11 fn,111 ,ll"rredited !i1;11hi;11e s,·l1ools and st'tll inarit's. R.. ,p1t'sl for 1ra11sft'r of rnmses shollld he s111>111 i11 ed lo Ille Rt')!;is11;1r's Ollire with prior approval ft-0111 1l1 e ,lt-parllllt'lll. S111<h-111s IIIIISI rnlllpktt' in reside1irt· a 111i11it1111111 of 24 units rt'q11ired in the l'l1ilrn"phy of
;11111 l'ora1io11al ohjerlives.
11 is pres11t11ed 1ha1 s111de111s will
1·111t'r the prn!\rJtll with a dearly t'slal>A s1ude111 1111Ls1 have al lea.st a 3.0
BE !i30 Elementary Principles of
lisl1ed Cl1ris1ia11 faith and, 11orn1ally, with a definitt' voralional orit'nlalion. The pro!it:1111 is <lesi)(ned lo alford t·arh s111de111 a fo111fold oppor11111i1y: (a) tl1e anp1isi1io11 of k11owled!it' (h) tht· develop111e111 of prnft'ssio11al skill, (r) 111,· e11ha11re111t'11I of pt'rsonal
CPA (011 a 4.0 scale) lo !(ra<luale. St11- de111s art' plact1l 011 academic probation if their CPA fi>r any semester fa.IL, bdnw '.Hl, and wi ll remain on probation a., lon!i ;Ls the singlt' semester or cum11la- 1ive GPA remains lielnw 3.0. Probation s111de111s are granted one semester in
the Biblical Langual(t'S....3
Qiristian l110U!(ht electives..... ....... .4 722 Cull~ ofAmerica ................... 2 PH f,()'2 Apologetics ....... ...... ......... .....3 HT TH 709 Contemporary Theology .....2 Qiristian l11011ght electives* .... ... ..&-12
Bible Exposition or Q1ristian
f(row1l1 ;111d (d) the deepenin)( of perwliirh 10 lirinH their academic work up
Thought electives ..... ....... .... ................ Ii General electivt'S .. ....... .................... 7-11 *If the Greek option is d1ost'n , only eight Q1ristian Thought elt'CliVt' m1its in this category are mp1iml.
S<>llal rn111111i1111e111 10.Jt·s1Ls Christ.
to lht' required level (3.0) for con1i1111- a11re in the seminary. Astudent cannot
Timeliness of the Program
!il~11f11alt' whilt' on prnbalion.
Tl1is Chris1ia11 ed11r;<1io11 JHO)(r.1111 is desigut·d lo r11eel the sperifir needs of the Ch11rrl1 with e111ph,tses ill a vari t'I)' of e<l11ra1io11al 111i11is1ry areas, i11rl11di11)(: Children's Mi11is11y. Yo111h Minislly, Adult and Family Millistry, Ce11t'r;il Cl1ris1ia11 Edm:alioll Min istries, Crnss-rnl111ral Ed11ra1ioll Mi11-
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS The academic program leading to the Master of Arts <legree in Q1ristian Eduralion is slrnrlllre<l to incht<le (I) hihliral and theological fo1111<la1ions; (2) a rnrt' rnrrirnhnn rn11sis1ing of fou11d ,11io11al courses an<l practical skills; (:{) a vocational specialization. The Standard Program: 56 Units
Philosophy of Religion and Ethics Emphasis
ReliHion and Ethics e111plusLs. Biblical and Theological
l11e main purpose of this emphasL~
is to help the st11<lent bemmt' an apoloStudies/Diversified Emphasis
gist an<l develop tl1e skills involw<l in <loing apologetics with spetial fom, on
BE :,30 Eleme111,11y Principles of
lhe Bihliral LIIIHlla)!;t'S ........ :{
is11y. a11d Cliris1ia11 For111,11io11.
philosophy an<l social ethia.. l11e a11i(Seier! 011e of the fi,1lowi11!i) ........... 2-:{
In li!ihl of in<Tt';L,ill)( dt·ruands for persons 1r;1i11t·d in Cliris1ia11 t'd11ra-
tu<lt'S an<l character traits of an apol,r gist will ue fostered by <lepartmt'nt
HT 7'1.'L Cull:- of Arn t"! ira CL!ir,G Wrnld Rt·~~ions
1io11, 1l1e JH0!\1; 1111 is s1rnr111red 10 prel11e program lt'a<ling 10 the Ma.~ler
activi ties, professional 1111><.lelinH, and PH f>O:l Apolo~t1i1 s teaching techniques. The skills nert'sPT :>10 Ev.111)!;elis111 a11d Follrnl'•lljl ..... :l
p;1n· pers,111s lo serve rn111pele111ly in
of Ar1., dt'liree in Chris1ia11 Education, wi1h a 111i11is11y specialization in chil dretts' 111i11is11y, youth ministry, general Chris1i;111 ed11ca1io11, family and adult 111i11is1ry, nossrn limal education mi11- is11y. or ,viri11l.l l li>r111a1ion, inchr<les a 111i11i11111111 of !",(i 1111i1., of s111dy. l11e stu dent who L' al.ile lo enroll in 14 units
1l1is !irowi111i lield .
l'T 70:{ Cl111rrh and Sorit·ty .. .. CE li00 Ed11ra1io11al Mi11is1ry i11
.... ~
sary for tl1e craft of apologetirs will bt' <levdope<l by equipping the st11<lt'11I lo tl1i11k for himself or herself, <lo r~arrl1 sophical an<l ethical rnnrepts for spelling 0111 what CJ11istia1Ls believe an<l why tl1ey hol<l those belids. l11e pnr
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All applic1111s 1111L,1 hold 1l1e Barht'· lor ofAns dt'!\rtt or its ;11;11le111ir e11uiv.1- le111. l11t·y 1111Ls1 have a :l.O (;PA (011 a 1.0 si;1le). Tho!'I.· a,wp1ed wl11> <lo 11<>1
1l1l' Ch11rrl1. ......................... :l
an<l 11n<lers1a11<l the necessary philnBE. CE. HT. NT. OT, PH. PT. TH
elertives (a 111axilllu111 of Ii units in
PT and CE). ..
. .. 14
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