

CE W2 Prnr1irnll1 in Millisuy II .... ... 1 CE Spt><·ializa1io11 roll!'st' .................. ~

1ha1 rolll'se. The s11hsti1u1i1111 of selntt'd elertives in lieu of rt'quired


each semester can complete the <lt'gret' in two years. l11e student who enrolls for less than 14 uniLs may be able to access lnterterm and Summer sdiool courses and still complete the prog1a11l in two years, or may wpiire additional time to complete the dep;rc:c: progiarn. The program must be: wmple1ed within five calendar years from the first

CE (i4!i Current Trends in

rn11rst'S may lie re<111t'stnl auy1imt' durChildren's Ministry ...... .. ...... 2 I!',

Or a gem·ral C.E. elective .... .............. 2 Master of Arts In Christian Education -

illµ; tht' stUcit'nt's lirst year.

"Tiu: "lilernlurr n11iew" is II me11rch fm>­ jet:I 011 a mi11i.1hy i.l.1m· which ii bt-g1111 i11

Master ofArts in Christian Education

Youth Ministry

CE 633 Pri11r.i/h.1 of Rt!;enrcl, m11l comAccelerated Program: 36 Units

CE (j(iJ Adolest·ent Culture and

piet,xl i11 a mi11i.1t1y .1pt'Ci11/iwti,m co11r.1e. ft; focm is 011 tlu, ide11tifiwtio11, ei111/1111- ticn1, sy11t/,r:,i.1, 11111/ 11f,f,lw1ticn1 of rrl,.,,111,1 cal pri11cij,/,:; lo tl 11u11,1/1y 1,e,r[ i11 the .1/11- 1b1t'; 11rr.,1 of s/H·r:i11/iwticn1. Dd11ils 011 tlu, /it,,ra/ure rmir.111 am I,· ul,111i111rl i11 <:£6, ;_ It i., im/nntm,t t/111/ M•\<:E ,1111/,.,1/.1 110/ UJ11il lo t11k,, <:£ 6.1; i11 thtir lml .11111"h. Program Modifications Based on Prior Academic Study: 44+ Units Q11,dili,·d s111de11ts rn111ill)\ fro111 approwd Bible rnllt')\t'S or Cl1ristiall lilll·ral arts rnllq\t'S 11lay re<ptt'SI t'Xt'111ptio11 fr11111 rertaill rt'<JUir,·d rnllrses. Re1pwsts li1r t'Xt'llljllion 11l;1y he rn11sidert'd from 1w11 persper1ives:

S1ude111s entt'l'illf; this pro!iram

Development .......................2

m1t,t haw the followill!i :

CE (i!i2 Youth Eduration and

I) An Ulldt'r!(rad11ate dt')(l't't' ill

enrollment. A literature review nm.,oci,,l ,cie11ce

rr;r/ll'r./1 mu! /,il,liwl/t/u,o~;Leadc:rship ..........................2 C11ris1.ian Education with a 3.0 CPA ill

ceming a ministry is1;ue is ai'11> required.

CE !',6G Youth Group Development

ro11rses takt'll ill the major.

aud Programming ........... .. ... 2

2) A 101.d of al lt'ast :10 hours i11



Bihlt' / lheo!,,gy

CE !'N, Pa1,H-!itrrrl1 Youtl1 MinisU')' .. ..2

:1) Au oVl'rall CPA of 2.(i (Tl1ose witl1 ii CPA of 2(,-2.<I will lit' plared 1111 prohatioll . St't' t'arlit'r St'rti1111 011

CE (iSI Development of Youth


Speakt'r Skills ........ .. ...... .. ..... 2

First Year

CE !i48 Curren! Trends in Youth

ad 11 1issio111p1alilira1iolls. )

Minislly ....... .. .................... .. .2

First Semester

4) 111 aclditioll 111 lh t' above . d,·mollslratioll of rn111pt'l<·n<')' ill 1!1e rnlllt'lll of ally waivt'd or s11hstit11t'd rntll'St'S will ht' asses.sec! at the time of

Or a general C.E. elective..

.. ... 2

CE !i21 P,')'d1oloi;ical Foundations

• Stude11ts i'II this specialiuui011 mL,titule !'E 543 Co11nseling A doltscents and Their - Parmls, for PT7O7 Fo11ndatiom of Pas­

of Ministry ............................ :{

CE !i33 Principles ofReseanh* ....... 2 CE !i73 Biblical Foundat.ions of


toral !:are arul Counseling.

Family Ministry.............


:i) At le,t,t two Yt'ilrs ofvoratio11al

SS !i JO Theolo1,riral Researrh

1) Prng1:1111 rl'durti1111s are possiMaster of Arts In Christian Education - ex1wriellrt' in edtH'ational 111i11is11y.

AdulVFamily Ministry


........ 1

hk up 10 a 111axi111lllll of 12 llllits fro11 1

For stucil'lllS wl10 qualify for 1!1is

CE (i7!', Family Life: Edncation in

1H !'1 l l l11eol<1!,'Y l-lntro<l1ution:

the 1111rn1al MACE n·quirt'lllt'lll. Evalprogr,llll. f;r,11IUi1li01l requirt'lllt'lltS

the Church

.. 3

Revelation and Nature

mti1111s for rt'd11r1ioll art· rnllsid,·rt'd

111.,y ht' s.11islit'd ill :1(i st' lllt'Slt'r Ullils.

of God ....................................... :{

CE 678 Adult Developmc:nt and

fo r u11derg1,1d11a 1e rnurst's wi1!1 sa1isBi hit' /Tl1e11logy.

_...... .... !I

CE Specialization course... .. .........2

Education.... .

.. .. .2

far101')' parallt'I rnlllt'III a11d d,· 1111111- sirated rnllq>eteury. To q11alil'y for sud1 rt'd11r1iolls lht' sllldt'llt 1111tst haw

(iurltulinµ; BE !'>17 , TH 717 . TH 718,

Two of:


Bihlt' elertiw)

CE 7Hi Minis11y to Single Adults ...... 2

Second Semester

Cl1ristia11 t'ciurati1111 rnrl' .. .. ............ .. JR earnt'd at le,1s1 a "B" µ;radt' i11 1!1e s1wPT !i27 Premarital Preparation and (indudiug CE!', 18, !>2:{, (i:-1:-1* , (i7:1, rifir ,·1111rse(s) a11d ht' ahlt' to de11101lCounseling ......... .. .. ...... ......... 2

BE !i17 Hermeneutics/Bible Study


.. .. :{

WI, !i!l2, PT7()(i, 707; seht Ollt' of

PT G28 Marital Connseling .............. . 3 PT 722 Small Gronp Discipleship ....3 PT 77!', Parent FJ.lucation in Mini,uy ..2

s1J,llt' ,·11111pt'lt'lll')' in th,· suhjerl 111a1- ter at th,· 1i111e of admission to tht' program. 111 tilt' t'l't'lll tilt' Sllllit·lll

BE !i20 Su1vey of Matthew -

CL !',20, !i80, or l'T703)

Revelation ............................ :{

(~E. Sperializati<>ll .. ............... .... ........ .8


!i 12 Theology II - Works of

SS !i!0 Theologiral Researrh takes a r011rse whirl! had het'II pt eviOr a genc:ral C.E. elective .... .. .... ..... .. .. 2

God, Angd,, Man


.. .. 1

<lltsly waiwd. 1Ji;11 previotts n·d11rtioll

Master of Arts In Christian Education -

and Sin........................... ..3


Litt'ratlll't' Revit'W

would tl1t'll ht· 11111lilit'd.

General Christian Education

PT 7()(i Per'1111ial Foundations of

2) Tl1e su l,stit11tioll of st'lt'rtt'd t'lt'rlives i11 lit·11 ol rt·q11ired rnurst·s 111ay he an;111g,·d ill rn1aill rirrn111- stat1rt's. Ill S<>lllt' rases wh t· rt' <lllt' of tht' ;1h11w rri1,·ria 1li.1y prt'd11<lt' a pr<~

Two age level courses on developmen I fnl>and education (from CE !i2:\ !'124,

Minisuy .. ...........

....... ~

*Tlw "litnnhtn• n, ,i,:111" i.\ n rr.\1:nrr.h

CE Spc:cialization course (with LiterJture Review) .

jrr.t on fl mi11i.\hy i.,.,w· which i., l1t:guu m ('£ 6;_; 1',;1wj1/,:_1 uf R,·.1mrr./r m,d com­ JJ/rtrd i11 n miui.,hy .,JH·r.infrwtim1 c1mr.\f'.

(i(i 1, (i(i2 , G78)

. . ... 2

One wmse on models of ministry (from



m2, !',!',Ii, 67!',, 7J!i, PT 7'22, 77!i)

µ;ra111 rl'ciUl'lion, 1!1e s11ul,·111 111ay ll<'l'It ., foa, .1 i.1 011 th,· idl'lltijiwtio11, 11•1il1111-

Second Year First Semester

One other C.E. elc:ctive

t'rt!lt'!t's., he ilhl,· 111 dt•J1l1111s11:11t' ii s.11- isfortory levt'I of rnll1pt'te11ry in a givt'n suhj,·rt. l11 this t'l'l'lll, sekrit'd elertives 111ay he sulis1i111tt'd for tht'

tiv11, .1y11lhi,i.1, 11111/ 11f,!1liwlicn1 of rr/,,11n11l

.1ocial .v.iew,: rr,,mrch 11111/ l,il,liwl/ tl,rologiMaster of Arts In Christian Education -

BE !i19 Srnvey ofGent'Sis- Malarhi ....3

Crosscullural Education Ministry

wl /n;11cif,/r.1 lo tl 11u11,1lly 1unl i11 the s/11- dent\ nrm 0J.1pecialiwtio11. Dr.tail, 011 the

1H !i13 Theology III- Christ,

One of either: rnurse(s) ill <plt'sli1111 . llltt'n·sled stuSCL !',7!i M11lti-rnlt11ral Education .. .. .3 /itrrn/111~ m,i,,,,1 w11 /,, ul,tai1url i11 <:£633. dt'nts sho11ld rnlllart the approprialt' SCL 72J C.·,l!isculturnl Education ......3

Salvation and the Spirit .......3

PT707 Foundations of Pastoral Gne

It i, i111porta11/ that .MA<:£ st111ln1ls not UXlil lo Ink <:£ 6}} i11 their/,~,/ .11~,u~ler.

and Counseling ...................2

Two rnurses from:

depart111en1 rhair reµ;,mlill)\ rnll!st' suhs1i1u1ions. Tliis illlernatiw is ai'11> i1Vail:ihle for those who <pialily 1<11 the

CE fr.JI Prart.inun in Ministt')' I ........ 1 Qio<l!it' one: PT 703, CJ.. !',20, !i80 ..... :1

SC:L !',:{] Peoples of Ethnic America .. '.{ SCL !',!iii World Religions .................2-3

Specializations Available

CE Specialization course............

.2 maxim11111 progr,llll red11ni11n i11diMaster of Arts in Christian Education -

SCL !i22 lnterrnltural


Children's Ministry

ratt·d ah11w.



CE !'124 Child Devt'lop111ent .tlld

Second Semester

l111porta111: Rt'<jllt'Sls li1r pr<l)(ra111 !'l·dur1iolls slu111ld ht· suh111iltt'd to 1!1t' Ad11lissio11s a11d Rt'gis1rar's Oflirl's htfort' s111dit's hl'gi11 ;11 Tall•H, i><-ra11se rt'cilll'li1111s li1r a sp,·rilir rn11rst· ra111101 he ronsiden·d ,,fin rt'gistrati1111 for

SCL !i40 Applied Anthropology for

Te,u hi11g I (Binh-Ag,· !',) ..... 2

1H !il4 Theoloi,ry IV - The Chmrh

Christian Workers ......... .. .. ... 3

CE !',2!i Child Ilt'velop11le111 alld

and Last Things..


SCL 76!', Cr<>!isct1lt11ral Leadership .....3 • St11denL1 ;d,r;ting this ,peciaiiwtwn shmJd 1ilw take SC1 520 bllerf.m011al aiul Inter­ mlt11ral Adjllllment (3) in tlieir CE. core.

Te;u hing II (Agt's 1>-12) ...... 2

CE !il2 Education AdministrJtion ..... :1 CE !'i>2 Interper'11mal Development...:\ CE 622 Phil<>!iophy of Millistt')' .... .. ....3

CE !W, ~lodl'!s of Cl1ildrt'11s'


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