
Financial Information


S umme r Sess ion 2003 Pe r Unit

ln te rte rm 2004 Pe r Unit

Semes te r Audie Fee Pe r Unit*


Annua l Tui t ion

Cose Pe r Unit

Schoo l/ Degree/P rogram Undergraduate Tuition

T uiti on

( J 2- I8unics)

( 12- 18 uni ts)

(1-11 , 19+)

(including A.S. fee)


$ 19,564




$8 15

Engli sh Language Studi es ( I02- 109) - No course rn av be aud ited. Special Student Tuition (non-degree seeking) Und ergradua te Spec ial Students 9,782 19,56-t





Professional Studies Ad ul t Degree Prngrarn - No cou rse may be audited.

-t63 396

English Language Inst itute ( 100- 101)-No course may be audited. Graduate Tuition (inclu ding A.S. fee) School of Arts and Sciences & Graduate Special Students l\ las cc r's Programs (pose bacca laureate except Rosemead)







School of Business t Pre requ isites and T heo logy

sot sot

3-tl .572 327 -+20 3-tl 341 3-tl 688 688 341 688 173 688

341 572 327 420 3-tl 3-t l 3-tl 688 688 341 688 173 688

Co re and Electives

School of Professional Studies - Nn coursc may be audited .

327 420 3-tl 34 1 3-tl 688 688 3-t l 688 173 688

l\ lascer in Orga ni zat ional Leade rsh ip !\ las ter in Chri st ian Apologet ics l\ las cer in Sc ience and Re li gion

School of lntercultural Studies (inc ludi ng A.S. fee) l\ las cer 's Programs and spec ials*


Doctor of Ph ilosophy Doctor of I\ lissio logy

688 688

Talbot School of Theology (i nclu ding A.S. fee) l\ las ce r's Programs and spec ials


Doctur of Education Doctor of l\ lini scry Docto r of Phi losophy

688 173 688

(9- 16 un its)

(9- 16 uni ts)

(1-8, 17+ un its)

Rosemead School of Psychology

(incl uding A.S. fee) !\ las te r of Arcs and spec ials

8.252 8,252 8,252

16,50-t 16,504 16,50-t

688 688 688

688 688 688

688 688 688

688 688 688

Doctor nf Phil osophy Docto r of Psycho logy

• Se111esrer A11dir Fee d,argwl regardless ofcredir ro111:1·e load. t A11diri11g gmd11are ro11rses i11 rhe Srhool ,i 811si11ess is s11bjerr ro appmval. Although this catalog covers the 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 academic yea rs, this section cont ains financial information pertaining onl y to the 2003-2004 academic yea r. A catalog supplement containing any updated info rmation fo r the 2003-2004 academic yea r will be made ava ilabl e prior to the 2004-2005 year.

ROOM Pe r yea r in res id e nce ha ll.. .. ..... ... .... ..... .. ....... $2 ,900-$3,500 Pe r semeste r ........ ........ .. .. . .. . .. .... ... ......... ..... ... $1,540-$ 1,750 MEAL PLAN ).Jea l 1 ' ickccs (req11irerlfor all 1111dergrar/1101e resirle111 s111r/e111s) Pe r yea r .... ..................................... .... .. .. .. .... .. . $2, 194-$2,894 Pe r semeste r .. .... .. ...... ..... ............................... $1,097-$ 1,447 GRADUATE HOUSING RATES Biola owns a nd leases apartme nts in the loca l communi ty co prov ide hous ing fo r s ing le and ma rri e d grad ua te stu de nts. Some apartme nts are furni shed and provide housing fo r single grad uates at a pe r pe rson, pe r month race which is based on the numbe r of occupants per bed room. Unfurni shed one- and two­ bed room units loca ted in two compl exes nea r campus provide housing fo r couples and singles at a pe r apartme nt, pe r month race. For informat ion on ava ilabili ty, locations and races contact A u x ili a ry Se rv ices a t g rad. h o u s in g@b iol a.e du o r a t (562) 944-0351 , exte nsion 58 14.

Bio la Uni ve rsity see ks to p rov ide a q ua lity ed uca ti on fo r a ll its s tud e nts at th e most reaso na bl e cos t poss ib le . As a pri va te, non-profit in s ti tut ion, Bio la Ln ivc rs icy rece ives no suppo rt from taxes o r oc he r publi c fu nds. T ui t ion pa id by th e s tu dents docs not cove r the coses of prov idi ng a q ua li ty e duca ti on. Co nseq uent ly, eve ry s tude nt wh o atte nd s B io la Uni ve rsity rece ives a s ubsta n tia l s ubs idy made poss ibl e by th e g ifts o f a lumn i, indi vid ua l fri e nd s, in te rested c hurches and , in a few cases, b us in esses a nd co rpora ti ons. T he expenses o f stu de nts a t 13i ula Uni ve rsity arc shown in the foll owing sche dul es. T he Unive rsity rese rves the righ t to change all s tude nt cha rges, modi fy its se rvices, or change its prog rams o f s tudy s hould economi c con diti ons, curri cu lum revi sions o r nationa l emergency make it necessa ry to do so. APPLICATION FEE An a ppli ca ti on fee of $45 muse accompa ny each ap p li ca­ ti o n. Thi s fee is non-re fun da bl e. Ap p li ca ti ons fo r s prin g rece ived a fter December 15, or fo r fa ll received afte r !\larch 1 muse be accompa ni ed by a fee of $55 ra th er th an $45.

Finan cial Informati on • 9

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