
TESOL and Applied Linguistics


va lid fo r membe rship in Wycliffe and ot he r mi ss ion orga ni za ti ons.

Engli sh Grammar: 3 units INTE 309. lnte rcultural Co111municat ion: 3 units: INTI, 441 or INCS 42 1. i\ latcri als: 3 uni ts: INT E 427 \ 'alucs: I un it: INTE 460 Prac ti cum: 3 uni ts: INT E 492 Students des ir ing the minor/

402 Religion and Society (3) Ana lys is of re li g iou s pra c tic es th at affect soc iety and social fac­ ro rs th at affec t re li gious practi ce s; C hri s ti a n a nd no n -C hri st ia n

INTERCULTURAL STUDIES Dea n: F. Douglas Penno\'c r, Ph.D. C hair: Herbe rt Purne ll , Ph.D FACULTY Profosso r: Purn c; II Assoc iaw Professors : Pu rgaso n, S il zc r Ass ista nt Professo rs: Barbe r, Li ang, O' He rin

COURSES TESOL (INTE) 309 Engli sh Pronunciation and Grammar for TESOL (3) Srn dY of major fea tures of standa rd Amer ica n E ng li sh pro nunc iati on and structu re, with appli cat ions fo r ESOL teache rs. Pre requ isite: jun­ ior or se ni or level standing. 31 O Essentials of TESOL (5) A prac ti ca l course giving th e skill s and kn owkd gc; need e d to ga in fo unda t ional compe tence in teach­ ing th e Engli sh language. Includes method s and tec hni q ues, Engli sh p ron un c iat ion a nd g ramm a r, reac hing 111 atc ri als, culwrc , com­ mu ni cat ing , ·a lu cs and p rac ti ce teac hing. Docs no t coun t towa rd the T ESOL minor program . 410 Pr inciples of Second Lan­ guage Acquisition (3) This course provides a comprehe n­ sive in troduction to second language acquisition. I low people learn sec­ ond languages will be approached from severa l pe rspecti ves including th e rcsemch evidence, the lea rne r's program, and the lea rn ing environ­ ment. This is an integrati ve theory cou rse. Prerequisites: 300 and 421 or 422, or the equ ivalent. 421 Introduction to TESOL - Adult (3) Bas ic concepts, methods and tcch­ n iq ucs of teac hing Engli sh (ESL or l·:FL) co speake rs of oth e r lan­ guages . fntrod uces pri nc iples of seco nd language lea rnin g a lon g with tec hniq ues fo r teaching both separate an d integrated skill s w ad ul t or pos t-scconda rv swde nts . (Cross- li sted \\" ith English 353.) 422 Introducti on to TESOL - K-12 (3) Examinat ion of ra t ionale, me thods and mater ials fo r teaching English in c lcmcnra rv and second ary mul ­ t ilingual classrooms. Assessme nt , the ro le of the p ri marv language , and techniqu es for teac hing oral and writte n language are also cov­ e red. App li ca ble fo r C LAD but no t fo r th e m i no r/ce rtifi cate. (Cross-li sted with Englis h 354. ) 427 Materials Evaluation and Preparation (3) P r in ci pl es of ESO L mate ri als des ign to enable teachers to (a) eva l­ uate and adapt publi shed mate ri als and (b) pre pare the ir own materi als. Pre requi site: 421 or English 353.

be li e fs and inst itu ti ons. 441 Social Theory (3)

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An examin at ion of th e deve lop­ me nt of soc ial th eo ry beg inning w i th th eo ri s es s uc h as i\l a rx, Durkh e im , and We be r, and con­ t in uing t hrou gh t he s ub sequ e nt d eve lopm e n t of 20t h ce ntur y social th eory. i\ lajor iss ues include t he re lat ion between the indi vid­ ua l a nd soc ie ty, th e so urces of conflict and change in society. th e ro le of ideas and be liefs in shap­ in g hum a n be hav io r, a nd t he importance of soc ial th co rv for th e thinking. critica lIv act ive Chri sti an 443 Methods of Sociological Research (3) T hi s course examines th e ways in which social researc he rs collect and analyze in fo rmati on. Expe rimental research des igns, field research, sur­ vey techniques, and statist ical data analys is arc used quite frcquentl v in our " in format ion socie ty." Political po l ls, o pin io n po ll s, ma rke t resea rch, demogra phi c studies, as we ll as sociologica l resea rch relv on these tec hni q ues. Th is course is des igned to give stud ents a berre r und e rstanding of these techniques so they can cri t ica ll y eva luate these types of soc ial research. It is also des igned to give students practica l skil ls in conducting resea rch wh ich will be helpful no matte r what pro­ fess ion the y e nte r. Prerequi s ites : Psychology 2 10. 460 Topics in Sociology (3) Va riab le offe ring tO include a crit­ ica l a na lys is of se lec t e d w p ics such as Fi lm and Soc iety; \ "isual Soc io logy; Soc io logy of Yo uth ; and i\ lcd ia and Soc ie ty. 465 Integration Seminar (3) Iss ues in t he contempora ry world addressed from an inte rdi sc ipl i­ nary soc ia l sc ie nce and bibli ca l perspect ive . Prc; rcqu isitc : J uni or or Se nior stand ing. 470 Independent Study (1-3) T he student must have th e ability co ass ume res ponsibility for inde­ pendent work and to pre pare writ­ ten a nd o ral re po rt s . P roj ec t selected in confe rence with fac ulty sponsor before registra tion; progress meetings held regularl y. Prerequi ­ s ite : seni o r sta tu s wit h soc iologv major and prior to registration , con­ sent of a professo r to act as sponsor.

cert if icate m ust co m plete a depa rtme nta l app licat ion, usualh­ aftc r compl et ing the first course. A T O EFL sco re of 600 (compu t­ e ri zed ve rsion 250) or th e eq ui va­ len t, plu s demonstrated ora l and wri tte n profi c ie ncy. is require d for non-n ati ve spea ke rs o f Eng­ li s h. Thirtee n units of th e minor mu st be co 111p lc t cd a t Bi o la. Upon compl et ion of th e I9 un its and , ·c; rifi cat ion of language pro­ fi c ie ncy, t h e s tu den t w ill be awa rd ed a TESO L ce rtifi cate. An Applied /,i11g11is1irs 111i11or is offe red with rh e co 111 p let ion of 18 uni ts beyond anv ge nera l educa­ t ion or academi c maj o r require­ me nts. Th e co re of th e minor ( 12 uni ts ) cons ists of INAL 300, 301 , 403. and 405 . El ec ti ves (6 uni ts) may be se lected from l i\JAL 437, 44 6, 452, 453 and IN TE 41 0, 42 1. 11'AL 300 is p rc; req ui s itc to all oth e r cou rses in the 111inor. K- 12 Teacher Preparation Program In cooperat ion with th e Ed u­ ca ti on Dc partmcm, TESOL and Appli ed Lin g ui st ics p ro , · id cs courses whi c h can e nab le K- 12 teac he rs who a rc wo rk ing coward or wh o a lready hold a Californi a T e ac hin g C re d e nt ial to ga in a suppl eme nta ry emphas is in cross­ cu lru ra l, language and acadc 111i c dc\'e lopm e nt (C LAD ) . Th ose int e reste d sho uld co ns u lt with both de partme nts fo r deta il s. Summer Institute of Linguistics at Bio/a The Summe r Institute of Lin ­ gui s ti cs (S IL) at Bi o la. wgc rh c r with th e De part111 e nt of T ESOL & Appli c;d Lingu isti cs, prov ide a numb e r of lin g ui s t ics co ur ses ,vhi c h ca n co1T1pri sc a co ncen t ra­ t ion ur a minor fo r swde nts of va r­ ious majors who are imc res tcd in thi s fi e ld . Ex pe ri e nced instr uctors fr om S IL teac h co urses in ph o­ net ics , p hono logv. mo rph o logv, syntax , literacy and Bibl e transla­ ti on based on th e fi e ld sw d ics of S IL wo rk e rs aro und th e wo rld. Th ese co urses a rc equi va le nt to t hose o ffe re d at o th e r S IL sc hoo ls, a nd ar e recog n ized as


Engli sh has bcco 111 c t he mos t w ide ly used la n g u age in th e wo r ld w da,. Th e dc; ma nd fo r tr a in e d t eac he rs in bo th ES L (E ng lish as a Second Language) and E F L (E ng li sh as a Fo re ign Language) co ntinu es un abated . The re arc 111 a1w opportuniti es for scr \' iCc at home with immi grants. re fu gees, and fo re ign stude nts, as we ll as a broad, cs p cc i ,1 ll y in de ve loping coun tr ies . In ad diti on to language reach­ in g, t he re a rc ma n y a reas o f impo rta nce whi ch addr ess lan ­ guage-re lated human prob lems in the ll .S. and ab road . such as lan­ g uage learn in g, li te racy, soc ia l as pec ts of language use, and trans­ lat ion. These and ot he r co pies arc foc used on by appli ed lingui sti cs. T o h c; lp 111 ce t th ese va ri ed needs, th e departme nt of TESOL a nd Appli e d Lin g ui s ti cs o ffe rs two minors, one in TESOL, the orhc r in appli ed lingui stics co rec­ ogni ze t he parti cul ar signifi ca nce o f t he s pec ia li ze d t rainin g ob ta ined. Upon sa ti sfacto ry com­ pl e ti on of t he T ESOL 111inor an und e rg radu a t e ce rti f icate in T ESOL is give n. A TESOL ce r­ t ifi ca te may a lso be ea rn e d IJY comple t ing all th e courses li sted und e r th e minor as pan of a con­ cc ncrari o n within an aca d e mi c 111 ajo r. Th e minors, whil e es pe ­ c ia Ily appli ca ble t0 st ud e nt s 111aj oring in ed uca t ion, English, or intc rculrn ra l stu di es, arc ope n co all inte res ted und e rgradu ates.


A 'FF.SOI . ,l/ i11o r req uires 19 se meste r unit s of presc ri bed course wo rk " ·it h a grade of "C" or hi ghe r as presc ribed be low: ■ Lingui stics : 3 un its INAL 300 or INCS 3 10 or English 35 1.

Introduction co T ESOL: 3 uni rs INTE 421, or l(ngli sh 353.

Course Des cription s · 99

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