learning. and the ana l~s i~ o f -.;cmantic, grammatica l, and phonological structure, of human lang uage,. l're rcq11i,itt:s: 11". \L .l00..,0 I. 40.1, 40S, or cq II i, a le n ts. 453 Introduction to Bible Translation (3) ,\n introduction to the principles and problems of cro"- languagc and cross-c11ltural commu ni cation "ith special cmpha,i, on tran,lar ing tht: Bible inro indigenous language~. 454 Field Methods in Second Language & Culture Learning (3) Field c,pcricnce in in depe nd e nt langungc learning and c ultura l in\ csrig;ation, using -.;tudc n t tlc,clopcd l:111,1.;uagc test, anti ct hno.e;raphic inrcn ic" ing. 480 Directed Research (1-3) lntl t:pentknt stud, in ,ariou s area,. Each ,rndent asS1gncd to a fac 11l r, member for _g11ida ncc anti c,·aluatio n. Prcr<..:qt1isicc-.;: ju nior and r,,cnior -.;tanding and co n-.; cnt of in-.;tnt ctor. 481-482 Topics in Applied Linguistics (1-3) T opics arc li,tt:d in tht: c la ,s schedule each ,cme,ter. C:011 r,t:, ma, be repcatt:d for cretl ir \\ ith a different topic. l'rnt:quisite: 300 :111d consent of in,tructor.
430 TESOL and Literature (3) Consideration of rhc.:ory and method fo r reach ing li tera tu re to non- native s pea kers, together w ith de, c lop ment of ( I ) a corpus of lircrnrv sek:c tions suita b le for the l':SL/E FL con text. and (2) s pecific lesson p lans. P re requisite: -El or Eng lis h 353. 441 lntercultu ral Communication for Teachers (3) Stud v of cu ltura l 1·a lues, no ,wer ba l behavior, language a nd cultu re re lat ionships and pam: rn s of rea soning. with the goal of in c reasi ng ince rcultura l awareness a nd reach ing cffc.:cri,·c nc.:ss ,, hile decreas ing cu ltu re-based m is understanding in and o u t of the cl ass room. (Sec !ntcrcultu ral St ud ie s 4 20 .) 460 Communi cating Values through TESOL (1) Cons ide ratio n of ways in w h ic h TESOL ma y be used ro promote c ro ssc u l ru ra l u nderstanding t h rough rhc communication of different world , ·iews and values. P rerequ is ite: 42 1 or Eng lish .,53. 480 English: Past, Present and Future (3 ) H istor ical and soc ial survey of the deve lopment of the Eng li s h lan guage from a s mall tr ib al lan guage to the wides p read interna tiona l language it is tot.lay . Poss i ble future trend s a lso d isc ussed . 485-486 Topi cs in TESOL (1-3) To p ics arc listed i n t h e c lass sc hedule each scme,ccr. Cou rses may be rcpcated for c rcdit wi t h a d iffe rcm topic . P rerequis ite: 4 21 and consent of in structo r. 491 Fi eld Practicum in TESO L (3) I nten s ive ESL/ EFL c la s,roo m teaching in a fie ld !,C tting, typi ca ll y as pa rt of a s u pe n ·ised tea m working with a ,·uluntary clge ncy . Signature required. 492 Practicum in TESOL I (3) Str uc tured practice tt: ac hing 111 an li SL class room under the supen·ision of a m aste r te ac her, p lus we e kly group d iscussio n of issue s i n languagt: peda gogy . P re requisite: 42 1. Fc.:e: $50. App lied Lingu istics (INAL) 300 Introduct ion to Language and Linguisti cs (3) l ncrod uctinn to the bas ic concepts in the scientific s tud) of lang ua ge, major areas of li nguistic ana lys is, and several s ubareas of t he field, incl ud ing language in soc iety . ;\ lateria l from English and a va riety of othe r la nguages is used ro provide a broad perspect ive. (Cross-listed with Eng lish 35 1 and INCS 3IO.)
301 General Articulatory Phonetics (3)
405 Introducti on to Syntax (3) Introduct ion to the.: panerns, rcg u lariti es. and rult:-go \'e rn e d altt: rna cions in g rammar "he reby ,rend" arc organ i.1.<..; d into phra~C"i, clauses, and se ntt:nccs. Pre re qui site: .,00. 437 Introduction to Literacy (3) ,\n m ·c n ic w of litcracv in ncolit erarc sociccic.;;, including rnorin1- tion, loca l aut hors hip, o rth og ra phy design, re a din g methodol ogy, srrnrcgic-., fo r litt.:rncy pro gra ms and the rt:lation s hip of lit
Tht: st ud, of the.: a rti c uL1ti o n, cla ss ifi cat ion. discrimination. pro du ct ion , and tran-.,cription of s peech sounds. The focus i, o n a wide rangt: of sounds fo und 111 the world' s languages . 302 Phonet ics of English (3) The st ud ) of the artic11l,1tion, classification, discrimin,1tion. pro du ction, and transcription of speech sound,. Although the focus i, on 1,ng li s h. sound, from othl'.r language-., arc al.;;o inc lud ed. 313 Language and Cu lture Lea rning (3) Tt:c hniqu t:, and ,1cti1·icies tO ht:lp a p erso n be a more successful independent learner of a ,pokcn lang uage a nd the c ul run: \\ ithin \\·hich it is used. l' ractieal o.pcri cncc in l angu age and c 11lrur c lea rning in a foreign-speaking community. Fee: $12.'i. (See l ntc.:rrnlt11ral Studit:s .,U.) 403 Introduction to Phonology (3) I ntrodu ctio n to the systemat ic a rran ge m ents a nd rule, b) "hich lang uage~ o rgan i1.c and alter t heir spt:ech so und s. l'rcrt:q ui,i te: .,01 or 302.
eracy co \Oc ial contc \. t. 446 Int roduct ion to Soc iolingui st ics (3)
O,cf\ ic\\ of the rc l at ion,h ip bet\\ ecn lan g u age a nd soeict,. Topics co,·c rt:d includ e language and c ulture, lan~uage and soc ial changc, et h nicit,. language con tact, la n g ua ge polic\', cthnog ra plw of commu n ica tion, and soc ia l as pects of com ·crsation. Prcrt:qui sitcs: 300. Eng li sh 3.'i I, Intcrcul tural Studies .,10 or e qui,al e nr. Offered in odd-numbcrctl ye,1r,. 452 Field Methods in Linguist ics (3) l'r ac ci ca l ,1s pect s of lin g uisti c, fi e ltl-\\ o rk "ith application to a non- l ndo-Europca n la ng uage to dc1 c lop sk il l in darn e li citation anti mana ge m ent, language
10 0 • Co urse Descrip tio ns
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