General Studies
004 Gospel Choir (0) '!'his 111ulticulcural experie nce focuses on che training in, and per formance of, all caccgori<:s of Gospel rnu,;;ic. Pcrforn1ancc grad t.: is a\\'arded on a credit/no credit bas is. S ignature required. Fee: $50. 005 Authent ic Leadersh ip (0) '!'hi s onc-s<:111cscer cout>c focuses on leadership. character de, elop mcnr, .;,pi ri tua l formation and st.:rv ice. Part ic ipants ll'ill be challenged in a 1arier, of ways bv small group int<:raccion, sen ice projects. a lead crsh ip retreat an d l'arious le,1dcr s h i p opportunities . Grade is all'arded on a cred it/ no credit basis. Open to all second scmescer fresh men through sen ior~ \·ia an applica tion p rocess through chc Deparc- 111enc of Student Leadership and Del'elopment. Signature required. 101 Introduction to Career Planning (2) '!'his cou rse ll'ill introduce stu d<:nrs co the essential components in the ir car<:er dcl'elopmenr. Stu dents II ill ha l'e opportunit) to learn about ch c ir interests, ski ll s and pcrsonalitl' traits related co the II orld of II o rk. De1·clop111enr of a rcsu111e and introduction to career and industry information
arc included in this c lass. Open to a ll srnd e nrs who arc in te rested in their career future. Fee: $ 10. 102 First Year Seminar (1) Ovcn·iew to college life and rela ted rrnnsicional issues. 01 cn·iell' of' stu dent's chosen major and introduc tion co ca reers in that field. Requ ired of all first-time studcncs 11 irh fewer than 12 transfcrable units from a college (excluding ,\P. 1B or C LF:P). Noc counted toward uni cs for graduation. 105 University Internship (0) Interns hip s designed by l'arious l 1nil'ersicy curri cular and co-curric ular departments co prol'ide ,upcr l'ised and spec ific k:arning experi ences. i\ll internships will include personal ,upen·i,ion bl' Academic or Special Appoinr111enc Faculty, op po rtuni ties for para-profcssional cmecr cxpcr icncl'. and con')tructi\'c mentoring and c.:Yaluacion. In tern ship grade is all'arded on a c redit/no credit basis. Signature required . 300 Writing Competency Requirement (0) Before graduation from Biola, c1·c1Y student muse fulfill the \\'ricing Competency Requirement with a passing score . Thi s r<:quiremcnc
rests a stu dent' s ability to write clear and correct English prose . This requ ireme nt will nor be gil'en se parate ly from chc standard cur riculu111. Inscead, each department has d es igned its requ irements to suit the pa rticul ar demands of its own discip line. Students with more than one major mu st fulfill che requirement in each major. Th e \\'ricin g Co111pctency Requiremenc should be mer during the junior year. Students with jun ior sta tu s should enroll in at least one of the ll'ricin g competency courses offered b,· rheir department. \lost departments list their 11-ricing compuency courses in the schedu le of c lasses. Severa l departments offer more than one writing compe tency co urse. If a scudcnc e nro ll s in 111orc than one wri ci ng com pecency course in one dcparr111ent. that scu den c may choose ch e co urse in ll'hich he or she wi ll acccmpc co fu l fill the requirement for chat major. Some departments require a scudcnt to submit a portfolio of the :,tudcnt's written \\'Ork from severa l upper-di,·ision courses . Scudcnrs shou ld check with their depart ment about its requ irements. ELSP scude nr s muse ha,·e passed the EDl~T, a nd a ll srn dcnt, must ha,·e s uccessfull\· co111plcced English 100 or 1 I OA and English 11013. Scudenrs who do nm pass the \\'ricing Compecencv Requ irement on their first attempt must re attempt ro pass it during a subse quent semester. After their second failure, scudenrs muse cake English 210, \\'ricing for Compcccncy. A grade of C+ or higher in chis course 11 ill satisfy the \\'ricing Competency Re quirement. Scudcncs 111a v not enroll in English 2 IO unless chcv hal'C failed t heir departmcnc's requir<:mcnrs twice. Ddaying the fulfill111 cnr of the Writing Compe tency Requirement may jeopardiLc the swde nt 's graduatio n. A notation will be made o n the stud<: nt 's tran script once che \\'riring Co111pcrcncy Req uirement has been passed. l e is stro ng ly re commended that stude nts plan co fulfill chc \ \'ricin g Competency Require ment b v the t ime th cY turn in their S<:nior Petition. Swdencs ll'ill find it helpful to cake th eir papers to the Biola Llni l'crs icv \\'ricing Cencer before sub mitting them to their departments.
'J'o prm ide ,cudents \\'ith co curricular and extra-curricular opportuni t ies to learn, cxcrci"c: and refine their academ ic sk ills. I·:, pos u re to p ractica I learning e,pcriences. ll'hich can lead to personal growt h and del'elopmcnc.
COURSES (GNST) 001 College Study Ski lls (0)
I nstruction in effectil'e study tcchniques and reading sk ill s. l 0 :111phasi, on t he incorporation of skills ll'ith current academ ic 11 ork. Fee: $60. 003 Multicultural Mentorship Program (0) Thi, t11 o-se111cste r progra111. C:ul cural l•:ncountcrs, is designed to equip students from dil'erse back grounds m better scrl'e the 13iola Co111111unir~ and sociecv at large b, c,posing them to the basic conccprs of leadership, di, ·crsiry and 111ulti-culturis111. Gradc is a11ardcd on a credit/no credit basis. Both scmestcrs required of all S l RGE Scholarship recipi ents. Signarurc rcquircd.
Course De scriptions • 1 O 1
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