School of Professional Studies ~ Undergraduate Programs
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EDUCATION Director: Sung W. Lee, Ph.D. De partme n t Facu lty: Grove, Schwen ke. Ve li s 'T'h c De pa rtm e nt o f In te rn a tional Student Eclucar ion (!SE) pro vid es prog ram s fo r bot h in terna t io na l and Ame ri ca n s tud e nt s . These educat ional services enhance multi-cultural understanding, cross cultural comm uni ca ti on , and aca demic competence. IS i·'. helps inter nat ional s tud ents to tr a nsi tion smoothl y into und e rgradu ate and gradu ate degree programs at Biola Un iversity. JSE a lso ena bles Biol a swdc n ts to part ic ipate in excit ing academic programs abroad. The re a rc fo ur primary Intc rna ciona l Swdent Educat ion programs: International Student Exchange Program (/SEP) Biola students study at Christian coll eges and uni versi ti es abroad. Bio/a English Study Tour (BEST) A summe r program in whi c h internat iona l hi g h schoo l and co l lege st udents study E ng lis h la n g uage s kill s at Biola a nd encounter Ame ri ca n c ulwre. Interna tional Pastors Program (/PP) Incc rnati ona l pasto rs rece ive continuing education in C hri stian t ho ught , practica l theology and effective loca l c hu rch mini st ry. Bio la professors, internationa l sc hol ars , mini stry expe rt s , a nd res pected preac hers prov ide in ce r prcred instruction. English Language Studies Program (ELSP) Chri stia n s tud e n ts from man y co untri es expe rience inte n s ive Engl ish inscruccion. Thev develop profi cie ncy in the Engl ish language and receive ass isc.a nce as they pur sue academ ic degrees at Bio la. ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES PROGRAM (ELSP) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION T he English Language Stud ies Prog ram ( E LSP) is des igned to increase Engli sh language p ro ficie ncv and to prepare unde r graduate and graduate s tude nts for degree programs ac Bi o la Uni- 1·c rs 1t\". S tud e n ts admitt ed to ELSP must ca ke a minimum of 14 uni ts eac h semeste r.
Dean: Ed\\'ard 11. i\:orman, Ed .D.
All Bi o la deg ree s tud e nts for whom Eng li sh is not t he primary language must ta ke the Biola Eng- 1is h Pla ce ment Examinatio n (BEPE) for appropriate p rog ram pl aceme nt. ELSP parti c ipation is required fo r a ll s tudents whose examination scores indicate a need for skill deve lopment. Inte rnacional stude nt s who ha ve pre v io u s ly achieved a TOEFL score of600 arc nm required to part icipate in ELSP. E LSP s tud e n ts who pass t he Eng li s h Departm e nt Ex it T es t (E DET) ca n continu e to purs ue Bi o la Uni ve rsity degrees with out tak ing the TOE FL exam. Excep t ion: students ap pl ying fo r the I\ las ter of Theo logy d eg ree t h ro ug h ELSP mu st ac hie ve a TOEFL score of 550 pri o r to admi ss ion to chc Th.i\l. program. Ot he r adva nced d egree prog ram s may a lso re quire minimum TOEFL scores (sec admiss ion requirements for indi vid ual degree programs) . The ELSP app lication dead line for fa ll semester admi ss ion is J unc 1. S prin g semeste r appli ca tion s should be filed by November I. S tudent s w hose pla ce me nt scores indi cate the need for levels 100- 102 a re full-time ELSP st u de nts, caking courses A-F concur rently. Stude n ts a rc ex pected to complete th is bas ic language train ing at a race of one level per semes te r. Since co ll cgc- lcvc l English profi cie ncy is achi eved at different races, completion of the training at thi s rate is not guaranteed . C rite ri a fo r adva ncement from one level co a not he r in c lud e ac hi eveme n t of lea rning objec ti1·es and final exam inations. Any course with a grade lower than 13 mu st be repeated . Swde nts at leve l 103/ 105 and a bove ma y e nr o ll in aca demi c d eg ree co ur ses as th ey receive adva nced language and acade mi c ass istance . ELSP s111tle11/s 10/:i11g degree co111,·ewod: 111e s11bjer1 lo 11oml(I/ Bio/a U11iversi1y 11mdemir req11ire111e111s a11rl s1a11rlarrls. S111tle111s 11111s1 m11i111ai11 11 3.0 CPA i11 their ELSP co ,mes. LEARNING CENTER AND COMPUTER LABORATORY A mode rn language lea rnin g ce nte r is provided for E LSP stu de nts. T he lab contain s recorded med ia, audio equipment, comput e rs, and speciali zed softwa re co he lp students improl'C li s te nin g s kill s and pronunciation skill s.
ELSP is organized at s ix ach ievcmcnt le ve ls, each of whi ch req uire a full semeste r of stud y. ■ 100 A-F (14 units) ■ 10 1 A- F ( 14 units) ■ 102 A-F ( 16Un its) ■ 103, 105 (7 units) ■ 107 (3 units) ■ 109 (3 units ) COURSE DESCRIPTIONS English Language Studies (EILI) Co urses li sted be low must be ta k e n for c re dit a nd fo r lette r g rade. Thcv may not be a ud ited. 1 00A Listening/Pronunciation (3) For non-nati ve speakers with mini mal profi c ie ncy in th e Engli sh lan guage. Foc us is on und e rstand ing s po ke n English, produ c in g the sound s o f t he Englis h lang uage and carryi ng on a simpl e conversa tion w ith a nati ve speaker. 100B Reading (3) Prac ti ce in using a mono !ing ua l Engli sh dic ti ona ry, reading and fo l lowing written directions, scan ning and s kimmin g, recog n izing th e main idea, using context clu es co arrive at the meaning of unknown words and making inferences. 1 00C Grammar/Oral (3) Oral and wr i tte n pract ice of g ramm at ical st ru ctu re s at th e beginni ng leve l. 100D Speaking I (2) Stude nts parti c ipa te in s imul a tion s concern ing topics t hat hel p with gcning a long in the United Scates in a n academic sening. 1 00F Writing (3) Practice in using a mo noling ual Englis h dictionary. Sentence and p a rag ra ph d eve lo pment , s emph as ized . 101 A Listening/Pronunciation (3) U nd e rsta ndin g and fo ll ow in g in struc tions, li ste ning st rategics and tak ing notes from s imul a ted aca demic lectures. Specific pronuncia tion probl ems arc addressed. 101 B Reading (3) C ontinued pra c ti ce u s in g a mono! ing ual Eng li s h dic ti o na ry and skill s cove re d in 1IOB. Sum marizing, recogni zing facts, in fe r e nces, co nc lu s io n s, d e du c tion s and paraphras ing arc introduced. 101 C Grammar/Oral (3) Rev iew of structures in lOOC a nd con trast of ten ses a re e mphas ized.
FACULTY Professors: i\laltlw, i\o rman Associate Profess~ rs: Di ll , Hazen, He ll erman Ass ista n t Professors: Schwenke, \ 'an Lant, \ 'c lis Spec ia l Appointment Faculty: Lee
Th e Schoo l of Professional Stud ies offers a l'a ri ety of under graduate and graduate programs: International Student Education ■ English Language Studies Program ■ In ternationa l Student Exchange Program ■ Bi o la l~ng li s h St ud y T our P rogram ■ f ntcrnational Pastor's Prograrn Bachelor's Degree ■ B.S. in Organizational Leadership ■ B. S. in i\ l ini stry Leadership ■ B. A. in Psychologv Master's Degrees and Certificates ■ I\ laster of Arts in C hristian Apologetics ■ I\ laster of Arcs in Organizational Leadersh ip ■ i\ laster of Arts in Sc ience and Re li gion Severa l of t hese programs can be attended on a course by cou rse bas is. Others arc sequentia l devel opment packages. Some lead to e ith er contin uing education cer ti fi cates or academ ic degrees. The m ission of Biola Uni l'e r s ity is biblically-centered educa tion, sc ho larship, and se rvice - eq uippin g men and women in mind and character to impact the world for th e Lo rd Jesus C hri st. The Schoo l of Professional Stud ies extends t hat miss ion to incli v id ua ls i n t h e region a nd t h e world who would ot her\\' iSe ha, ·c diffic ul ty ane nding a tradit io nal curri cu lum. The schoo l organizes educa ti ona l el'ents and academ ic prog ram s to ex pa nd know ledge, de ve lop c haracter, and enha nce s kill s. Thi s i, clone in a manner that g ives pri or ity to biblica l truth, promotes a Christian 11orldl'iew, and nur tures gocl lv charncter.
School of Profe ss ional Studi es • P~1
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