
School of Professional Studies ~ Undergraduate Programs

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EDUCATION Director: Sung W. Lee, Ph.D. De partme n t Facu lty: Grove, Schwen ke. Ve li s 'T'h c De pa rtm e nt o f In te rn a­ tional Student Eclucar ion (!SE) pro­ vid es prog ram s fo r bot h in terna­ t io na l and Ame ri ca n s tud e nt s . These educat ional services enhance multi-cultural understanding, cross­ cultural comm uni ca ti on , and aca­ demic competence. IS i·'. helps inter­ nat ional s tud ents to tr a nsi tion smoothl y into und e rgradu ate and gradu ate degree programs at Biola Un iversity. JSE a lso ena bles Biol a swdc n ts to part ic ipate in excit ing academic programs abroad. The re a rc fo ur primary Intc rna­ ciona l Swdent Educat ion programs: International Student Exchange Program (/SEP) Biola students study at Christian coll eges and uni versi ti es abroad. Bio/a English Study Tour (BEST) A summe r program in whi c h internat iona l hi g h schoo l and co l­ lege st udents study E ng lis h la n­ g uage s kill s at Biola a nd encounter Ame ri ca n c ulwre. Interna tional Pastors Program (/PP) Incc rnati ona l pasto rs rece ive continuing education in C hri stian t ho ught , practica l theology and effective loca l c hu rch mini st ry. Bio la professors, internationa l sc hol ars , mini stry expe rt s , a nd res pected preac hers prov ide in ce r­ prcred instruction. English Language Studies Program (ELSP) Chri stia n s tud e n ts from man y co untri es expe rience inte n s ive Engl ish inscruccion. Thev develop profi cie ncy in the Engl ish language and receive ass isc.a nce as they pur­ sue academ ic degrees at Bio la. ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES PROGRAM (ELSP) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION T he English Language Stud­ ies Prog ram ( E LSP) is des igned to increase Engli sh language p ro­ ficie ncv and to prepare unde r­ graduate and graduate s tude nts for degree programs ac Bi o la Uni- 1·c rs 1t\". S tud e n ts admitt ed to ELSP must ca ke a minimum of 14 uni ts eac h semeste r.

Dean: Ed\\'ard 11. i\:orman, Ed .D.


All Bi o la deg ree s tud e nts for whom Eng li sh is not t he primary language must ta ke the Biola Eng- 1is h Pla ce ment Examinatio n (BEPE) for appropriate p rog ram pl aceme nt. ELSP parti c ipation is required fo r a ll s tudents whose examination scores indicate a need for skill deve lopment. Inte rnacional stude nt s who ha ve pre v io u s ly achieved a TOEFL score of600 arc nm required to part icipate in ELSP. E LSP s tud e n ts who pass t he Eng li s h Departm e nt Ex it T es t (E DET) ca n continu e to purs ue Bi o la Uni ve rsity degrees with out tak ing the TOE FL exam. Excep­ t ion: students ap pl ying fo r the I\ las­ ter of Theo logy d eg ree t h ro ug h ELSP mu st ac hie ve a TOEFL score of 550 pri o r to admi ss ion to chc Th.i\l. program. Ot he r adva nced d egree prog ram s may a lso re quire minimum TOEFL scores (sec admiss ion requirements for indi vid ual degree programs) . The ELSP app lication dead line for fa ll semester admi ss ion is J unc 1. S prin g semeste r appli ca tion s should be filed by November I. S tudent s w hose pla ce me nt scores indi cate the need for levels 100- 102 a re full-time ELSP st u­ de nts, caking courses A-F concur­ rently. Stude n ts a rc ex pected to complete th is bas ic language train­ ing at a race of one level per semes­ te r. Since co ll cgc- lcvc l English profi cie ncy is achi eved at different races, completion of the training at thi s rate is not guaranteed . C rite ri a fo r adva ncement from one level co a not he r in c lud e ac hi eveme n t of lea rning objec ti1·es and final exam­ inations. Any course with a grade lower than 13 mu st be repeated . Swde nts at leve l 103/ 105 and a bove ma y e nr o ll in aca demi c d eg ree co ur ses as th ey receive adva nced language and acade mi c ass istance . ELSP s111tle11/s 10/:i11g degree co111,·ewod: 111e s11bjer1 lo 11oml(I/ Bio/a U11iversi1y 11mdemir req11ire111e111s a11rl s1a11rlarrls. S111tle111s 11111s1 m11i111ai11 11 3.0 CPA i11 their ELSP co ,mes. LEARNING CENTER AND COMPUTER LABORATORY A mode rn language lea rnin g ce nte r is provided for E LSP stu­ de nts. T he lab contain s recorded med ia, audio equipment, comput­ e rs, and speciali zed softwa re co he lp students improl'C li s te nin g s kill s and pronunciation skill s.

ELSP is organized at s ix ach ievcmcnt le ve ls, each of whi ch req uire a full semeste r of stud y. ■ 100 A-F (14 units) ■ 10 1 A- F ( 14 units) ■ 102 A-F ( 16Un its) ■ 103, 105 (7 units) ■ 107 (3 units) ■ 109 (3 units ) COURSE DESCRIPTIONS English Language Studies (EILI) Co urses li sted be low must be ta k e n for c re dit a nd fo r lette r g rade. Thcv may not be a ud ited. 1 00A Listening/Pronunciation (3) For non-nati ve speakers with mini­ mal profi c ie ncy in th e Engli sh lan­ guage. Foc us is on und e rstand ing s po ke n English, produ c in g the sound s o f t he Englis h lang uage and carryi ng on a simpl e conversa­ tion w ith a nati ve speaker. 100B Reading (3) Prac ti ce in using a mono !ing ua l Engli sh dic ti ona ry, reading and fo l­ lowing written directions, scan ning and s kimmin g, recog n izing th e main idea, using context clu es co arrive at the meaning of unknown words and making inferences. 1 00C Grammar/Oral (3) Oral and wr i tte n pract ice of g ramm at ical st ru ctu re s at th e beginni ng leve l. 100D Speaking I (2) Stude nts parti c ipa te in s imul a­ tion s concern ing topics t hat hel p with gcning a long in the United Scates in a n academic sening. 1 00F Writing (3) Practice in using a mo noling ual Englis h dictionary. Sentence and p a rag ra ph d eve lo pment , s emph as ized . 101 A Listening/Pronunciation (3) U nd e rsta ndin g and fo ll ow in g in struc tions, li ste ning st rategics and tak ing notes from s imul a ted aca ­ demic lectures. Specific pronuncia­ tion probl ems arc addressed. 101 B Reading (3) C ontinued pra c ti ce u s in g a mono! ing ual Eng li s h dic ti o na ry and skill s cove re d in 1IOB. Sum­ marizing, recogni zing facts, in fe r­ e nces, co nc lu s io n s, d e du c tion s and paraphras ing arc introduced. 101 C Grammar/Oral (3) Rev iew of structures in lOOC a nd con trast of ten ses a re e mphas ized.

FACULTY Professors: i\laltlw, i\o rman Associate Profess~ rs: Di ll , Hazen, He ll erman Ass ista n t Professors: Schwenke, \ 'an Lant, \ 'c lis Spec ia l Appointment Faculty: Lee


Th e Schoo l of Professional Stud ies offers a l'a ri ety of under­ graduate and graduate programs: International Student Education ■ English Language Studies Program ■ In ternationa l Student Exchange Program ■ Bi o la l~ng li s h St ud y T our P rogram ■ f ntcrnational Pastor's Prograrn Bachelor's Degree ■ B.S. in Organizational Leadership ■ B. S. in i\ l ini stry Leadership ■ B. A. in Psychologv Master's Degrees and Certificates ■ I\ laster of Arts in C hristian Apologetics ■ I\ laster of Arcs in Organizational Leadersh ip ■ i\ laster of Arts in Sc ience and Re li gion Severa l of t hese programs can be attended on a course by cou rse bas is. Others arc sequentia l devel­ opment packages. Some lead to e ith er contin uing education cer­ ti fi cates or academ ic degrees. The m ission of Biola Uni l'e r­ s ity is biblically-centered educa­ tion, sc ho larship, and se rvice - eq uippin g men and women in mind and character to impact the world for th e Lo rd Jesus C hri st. The Schoo l of Professional Stud­ ies extends t hat miss ion to incli­ v id ua ls i n t h e region a nd t h e world who would ot her\\' iSe ha, ·c diffic ul ty ane nding a tradit io nal curri cu lum. The schoo l organizes educa ti ona l el'ents and academ ic prog ram s to ex pa nd know ledge, de ve lop c haracter, and enha nce s kill s. Thi s i, clone in a manner that g ives pri or ity to biblica l truth, promotes a Christian 11orldl'iew, and nur tures gocl lv charncter.

School of Profe ss ional Studi es • P~1

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