GRADUATION HONORS BOLD st ud e nt s who have ea rn ed a minim urn of 45 graded units at Biola llni, ·ersity and who have corn plctcd their Biola co11rsc wo rk with a 3.95 GPA arc grad u ated with high honor. Thosc with a .3.85 GPA arc graduated with honor. Gl'A standards for honors must be rnct \\'ith no rounding of nurnbcrs.
CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Th e Certificate in Orga n iza ti onal 1,cadcrship is designcd for \\'orking ad ults with at least S Yea rs of \\·o rk ex pe ri ence in a rnanagc rnent or supcn ism, posit ion. The prograrn is for chose who desire to be ne fit from the interd isciplinary rnajor with out ncccssarily pursuing a bacca laureate degree. Swdcnrs will be a part of the cohort group wh i le cornp lct ing 32 unit s of required coursewo rk. Classc, will be take n for acadcrn ic cred it (not pass/fa il ). l lpon success ful corn pl c ti on of thc progra rn . st ud e nts wi ll rcct: i\'(; a Ccrr ifi catc in ()rg;ani zat ional Leadersh ip. Those "ho dt:"iirc to t:arn a haccalaurcarc degree \\'ill need co comp lete al l th e requircmcnts for the degree progrnrn including gencrn l ed uca tion, Bible . rn ajo r and clccci,·cs. Per-unit rnicion is che sarnc as the degree prograrn. Thirt )-two units of grad uate courses arc required for the Ccr ti ficacc . which include: O Rl , I) 2 I0, 2-+0, ., IO. 3-+0, 350, 370. :,80. -+07, -+ I 0, -+.10, -+-+0. -+50.
101 D Speaking II (2) For non-natin, spcakc rs desir ing to adjust ro life in thc United Scatcs. Top ics arc s irnil ar co I00D but \I ith a broader range of cornrn11nicac ion ,k il ls added. 101 F Writing (3) Continued practice using a mono- 1ingual English dictionary and sk ill s co,·e rcd in I001' . Develop ing "ricing strateg ics and \\Tiring detailed paragraphs and cornpos i cions: description. cornparison/con trast and cau,e/cffccc. 102A Academic Listening (3) Practice in understanding. fol low ing and caking notes on auth cntic academic lecrnrcs. 102B Reading (3) Continued praccicc of the ski ll s taught in 10113. Readings arc rnorc aut hcntic and require more !> uscaincd r<.:adi ng. 102( Grammar/Oral (3) Rcvic\\ of all grarnrna r suucrnres in oral and "rittcn forrn. 102D Effective Communication (2) For non-nar in.: "pcakcrs des iring to improve their academic co 1T1mun i cacion skills. :-\ccivitics arc des igned to teach class discus,ion, group dis cussion and prcscntation sk ill s. 102E TOEFL (2) An clcccin.: cou rse for no n-nati\ 'c spc,1kc rs desiring pract ice for the TOEFL examination. 102F Writing (3) Conti nued practice of I01 F "ith thc addition of paraphrasing and cornpositional deve loprne nt. Fee: $25. 103 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Foundations of Academic Writing (4) Practice in accu rate summarizing, paraphrasing. and quoting of sources with proper citatio n. a, oiding plagia risrn. l)cveloprncnc of lib rary rc'-lcarch , note ta kin g, and proper forrnacci ng of research papers. lntcnsi, ·c pract ice in punc tuation and rncchanics. If this is the first ELSP cou rsc required, it rnust be taken during the first semester of residence. Fee : $25. 105 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Oral Skills (3) Ernphasis on listening skill s, pro nunciation, intonation, and conver sational strategics. \\ 'cckl y inter views, field work and oral presenta tions are required. If chis is the first El ,SP course rcquin.:d. it muse be taken during the first serneste r of residence. Prerequ isi te: department placement.
107 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Essay and Academic Writing (3) Studies in essay orga ni za tion and de,·cloprncnt and crit ical read ing. A .. passing.. score on the English Depa rtme nt 1-:~it Test (EDET) pe rmits students ro wai\'e 1: LSI' 109 and t0 e nrol l in departrnc ncal writ ing courses ( i. e .. undergradu ate English I00 or Talbot SS500) the semeste r irnrncdiacc ly fo ll ow ing success ful cornplec ion of I07. Pr c rcqui sitc: 10 .1 and 105 or department placeme nt. If t hi s is the first ELSP course req uired , it must be take n during t he f irst semes te r of reside nce. Fee: $25. 109 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Writing Workshop (3) Individual ized instruction in c\Sa\ orga ni zat ion and cohe re nce, with spec ial a tt ention w pers istent e rro rs . A "passin~" score on t he En gl is h Department Exit Tc,t (1, DET) permits st ud ents t0 enro ll in departrncncal "ricing courses (i. e., undergraduate.: Engli sh I00 or Talbot SSS00) the scrnescer imme d iately follo\\·ing successful corn plccion of I 09. Prcrequ isitc : I07 or dcparcmcnr placcrncnc. Fee: $2.'i. .\'ore: S111d1'11/s rdu ore reper11i11K F.\'CI . /09 for llll' seco11d 1i111e or II/Oil' f~•i// VI' 1/'.(/ritfl'(/ IO ti 111r1xi11/IIII/ ~l I.! 1111i1s/or 1111dnrmd11a1e s111di!lltr ti/Id 9 1111itsforgmd1111/e s111dm1s. DEGREE COMPLETION PROGRAMS Director: Dean Kroeke r, i\J.A. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION T he Degree Corn pletion Pro grarn consists of uppcr-d i, ·ision co urse \\Ork de,igncd spec ifical ly to c nabl e moti\'atcd adults tO ea rn co llcge degrees, oftcn while work ing full cirnc. It is a corn·cn icnt altcrnati, ·c for indi\'idua ls whose li fe circ um::,tanccs o r , ·oca ciona l ro les rnakc en rollment in traditiona l \\ ·eckdaY educa ti onal p rograms diffi cult or irnpos, ibl e . Three maj ors a rc offc rc d: Organiza tion al I ,caders hip , i\ l in istr) Leadcr,hip, and Psycholog). Cou rses a rc offe red in La ;\ li rada as "e ll as at an expanding lis t of educationa l ccnrc rs, including: ■ C hin o \ 'al Icy ■ Ing lewood ■ Laguna Hill s ■ Pa lrn Dcscrt ■ Thousand Oaks ■ \' ism
l ' ndcrgraduate swdcnrs at Biola l lni vers icy frequentl y arc granted academic cred it through thc eva lua tion of college lc, ·cl techn ical and professional training as wel l as learn ing chat has been acquired through life experience. Cred it is am1 rd ed by univcrsitv fac ul tv.
Eac h srndcnt prepares a Resea rch Project in \'oh· ing im es cigacion of a significant iss ue in organiza ti onal or mini:-icry lcader sh ip. Knowledge and problem so lvin g ab iliti es arc acq uir e d while cornp lcc ing the project, and skil ls related w crit ical thinking, resea rch. writing. and effecti ng change arc developed. The 13i ola l ln i, crs itv \\'ricin g Compctc nc y is 111 et by th e Research Projec t.
Appli cants rnust ha, c com ple ted approx imarcly 50-60 ,cmcs tcr hou rs of cransfcrable co ll ege credit at accredited co111111unity col leges, coll eges and uni, ·crsicic, with a minirnu111 2.25 GPA to be consid ered for acccpcancc to thc prograrn. Appl ica nts who do not meet chcsc standards \\'il l be assessed b) the f\drnis sions Comrnittec on a casc by-casc bas is. Transferable units ca n include cred it ,· ia thc high schoo l Advanced l'l accmcnt (,\I' ) program and the Co ll ege Leve l Exa mi nat ion Program (C LEP) as well as so111 c forms of profess ional. military. and technical training. :\ co rnplc tc applicat ion rnusc be subrnitted and the appl icat ion fee rnust be paid. Offic i,tl tran scr ipts from c, ·e rv in sc iwcion prc viouslv attended rnust be sc nt direct ly from chose inst ituti on, w the Bi ola l ' ni, ·e rs it ) BOLD office or to the BOLD ed uca tiona l center office where the app licant pl ans to ,m e nd classes . .\'ore: Ojj,rial rlom111m1s /Ht' smred for arl111issio11 or e-.;r1/11r11io11 bero111e p1111 of Ill!' s111rlmr's amrlm1it file a11rl 11or111rd/1• rm11101 he 1l'l11m,,d or copied/or rlis1rib111io11.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Organizat ional Le ad er sh ip major is an undergraduate prograrn of cou rses and lea rnin g projcccs for indi, iduals who desire to de, c lop sk ill in human re lations and leade rship. Th is is a prefe rred progrn111 for ad ult srndencs prc par in~ for a \\'idc range of managc rnenc and leaders hip roles in profit and non-profit orga ni 1.arions.
A BrNhelor of Srie11re degree i11 O1g1111i.~✓1tio11al l .earlmhj; is offered upon the cornp lecion of the univcr s ic , · baccalaureate requi reme nts and the Organizationa l Leadersh ip rnajor. They incl ude chc fo llowi ng: A. Sat isfacrn rih com pl e te a rnin imurn of 120 sc rn esce r un its for graduat ion. 13. Completion of the Organiza t ion a I Leadership (-+ I units) majo r at lliola l ' ni\'ersicv.
P ~2 • Sc hool of Profess ional Studies
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