C. Obta in a "C" average (2.00 G.P.A. ) o r abo,·e on a ll 11ork taken within th~ major and at 13iola l ' ni"crsic,· D. Complet ion of the ge ne ral ed uca ti on requ ire rnents. G.E. Requirements Units Fine Arts 3 Con1municarion 3 English Cornposit ion" 6 Litera rnre 3 Hi sto ry \\'orld Ci,·il i1.,n ions (3) Uni ted Srntes (-1 ) Be hav iora l Science** 3 Philosop hy** 3 1\l at h/Sc ic nce 8 i\ la rhernar ics (.'l)*" Science (3) i\ lath/Scicnce (2) Fore ign Language -I (Th e ge ne ral cducacion requirerncnt for a foreig n lan guage may bc rn et bv two yea rs of the same high school language or fou r units of a co llege h1n guage.) *F11!(fi.rh I !OB 11111y he 111t'I by ORLD-190. **Tru,o of !h t rer;11ire111e111s i11 these tll'ftts 11u1y he mt/ by ro111:ft's i11 the BOU) 11111jor. 1-:. Co rnpl er io n of the BO LD biblical studie s requirement. BBST 1.'iO Old T estame nt Sur\'ey Bl3ST I IO New Tesrn rnent
, is. and application suc h char ic adnrnces ,wdcnt ma ste r,· of t he princ ip les and practices of organi- io na I lc,rtlcrship. Bor h 290 an d 390 rna,· be rcpcaccd for a co rnbined rnaximurn of 30 units. 291 Directed Study (1 -2 ) Topi cs in gene ra l education. For BOLD students needing an add i tion al number of uni ts in a speci fied a rea to m eet grad uati o n req uirement,. :\ la\' be rcpcaccd 11·ith a d ifferent ropic up co a maxirnurn of 6 uni rs. 310 The Leader and Wisdom (1 -2 ) This co ur se cxam in cs bibli ca l concepts related ro hurnan rela tionships anti interpersonal corn mun icac ion. Attent ion is give n to human beings a, cksig;ned and created b,· God, the conseq uences of t h e fa ll, and rhc impa ct of rcclempr ion . Ca,e studies and stu dent experiences arc discu ssed . 330 Theology and the Christian Life (3) A consideration of God's Pe rson . exist in g as one Goel. ,·ct mani fcsted in duce Persons, and the bel ic,·cr\ re,ponsibil it\ to rhe C hu rch, Christ's body, and the \\'orld ar large a, an agent of rcc o nci Ii a ri on i n God's kingdom program in the end times. 340 Group and Organizational Behavior (3) Being rhc first rnoclulc of the pro g ram. ir is approp ri ate rhat rhis cmm,c cente r upon the rnanv faeces of 11·orki ng effectively wirh in rhc srna ll -group scrt ing as one untlcr srn nd s \\' hat ir rneans to "th ink C hri s ri a nl y' ' in t he \\'orkplacc. After an examinat ion of one's o\\'n leaders hip sr,·le, the student \\'ill begin to grasp t he im portance of rhc proccss , s. rhe concern in "hat is shared by group rnembers, cou pled \\'ith rhc p<J\\Cr of good prob lcrn-soh'ing rnerhods. r\s 11c exarn inc ch c "power" of rhe , rnal l grou p ,·s . rhe indi, itlua l, rhe class "'ill lasth· becorne exposed ro rnany of the process ing cools used II hen in a small grou p setting. Fee: $-10. 350 Management Information Systems (3) Students bccornc acquai nted II ith conrcmporary in fo rmation 5ystcms rechnologv, and cx pl orc rnan ,rgc rncnt rechnique, and strategies \\' hi ch, co rnbin ecl \\'ich technol o gies. produce cffccri \'c solutions ro organizat ional problcrns. Pe rsona l co rnputer skill s arc also enhanced .
E. Cornplccion of rh c biblical studies fo und at ion co u rse
seq ue nce for the ORL1\I: BBST 150 Old T csrnrncnc
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Th e i\ li nisrrv L ea d ersh ip major \\' ithin rhe BOLD program is an undergrnd uacc progn1m fo r indi,· iduals II ho arc c urr c nrl v irn ·oh cd in rninistr) or preparing; for micl-ca rcc r rra nsicions to loca l chu rch 111anagc111cnt and support roles \\ ith mission and parachurch organi1.acion~. Program obj ecti ves include the following: To nurrurc biblical / rheologi cal und erstanding, C hr istian clrnracrcr, and 111inisrrv skills. To pro,·idc appropriate ed uca tion and training fo r indi,·icluals corn mi rrccl co service in urban, suburban, rural , and incc rnacional scuings. T o prO\ ·ide a eonvcn ic nr and achie, ·able degree path to serni nary cducnion.
B 13ST 110 New T esrnmcnr
I lisrory & Literature 3
BBST 306 Early Ch ri st ian I Iistor\' - Acts 3 BBST 300/-100 Bib le Elccri,·c 2-3 BBST 300/-100 Bibl e lc'. lccti\'e 2-3 F. Cornplcrion of a minimurn of 30 units at Biola Llni, crsity, at leasr 15 unir, (up pe r di, ·isio n le, ·c l) in the rnajor field. Exten s ion cred it or credit by cxa rnin a rion rnav not be used ro fulfill the minimum rt.:~idcnce requirement of 30 se rn cs rc r uni ts .
Th is major co nsis t s of -1 3 scrncsccr uni cs. 2-1 of \\'hich must be uppcr di, ·ision: 28 uni ts frorn ORL:\ I 220, 320, 350. .160. 362. 365, -12(), -t -t0. -150, -180; 12 U11 i tS from ORLD 210. 3 10, .'\30, -110 , -190: and 3 units of BBS'\' 103. ,\'ote: OR l .. 11 m111J1'S 11serl to /11 / fil/ CF, req11im11m1.r are 1101 appliwl 1om·r1rrl thl' upper rli'i:i.rio11 1111i1 rtr;11irt.'111e11! i11 !hf! 11111jor. UNDERGRADUATE COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Organ izational Leadership (ORLD) 210 The Leader and Worldview (1-2) An introduction to in tegrat ion of fai th , learni ng and li,·ing for a more acc ura te unclersrnnd ing of reality. The cour,c emphas izes C hri stia n chinking and an a lvs is of bor h issues and so lmion, char arc work able, imell cctuall , \'iab lc and con sistent wirh biblical rrurh. Sruclcnrs exami ne group and organi,.ariona l bcha,·ior case studi es chat dcrnon stratc the rncrhods and difficul t ies of integration and ap plicat ion . 240 Foundations of Lifelong Learning (2) Exarni na rion of ad ul t learning t heo ries" ich an crnphasis on 5t rar eg ics for lifelon g lea rnin g. Lesso n plan de,·c loprn e nr a nd presentation sk ill s ncccss;u,· for personal and p rofess ional de, ·e l opment \\' ill be di scussed. 290 Practicum (1-8) Portfo lio-ba sed asscss rn e n t of co llege- le,·e l techn ica l and pro fe ss iona l train in g; that re fl ects rh eory, da ta co llect ion and analy-
A H11c!tdor of Srimre rlepn' i11 .l! i11i.,1rv Ll'tlrln:,hip is a11 ,1rdecl upon completio n of uni\'ersit) b,1cca la ur eare rcqu ir erncnts. T hese include rhe fo ll o11 ing: A. Comp let ion of t he Biola Uni , ·cr,i tv genera l cducarion rcqu irc mcnr.:;: G.E. Requirements Fine Arts J Communi ca ti on :, Engl ish Compos ition* 6 Li rcrarnrc 3 1 l istory 7 \\'or iel Ci,·ili zar ions (3) United States (-1) Beha, iora l Science*" 3 Philosop l1' •• 3 i\larh/Sc icncc 8 :\larhernarics (.,)~* Science (3) :\ lath/Sc ience (2) Fore ign Language -I *F11f(lish / /()IJ 11111y be 1111'/ by OR I.D -190. *• Tru•o of the rn;11ire111 t11 ls in lltl'Sl' areas 11111_1 1 ht Ill(' / l~r ro111xes i11 the 11111jor. 13. Complet ion of a minimum of 120 apprO\'cd scmc,cc r uni rs. C . Complet io n of the -1 3 unit i\linisrry Leaders hip major. D. Acl1ie, ·emenr of a "C" a, ·e r age (2.00 G.P.A.) or above on a ll work taken within the major and at 13iol a ll ni\'Crs ir y
History & Literature 3
13 BST 306 Early Christian Hi sto ry - Acts .'l 1313ST 300/-100 Bibl e elective 2-3 BBST 300/-100 Bible El ect i\'e 2-3 F. Comp let ion of a minimum of 30 units at Bi ola Un ive rs it y. at le as t IS unit s (u pper cli,·ision leve l) in th e majo r field. Exten sion cred it or c redi t by exarn in a tion rn a,· not be used to fulfill th e minimum res idence requirement of 30 ,cmcsrcr units.
Thi s rn a jor con,ists of -II uni ts. 2-1 of which rnust be upper d i, ·ision - 210, 2-10, 310,330, 3-1~ 35~ 36~ 370,380, -107 , -II ~ -130. -1-10, 450, 490. Note: OR l .D ro111Ji'S 11serl to /11/ Jill CE req11ire111e111s 11re 110111pplierl tom•a rrl the upper rlivisio11 1111i1 req11iremn11 i11 !ht major.
School of Professional Studies · P~3
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