

C. Obta in a "C" average (2.00 G.P.A. ) o r abo,·e on a ll 11ork taken within th~ major and at 13iola l ' ni"crsic,· D. Complet ion of the ge ne ral ed uca ti on requ ire rnents. G.E. Requirements Units Fine Arts 3 Con1municarion 3 English Cornposit ion" 6 Litera rnre 3 Hi sto ry \\'orld Ci,·il i1.,n ions (3) Uni ted Srntes (-1 ) Be hav iora l Science** 3 Philosop hy** 3 1\l at h/Sc ic nce 8 i\ la rhernar ics (.'l)*" Science (3) i\ lath/Scicnce (2) Fore ign Language -I (Th e ge ne ral cducacion requirerncnt for a foreig n lan­ guage may bc rn et bv two yea rs of the same high school language or fou r units of a co llege h1n guage.) *F11!(fi.rh I !OB 11111y he 111t'I by ORLD-190. **Tru,o of !h t rer;11ire111e111s i11 these tll'ftts 11u1y he mt/ by ro111:ft's i11 the BOU) 11111jor. 1-:. Co rnpl er io n of the BO LD biblical studie s requirement. BBST 1.'iO Old T estame nt Sur\'ey Bl3ST I IO New Tesrn rnent

, is. and application suc h char ic adnrnces ,wdcnt ma ste r,· of t he princ ip les and practices of organi- io na I lc,rtlcrship. Bor h 290 an d 390 rna,· be rcpcaccd for a co rnbined rnaximurn of 30 units. 291 Directed Study (1 -2 ) Topi cs in gene ra l education. For BOLD students needing an add i­ tion al number of uni ts in a speci­ fied a rea to m eet grad uati o n req uirement,. :\ la\' be rcpcaccd 11·ith a d ifferent ropic up co a maxirnurn of 6 uni rs. 310 The Leader and Wisdom (1 -2 ) This co ur se cxam in cs bibli ca l concepts related ro hurnan rela­ tionships anti interpersonal corn­ mun icac ion. Attent ion is give n to human beings a, cksig;ned and created b,· God, the conseq uences of t h e fa ll, and rhc impa ct of rcclempr ion . Ca,e studies and stu­ dent experiences arc discu ssed . 330 Theology and the Christian Life (3) A consideration of God's Pe rson . exist in g as one Goel. ,·ct mani­ fcsted in duce Persons, and the bel ic,·cr\ re,ponsibil it\ to rhe C hu rch, Christ's body, and the \\'orld ar large a, an agent of rcc ­ o nci Ii a ri on i n God's kingdom program in the end times. 340 Group and Organizational Behavior (3) Being rhc first rnoclulc of the pro­ g ram. ir is approp ri ate rhat rhis cmm,c cente r upon the rnanv faeces of 11·orki ng effectively wirh in rhc srna ll -group scrt ing as one untlcr­ srn nd s \\' hat ir rneans to "th ink C hri s ri a nl y' ' in t he \\'orkplacc. After an examinat ion of one's o\\'n leaders hip sr,·le, the student \\'ill begin to grasp t he im portance of rhc proccss , s. rhe concern in "hat is shared by group rnembers, cou­ pled \\'ith rhc p<J\\Cr of good prob­ lcrn-soh'ing rnerhods. r\s 11c exarn­ inc ch c "power" of rhe , rnal l grou p ,·s . rhe indi, itlua l, rhe class "'ill lasth· becorne exposed ro rnany of the process ing cools used II hen in a small grou p setting. Fee: $-10. 350 Management Information Systems (3) Students bccornc acquai nted II ith conrcmporary in fo rmation 5ystcms rechnologv, and cx pl orc rnan ,rgc ­ rncnt rechnique, and strategies \\' hi ch, co rnbin ecl \\'ich technol o­ gies. produce cffccri \'c solutions ro organizat ional problcrns. Pe rsona l co rnputer skill s arc also enhanced .

E. Cornplccion of rh c biblical studies fo und at ion co u rse

seq ue nce for the ORL1\I: BBST 150 Old T csrnrncnc

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Th e i\ li nisrrv L ea d ersh ip major \\' ithin rhe BOLD program is an undergrnd uacc progn1m fo r indi,· iduals II ho arc c urr c nrl v irn ·oh cd in rninistr) or preparing; for micl-ca rcc r rra nsicions to loca l chu rch 111anagc111cnt and support roles \\ ith mission and parachurch organi1.acion~. Program obj ecti ves include the following: To nurrurc biblical / rheologi­ cal und erstanding, C hr istian clrnracrcr, and 111inisrrv skills. To pro,·idc appropriate ed uca­ tion and training fo r indi,·icluals corn­ mi rrccl co service in urban, suburban, rural , and incc rnacional scuings. T o prO\ ·ide a eonvcn ic nr and achie, ·able degree path to serni­ nary cducnion.

B 13ST 110 New T esrnmcnr

I lisrory & Literature 3

BBST 306 Early Ch ri st ian I Iistor\' - Acts 3 BBST 300/-100 Bib le Elccri,·c 2-3 BBST 300/-100 Bibl e lc'. lccti\'e 2-3 F. Cornplcrion of a minimurn of 30 units at Biola Llni, crsity, at leasr 15 unir, (up pe r di, ·isio n le, ·c l) in the rnajor field. Exten­ s ion cred it or credit by cxa rnin a­ rion rnav not be used ro fulfill the minimum rt.:~idcnce requirement of 30 se rn cs rc r uni ts .


Th is major co nsis t s of -1 3 scrncsccr uni cs. 2-1 of \\'hich must be uppcr di, ·ision: 28 uni ts frorn ORL:\ I 220, 320, 350. .160. 362. 365, -12(), -t -t0. -150, -180; 12 U11 i tS from ORLD 210. 3 10, .'\30, -110 , -190: and 3 units of BBS'\' 103. ,\'ote: OR l .. 11 m111J1'S 11serl to /11 /­ fil/ CF, req11im11m1.r are 1101 appliwl 1om·r1rrl thl' upper rli'i:i.rio11 1111i1 rtr;11irt.'111e11! i11 !hf! 11111jor. UNDERGRADUATE COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Organ izational Leadership (ORLD) 210 The Leader and Worldview (1-2) An introduction to in tegrat ion of fai th , learni ng and li,·ing for a more acc ura te unclersrnnd ing of reality. The cour,c emphas izes C hri stia n chinking and an a lvs is of bor h issues and so lmion, char arc work­ able, imell cctuall , \'iab lc and con­ sistent wirh biblical rrurh. Sruclcnrs exami ne group and organi,.ariona l bcha,·ior case studi es chat dcrnon­ stratc the rncrhods and difficul t ies of integration and ap plicat ion . 240 Foundations of Lifelong Learning (2) Exarni na rion of ad ul t learning t heo ries" ich an crnphasis on 5t rar eg ics for lifelon g lea rnin g. Lesso n plan de,·c loprn e nr a nd presentation sk ill s ncccss;u,· for personal and p rofess ional de, ·e l­ opment \\' ill be di scussed. 290 Practicum (1-8) Portfo lio-ba sed asscss rn e n t of co llege- le,·e l techn ica l and pro­ fe ss iona l train in g; that re fl ects rh eory, da ta co llect ion and analy-


A H11c!tdor of Srimre rlepn' i11 .l! i11i.,1rv Ll'tlrln:,hip is a11 ,1rdecl upon completio n of uni\'ersit) b,1cca la ur eare rcqu ir erncnts. T hese include rhe fo ll o11 ing: A. Comp let ion of t he Biola Uni­ , ·cr,i tv genera l cducarion rcqu irc­ mcnr.:;: G.E. Requirements Fine Arts J Communi ca ti on :, Engl ish Compos ition* 6 Li rcrarnrc 3 1 l istory 7 \\'or iel Ci,·ili zar ions (3) United States (-1) Beha, iora l Science*" 3 Philosop l1' •• 3 i\larh/Sc icncc 8 :\larhernarics (.,)~* Science (3) :\ lath/Sc ience (2) Fore ign Language -I *F11f(lish / /()IJ 11111y be 1111'/ by OR I.D -190. *• Tru•o of the rn;11ire111 t11 ls in lltl'Sl' areas 11111_1 1 ht Ill(' / l~r ro111xes i11 the 11111jor. 13. Complet ion of a minimum of 120 apprO\'cd scmc,cc r uni rs. C . Complet io n of the -1 3 unit i\linisrry Leaders hip major. D. Acl1ie, ·emenr of a "C" a, ·e r­ age (2.00 G.P.A.) or above on a ll work taken within the major and at 13iol a ll ni\'Crs ir y

History & Literature 3

13 BST 306 Early Christian Hi sto ry - Acts .'l 1313ST 300/-100 Bibl e elective 2-3 BBST 300/-100 Bible El ect i\'e 2-3 F. Comp let ion of a minimum of 30 units at Bi ola Un ive rs it y. at le as t IS unit s (u pper cli,·ision leve l) in th e majo r field. Exten­ sion cred it or c redi t by exarn in a­ tion rn a,· not be used to fulfill th e minimum res idence requirement of 30 ,cmcsrcr units.


Thi s rn a jor con,ists of -II uni ts. 2-1 of which rnust be upper d i, ·ision - 210, 2-10, 310,330, 3-1~ 35~ 36~ 370,380, -107 , -II ~ -130. -1-10, 450, 490. Note: OR l .D ro111Ji'S 11serl to /11/­ Jill CE req11ire111e111s 11re 110111pplierl tom•a rrl the upper rlivisio11 1111i1 req11iremn11 i11 !ht major.

School of Professional Studies · P~3

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