
440 Principles and Practices of Ministry Management (3) A rc, ·icw of bib li ca l and theo logi­ ca l gu ide li nes as we ll as contem­ pora ry o rgani;,at ional leaders hip theorv ap pli cable to manageme nt of ente r prise fu nctio ns 111 churches and minis tr ies.

360 Statistical Methods and Research (3) Pro bl em analys is and eva lu ati on techniques arc presented. Students are shown me thod s fo r de finin g, researching, analyzing, and eva luat­ ing probl ems they would sol ve in the ir wo rk e nviro nme nt. Specifi c sta ti sti ca l info rmati on cove red in the course incl udes identifying and mc:as uring objectives , co ll ect ing darn, working with signifi cance lev­ e ls, analyz ing va ri ance, and con­ st ructing ques ti onnaires.

430 Human Resource Management (3)

320 Theological and Philosophi­ cal Foundations of Effective Ministry (3) A survey of the pastora l Epi stl es, emp has iz ing t he nature of mi n­ istry, purpose of the loca l ch urch. qua li fica ti ons and characte ri s ti cs of leade rship , re lati onal eva nge l­ ism, and nurture of new be li evers. 350 Effective Communication in Christian Ministry (3) A m in is tr y- re la t e d co u rse i n effect i ve comm uni car ion i n gen­ eral and bi blica l teachi ng in par­ ticul ar. 'T'h e trans it ion from inte r­ pre ta t ion to ex pos ition is in vest i­ ga ted and skill s arc de"e loped fo r app rop ri ate tra nsmi ss ion of con­ t e nt w ith a u t ho ri ty. 1\ l ed ia c: nh a ncc:mcnt of teach in g ,s de monstrated. 360 Small Group Discipleship and Counseling (3) A sma ll g roup communicat ion course appl ying dyadi c and cohort dynam ics to discipleship and counse lin g. Field assignments c ncouragt.: pe rsona l gro\\'t h in t he nurturing of faith deve lopment. 362 Human Development for Youth Ministry (3 ) A survcv of huma n dc1·e lopmcnt rcsea rch and cu rri cu lum t heory re lated to inte llectual, emot ional , ph vs ica l, and s pirirn a l dc\'e lo p­ mcnt in c h ildhood and ado les­ ce nce. Th e cou rsc: emphas izes program des ign and coord inati on as we ll as accommodat ion of spe­ cial nccds young peop le. 365 Lifespan Spiritual Develop­ ment and Adult Leadership Training (3) A s ur vey of mo ra l a nd fa ith de ve lop me n t research a nd c ur ­ ri culum t heo ry re la ted to adul t learning. The cour se.: emp has izes program des ign and coo rdi nat ion . Wlini str y to me n, women . fa mi ­ li es , s in g le p are n ts, a nd th e d ivorccd is introduced. 420 Cross-Cultural and Interna­ tional Ministry Dynamics (3) A min is try sm,tcgy course based upon t he theo logy of redempt ion and the res ponsibility of miss ion. Princ ip les and mcthods of c ross­ c u I w ra I co mmun icatio n and in te rcult u ra l re lat io ns hi p a rc emphas ized. Specific charnctc ris­ t ics of mi ni stry in t he Africa n­ Amer ica n, Hi spa ni c, and As ia n communiti es arc in ves ti gated.

Students will explore the key c le­ ments of human resource manage­ ment from the pe rspecti ve of the ''li ne manage r" o n t he job . In sta rting the module, the key focus w ill be o n int egra tin g bibli ca l themes and principles with peo pl e probl ems on the job. On ce th e bi b li cal t he mes have bee n pre ­ sen t e d , srn d e nt s w ill ga in a "hand s-on" un de rstanding of th e Ca li fo rni a and federa l la bo rs laws rega rding d iscriminat ion, sc lcccion, compe nsat ion, pe rformance, di sci­ pline on the job, and terminat ion, whil e cont inuall y re fl ecting on the concept of "thinking Christ ianl v" in the workplace. Fee: $-tO. 440 Principles of Management and Supervision (4) Srnd e nts will stud y th e nature of manageme nt principl es and the ir app l ica ti on t hr oug h t he use o f b ib li ca l co nce pts . !\ lo ti va ti o na l theory and app li cat ion, leade rship q ua lit ies and styles and ncgo ri a­ t ion will rece ive spec ia l a tte nti on . 450 Organizational Ethics (3) T he ca psto ne cou rse in whi ch t he stu ckn t fo rmul ates a phil oso­ ph y of life, prov iding t he base fo r such conce rns as e thics in orga ni ­ za ti ons, accoun ta bility in gove rn ­ me nt , res pec t fo r human ri ghts, and a res ponsib le li festy le in our co ntempo rary wo rld. Et hica l the­ o ri es a nd pe rso na l va lu es ar e exa min e d thr o ug h read in gs, ana lys is of the wo rk p lace and cl assroom di scuss ion. 481 Directed Study(1-4) D irec ted srn dv in re la ted fi e ld. Pre requi s ite: conse nt of professo r. 490 Research Project (3) T he stude nt is ass isted in se lect­ ing a to pi c, t he use of a comput­ c ri zcd da rn base, rc:sea rch tec h­ ni q ues and wri t ing. Emphas is is on th e integrat ion of bi b li ca l and ot he r sources in rc:sca rch, whi ch is re lated to a spec ifi c iss ue, prob­ lem or opportunity. Th e writte n doc ume nt will de rail the concl u­ s ions a nd recomme nd at ions fo r so lving th c: iss ue in study. Ministry Leadership (ORLM) 220 Personal and Interpersonal Dynamics (3) Emphas is is upon cl cvc lopmc nt of leade rsh ip skill s and the functi on o f th e C hri sti an communi ty in growth coward spiritual marnriry.

450 Creative Exposition in Contemporary Worship (3)

An ad\'anccd Bib le c"pos it ion courses that includes appropriate in tegration of arr, mus ic, drama and prcscnrat ion mcdia. Thc: co urse b,tlanccs t hcorv a nd pract ice, ble nding bib lical ministry with con­ tempora ry c<>mmun icacion. 480 Contemporary Issues in Ministry Leadership (1) An advanced course that c:ncourages devclopment of the ability co create nell' 111inisrrv forms and programs in accord 11·ith biblical va luc:s and th eo­ logical principle.:, while.: cons idc:ring cmcr~ing or altcrnati\·c cultural p references. Emp hasis is p laced upon crit ica l thi nking, ethical eva lu­ ation, and crc:ati,·c problcm solving. 490 Research Project (3) The swclcnt is assistc:d in selecting a topic, the usc of a compureri zc:d chtrn base. research tcch ni ques and wr iting. Emphas is is on the integra­ tion of bib li cal and othe r sou rces in research, which is relatc:d to a spe­ ci fi c iss ue, prob lem or opporwnity. The wri tten docume nt wi ll deta il the concl usions and recommenda­ tions for soh·ing thc issue in swdy.

370 Interpersonal Communication (3)

Srncl y of how communi ca ti on and re lat ionshi ps contri bute to prod uc­ tive wo rk e nviro nments. Effec ti ve pe rsonal and soc ia l re lati onships arc also in vestiga ted through read­ ings and exe rcises conce rning non­ ve rb al fe ed bac k, ange r man age ­ ment, and confli ct reso luti on. 380 Managerial Accounting (3 ) An ove rvie w o f f in anc ia l to o ls ava il abl e for managemen t dec i­ s ion-mak ing . 1\ lajor course com­ pone nt s in c lude in co me s ta te­ me nts. balance sheets. cas h fl ow, budge ts, changes in fi na ncial pos i­ tion and rat io analys is. Emphas is is on reading and und e rsta nding accounting docume nts ra the r than upon the ir preparation. 390 Independent Study (1-8) Po r tfo li o-base d assess me n t of adva nced co ll ege- level tec hni ca l a nd pr o fess io nal t ra inin g t h at re fl ec t s t heory, cl am co ll ec ti on and analys is, and appli cat ion such t hat it advances srnde nt maste r\' of the principl es and prac ti ces of o rga ni za ti ona l lea dc r, h ip . Bot h 290 and 390 may be repeated fo r a combinc:d max imum of 30 units. 407 Managerial Marketing (2) Th e s tud e nt will be in t rodu ced to fun da me nta l c: lemcnts of mod­ e rn marke ting with an emph as is on th e market ing e nvironme ntal framewo rk and the c:t hi ca l use of marke ting mix va ri ab les. 41 0 The Leader and Decision Making (1-2) This course exam ines bi blica l pri n­ cipl es and e thica l va lues related to organi za tional leade rship. Funda­ me nta l mora l p rin c ipl es and cul ­ rn ra l express ions arc analyzed and th e b ibli ca l basis for va lu es and mo ra lity is s rndi ed. Case srudic:s emphas ize the re lat ionshi p of God and man in regard to profess ional and pe rsonal e thica l choices.

P~4 • Scho ol of Profess ional Studie s

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