CPA S/{IJ1r/arrlsforho11ors 11111st be me/
me thodol ogy of che expe rimental met hod is cons id e red. Psyc ho logica l expcrimcncacion a nd eva l uatio n a rc implem e nted wit h huma n s ubj ec ts. Scudencs will comp let e a n exper im e n tal
Education Electives LEDU30 1, LEDU341
with 110 ro1111rli11tof1111111be1J.
Directo r: Kevi n Va nLa nt , Ph.D.
As ma ndated by th e Scace of Ca li forni a, e du cat ion co u rses req uir e 35 hours of c lass cime
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Sc hoo l of Professiona l Stud ies Psycho logy majo r is a n
A Barhelor of A rls degree in
Ayd1ology is awarded upon comeac h , thu s req uirin g weekend
p le ti o n of un ive rsity bacca lau recou rse offer in gs . LED U30 1 research paper using APA g uid e undcrgraduace p rogra m s pec ifilines a nd forma tting. !\ feces Writ ace req uirements. T hese include req uires 25 hours of obse rvat ion ca ll y des ig ned for adu lc scude ncs ing Competency Requirement. the fo ll owing: and pa rci c ipac ion in loca l sc hoo ls. chat includ es co ur se wo rk A. Completion of Bio la Un iBio la Uni ve rsity 's Undergradu ate 322 Learning and Cognition (3) e mpha sizing psyc hosoc ia l devcl ve rsity genera l ed ucat ion re quireEduca ti on Department wil l coo rEmpiri cal findin gs and theoretica l op n1 cnt, integ rat ion , re searc h , me nts. di na te and inte rview scudc ncs fo r and foundaciona l chcor ies of psydevelopme nt in the a rea of lea rn sc hoo l pl aceme nt. ing, cogniti on, and memory and c ho logica l stud y. Si nce studen ts G.E. REQUIREMENTS se lect a psyc hology majo r fo r va rNote: CPSY co111 Jes 11sed 10 f11ltheir app li cation to human behav fill CE req11ire111e11ls ore 1101applied io r. A se ri es of computer based io us reasons, a broad range o f F ine Arcs 3 req uir ed a nd optio n al co ur ses 3 Communi cat io n toward the 11pper division 1111i1 laboratory expe rime nts a rc used to have been se lected for sc ud encs Engli sh Composition* 6 req11ire111e111in the major. ex pose s tud e nts to class ica l and desiring e mpl oyment o r advanceLiterature* 3 opera nt conditi oning processes. me nt in a va ri ety of fie lds inc ludHi scory 7 COURSES (CPSY) 325 Developmental Psychology: ing b ut not limited to, educat ion, Wo rld C ivili zations (3) 202 Group Behavior (1) Childhood-Adolescence (3) m ini stry, hun1an resou rces, busiUnited States (4) A stud y of group behavior and how A stud y of the theory and research ness, and human serv ices while Behavio ra l Sc ic nce 0 3 gro up s fun c t ion effect ive ly . regardin g human deve lo pment co nc urre n tly sa ti sfy in g the prePhil osophy** 3 Emphas is is placed on group decifrom co nce pcio n through ado les re qui sites fo r gradua te progra ms f\ lath/Sc ie nce 8 sion mak ing and con fli ct resolut ion. cence. Co n si d e rat io n wi ll b e in cl ini ca l psyc ho logy, marri age f\ lachcma ti cs"* (3) g ive n to the bio logica l, psycholog a nd fam il y th e ra py, e du cat io na l Sc ience (3) 204 Psychology and Christian ica l, cu ltura l, and social influe nces psychology, sc hool co un se ling, Math/Sc ie nce (2) Thought (3) on human deve lopme n t. and oth er re lated fie lds of study. An int roduction co the nacure and Fo re ign Language I2 E lecti ve courses that mee t entry process of the ap plica ci on of C hri s326 Developmental Psychology: •English I !OB may be met ro•ilh co ns id e ratio n req uir c mencs for tian thought to the scudy and pracAdulthood-Aging (3) CPSYJZO a11rl litfl'r1111re. man y teache r c reden ti a ling protice of psyc hology. (XL PSYC 206) A stud y of the theo ry and research **Tro•o of the req11ire111e11/s i11 grams a re a lso included. regard in g hum a n developme n t these areas may be me! bi• co11 rses i11 208 Statistics with Computer from lace-aclo lescencc thr ough the BOLD major. Application (3) deat h. Cons ider atio n wi ll be ADMISSION fl. Compl ccion of a minimum Bas ic d esc ripti ve and inferentia l REQUIREMENTS of 130 approved semes ter un its. srn ci sci cs for socia l-psycholog ica l
g iven to chc bio logica l, psycholog ica l, c ultu ra l, and socia l infl uences
resea rc h a nd eva lu at ion w ith a n
App li ca ncs mu se ha ve com C . Comp le ti on of the 50 un it
on human deve lopment.
p leted approximate ly 50-60 emphasis on compute r applicat ion. semester hours of transferab le colD. Achi eveme nt of "C" ave r340 Psychology of Religious 210 Psychology and Worldview (2) lege cred it ac acc red ited col leges age (2 .00 GPA) or above on all work Experience (2) An introduction co the inccgra and uni ve rsities with a minimum ta ken within the major and cum. An examination of th e na ture and ti on of faith, learn ing and li ving 2.25 G PA co be co ns idered fo r E. Com pl c ci on of the bibli ca l scope of rel ig ious exper ience fo r a more acc urate understand acceptance to the program. Appli srnd ics fo und at io n co ur se in c lu ding s uc h issues as th e ing of rea lity. The co urse e mpha ca nts who do not meet th ese sca nseque nce. sizes C hri st ia n chinking and psydeve lopment of religious co n d a rd s wi ll b e assesse d by the BBST 150 O ld T estame nt cepts and va lues, conve rsion, t he cho log ica l ana lys is of contempo Adm iss ions Committee on a cascSurvey 4 ra ry wo rld vicws chat are ince ll ccexperi ence of praye r and medica by-case bas is. Transferab le un its BBST 11 0 New Testament tua ll y viab le and consistent with ti on, and psycho logica l and sp iri ca n inc lud e crcdic v ia th e high Hi story and Literature 3 cual maturity. An emphas is will bibl ical truth. Students examine school Adva nced Pl aceme nt (AP) BBST 306 Earl y C hri sti an case s tudi es of indivi du a l and be pl aced upon the srndenc ' s program a nd the Co ll ege Level 11 isto ry - Acts 3 exper ien t ia l und erstanding of hi s Exam inacion Progra m (C L EP) as BBST 300/400 13i b le grou p beh av ior chat demonstrate o r h e r ow n p syc holo g ica l and we ll as some forms of profess ional , t he method s and d iffi c ulti es o f El ec ti ves 4-6 sp iricua l in tegrat ion. integrat ion and app lica tio n. mili ta ry, and cechn ica l training. Note: Official rlom111m1s presenter! 31 0 Psychology and 344 Abnormal Psychology (3) CURRICULUM for od111issio11 or eval11r11io11 berome Anthropology (2) Na curc, ca uses, a nd treatment of p{//1 of the s111r!e111's ararle111ir file and T he Psyc ho logy majo r co n An examinat ion of bib li ca l conabno rma l be hav ior, including the sis ts of SO units, 24 of wh ich mu st 1101111r1!/y cr1111101 be re111merl or copier/ ce pcs re laced to human relationfull range of ment a l diso rders be uppe r d ivision - 202, 204, 208, for rlis1rib111io11. ships and interpe rsonal communiide ntifi e d within the current cat 210, 3 10, 320, 322, 325, 326, 340, ca cio n. Attentio n is g ive n co ego ri ca l system. (XL PSYC 309) 344 ,406, 4 10,4 14,4 16,450 and huma n be in gs as des ig ned a nd GRADUATION HONORS 406 Social and Cultural ORLD 330. created by God, the consequences S tudcn cs who have earned a Psychology (3) of th e fa ll a nd the im pact of min imum of 45 g rad ed units at Analysis of soc ia l behavior, ELECTIVES Bio la U ni ve rs it y a nd who have redempti on. Case studies and s tuinc ludin g soc ia l cogniti o n, a cci comple te d the ir Bio la coursework tude formacion, cha nge, a nd Six upp e r di vis io n e lect ive dent expe ri e nces arc di scussed. un its mu se be se lec te d from t he with a 3 .95 GPA arc gradu ated 320 Experimental Psychology (3) gro up p rocesses. Em ph as is is fo ll owing co urses: with high honor. Those with a 3.85 Intro du c ti o n co b as ic resea rc h pl ace d o n t h e app li c ati on of G PA a re grad uacc d with honor. Psychology Electives des ign and eva luat ion. An ana lysoc ia l psychology p rinc iples co a C PSY420, CPSY422 sis o f chc phil oso ph y a nd range of issues, including soc io- Psycho logy major.
School of Profe ss ional Studies· P~5
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