
Graduate Programs

i,wcstigatc the T albot i'd. 1\. in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics. 1\lanv of the courses 111 chi, program arc H\'ailablc in a .. mod­ ular" format that comb ine, ,hon­ tcrrn campus \'isits with di,rnncc learning. Th e modular program is designed to make the :-SI.A. in C hri sti,111 f\po logetics avail,1hle to students who cannot relocate ro ,ouchcrn California for the rcgu­ lar res ident ial program. This pro­ gram may not qualif) for linancial aid or dcfcrring of educat ional loan pa,·rnents. Applicants who mi ght be interested in the modu­ lar format sho ul d conrnct ,\polo­ gctics Program Office for more information at (562) 906--1570. ADMISS ION REQUIREMENTS ■ .\ bachelor's degree from an accredited co llege or uni, er­ "ity with a graclc point H\'Cr­ age ((;P:\) equ i,alcnt to a 13. or higher in all undergraduate ,cud).

cultural diversity, prejud ice. con­ fli ct reso lut ion, and ge nde r ro les. 410 Psychology and Values (2) Examinat ion of biblical princi­ ples and et hi cal va lues rc lc, ant to diverse psychologica l co n ­ structs. Fundame ntal moral prin­ ciples a nd cult ural express io ns are analyzed a nd t he bibli ca l basis for va lues an d rnoralitv is studi ed. Case swdi cs emp has ize th e rel ations hip of God and man in regard to p rofess ional and per­ so nal e thi ca l cho ices. 414 Theories of Personality (3) An overview of personality th eo­ ries including t he primary repre­ sentatives from the major schoo ls: analytic-psychodynamic, humanis­ ti c-cx is ten tia I. and co 0 nitive­ be ha viora l. In tegration wi ll be emphasized throughout the course. 1\,l eets \.\'ricing Competency Requi rement. (XL PSYC-111) 416 Wisdom Lit erature and the Practice of Psychology (3) An cxp lnrat ion an d discussion of wisdom litcra rnr c (Psal ms, Proverbs, Eccles iastes and Job) and th e extent to which it can in form and guide the practice of psv­ chotherapy and ou r understanding of mental hea lth. Personal growth activities arc incorporated to facili­ rntc scudcnr 1 s und e rstan ding of their psvchologica l processes. 420 Psychology of Marriage and Family Life (3) An explorat ion of co nt empo rary marriage and fami ly life, including cultural and soc io logical factors impacting coday's family. Divorce a nd remarriage, ~i nglc parenting, dual caree r families, and the role of religious fa ith in the home wil l be addressed. Elect ive

ln addit ion to its undcrgrat.luatc educat ional programs. the School of Profe ss ional Studies ,er\'CS t he C hri stian community bv offering intcrdisc iplinar, 111asters degrees ,rs we ll as conti nuing education semi­ nars, cotir\cs, and ccrrificatct,.

422 Physiological Psychology (3) A st ud y of physiologica l aspects of hum an behavior in c ludin g ncl1ral. 5cn-;ory, moto r , and chemica l processes. Cu rr ent research on physio logica l as pects of menta l and phvs ica l hea lth , emo ti o ns, and psychopatho logy arc add ressed. l: lcctive (X LPSYC-1 12) 450 Psychology and Ethics (2) Swdent's cxplorc and formu late a psychological I\- sound and spiritu­ alh· , iablc philosophy of li fe. pro­ ,·iding the base for such concerns ,ts personal and grou p et hi cs, accountabi lit y in go\·ernmcnt, respect for human rights. and a rcsponsiblc lifestyle in our con­ tcmporarv world. Ethica l theories and pe rsonal , ·,d ues are examined through readings, personal explo­ ration and classroom di scuss ion. 480 Seminar: Se lected Topics (1-4) Rc,iding. research. ,111d ,tpplica­ tion rc lc,·ant to ,e lected areas in the field of psychology. Prereq­ uisite: con~cnt. 490 Directed Studies (1 -4) S uper\'ised studv, research. and writing in ,pcc ifi cd area of psy­ chologv. includ ing learn ing, edu­ cat ion. and psvchophysiology.


Cou rses, sc 111in ars, confer­ ences and related lcarnin~ expe­ riences arc scheduled in the c,·cning and on weekends for the com·cniencc of working adult,. Cou rses arc usual!\· six to e ig ht weeks in length \\'ith one four-hour class per week. t\lter­ nari,·c schedu l ing is often employed for en hanced instruc­ tional cffcctin::ness. Semina rs arc normallv four c,-cnings or two daYs in length. MASTER OF ARTS IN CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS Director: Cra ig J. I lazcn, Ph .D. Faculty: Bl oom. Coe, Dc\\'ccsc,

One pastoral and at least one professiona l o r academic rcl'­ crcncc. .\'olt: O//irifll rlorn1111•111s f or

Gei,·ct t, Gomes. Hazen, Lewis. 1\ lore land, Rae. Revno lds. Russell. S. Smith

arlmissio11 or l''i:rtl11fllio11 h1•m1111·;,1111 o/ IH I' s111rlo!l·s amrlemirfi/,, fl11rl 11on1111/ly rr1111101 be f'l'l11r11, ,rf or roj)ierlfor rlis1nl1111io11.

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The 1\lastcr of Arts degree in Christian Apologetics is designed for indi\'id uals "ho desire aca­ dem ic and practical preparation for proc lai rn ing and dcfendi ng the historic doctrines of the Christian faith. Srndcnts arc pre­ pared to a rticulatc a Christian worlch·icw rcvcrenth-, \\·ith intc l­ ligcncc, confidence and compas­ sion. The program fosters pcr­ ~onal ~pi ricual gro\\'th and matu­ ritv t hrnugh guided srnd, of the Scriptures and thcolog,·, mutllal enco urngcmcnt in the Christian life and intcllcctllal rigor. Th e program incorporates knowledge and pcrspccti\'e from many academ ic disciplines and pro"idcs stimulating graduate educatio n fo r those who wish to e ngage unbe li evers effccti\'ch in the wor ld of ideas. The c urri cul um is dcsigncd for student, who rnav ha,·c little or no formal academic training in bib lical studies, thcolog) or phi­ losopll\'. The 1\ l. t\. in C hri stian ,\polo­ gecics is offered in association with T al bot Schoo l of Theology. App licants "ho plan to pur,uc adninccd academic degrees in philosoph, or ethics may " ish ro


CSPY -120 Psvcho logy of 1\ lar­ riagc and Fami ly Life (3) CSPY -122 Physiological Psycholog,· (3) or LEDU.301 Introduct ion to Teaching (3)


The i\ l. A. in Christian ,\polo­ gctics i"i a 36 unit program that includes the following: i\. Complcting the Rcquircd Program of Srncly: I. Core in Biblical Studies ( 11 units): AP .'i21 Gcnes is-1\ lalachi (.,) i\P 522 Sun·cv of 1\ btt hew-Re,;clation (.'l) f\P 527 I lcrmeneutics ,tnd Bible Swd, ,\l cthods (3) AP 529 Scripture: Author­ it,. Ca non and Critici,rn (2) 2. Core in Thcologv (8 units) f\P 510 f\pologctics Research and \\' ricing ( 1) f\P 5-11 Essential C hri stian Doctrine I (2) AP 5-1 2 1,ssential Christian Doctrine 11 (2) AP 550 I li storirnl Theol­ ogy (3) .,. f\pologct ics l,lccci, cs ( 14 units) -1. Apo logetic. Professional

LEDLl3-11 1\ lct hods of Teaching L inguistica ll y Di\'crsc Students (3)

Swdie, or l ' ni, ·crs it, Elccci, cs (3 units) ·

P~6 • School of Professional Studies

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