
.\'ore: . l/ or/11/lfr .1/ .• l. .it11rlmrs 11111y s11/Js1i1111r 1111 t lnl1ct' ro111:l't for ti I' .5.!7 'ic.'ith r/1j!tll1111mr rt/!f!mi'td. B. \ l aintaining a 2.S a, cragL.: "ith no gradc bclm1 ,1 ( • in all courses to be credited t<J11 ard g ra duation. Srndcnt, cannot _g raduate\\ hile on probat ion. C. Co111pleting a min1n1L1111 of 2-+ uni ts in the dcgr<. .:c..: progr,1111 at Biola l ' ni1cr,it) . . \II degree components mu .... r be com­ pleted ,1, graded cour,e,. D . Completing the entire pro­ -~ram in no more than fi,·c"i. COURSE DESCRIPT IONS Christian Apologetics (CSAP) AP 500 Theologica l W riting (0) Grammar. "iCntcncc "itrucrurc and pe1ragr,1ph dc1clop111cnt for theo­ logica l ,, ri cing. Critic~tl chinking cind compo,irion including c>..tracring inforn1arion from sourcc"i. s~ nthc"ii...,, format for \\ rittcn papcr,. 1-:,pcricncc in \\ ricing paper, in theological ,111d re l ated arca"i. \ t\\O-scn1<..:...,rcr hour. non-crcdit cour,c rcq11ircd in the tir,r I car of ,tu,h for ,tu­ d cn rs a"i'-ligncd b) the\\ rit1ng P roficicnc, E:-.arn or ,tudcnr, 11ho ha1c cornpl<:tcd the 1-:SL ,cqucncc. Fcc: .\ fee equinllcnr to two 'ienH..:stcr hours of tllition is required. (Sa111c '" SS .'iOO.) AP 510 Apologetics Research and Writing (1) Research ,kill, for u,c of lihrcir). intc rn cr. and kc, apologetics rcl'­ e rcncc II orks . \ let hods of ,chol­ arl : and journali"itic ,, ritin.t?; ,, ith cmpha,i, on critical rh111kine;. pcr,ucisio n and ern luar ion of dat,1 and tcsrirnon, . Rcquircd of \ I. \. ,rudenr, . AP 52 1 Su¥vey of Genesis - M alachi (3) .\ broad ,unc, of the Old Tc,ra­ mcnr book\. including selected i11 troductor1 and critical i\\uc, . relc1ant background. 111ajor rhe111cs and di, ision, and crucial problcms. Rcquircd of' \L\. ,rn­ dent\. (S,1111c a, BE .'i 19.) AP 522 Survey of Matthew - Revelation (3) r\ general o,·cn ic,, of the '(c" Tc,ramcnt book,, including sclccted introd ucwr, and critical i"ues. rclc1ant background, major theme, and d11 i,iom and c ru c ial problc111s. Rcquircd of :\ I..\ . student,. (Same as BE .'iZO.)

ism, a th e ism, pol n hc ism, fini rc god is rn and de ism. AP 625 Philosophy of Religion (1-2) c\ sun cv of phil osoph ica l iss ues t hat a ri se in re lat ion to t he is ti c re li gions . P rob lems suc h as th e ex istence of God, the p rob lem of ev il , n..:li giou!'> language, faith and reaso n. etc . arc di sc ussed in th e co n text of d emo nst rat in g t hat h istor ic Chr istian ity can prol' idc reasona bl e so lut ions. AP 626 Ethics (2) A p h ilosop hi ca l and rheo log ica l eva lu at ion of ,·a ri o us et hi ca l sys­ te ms and t he appli ca ti on of those svsre m , to h igh profi lc mo ra l i !'>s ucs in soc iety . AP 627 Bioethics (2) A s un ·cy of and C hri st ian apo lo­ ge ti c res po nse to some o f th e mos t c rit ic,rl e thi ca l issues of th e day corn in g from b iom e di ca l resea rch and practice. Th e cou rse addresses th e di ffic ul t qu es ti ons in vo l\'ccl in areas such as human reprod uction. c loning. abort ion , e nd -of- li fe i,s ucs, o rga n tra ns ­ p lant, gc nct ic e ng in ee rin g, euchana~ia and more. AP 629 Scientific Apologetics (1-2) A sun·cv of the iss ues and id eas i n1·ol1·e"d in t he re lat io n s h i p betwee n sc ie nce , phil osoph y and th e bibli ca l II orld view . Spec ia l emphas is is gi,·c n to ,c ienr ific iss ues and co n tr<J,·c rs ies th a t are used by ske pt ics ro ca ll C hri sti an­ ity in ro q uest ion. AP 632 A History of Christian Apologetics (2) A sun-ev of apo logists and apolo­ get ic acti,· iry from rhe rime of th e a post les a nd t he ea rl y C hur c h fat hers ro t he great apo logists of our own ce ntury. AP 636 Modern Apologetics: Theory and Method (2) A study a nd eva lu a ti on of th e vari ous modern ap proac hes tO th e apol oge t ic ta sk (e .g., c,· id e nti al­ is rn . p rc, up posit io na li s m a nd co rnbin ar iona lis m) a nd re li g ious e p istcmo logv. with consta nt re f­ ere nce to th e rheo logica l und er­ pi nnin gs and th e nat ur e a nd 1·a lu e of C h r ist ia n apo loge ti cs inside and outs ide rhc chu rc h. AP 638 Spiritual Formation and the Life of the Mind (2) A course des igned to en hance t he pe rsona l sp iri tual de1·c lop 111 c nt of t he apolog ist. Spec ial emph as is is g ive n t0 t h e im po r ta nce of

AP 527 Hermeneutics and Bible Study M ethods (3) t\ stu dy of so und intcr p rcrnr ion and ap p licat ion o f the Bib le . includi ng analy, is of prcs uppm i­ rio ns. gc nc ra l rul es and spcc ial­ principles for ,·arious bib li ca l genre and phenomena. A presen­ tat ion of I a ri o us app roac hes to ,r udy in g t he Bible: . Rcq uircd of \ I. ,\ . studen ts. (Sarne as BE .'i \ 7.) AP 529 Scripture: Authorit y, Canon and Criticism (1-2) ,\ course addrc,s ing the e%ent ial i\\ ucs in defending t he Scrip­ ture:,, agai nst p<..:rc n n ial ::ittac ks . T opics include hi storica l n:liabil­ icy, incr ranc:. ca noni~,n ion and di, inc in s pi ration o f Scripture incluJi ng an examination and cri­ tiq uc of mode rn bib li uil criri­ ci,rn. Required of \ 1. ,\ . stu dents. AP 541 , 542 Essential Christian Doctrine I, II (1-2, 1-2 ) A p resentat io n a nd bib l ical defc n,e of t he essent ial C: hri,rian doctrines II ith specia l reference to conrcrnpora rv criricis111 of t he 1,rluc and tr uth of doctri nal asser­ tions. Requ ired of \ I.A. student,. AP 550 Historical Theology (3) I l istory of t he C h urc h from th e apostolic Fathers to the modern era 11 irh an e111phasi, on the de, clop­ rncnt of doctri ne . 1 l ighl i_g hrs key thinker, in the parr i,ric. mcdicva l, Reformation and 111odern era,. Required of\ I. A. srudcnts. AP 551 Patristic and M edi eval Theology (3) I l isron· of t he ch urc h from t he ,\posro li c Fa th er, to the c1c of thc Refo rmation II irh an cmpha­ ,i, on t he de, c lop111cnt of doc ­ tr ine. l) i,cuss ion of kc, t hinkers. ,uc h as Origc n , T err ul l ia n , ,\ ugu,tinc. ,\ nsclm, t\quina, and Scorns. Prc req 11 i,itc: i\,h i,or's app rma l requ ired . AP 55 2 Reformation and Modern Theology (3) I l isto ry of th e c hurch fro111 th e Reformation to the p rescnt with an emphasis on th e key Cont ine n­ ta l ,ind l, ng li s h Reforme r,, incl uding 1/,11 ingli. L ut her and Cah·in. D isc u ss ion of t he cou nte r- Refo rma ti on, Proresrn nt ,cho lasr ici, 111. the En li ghrc nrncrn. and im portant rheolog ica l de, c l­ opmc n t~ in t h e mode r n cr~1. Opporr u11ir1· is gil'e n for stude nt, to ,rud, the polir, and hi stor1· of thc ir own denomi nation. Pre req­ uis ite: Ach isor's cipp rol'a l requ ired

AP 601-603 Defending the Faith I, II , Ill (2, 2, 2) /\ ,cric, of coordin,rrcd lectu res by expcrts in I ariou, areas of apo lo­ getic, add rcS'>ing ,0111c of the 1110,r serious inrcllccrua l cha llenges to the Co,pel and t he Ch ri st ia n wor ld I ie11. 60 I. 602 and 603 do not ncc.;d to he taken in sequence. AP 604 Defending the Faith: Continuing Study (1-6) ,\ special course dc:s igncd fo r stu ­ dc n ts II ith apologet ics back­ grou nd through credit a nd/o r noncredit cour,c, in thc bas ic content of 601, 602, 603, or approl'cd cour,c,, 11 ho nccd to make up units upon being adm it­ ted to the degree program. Ad, i­ so r's appro1al requi red. AP 610 El ementary Principles of Biblical Languages (3) lfasic principle, of la nguage that a re foundational to intcrprcti ng rhc biblical cc,t. On:n·ic11 of the: ,rrucrnrc of rhc biblical languages, c1aluation of theories of Bi ble tran...,Jarion. and in..,rrucrion in the u,e of I arious tools bascd on the o riginal langu~tgc". ' l' hc co urse will aid the student in undcr­ '-)tanding i:,,'.-il!C'i chat arise in in te r­ pretation bccau,c.; of t he o rigi nal l,rnguagc,. (Samc as 13 E .'i:lO.) AP 611 , 612 Beginning Greek I, II (2, 2) :\n inrroducuir,· stud, o f t he ha,ic clement, of :\c11 T c,ra­ mcnt Grcck. T rans lation of por­ t ions of rhc :--Jc11 T e,rarnent in t he second ,ernc,rer. Dc,igned for studcnts who ha, c not com­ pleted a full scquc.;nce of bcgi n­ n ing (;reek course,. (Sa rn e as TT" T SO I, 502.) AP 619 Bibli ca l Archaeol ogy (2) An introduct ion ro the scie nce of archacolog, in bibl ical lands . Spcc i,rl crnpha,i, is gi,cn to th e role specific archaeological exp lo­ ration ha, pla, cd in pro, idin_g ohjccri, c confi rmation of the accurac1 of the bi bl ical narre1 ri1·c . AP 621 Logic and Criti cal Thinking (2 ) i\ stud, of the met hods and pr in­ cip les used to make.; di,rincrions bct11 ccn good and bad reasoni ng \\' it h spcci,tl cmpha',is on anal~ sis of argument\ for and agains t t he ( :hri,ticin faith. AP 623 World Vi ew Analysis (2) \ su r, cv that inc ludes a p h ilo­ sophical and theological analys is of the major tvpcs of non-Ch rist­ ian wo rld I ic11, , uch a, pa n rhc-

Schoo l of Prof ess ional Studi es · P-7

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