.\'ore: . l/ or/11/lfr .1/ .• l. .it11rlmrs 11111y s11/Js1i1111r 1111 t lnl1ct' ro111:l't for ti I' .5.!7 'ic.'ith r/1j!tll1111mr rt/!f!mi'td. B. \ l aintaining a 2.S a, cragL.: "ith no gradc bclm1 ,1 ( • in all courses to be credited t<J11 ard g ra duation. Srndcnt, cannot _g raduate\\ hile on probat ion. C. Co111pleting a min1n1L1111 of 2-+ uni ts in the dcgr<. .:c..: progr,1111 at Biola l ' ni1cr,it) . . \II degree components mu .... r be com pleted ,1, graded cour,e,. D . Completing the entire pro -~ram in no more than fi,·c yc.ar"i. COURSE DESCRIPT IONS Christian Apologetics (CSAP) AP 500 Theologica l W riting (0) Grammar. "iCntcncc "itrucrurc and pe1ragr,1ph dc1clop111cnt for theo logica l ,, ri cing. Critic~tl chinking cind compo,irion including c>..tracring inforn1arion from sourcc"i. s~ nthc"ii...,, format for \\ rittcn papcr,. 1-:,pcricncc in \\ ricing paper, in theological ,111d re l ated arca"i. \ t\\O-scn1<..:...,rcr hour. non-crcdit cour,c rcq11ircd in the tir,r I car of ,tu,h for ,tu d cn rs a"i'-ligncd b) the\\ rit1ng P roficicnc, E:-.arn or ,tudcnr, 11ho ha1c cornpl<:tcd the 1-:SL ,cqucncc. Fcc: .\ fee equinllcnr to two 'ienH..:stcr hours of tllition is required. (Sa111c '" SS .'iOO.) AP 510 Apologetics Research and Writing (1) Research ,kill, for u,c of lihrcir). intc rn cr. and kc, apologetics rcl' e rcncc II orks . \ let hods of ,chol arl : and journali"itic ,, ritin.t?; ,, ith cmpha,i, on critical rh111kine;. pcr,ucisio n and ern luar ion of dat,1 and tcsrirnon, . Rcquircd of \ I. \. ,rudenr, . AP 52 1 Su¥vey of Genesis - M alachi (3) .\ broad ,unc, of the Old Tc,ra mcnr book\. including selected i11 troductor1 and critical i\\uc, . relc1ant background. 111ajor rhe111cs and di, ision, and crucial problcms. Rcquircd of' \L\. ,rn dent\. (S,1111c a, BE .'i 19.) AP 522 Survey of Matthew - Revelation (3) r\ general o,·cn ic,, of the '(c" Tc,ramcnt book,, including sclccted introd ucwr, and critical i"ues. rclc1ant background, major theme, and d11 i,iom and c ru c ial problc111s. Rcquircd of :\ I..\ . student,. (Same as BE .'iZO.)
ism, a th e ism, pol n hc ism, fini rc god is rn and de ism. AP 625 Philosophy of Religion (1-2) c\ sun cv of phil osoph ica l iss ues t hat a ri se in re lat ion to t he is ti c re li gions . P rob lems suc h as th e ex istence of God, the p rob lem of ev il , n..:li giou!'> language, faith and reaso n. etc . arc di sc ussed in th e co n text of d emo nst rat in g t hat h istor ic Chr istian ity can prol' idc reasona bl e so lut ions. AP 626 Ethics (2) A p h ilosop hi ca l and rheo log ica l eva lu at ion of ,·a ri o us et hi ca l sys te ms and t he appli ca ti on of those svsre m , to h igh profi lc mo ra l i !'>s ucs in soc iety . AP 627 Bioethics (2) A s un ·cy of and C hri st ian apo lo ge ti c res po nse to some o f th e mos t c rit ic,rl e thi ca l issues of th e day corn in g from b iom e di ca l resea rch and practice. Th e cou rse addresses th e di ffic ul t qu es ti ons in vo l\'ccl in areas such as human reprod uction. c loning. abort ion , e nd -of- li fe i,s ucs, o rga n tra ns p lant, gc nct ic e ng in ee rin g, euchana~ia and more. AP 629 Scientific Apologetics (1-2) A sun·cv of the iss ues and id eas i n1·ol1·e"d in t he re lat io n s h i p betwee n sc ie nce , phil osoph y and th e bibli ca l II orld view . Spec ia l emphas is is gi,·c n to ,c ienr ific iss ues and co n tr<J,·c rs ies th a t are used by ske pt ics ro ca ll C hri sti an ity in ro q uest ion. AP 632 A History of Christian Apologetics (2) A sun-ev of apo logists and apolo get ic acti,· iry from rhe rime of th e a post les a nd t he ea rl y C hur c h fat hers ro t he great apo logists of our own ce ntury. AP 636 Modern Apologetics: Theory and Method (2) A study a nd eva lu a ti on of th e vari ous modern ap proac hes tO th e apol oge t ic ta sk (e .g., c,· id e nti al is rn . p rc, up posit io na li s m a nd co rnbin ar iona lis m) a nd re li g ious e p istcmo logv. with consta nt re f ere nce to th e rheo logica l und er pi nnin gs and th e nat ur e a nd 1·a lu e of C h r ist ia n apo loge ti cs inside and outs ide rhc chu rc h. AP 638 Spiritual Formation and the Life of the Mind (2) A course des igned to en hance t he pe rsona l sp iri tual de1·c lop 111 c nt of t he apolog ist. Spec ial emph as is is g ive n t0 t h e im po r ta nce of
AP 527 Hermeneutics and Bible Study M ethods (3) t\ stu dy of so und intcr p rcrnr ion and ap p licat ion o f the Bib le . includi ng analy, is of prcs uppm i rio ns. gc nc ra l rul es and spcc ial i1.cd principles for ,·arious bib li ca l genre and phenomena. A presen tat ion of I a ri o us app roac hes to ,r udy in g t he Bible: . Rcq uircd of \ I. ,\ . studen ts. (Sarne as BE .'i \ 7.) AP 529 Scripture: Authorit y, Canon and Criticism (1-2) ,\ course addrc,s ing the e%ent ial i\\ ucs in defending t he Scrip ture:,, agai nst p<..:rc n n ial ::ittac ks . T opics include hi storica l n:liabil icy, incr ranc:. ca noni~,n ion and di, inc in s pi ration o f Scripture incluJi ng an examination and cri tiq uc of mode rn bib li uil criri ci,rn. Required of \ 1. ,\ . stu dents. AP 541 , 542 Essential Christian Doctrine I, II (1-2, 1-2 ) A p resentat io n a nd bib l ical defc n,e of t he essent ial C: hri,rian doctrines II ith specia l reference to conrcrnpora rv criricis111 of t he 1,rluc and tr uth of doctri nal asser tions. Requ ired of \ I.A. student,. AP 550 Historical Theology (3) I l istory of t he C h urc h from th e apostolic Fathers to the modern era 11 irh an e111phasi, on the de, clop rncnt of doctri ne . 1 l ighl i_g hrs key thinker, in the parr i,ric. mcdicva l, Reformation and 111odern era,. Required of\ I. A. srudcnts. AP 551 Patristic and M edi eval Theology (3) I l isron· of t he ch urc h from t he ,\posro li c Fa th er, to the c1c of thc Refo rmation II irh an cmpha ,i, on t he de, c lop111cnt of doc tr ine. l) i,cuss ion of kc, t hinkers. ,uc h as Origc n , T err ul l ia n , ,\ ugu,tinc. ,\ nsclm, t\quina, and Scorns. Prc req 11 i,itc: i\,h i,or's app rma l requ ired . AP 55 2 Reformation and Modern Theology (3) I l isto ry of th e c hurch fro111 th e Reformation to the p rescnt with an emphasis on th e key Cont ine n ta l ,ind l, ng li s h Reforme r,, incl uding 1/,11 ingli. L ut her and Cah·in. D isc u ss ion of t he cou nte r- Refo rma ti on, Proresrn nt ,cho lasr ici, 111. the En li ghrc nrncrn. and im portant rheolog ica l de, c l opmc n t~ in t h e mode r n cr~1. Opporr u11ir1· is gil'e n for stude nt, to ,rud, the polir, and hi stor1· of thc ir own denomi nation. Pre req uis ite: Ach isor's cipp rol'a l requ ired
AP 601-603 Defending the Faith I, II , Ill (2, 2, 2) /\ ,cric, of coordin,rrcd lectu res by expcrts in I ariou, areas of apo lo getic, add rcS'>ing ,0111c of the 1110,r serious inrcllccrua l cha llenges to the Co,pel and t he Ch ri st ia n wor ld I ie11. 60 I. 602 and 603 do not ncc.;d to he taken in sequence. AP 604 Defending the Faith: Continuing Study (1-6) ,\ special course dc:s igncd fo r stu dc n ts II ith apologet ics back grou nd through credit a nd/o r noncredit cour,c, in thc bas ic content of 601, 602, 603, or approl'cd cour,c,, 11 ho nccd to make up units upon being adm it ted to the degree program. Ad, i so r's appro1al requi red. AP 610 El ementary Principles of Biblical Languages (3) lfasic principle, of la nguage that a re foundational to intcrprcti ng rhc biblical cc,t. On:n·ic11 of the: ,rrucrnrc of rhc biblical languages, c1aluation of theories of Bi ble tran...,Jarion. and in..,rrucrion in the u,e of I arious tools bascd on the o riginal langu~tgc". ' l' hc co urse will aid the student in undcr '-)tanding i:,,'.-il!C'i chat arise in in te r pretation bccau,c.; of t he o rigi nal l,rnguagc,. (Samc as 13 E .'i:lO.) AP 611 , 612 Beginning Greek I, II (2, 2) :\n inrroducuir,· stud, o f t he ha,ic clement, of :\c11 T c,ra mcnt Grcck. T rans lation of por t ions of rhc :--Jc11 T e,rarnent in t he second ,ernc,rer. Dc,igned for studcnts who ha, c not com pleted a full scquc.;nce of bcgi n n ing (;reek course,. (Sa rn e as TT" T SO I, 502.) AP 619 Bibli ca l Archaeol ogy (2) An introduct ion ro the scie nce of archacolog, in bibl ical lands . Spcc i,rl crnpha,i, is gi,cn to th e role specific archaeological exp lo ration ha, pla, cd in pro, idin_g ohjccri, c confi rmation of the accurac1 of the bi bl ical narre1 ri1·c . AP 621 Logic and Criti cal Thinking (2 ) i\ stud, of the met hods and pr in cip les used to make.; di,rincrions bct11 ccn good and bad reasoni ng \\' it h spcci,tl cmpha',is on anal~ sis of argument\ for and agains t t he ( :hri,ticin faith. AP 623 World Vi ew Analysis (2) \ su r, cv that inc ludes a p h ilo sophical and theological analys is of the major tvpcs of non-Ch rist ian wo rld I ic11, , uch a, pa n rhc-
Schoo l of Prof ess ional Studi es · P-7
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