
AP 655 Mormonism: Doctrine and History (2) A s urvcv of t he doctrin e and h is­ rorv of t he C hurc h of Jes us C hr ist Latte r-day Saints from l 820 to t he present wit h an e mph as is upo n Joseph Sm ith, Jr. , and th<.: begin­ nin g of th e c hurc h, i\lormon d oc­ tri na l de,·e lo pm c nc a n d c h a nge a nd a c ri tique and response vis-a­ ,· is th e Bibl e a nd ch e origi n a l

r io n. Student s a re encouraged to grow in t hree fund a 111enral areas: ■ Conceprna l und e rsta nding of leadersh ip. ■ Awa reness o f persona l c harac­ te r a nd leadership potential. Growt h in effect i,·e leader­ s hip s kil ls . Up to I.! 1111its of gmr/1111te level ro111ses 11111y be ro11sirlererlfor tn'lllsfer. ■

defending t he faith wirh humility and re ve re nce, as we ll as defining th e role o f a p o loge tic s in the O\Cra ll mi ss ion of the C hurch. AP 641 Contemporary Theology: Survey and Critique (2) A s urvey o f contempo rary r heo ­ log ica l trends w it h s pecial e mplrn­ sis o n apo logetic c ritiqu e of the unorthodox e le me nts in pos iti o ns s uc h as process, liberation/ politi­ ca l, fe mini st/goddess, gay/ lesb ia n, e n vironme n tal, racia l/e thni c and postmodern theologies. AP 643 Culture and Apologetics (1-2) A studv of the wavs in which t he truths o f the Gospel and the C hri st i an world , · ,cw arc rc nccccd in eli te a nd popular c ul­ tural products suc h as a rr, liccra­ curc, film , mus ic a nd cclc,·is ion. AP 645 Christian Faith in the Public Square (2) An explorat ion of the prope r model for C hri stian in vol\'ement in public di scou rse, pol icy ,rnd acciv i tv. Aucntion is g iven to th e inte lligent a na lys is and cr iti que of key soc ial issues \\·ich respect to the C hri sti an wor ld vie " · and techniques for the defense of t he C hri st ian pos ition in pub lic forums . AP 647 Religion, Law and Human Rights (2) An analys is of the wav in which the C hri stian faith ca n provid e the onl y dcfcnsibk: bas is fo r legal abso lutes and basic human ri gh ts . Cases in domestic and international ht\, arc used to illu s trate the need for a transcendent perspect ive o n s uc h issues a nd chat t he bi blica l rc,·c la­ cion is the only reasonable so urce of such a perspect ive. AP 651 Comparative Religions (2) A s un-cy of the be li efs, practices a nd sacred rexes of the major non-Chr ist ian religious tradition s of t h e East a nd \Ves t. S p ec ia l atte nti o n is g ive n co the cr i tique o f th e va r ious belief syste m s a lo ng wit h ways in w hi c h C hri s­ tian s c an effectively communi ­ cate a nd d e fe nd the Gospe l to peopl e of och er fait hs. AP 653 Cults of America (1-2) The d is cincci,·c features of the c ults o f Am e rica wit h their s ig n if~ ica n ce in th e d eve lop ment of religi o u s thoug h t. Spec ia l atten­ tion is pa id to th e ir mi streatment of the ce ntral fe a tures of o rt ho­ dox Ch ri s t ian doc trin t: and apo lo­ get ic res pon se s.

debat in g, ,·idco/a udi o produ c ­ t ions, etc. AP 698 Apologetics Internship (1-4) An appro\'cd internship \\·irh an a p o logetics organization o r a n apologe ti cs re lated mini s crv. Independent Study Courses lnd ep<.:nde nt sr ud v co urses offer lectures o n cassct t <.: tapes and addi t ional stud y materials b y outstandi ng theo log ia n s, apo lo­ g ists, an d bibli ca l sc ho lars. These courses from t he Insr irute of 'T'hc­ o log ica l St udi es may be taken for g raduate leve l c re dit. i\ lastcr of Arcs in Ch ri st ian Apo loget ics stu­ d e nt s arc limi ted to s ix units in the ir degree program. Stude nts who dcs ir<.: graduate c redi t for ITS cou rses muse meet t h e n orma l req uir ements fo r adm iss ion co the uni ve rsi t y a n d reg is t e r for th e co urses through t h e Offi ce o f t he Registra r. For furth er details, sec th e T a lbot sec ti o n of t h e cata log o r co ntact th e C hri st ian Apol oget ics Department. MASTER OF ARTS IN ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP Direcror: D ani el E. i\l a lcbv, Ph.D. Fac ulcv: R. Jo hn son, Rae PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The miss io n of rh c i\lascc r of Arts in Organiza t ional L ea der ­ s hip is to equip C hri st ian men and wom<.:n to be e ffect ive lead­ ers in 2 1st ccntur,· organiLar ions. Princ ipl es and practices em ph a­ sized in chis program e nh ance p e rso n a l kn ow ledge, c h a racte r, and s kill s for business, no n-profit a nd mini sm· leade rs hip. S tudents prepare to deal with ch c g rowing com pl ex ity a nd cha l­ le nges ch at leade rs face dai ly as th ey gu id e people cowa rd s ha red goa ls . Th e program is d esigne d for p rofessional 111cn and women w it h u nderg raduate degrees a nd leade rs hip expe rience w h o arc searc h ing for a profess iona l d egree progra m w ith stro ng bibli­ ca l integra tion a nd so lid ma rket­ pl ace , ·a lu e . Th e degree is interd isc ipli­ n a ry in nat ur e and emp h as izes resea rc h a nd practi ce deriv e d fro m the fil:lds of ma nage ment, p syc hol ogy, socio logv, a nd e du ca-

Gospe l of Jesus C hri st. AP 656 The Occult (2)


r\n ove n · icw of a nd C hr istia n respo n se ro a ra n ge of occ ult ideas and pr actices. T op ics inc lude cli\'inati on. ritual magic, so rcc rv, s pirici sm, wit c h c raf t , Satan ism, as wel l as occu lt ele­ ments in n iri ous New Age beliefs and p ract ices . AP 680 Special Topics in Christ­ ian Apologetics (1-3) Th e prog ram occas ionall y offe rs co urses b y s p ec ial lec tur e rs o r \' is icing sc ho la rs to add ress t he ir a reas of expe rti se o n an c k:cc ivc basis. i\ lav b e repeated for c red it. AP 691 Seminar: In Defense of the Resurrection (1-2) An investigat io n o f a w ide range of issues th at ha,·c bee n used through hi story to ca ll into ques ­ t io n the b o dil y res ur rec tion of Jes us C hri s t s uc h as mirac les, t he nature o f hi story, r h c hi sto ri ca l re li abil itv o f the New T cs camc nt , contradi c ti o ns in th e res urrection acco unt s , th e S hr o ud o f Turin and so on . L ega l meth odo logies are c mpl ovcd to d ete rm i ne whether or not the res urrec ti o n ca n be cons id e red proved beyond a reasonable doubt. AP 693 C.S, Lewis Seminar (2) A reading a nd d isc uss ion co urse cov<.:ri ng th e bre adth of Lew is' work as o ne of the prem ie r apolo­

A ba c he lo r's deg ree from an accredited co llege o r u ni ve r­ s it y with a g rade po in t aver­ age (G PA) cq ui, ·a le nc co a B, o r hi g her in a ll u ndc rgrad uarc study. A portfo li o in c lu ding a profes­ s iona l res u111 e, a nd a sta t e­ me nt of Yocariona l goa ls a n d object ives. A perso na l inter­ v iew a nd docu111encacion of ora l and written communica­ t io n p ro fi c ie n cy m ay b e requested One pastora l . one co ll eague , a nd o ne e mp loye r refe re nce. Scores fr om t h e Graduate Reco rd Exam in at ion (G RE ) 111 ay be requested at th e point of admi ss ion. Note: Offirial rlom111e11ts for

11r/111issio11 or rua/11atio11 become pr111 of the st11rlmt's 11rarle111ir file a11rl 11or111r1!!1• r111111ot be ret11r11erl or ropierl fo r rlistrib11tio11.


The i\ h1Stcr of Arcs in Organiza­ tional Leadership is a 36-un it pro­ gram, chat includes th e followi ng: Comp leting the Required Program of Study ■ Co re Orga ni za ti o na l L t:a dcr­ s hip Courses ( I6 un its) OL S 10 Prac ti ca l Leadershi p Theory (2) OL 530 C ha racte r an d Lead ­ e rs hip (2) OL 550 Leadersh ip Cha l­ lenge Program (2) OL 6 IO Le ad e rs hip & Group Behavior (2) OL 620 Communi cat ion fo r Lead e rs (2) OL 630 Lead e rs h ip & O rga n iza riona I De vel o pment (2) OL 6.'i0 The Inn e r Lead e r (2) OL 660 Ethi ca l Dec is ion i\ laking (2) ■ Research Project (-+ u n its) OL 696 Researc h D es ig n (2)

g ists of t he 20th Cen tury. AP 694 Seminar: Selected Topics (1 -3)

The program occasio na lly o ffe rs seminar courses by s pec ia l lec tur­ e rs o r , ·isicing scho lars to address th e ir areas of ex pert ise o n a n e lective b as is. i\ lay be repeated for c redit. AP 695 Directed Study (1-4) S upe rvised resea rc h a nd /o r read­ ing in se lected areas o f C hri s tian apo loget ics. AP 697 Apologetics Project (1-4) A stu den t proposed proje c t relat e d to the defense of the C hri st ian fa it h that ma y in vo lve ccat h i ng, writing, res ca rc h l

P-8 • School of Professio nal Studies

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