ship "kno\\ ho\\.'. integrate a Biblical lcadc:r,hip model and ini tiate pc:rsonal leadership de, elop
OL 697 Research Presenta tion (2) Electi1cs ( 10 units, a m1n1- mu111 of -+ unirs in OL COllr"ic ... ) Bible and theolog, courses fro111 Bible ",posirion, Th e ology, ,\pologcrics (6 units) \laintaining a 2.S a, ·cragc ll'ith no grade bclo11 a C in all courses ro be credited to11·ard g raduatio n. Students cannm graduate II hilc on prnbarion. Completing a 111inimu111 of 2-t units in the degree program at Biola L' ni1ersit1. All degree components must be co111- pletccl as credir courses. Completing the entire progr,1m in no more than ti, c year~. .Volt: / 11 orrll'r lo t' IIS/11¥' progrfllll
and techniq ues for creating posi ci,·c orga ni zationa l cul ture. OL 636 Utilizing Information Technology in 21st Century Organizations (2) Participants wil l exami n e t h e rapid changes in o rgan izations caused by informatio n tec hn o l ogy. Through readi ngs and case stud ie s, th is glo bal transforma tion II ill be examined for i ts impact on prodll(.:tivit~'i its redefi nition of products and markets , and its effect on the indil' idual. OL 637 Training the Organiza tion's Workforce (1) Students will lea rn a process for idcnrif,·ing training needs, sc: lec t ing the appropriate learning c 1wi ronmcnts, crea tin g curric ulum 1 de l i,·crin_g and Cl'aluating pro gram cffectil'cncss. OL 638 The Quality Movement Methodologies (2) Th e principles behind t h e va ri ous Qualitl' programs arc power f'u I forces c h anging t h e work place. T11 cntl'-first century lead er~ must und erstand quality logic ,ind ho11 to app l l' it in the ir organizations . OL 639 The Formulation of Strategy (2) Students will learn to understand ne11 ,crategy dc, ·e lopmcnt , spec i fication, for an effect i, ·c strategy, and cffcctin:: organizat ional ~trat egy theory. OL 641 The Implementation of Strategy (2) Exccuti1C:s common Iv undersrancl t hat many of their daily dec is ions and action,; ha\·c a s trategic conse quence for their ente rpri se. Thi s cou rse focuses upon these day-ro d a\' strategic conseq u ence for their enterprise. Thi s cou rse focuses upon these daY-to-day actions required to effective ly implement an enterprise's s trat cgl. Participants wi ll co ns ider the conSClJUC 11<:c~ of organizationa l str ucture and mechanisms fo r aligning internal efforts in the pursuit of desired o rganiz,Hiona l ends. Th e course places special emphasis on the dcl'clopment and application of int el lectua l resources. Pre requis ite: 6.19 . OL 642 Financial Management for Organi za tions (2) P ,trtic ipan ts wi ll learn esse ntial rools for managing the assets a nd resources of organizat io n s, including: tcrrni nolo gv an d meanings or financial reports,
ing interpersonal. small group and public present,1tions. OL 620 Communication for Leaders (2) Part icipants II ill learn to ,1pply the fundamentals of communication theory to the cn.:at ion ,rnd s 11 pport of i,c communication in their organi1ations. Thc ,kills and tools of cffecti, e personal commu nication a.., an organi1.,uional leader ,, ill be applied and indi1·id11all y enluatcd for cffect i, eness and irnpro, ·cmcnr. Required. OL 630 Leadership and Organi zational Development (2) Participants II ill learn ho11· to assess organi1.ations in light of strategic objectin;s and make rec ommcndation"i for impro, cmcnt. Topics inc lude: strategic plan ning, organi1.,uional culture, large scale change, ssstems thinking, cntrc.~p rcncu ri al and intraprcncu r ial beh,11 ior and "new leaders hip' '
rncnt st rategics. Required. OL 512 The Dynamics of Teams (2)
The sm,111 gro up is the fundamen ta l building block of organi1.acional \Uccc-.,"I. · I 'he nc\\ team srn1crurc".; and rhe skill, necdccl m lead, coach and participate ,1, a team member will be studi ed and practiced. OL 513 Conflict Management and Negotiation (1) E1ery organi1.ation has conflict. The successful ones kno11 how to u,e it constructil'eh. Thi s course ll'ill address the indi, ·idual and gro u p dynamics of getting rn common ground.
readi11ess. s111dt· 111s fil. '!to !taL·t' 1101 allai//etl s//f.(irienl 1111dn:,11111di"g of' 111111111gtllll' III 1111rl ji111111n' 1/Jro1tf!.h 1111rlnl!,rarl11alt' r·o11nev.1.·orJ: or l'f/llir.· td('III 1·1;,nimff 111ay ht 11'1/llin•d lo 111fr O//t' or holll of lllt' fo/!oa' 'i//g 1-lNsintss Fo11nr/111io11s ro111:rt s or lljJjJrot·td 11/IPrllllli'i:l'S (!i/J lo si., 1111i1s ti/tty he ffl'rlil!'d 1ow•11rd Ill!' degt,-r) 11s d1'r1i,x 1111irs: ,\113.\1) 506 \larkcting from the \ lan,1gcmcnr Pcrspccti,-c (3) 11113A l)5!6 i\ccountingand Finance for Decision \lakers (.,) or CSOL 50 1 Principles of Accounting and Finance (2) COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Organizalional Leadership (CSOLJ OL 502 Principles of Accounting and Finance (2) Students will learn how rn use financial data a, an effccti,·e man agement tool. Financial accouc in g, managerial accounting, and financial management arc co\'<.;rcd with consideration of international, economic a nd legal i'.'t)UCS. Stu dents also consider the nature of numerical analy,ii as a description of re,ility. g i, ing rise ro ethical and mher Biblical issues of inte rp reta tion. Fulfills the Accounting Lei cling requirement. OL 51 O Practical Leadership Theory (2) An introduction to the major the ories and contempornr, research concc:rning the practice of effcc til'c leadership. Participants explore the landscape of leader-
OL 514 Leading Cu lturally Diverse Organizations (2)
Issue, of culrnre and cthnicit, arc increasingly becoming barri ers ro unified purpose. Th e Christian perspecti1 e and its application in the secula r 11ork
de, e lopmenr. Required. OL 632 Strategic Human Resource Management (2)
placc II ill be e;..plorecl. OL 530 Character and Leadership (2)
t\n understancling of human resou rce management i..., essential for leadership in the information age, and pla~ s an incrca..,ingly important ''.'itratcgic function in the de, clopmcnr of furn re o rga ni1.ational directions. The dcnc:1- opment, design and implcrnenra tion of human resource policies and practice-., to reach strategic o rganir.ational ohjecti, cs II ill be e\i11nincd along II ith the c,pa nd ing role of I II{ professional,. OL 633 Recruiting, Interview ing and Selecting Employees (1) Selecting rhe right people is one of the most difficult tasks of leaclcr ship. Participants II ill learn ho11 ro use the best technique, fo r imprcl\' ing their selection processes. OL 634 Organizations of the 21st Century (2) The organi1.ations of the ne11 ce n tury II ill be far more di, erse and d, namic. S11cccss will increas ing!: depend upon ho11 they arc: strucwrcd, the management of t he organizational culture, and the organi1.arion\ abilit~ to learn and adapt. · rhcsc emerging din1cn sions ll' ill he e'>unined and appli cations made to cur rent situati o ns . OL 635 Organizational Culture (2) This course rakes a closer look at the d, namic, of organi1.ational culture and ho11 culture can be affected lw those in leadcrship positions. 1's,1mincs the rnols
.\n introduction rn the roles of character. sclt~,l\\ arcness. and trust in thc practice of cffccti1e leadcr ship. l'arri cipanrs explo re their 011 n foundations for leadership effecti,·cness. personal leadership and Jc,elopment strategics. Required. OL 550 Leadership Chall enge Program (2) An intensi,c weekend experi ence in the outdoors, preceded and follo11ccl b, sessions in team leadership skills and personal grcrn th ,1ssessment. Practical app li catio ns of problcrn-soh ing. dcci,ion making, team work mod e ls and interpersonal scmiri,·itY ll'ill be crnphasi1.ed. Required. OL 610 Leadership and Group Behavior (2) Participants exp lore the interper sonal dynamics that characterize successful group leadership. Practical aspects discussed: gro11p formation and behavior, group decision making , task design, moti,acion thcor, and tech niques. the role of power and pol itic,, conflict negotiation and facilitation skills. Required. OL 615 Persuasive Communica tion (2) Theories and techniques of pcr 'Hrn\i, c communication in the 11 orkplace arc discussed, address-
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