
SR 5-11 C hristian Thought I (2) S R S-12 C: hr is ri an T hought 11 (2) 2. Science and Religion Core (11 units) S R SO 1 Inrrodu cto r\' Semin ar ( ! ) SR 529 I li sto ri ca l Pcrs pcc­ t i\'es in Sc ience and Re li gion (2) SR S.,O C hri sri anit \" and rh c Na tu ra l Scie nces: Conte mpora ry ls, ucs I (2) S R 63 1 C hri sr ianit \' and rhe Na rnral Scic nces : Co ll[cmpo ran· ls:, ucs II (2) S R 6-10 \\"o riel Rc li gions and Sc ie ncc (2) SR 650 Advanced Scminar - Spec ial Topi cs (2) 3. Biblical Languages Overview (5 units) ~ T 50 1 Beginning Greck I (2) OT 60.l Elcmems of Hc brcw I (3) 4. Philosophy Overview (6 units) S I~ S-1 0 r-- Ic ca ph )s ics and Ep isr<:mo log\' (3) P l I S-17 T he Th eo log\' and Phil osoplw of Sci­ ence (3) Swdc nrs who alrt:a d \' h,l\ ·c a strong backgrou nd in phil osophy or 13 iblc 111,1, . wirh rhc ir ad, ·isor·s app ro\'a l. ca ke app rovcd e lccriv<:s in p lace ofr he requirn l uni ts . COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Science and Relig ion (CSSR) SR 501 Introductory Seminar (1) ,\ n 0\ en icw of rhc sc ie nce and r<:ligion d ialog ue and irs re le­ , anc<: ro en1n ge li ca l C hri s ti anity and the sec ul ar c ul cu r<: . i'\'or ­ malh take n du ring chc first \"Ca r. Required of \ I.A. st udc ll[s. SR 510 Research Methodologies (1) Research skill s fo r use of li bra rv, Ill[crnct, and kc\' ref<:rcncc wo rks. :-,, lc thods of schol ar! \' ,i nd journal ­ is ti c II rici ng with emph as is on crit­ ica l chi nki ng. persuas ion and eva l­ uation o f d ata and t<:st im o n y.

Refor mation and modern eras. Required of \l..\. ,tudenr;,. SR 517 Interpretative Issues and Methods (3) A swd, of p rin c iplc:s for so un d in te rp recac ion and ap pl ica ti on of th e Bi ble, inc lud in g ana lys is o f pres uppw, icions, ge ne ra l rules and ,pec iali1ed p rinc iples fo r the n1 ri ­ om b ib li ca l ge nre and phe nom­ c na. i\ p rcsenrarion of , ·ar io us approachcs co swd, ing the Bibl e . Rcq uir<:d or ,\ I. ,\. studcn cs. SR 519 Old Testament / Hebrew Literature (3 ) A broad s111Yev of th<: Old T csrn­ mc nc book\. inc lud in g sc lc c tcd incroductor\' and cr itica l issues, re l­ c,·ant backgro und. major chcm<:s an d di , is io ns. and cruc ia l p ro b­ lems. Rcqu ircd of \ I. A. stud e nts. SR 520 New Testament Literature (3) A ge neral oven ic11 or the ~c"' ·1·cs­ camenr books, incl uding sclccred introd uctory and cri t ica l issues. rclc­ vanc background. major themes and di , ·is ions. and c ru cia l prob lems . Requ ired of \ I.A. , tudc ncs. SR 525 Survey of Religious Worldviews (2) A coursc add rcssing the essent ial iss ues th at crea te te nsion between C hri s t ian it y and oc hc r re li g io us (an d anr i-rclig io us) 11 o rld \'i cws . T op ics include histor ica l re liab il ­ itY. incrranc,, cano ni ion a nd di,·ine in s pirn ci on or Sc ript u rc including an examina ti on and cri ­ tique of 111odcrn bib lical cri t icism. SR 529 Historical Perspectives in Science and Religion (2) f\ sun ev of th<: hi sto r\' of sc ie nce and its intcraccion \l'it h C hriscia n­ it\' fr om ~c11· T estalllenr t illlcs ch ro ugh chc rn cnc icch ce ncu r, ·. Elllph as is is o n kc , h isto ri ca l mo, c m c n ts t h at co n t in ue co sha pc the lllode rn d ia log . Req uired or \ I. ,\ . studcnts . SR 530 Christianity and the Nat­ ural Sciences: Contemporary Issues I (2) A sun C) of t he issuc, and id eas im·oh cd in relat ing mode rn scicnce ,tnd the biblica l world, ·iew. Special e111phas is is gi"c n co scientific iss ues and concrm ersies that arc used b, ske p t ics to ca ll C hri scian it \' in to qu cstion . Prereq ui site : S R 529.

mate categories of being as \l'C ll as s pec ific arcas (e.g.. ca usat ion, space and ci mc, the soul. frccdo 111 and dcte rmini sm. pe rsona l idc n­ ric v, and cssenc ia li s lll ). 1•: p iscc­ m~ log\' topics s u n ·c,·cd w ill incl ude che ddin icion of kno 11 l­ edge and ju s tifi e d be li e f, pro b­ lems in ske pt icism , ch e natu re of e p is tc llli e just if ica ti on a nd t he nature of tr uth. Sp<:c ial Clllphas is w ill b e pl acc d on in tegrat in g meta ph ys ics and c pi stcmo log\' 11· i r h t he co n structio n a nd defe nse of a C hristian II or! d, ic11. Requi red of \I. A students. SR 541, 542 Christian Thought I, II (2, 2) A sun cy of the cssc nrial Christ ian doc tri nes wi th spec ial rcfc renc<: co co n tcm po rar y c riti c is111 of t he \'a luc and truth of doctr inal assc r­ rions. Req uired of\ I. A. stu dents. SR 631 Christianit y and the Nat­ ural Sciences: Contemporary Issues II (2) A sun ·c,· of che iss ues and idcas in \'ll h cd in re lat ing lllOdern sc i­ c ncc and t he b ib lica l 11·orld, ·ic11. Spec ial e 111 pha sis is gi, e n co sc i­ e nti fic iss ues ~1 1H.I contro\ cr\ ic .') chat arc used b, skeptics to ca ll C h ristia ni ty in to q uest ion. l' rc-

rc q u isicc : SR S30. Req uire d of \ l. i\. scudenrs. SR 640 World Religions and Sci­ ence (2) 1\ sun e,· of t he co re be li e fs of o t her \l'O r ld re li g io n s wic h a n emp has is on t he "ays in whi ch ch cy use mode rn sc ie nce co ju s­ cif, their II orl d\' icws . Rcquircd of i\ I. A. stude nts . SR 650 Advanced Seminar: Special Topics (2) In- dept h focus on a speci fi c con­ t<:m porary issue in rhc sc ience and rcligion dia logue, 11 he reby scude ncs 11 ill undc rsra nd the conccmpornry dyn a111i cs and lea rn to in tegra te the ir chinking in a mentored set­ t ing. Content va ri es, ,1 nd !>crn inars ma) be re peated fo r credit with di f­ fe rc n r to pi cs . T o pi cs in c lude: Intc lli gcnc Des ign. Cosmologica l mode ls. Quantum rea li t\', Sociobiol- 010·. 1luman or igin s. th e anth ropic pr inc ip le. i,sues in bi ochc llli scrv. Prerequ isites: SR SZ9, 530 and 63 1, or perlllissio n of instr uc tor. Rcqu ircd of \ I.A. scudcncs. SR 660 Special Projects in Sci­ ence and Religion (1-3) l)i recrcd resea rch or project re lated co Science and Religion issues.

Req uircd of \ I.A. studCll[S. SR 514 History of Christian Thought (3)

Required of\ I. A. studell[S. SR 540 Metaphysics and Epistemology (3 )

1li swn of C hri st ia n thought from rhe ap~smlic Fathe rs co rhc mode rn cra II ich an <:mphasis on the devel­ opm<:nt of doctrine. I li ghlights kev ch inkcrs in th<: patrist ic, medi e,a l.

A to pi cal stu dy of rhc nacure and met hodolog\' of 111 ern ph ys ics \l' ith em ph as is on thc nature and ul ci-

Sc ho ol of Profess ional St ud ies • P~ 11

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