Ta 1bot
Dean: Dennis 11. Dirks. Ph.D. Dean of the Facu lty: i\ li chae l J. Wilkin s, Ph.D. Assistant Dean: Douglas\\'. Geringer, i\ l. Dil'. FACULTY Distinguished Professors: i\ lore land , Saucy Professors: Anthony, Arnold, Cu rti s, Dirk,, Dollar, Finlc:y, Ge ivcn. Holloman, Issler, Lawso n, i\ lei nrosh, Pi e rce, Rae, Rigsby, Ru sse ll , Sunukjian, \\'ilkin s Associate Professor,: Barber, Bcrd ing, Boersma, Carr, Coe, Cun ningham, De\Vecsc, Flory, Gomes, He ll e rman , Horner, Hubba rd. 1 lutchi ,on, John son, Leyda, N unez, Rh ee, T all ey. Ten 1-:lshof', Willi ams A,s isrnnr Professors: Ge ringer, Hill. Hul tberg, Kirn. Lee. Lewis. i\labic. Thoe nn es Admini strative A,socia te: Dennis Gaines
s ummari zed in o ur Statement of Doc tr ine and teaching pos ition. Spiritually It is the purpose of Talbot to develop in the li ves of its students a s piritua l li fe which is in harmony with the great doc trines taught, in o rd e r that they ma y grow in the grace as we ll as in the knowledge of our Lord and Sav ior Jes us C hri st. Speci fi ca ll y, the goa l is to educate and grad uate students characterized by practical Christian service, mis sionary and eva ngelistic zea l and an adeq uate knowledge of th e Scrip tures. To accomplish these obj ec tives the seminary conducts a chapel program and gives attent ion to its stude nts' service opportun ities. Academically It is the purpose of the semi nary to provide its s tud e nts with the best in theologi cal educat ion in orde r that they may be equipped intelligently to preac h and teach the Word of God and present it zea lously to the world. In keeping with this goa l, every depa rtme nt is geared to emphasize the cl ear and accurate exposition of the Scrip tures. The biblical languages are ut ilized to expose the inner mean in g of the insp ired text. Bible expos ition, whether by synthesis or analys is, presents a connected and related inte rpretation of the infal li b le Book. Systemat ic theo logy moves coward a well organ ized and stru ctu red arrangement of b iblica l truth. Hiscorical th eo logy engages itself ro acqua int the student with the progress of th e inerrant 'Nord among th e hou se ho ld of fa ith th roughout the Christian era. Phi losop hy of religion furni s hes the e leme nts whereby the sen·ant of Chri st ma y g ive a we ll -marshalled reason for the faith that is within. i\lissions, Ch ri st ia n ministry and leadership. and Christ ian education s tri ve tO pe rfect in the s tudent a skillful and winsome prese ntati on of the truth, pri va tely and publicly. Talbot sran ds fo r o ne faith, one inrcgrated curriculum, one eternal Word o f God and it s effective proclamat ion co a modern ge nera tion with its mult ipli city of needs. Practically It is th e purpose of th e semi nary to prepare for th e gospel min istry those who believe, li ve and preach the grear historic doctr ines of faith which have been commit ted ro the church . To realize these broad o bj ect ive s, the seminary
offe rs eight degn.:e programs, eac h with its own distinctive purpose.
God and one another. a nd to c ul til'atc intimacy with Jesus Chri st. Goals: As vou join with us at Talbot School of' Theology in preparing ,·ourse lf for a lifetime of ministry, our prayc.;r is chat you wou Id increasingly reflect the 10\ e of Chr ist and t he characteris tics of a bib li cal leade r recorded in I Timothy 3. H owever. growth in these areas docs not simply inl'olve gro\\·ing in theological knowledge. I t a lso requires that we active ly participate with the Sp irit \ wo rk of sancti fi cat ion in our li\'es. The 1 loly Spirit is inl'iting us to become more aware of the truth of ourselves, including our hi dden pain and sin 1 so that we may know more deeply I !is lm·c and grace. We ha\'C designed our program tO in clude p ractical ways in wh ic h vou can participate with this work of the Spirit. Growth in Christ-likeness and lo\'C occurs in the context of re la t ionsh ips with orher believers . For this reason Talbot srrongly t; ncouragcs a personal, rclation s h i p network for mentoring, accounrabilit), and discip lesh ip. Beginning with the admissions process and continuing though ro the Baccalaureate Commiss ioning Service, T a lb ot has dc,·eloped the following experiences to ensure that int imacy with Christ and meaningful engagement with the Body of Christ is at the heart of yo ur journey through T albot: New Student Orientation: Conn<.0cting with the bod\' of C hri st at Talbot begin, at New Swdcnt Orientation as you meet with other new students and fac ultv within you r major. Th roug h worship. pra,c r and fellowsh ip. " c celebrate the Lord's calli ng on your life as you bcgin prepara t ion for ministry. Because a healthy marriage is l' ital to a l ifetime of ministry, Talbor will prol'idc a semina r ro he lp married srnde n ts and rhcir mates cxaminc and <.0stablish pri orit ies for marital and family life while in seminary and mini st ry. Courses: As a part of t h e lnrcmional C haracter De\'clop rncnt Program, T albo r offe rs classes that in tegrate a theology of sanctification and spi ritu alitv with an awareness of one's sin, pain, and unresoh·ccl is,ucs. The Personal Foundations of :--- lini s try c lass is required in ,our first semeste r at Talbot. It estab li s hes the fo undatio n for personal
Talbot School of Theology offers
the following degree programs: ■ laste r of Divinity ■
Maste r of Arts : Bible Exposi tion, Old Testament, ·cw Testament, Theology, Philos oph y of Re li gion and Ethics, Spiritual Formation and Bibli ca l and Th eo log ical Stud ies/Dil'ersificd emphases !\laster of Arcs in Christian Education !\ laster of Ans in C hri stian Mini stry and Leadership Ma ste r of Arcs in Spiritual Format ion and Soul Care Master of Ans in i\ l inistrv
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
!\ laster of Theology
Ed.D. in Educational Studies Ph.D. in Educational Studies Docro r of ,\linistr\' Ca ndid ates for degrees must
demonstrate an exempl a ry Chri st ian charactc r 1 a comm icmcnt co co mmuni cate the crutl1 of thc Wo rd of God and manifest promise of usefulness in Christian service. Addit ional ed ucat ional opt ions/ programs offered through Talbot
The purpose of Biola l lniver sicy. in a broad perspective, is co ed ucate Christ ian men and women in o rder to produce gradu ates who arc: 1) comp eten t in their field of srudy; 2) knowledge ab le in biblical stud ies; 3) ea rn es t C hri stia ns equi pped to se rve the Christian commu nity and society at large. Both the nature and the purpose of Talbot School of The o logy are elaborated more specifi ca ll y in the following paragrap hs and further expa nd ed at , ·ar iou s places throughout the catalog as noted under eac h head ing. Theo logica lly The t heo logica l pos iti o n of T a lb ot Sc hool of Theology is Chr ist ian, prmcstanr, and theolog icall y conserl'atil'e. The schoo l is int ercknominat iona l by nature and is thoroughly comrn incd to the proclamation of the g reat hi s tor ic doctrines of the Christian c hurch. It definitely a nd posi tivelv affirm, hi sror ic orthodoxy in the framework of a n evange li cal and prcrnillennial theology which is dc ril' cd from a grarnrnatico-hi s torical interpretation of the Bible. It earnestly endeavors co mc.1k c these great doctrinal truths a viral rea lity in th e spi riwa l life of this present ge nerat ion. The sc: mi nary aims co train st udents who be lie ve and p ropagate the g reat doctrines of the: faith as thcv are
are highlighted below: Talbot After Hours
Late afte rn oon, c,·eni ng and Saturdav c la sses a rc regularly offe red at thc La l\lirada carnpu,. This arrangement provides an opportun ity to rake se, ·eral courses each semeste r, when other respon sibi Ii ties preve n t enrollment as a full-t ime student. Courses offered a rc ident ica l in content to those provided in the davtirne sc hedu le a nd a re ap pli cab le toward the degree programs of rhc sc rninarv. Holy Land Studies Talbot School of Theology will transfer up to 12 units of elect ive c redit for g rad uate lc, ·e l courses taken at th e Je rusalem Uni versity Co ll ege, Je ru sa le m, Israe l. Study cours for cred it arc also offe red.
DISTINCTIVES In tentional Character Development Program
Mission: Ta lbot would like to encourage yo u to cont inu e the journe y that you haH: alrcadv be g un as a disciple of Je sus C hri st. It is our mission tO eq uip Talbot stude nt s to know th e m se lves hones tl y and open Iv before
Ya/bot School of 1heology • T~1
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