com pleting 6-l units of class work in th e \I.Oi l'. prog ram , stu d e n ts become eligible co register fo r field ed uca ti on inte rnship. Thi s inccn sil'c supervised practice of th e min istry is composed of rl1rcc clusters of lea rning: 1) supcf\·iscd ti c ld expe ri e nce for a minimum of I00 hours in each of cwo semes te rs; 2) sem inars with othe r stude nts registered fo r field ed ucation internsh ip: 3) indi vidual counseling with th e director of field education on specific aspects of the student 's experience. The Bio/a Campus The scminarv has c la ssroom, c hape l a nd admini scraci,·e office faci liti es locaccd in l\lycrs Ha ll and Fe inbe rg Hal l. i\lcczger Hall houses Uni vers it y aclminisrrari, ,c offices inc luding t he Admissions and Reg istra r' s Offi ces. In addition, rh c sem in a ry s ha res the library, cafeteria, coffee s hop , res id e nces . gym nas ium , infirmary and pra ve r chapel with Bi o la L. nivcrsitl'. Also a, ·ailablc a rc a c ru shed brick quarter mile crac k, a soccer field, a baseba ll dia mond , tenni s cou rts a nd a s hore cou rse 011'mpic swimming poo l. Sec ge nera l in fo rm a ti on section fo r a full camp us description. Library Th e librar y conta in s Ol'cr 275.000 book and bound journal n,lumcs and Ol'C r 175.700 mi cro form cities with their rcs pccc i,·e read ers. Special features of the li brary include an exce ll ent collec tion of bibliographic tools a nd jou rnal indexes bot h in print and o nline formats and a number of spec ial co ll ections. The principal rheo logica l journals in English are rccei , ·e d regularly with many access ible re motel y th roug h
openness ro th e tran s forming wo rk of che Sp ir it durin g yo ur Ta lbot ex perience . Spiritual M ent oring: Spir i cual me ntorin g is a rela ti onship between che s tud e nt, a m e n tor and the Hol y Sp iri t , wh e re t he scudenc ca n d iscover a mode l for character formation and d ee pe r intimacy wit h God. M e~to rin g Coupl es: Each scu cl e nt wi ll se lect a coup le from their loca l church or a rea who wil l s upp o rt , e ncour age, a nd mee t with th e m month ly throug h o ut their seminary ex per ience. Hav ing an estab lished pat te rn of sup port is an effect ive safeguard dur in g b o undar y a nd trans ition a l times in minist1s. Spi ritual Mentor ing Group: Eac h s tudent is requ ire d co par ticipate in a semester-l ong men toring group . Thi s is an opporcu nity co build mo re intimate rela t ionships with Goel, ocher s tu dents. and a spiricual me ntor and co expe rien ce God's p resent act ion in the ir life. Ret reats: As we see k to pre pare yo u for a lifetime of m in is try. Talbot des ires co e ncourage yo u to fo ll ow J es us ' pat te rn of both deeply e n gage d mini stry and se rvice, and consistent with drawa l for tim e a lo ne w ich chc Fa th er, rest, and clarification. Spir itu a l Ret r eats: Each se meste r. all s cud c nc s wi l l be encouraged to parti cipate in a Sp iricua l Re trea t co nurtu re a nd c ultiva t e their inn e r life with God. The co ns istent times s pent on re treat will beg in co de ve lop habits of openness, so li tude, and int imacy with God. Mar i ta l Retreats: \ l ar i ca l retr eats wi l l b e offered each semeste r for s cudc n cs and their spouses co concinm; building inti macy with each oc her and God. Thi s is an opportunity co establish the habits of re fres hme nt. refl ec tion , and renewal ch at are neces sa ry to maintain a strong marriage during the trial s of graduate schoo l and a li fet ime of min is try. Bacca laureate Ce lebrat ion: This will be a thanksgiving service a n d dinner ce le b rat ion for che tran sfo rming work of th e Spir it accomplished in yo ur life during yo ur t ime ac Ta lbot. Th is ban quet, accended by spouses, fami ly membe rs, ca ring cou p les, me ntors, and faculty . wil l focus on accom pl ishment, thanksgiving, commis sion ing into ministry and ackno"v l cdgem e n t of t h e p eo ple who
encouraged a nd s upported yo u throughout your Ta lbo t jou rn ey. Progress Rev iews : Talboc 's des i re is co graduat e me n and women who a rc wel l s uited for chu rch leaders hip and prepare d for a life ti me of effective min istry. As we desire t hat you grow in g race and t ruth , in che love of Chr is t , a nd in the c harac ter of a b ib lica l lea d e r as reco rded in I Timothy 3 we ask that each scu dcnt engage in a p rocess of re fl ec tion and evaluation. After th e complet ion o f 30 units and befo re more units ma y be t ak e n , we requ ire chat each student com p le te their Progress Review. T he Progress Rev iew wil l be different for each scudenc, but will provide an opportunity to ce le brat e progress, co discuss s tru ggles, and if ncccss,1 rv, co focus on appropri ate co ur se co rre c ti o n s. Thi s revi ew will cover rh eologica l, spiri tua I, academi c, emot ional, and prac ti ca l concerns. For most scu dencs, ch is review will res u lt in a ce le brat io n of the ir p rogress a nd growth. For some s tud e nt s, chis review wil l include refe rral co th e ' 'Focused Needs Program" to pro vide ass istance, enco uragement and acco untab ility. For a kw s tu de nts, chis rev iew wil l result in di s missa l. l\ lorc informat ion may be found in the Scudcnt Handbook. Women at Talbot School of Theo logy Talbot School of Th eo logv affirms che equa lity of women and me n and a ffirm s the g ifte dn ess and rol es of women with in t he gu ide lines of Scr iptu re conce rni ng o rder and complementa ri ty. l e is the des ire of Talbot School of Theology to encourage and sup port women in preparat ion fo r mi n is try. \Ve value th e comp le me nt char eac h ge nd e r's un iquenesses, male and fema le, br ing to mini stry. Ta lbot see ks to promote ch is com plementarity by all members of the seminary community: aclmin isrra cion, fa cu lty, staff and scude nts. 'T'a lbor School of Theology is an cducacional inst itut ion, and as such docs not have authority for ord ina ti o n o f anyone seek in g C hri s tian mini s tr y, recog ni zing chi s as chc approp riate fun ction of church bod ies. However, T albot is committed to full inclus ion of women in stu dent rc cr uitmc nc , ad m iss i ons, degree programs. chapels. convoca t ions , facu lty and admi nistrat ion, within the princ ipl es of bib lica l roles of men and women.
The purpose o f c hapel is co provide opporcunicies for worship, in s tructi o n a nd ex pos ure co c ur rent iss ues, min i~cr ics, mi s~ ions and g ifted indi vidua ls. C hape l is an impo rtant pa rt of a student's e du cat ion a l ex perien ce, co n tributing s ignifi cant lv ro indil'id ua l sp iritu a l fo rm at io n an d the unity o f th e sem inary communi ty . C hape l services a re conduc ted eac h Tuesd ay in Ca lva ry C hape l au ditorium. Additiona l spec ia l c hape ls a rc hel d as announced. Jo int uni vers ity-w id e chape l se rv ices arc held seve ral times a yea r. Students arc required to at te nd Tu esday c hapc l scrl'ices if they have c lasses e ither immediately befo re or after chc chapel hou r. Th is requi rement also applies co eac h day of the specia l c ha pe l se ri es. Partic ipation in chc chape l serv ices of the university commu nicv arc also highIv cncouragcd. Lecture Series Special lectu res ro suppleme nt and e nhance the Seminary experi e nce arc he ld several tim es each yea r during the Tuesdav/1 'hursday chapel hours. Scudcnts arc required co accc n d lcccurcs if they h ave· classes either immcdi ace lv before or afte r the c ha pel ho ur. L cccurc series incl udcs: ■ Lyman Ste\\art Lectures (!'all) ■ Robe rt L . Saucy Lect ures (S pring) ■ Facu lty Lcccurcs ( Fall and S pring) Student Christian Service The semi nary recogn izes ch e necess ity of act ive sc1Yice in Christ ian work whi le scudcnts arc pursu ing the ir courses of scudy. From chc t ime o f e nro llme nt stu dents arc asked to engage in some type o f approl'cd wccklv mini scry. Th e h igh population dcns irv of Southern California creates t:x tcnsivc service opporcunirics of many types. Field Education Fie ld edu cat ion is ch a r pare of th e scudcnc 's academic p rogram in which there is actil'c participation in a supe rvised expe ri ence within a chu rch setti ng. A full-time l\l.Div. student muse register for field edu cation eac h semester. (A pare-time l\ l. Di l'. s tud ent must registe r fo r fi e ld educat ion once within cl'cry 16 unit s comp leted . ) For s pec ifi c course numbers sec th e C hri st ian l\ l ini strv and Lead e rs hip sect ion under course descriptions. After
onl in c subsc ription s. Family Fellowship
Semi nary scud ics make sign ifi cant de mand s on the time of chc st udent . A s ide-effect is that fam ily members may fee l they a rc not a pare of th e semina ry ex pe ri e nce. Talbot has a decp- rooccd commit ment co che famil y, especially chc families of its s rud c nts. A wide ranging l'ariecv of programs. el'cncs, acriv icies, o pportunit ies and se rvices ha ve been de, ·clopcd co fos ter fam il y participation in the seminary experience. A gu id e fo r fam ili es is a\'a il ab le to new s tudents ac T a lbot. Th e following arc examples of t he o pportuni t ie s a nd services availa bl e co s tu dent spouses :
T~2 · Talbot Sc hoo l of Theo logy
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