
I) C hapel serv ices feacuring a var ie ty of promin e nt C hri st ian s peak e rs and oppo rtuniti es for mutual wo rship; 2) spouse s ma y attend classes with their mares, at no charge to the spouse, space per­ m itting and with professor approva l; 3) t he Spouse Tuition Reduct io n Scholarship allows spo uses of fu ll­ time s tuden ts to ra ke se minar y courses for academic credit, at only o ne- third the sta ndard cuirion rate; ➔ ) T albot Sem inary \Vi ves Fe ll ow­ shi p (see p. T-5 ); 5) major socia l events, such as t he an nual Fall and Sp ring Banquets, and stude nt fam­ ily pi cni cs; 6) th e Bio la Boo ksto re fea tures a wide select ion of Chri st­ ian and sec ular tit les, discou nte d Bibles, g ift items. computer equip­ ment, g ree ting ca rds, mus ic, capes and C D s, logo c lo thing, refres h­ me nts and s upplies; 7) th e Biola swimming pool , track, weight room, ficncss center and tennis courrs, arc ava il ab le a t sc hed uled rimes fo r fa mil v use; 8) a wide va ri ety of m us ic eve nts fearn rin g s rnd e nt groups, faculty arti sts and guest per­ forme rs, are sched ul ed throughout the schoo l yea r; 9) inte rcollegiate s port ing eve nt s, including me n 's and women's bas ketba ll , men 's and women's vo ll eyball , men 's baseba ll , men's and women's cross-count ry and track ; 10) specia l and annu al lccrnres hip s. mi ss io ns and Bibl e confe rences; and , 11 ) oche r special cultural events and prescnrncio ns. Accreditation Wes t e rn Associat ion o f Schoo ls an d Co lleges. Ta lbot. as a sc hoo l of Biol a Uni ve rs it y, is in c lud e d wit hi n Biola U ni ve r­ s it y's accre di tation b y th e Accred i ti n g Co mmi ss ion for Senior Co ll eges and Uni ve rs it ies o f t h e \\' cs cc rn Associat ion of Schools and Co ll eges. Assoc iatio n o f Th eo log ica l Schools. Talbot is a member ofch e Association of Theolog ica l Schools ( IOSummit Park Dri ve, Pittsburgh, PA 15275-1103) in t h e nic ed Scares and Ca nada, t he inte rnati on­ ally recogni zed accred iting body of seminaries and schools of d ivini ty. Recognition Age nc ies o f the nicc d States Gove rnm e nt which recogni1. c th e train ing g ive n at Ta lbot include: I. Th e U nit e d State s Departme nt of Hea lt h Education and We lfa re, Offi ce of Education. II . The C hap la in cy Branches of che Arm y, Nal'y and Air Fo rce. Full-r ime seminary studen ts arc eligib le to apply for commi ss ions as

second lieutenants or ens igns in chc chaplaincy branches of the Army, Air Force or Navy, with e ight wc;cks of acti ve duty training optional du r­ ing the sumn1er vaca tion. A course in chaplaincy or ientation is offered by t h e d e partm e nt of Christian Min istry and Leaders hip. I11. The Veterans Ad mi ni scra­ non. JV. Th e U nit e d Sea t cs Depa rtme nt of J usti ce, Immigra­ tion and Na turali zat ion Serv ice.

hou s ing d e pos it ($ 100 for apart­ me n t) . i\lorc detai led informa­ t ion a nd ho us in g re que st form s ma y be obta in e d fro m t he di rec­ to r for residential p rograms, i\ lec­ zge r Ha ll, Bi o la Un i,·ers icy. T hi s office can a lso p ro" idc some sug­ gest ion s co nc e rning o ff- campus rooms and apartments. i\,l any off-campus st ud e nt s fi nd it conve ni e nt co d ine in t he campus cafe teria. Fo r chose who wish to cat t he re regul arl y, some cos t savi ngs may be rea li zed by us ing o ne of t he mea l ti cke r pl ans avai lab le rather than paving cas h. Married Student Housing Th e sem in a r v h as l i m ircd ho usi ng fac ili ties for married s tu ­ den t s. but t he re arc apartments a nd homc;s a \' a ilab lc fo r re n t in the immediate vicinity. For a li st­ ing of apartment rental in the area surround ing the campus. pl ease contact the Biola Hous ing Officc; . Talbot Support Ministries Dr. i\ I ick Boe rsma, Director Ta lbot S u pport Mini ser ies (T Si\l) is a sc; rvice -orientcd m in­ istry directed cowa rd rece nt Ta lbot a lumni a nd their s pouses. Thi s program. led by the director and h is wife. is d ist inguis hed bv commi t­ ment to the fo ll owing d iscincci vcs: ■ Re lationship - csca bli shed with incoming stude nt s, con ­ tinu ed t hrough semin a ry stud­ ies and t he fi rst five to seven yea rs of professional mini s try.

th e Lln ivc; rs ity Office of Admis­ s ions, whi ch wi ll s uppl y t he appl i­ ca nt wit h t he pro pe r fo rms. When these a ppli cat io n forms and a ll tran sc ripts of prc, ·io us acadc;mic trai nin g have bc;cn fi led , accompa­ nied by cwo photographs and a $45 appli ca ti o n fee. an admiss ions dec is io n will be mad e. Official notifi cat io n of the dec is io n will be sent by ma il to t he appl icant. The applicat io n cJ cacJline fo r t he fa ll is J uly I a ncJ for th e spring i, December I. Appli caciom may bc; submitted after ch is deadline (lace app li ca t ion fee of $55), but wi ll bc; co ns id e red and p rocessed on ly if space is ,l\·a il ,1bk and rime alloll's. T a lbot School of Theo logy desires onlv qualifi ed scudcnts and pe rson nel "ho arc commi tted co J es us C h rist. l-loll' c;ve r, in thc; admi ss ion of stude nts, the hiring of emplovces or the operati on of any of its programs and acc i, ·ici es, Talbot does not discrim inate on the bas is of the applicant's race, color, sex, hand­ icap or nat io nal or ethni c orig in. Inquiries concerning th is polic) may be addressed to the sem inar) com­ p li ance director for Title IX. Entrance requi rements for each program a rc li sted on che page desc ribing chat program under the heading, Adm iss ion Requirements. .\Tole: Offirial dom111m1s ;,re­ sented for fld111issio11 or t'i-'flli/(//ir)// beco111e /)fir! of 1hr s111deii!'s amde111ir file a11d 110111111//y m11J101 h1' 11'l11med or copiedfor dis1rib111io11. Talbot Writing Proficiency Examination (TWPE) Adva n ced compos i tional skill s, commens urate with gradu­ ate- leve l chcological scud ics. arc; foundational and indi spensable. both in terms of educat ional and mini steria l s u ccess. Based on objective criter ia. some nc,, sru­ dents w ill be re quired to cake chc: T a lbot Writing Pro fi c iency l·~xam (T\VPE ) pr io r to registration fo r th e firs t semester. T\\' PE results wi ll dccerminc; w hec hc;r c;nroll­ mcnt in SS SOO Th eo logical \\'ric­ ing w ill be req uired. If requi red. chi s cou rse mu se be taken in th e firs t semc;scc r of semin ary study. (See page T-S for course descrip­ tion. ) Students who rcccil'c a g ra d e of "NC" (;\o Credit) in thi s co ur se muse repeat the cou rse (the co urse is graded o n a C re dit/No Credit basis). Academic Load 'T'h e minimu m full- t ime load is n ine uni ts for those in the i\ lasrcr


Whil e Bi o la Uni ve rsity cannot g ua rantee employme nt. we have o bse rved that prayer and God's g uid ance have mi rac ul o us ly p ro­ vided employme nt for our students in past yea rs. Scud e nc s s hould ap pl y co t he uni vc rs icv s rnd c n t e mpl oyme nt office (i\lcczgc r Hall, fir s t fl oo r). \\' c wi ll mak e e\'c ry effort co ass ist vo u by referring you to e mpl oyment posit ions "hen available, comme nsurate with vour qu a lifi ca ti o ns and in conform ity with your dail y class schedu le . Stud e nt s may a lso secu re off­ campus secul ar emp loy me nt in a w id e va ri e t y of occ up a ti ons. Local offi ces o f th e Scare of Ca li ­ fo rni a D epa rtm e n t o f Employ­ ment ca n be ve ry helpful in th e location of these job openings. T he p lacement office (sec next item ) ca n sometimes ass ist t he sw ­ denc in secu ring pa rt- o r full-t ime employment in local area churches.

C redibili ty - t he program directo r an d hi s wife have extens ive expe ri ence in 111 in­ iscrv and wor k to kee p curre nt o n c hanges and iss ues affo c c­ ing Talbot graduates . Safety - a n c m ·ironmc nt is prol' id cd in whi ch alumni a rc ass ured of confid e ntiality and freedom co s hare th e ir li ves o pen ly. Purposefu lness -TSi\ l initi ­ ates and maintains contact with a lumni t h rough news le t­ te rs , persona l notes, pho ne ca ll s. e-mai l and on-s ite v is its when poss ible. Resourcing - TSI\ I seeks co provide he lpful resources such as networking with ocher grad­ ua tes . contact with placement oppo rtunitic; s and profess io na l and pe rsonal co unse l.


The p lacc mcnc o ffi ce wo rk s close ly with students to assis t chem in securing pa rt-rime in ternship pos iti o ns in local a rea c hurc hes. T hese p lacements a rc an integra l as pec t o f t h e fi e ld e ducation practicum sequence of co urses. The pl acement office a lso pro­ v id es ca re e r co un se ling for s cu­ dcncs an d placeme nt info rmat ion for g raduating se nio rs and a lumni seeking mini stry in fi e lds of serv­ ice to whi ch th ey bel ieve chat th e Lord has called them. The place­ ment directo r along wit h t he placc­ men t commi ttee wo rk s c lose ly with de nominat ional and inte rde­ nominational C hri s tian leaders. Campus Housing and Dining Ca mpu s li ving qu arte rs a re ava ilabl e fo r s in g l e m e n a nd women. Un t il facilit ies are filled. the y arc ass ig ned acco rdin g to th e dace of recei pt of ch e $50


Co rre s po nd e nce co ncc; rni ng admission should be addressed to

Ya/bot School of Th eo logy· T~3

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