dent's res ponsibility to contact th e Office of the Regis trar for regist ra ti o n mater ia ls . Reg is trati o n b y 111ai l is subj ec t to the sa me ruk: as
Nore: The 1111111em/s i11 pr11mrheses i11rlimre rhe s11,egesrerl 111i11i11111111 1111111- ber nfse111esrer 1111irsfor each disl'ipli11e. I. Genera l Unde rsta ndings A. Und ers tanding of Humanity ■ Philosophy (3) ■ Psvcho logv (3) B. L ' ndc rsca nding of modern social institutions and prob le111s • Social Science (6) C. Llndcrsrnnd ing of cu lrn ral hi story ■ History (6) ■ Fine Arcs (3) D. Und e rsta nding of sc ie nce and techno logy ■ Mach/Sc ie nce (8) E. Und erstanding of th e 111 od es of co111municac io n ■ English-composition and literature (9) ■ Speech (3) II. Theological Understand ings A. Bible conte nt a nd inter pretati on (6) B. Theo logica l methodology and intc rprecacion (6) 111. Lingui st ic Sk ill s (I 2) At lease one of the following: ■ French ■ German ■ Greek ■ 1lcb rcw ■ Latin ■ Spanish Independent Study/Arranged Course Independent Studies a rc an integral part of the Bi o la lln i"c r s icy ex pe rience . An Independent Srndy is a co urse whic h is ini t i ated b y the st udent , who t hen works indcpc nd c ncl v coward the goa ls and objec ti ves o utli ned bv th e professo r on chc Arranged Course fo rm. Students who a rc in good standing a nd not on p ro bation arc e ligib le to e n ro ll in an Independent Studv. A maximum of six (6) units, m ay be taken by a st ude nt in in dependent s tud v a nd /or ar ra nged coursewo rk du ring t he student 's degree prog ram. Th esis A s tud e nt 111 ust reg is ter in a thes is c lass each semes te r until t h e thesis is compl e t e d a nd acce pt ed for b indin g by t h e lib ra ry. A ~rndcnc finishing course work in December has I 1/2 years co co111plctc the thes is. A student finishing course work in June has one yea r to co111 ple ce the thesis. If geogra phi c location preve nts regis trat ion in person, it is the Stu -
of Divinity, !\las ter of Arcs and Master of T heo logy degree pro grams. Th ose ca rrying less than the ful l-t ime load arc consi dered part-time students. The standard s tudent load in th e !\la s ter of Di v init y (!\I.Di v . ) program is twe lve (1 2) un its. A stud e nt is nor mall y permitted co ca rry a max i mum of 18 units each semes ter. To exceed chi s 111 ax i111 um load, the s tudent 111u st petiti o n the Office of the Regi stra r. A maxi mum of ten ( 10) unit s, ma y be taken by a student in a combina t io n of ind epe nd en t st u d y, arranged, correspondence and ITS co urses to be co unted coward a student 's program. A maximum of six units (of the 10) mav be taken in ITS cou rses. Doctoral students a re considered full time fo r a maxi mum of two years in the disserta tion phase of their program. A unit of credit is generall y con sidered to consis t of one class hour (50 111inutcs) a week for a semester. In some cases, suc h as laboratory sessions, a unit of credit may involve more than one class period a week. As indicated on the cu rri cu lum charts for each program, the va rious c urri c ul a require l ➔ -18 units pe r semester in orde r to graduate in the number of yea rs speci fied by the chart. However, students who find it necessary to work 20 or more hours weekly to provide li vi ng expenses sho uld plan to red uce their aca dc111ic load. Such a reduction would ex tend the time required for a degree program, though parti cipa tion in su111mc r sess ion and intc rt c nn cou ld he lp offset the difference. Admission of Interna tional Students It is essent ia l that s tud e nt s from oche r coun tri es b e a bl e co unde rstand directions and lectures in English and a lso co be abl e co express their thoughts clearly in spoken English im111ediacely upon arrival o n cam pus. In order that the applicant's profi c ie ncy in Eng li sh may be de te rmined, th e appli ca nt must cake th e T est of E ng li sh as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as adm ini s tered b y t h e Educa tional T es ting Service at the near est ove rseas examin a ti on cente r. The minimum score for admission is a tota l o f 550 papcr/213 com puter for the graduate student, 575 paper/231 computer for Th.I\ !. stu dents, and 600 paper/250 compu ter for doccoral s tud e nts. For grad uate s tud e nts, sco re s of 55 o r above muse be achieved fo r all three sec-
cions of the TOEFL. The Ph.D. and Ed.O. in Educat iona l Studi es prog rams a lso req uire the Test fo r \Vr icccn Eng li s h (TWE), a nd a sco re of ➔ .O o r above. Prefe rence in admission will be g iven co app li ca nts with TOEFL scores of 600 paper/250 computer or over, a nd ➔ .O or ove r on the T \\' E. How ever, chose scorin g between 580 papcr/237 com put e r a nd 599 p ape r/2 ➔ 8 comp uter o n th e TOEFL w ill be assesse d on a case- by-case bas is. (Sec furth e r under Ad111i ss io n Req uirements for the Ph.D. and Ed.D. prog ra111 s in Ed ucat ional Stud ies.) International Students English Ski llsRequirements l nccrnacional stude nt s an d chose for whom English is a second language who are applying to Tal bot graduate programs (not doc coral) will fall into one of two cate go ri es with re spec t to En g li s h Sk ills Req uireme nts: ( 1) ' l'hosc who score above 600 paper/250 compute r on th e Test of E ng li s h as a Foreign Language (TOEFL ) wi ll ca ke the Talbot Writin g Profi c iency Exam (TWPE; sec above); (2) Those who do not cake the TOEFL prior to ad 111i ss ion, o r whose TOEFL score is at or below 600 papcr/250 comput e r, arc required to cake the Biota English Place111cnc Exam (BEPE) prior to registrat ion for classes. The BE PE res ults w ill determi n e wh et h e r enro llme nt in appropriate ESL course work will be requi red. Tal bot maste r' s level course wo rk may or may not be a ll owed during the time a s tud e nt is caking ESL co urse work. d e p e ndin g on t he level of placement. Classifica tion of Students: 1\ 1.A. First Year 1-28 units Second Year 29 + units !\I.Div. First Year 1-28 uni ts
registrat ion in person. Transfer of Credit
Transfer credit for acceptable work done in ocher graduate schools will be allowed for courses wh ich arc para llel co those required in the curriculu111. Applications rccci,·ed by !\ lay I will be provided with transfer cred it decisions at the point of accepta nce . Transfer credi t fo r lace ap pli catio ns will be acco 111- pl is hcd during the fa ll semeste r. G radu ate cou rses with grades of C or above at accredited inscicucions or those va li dated with grades of B or above fro111 approved unaccred ited schools arc cons idered as acccpcablc on a transfer bas is. For information on the , ·al idacion procedure for un accredited "ork . concacc the Office of the Registra r. Multiple Degree Th e p rogra ms i n T albot Schoo l of Theology arc accred ited by the Assrn.:iacio n of Theo logical Schools (ATS). ATS requires that a 111 in i111u111 of 50% of coursework in T a lbot's degree programs be taken in residency (i .e., not trans fer red in nor shared " ·ith any ocher program). (ATS Standards. 1998) Advanced Standing Accepted/adm itted app li ca nts who have taken u nd e rgraduate co urses in biblical or theological s tudie s 111 ay re qu est rev iew for Advanced Standing cred it based on t he ir co lleg iate work. Gra nc in g advanced sta ndin g cre dit requires faculty app roval based on parallel course content. Proof of co111pecency in the subject area or C\'idencc of how the course contcm has been used since taking the course is required. An evaluation " ·ill be made by the fac ul ty and credits processed through th e Office of the Registrar. The student must have earned at lease a "B'' grade in the coursework being eva lu ated co be considered. Th e 111aximum numb e r of units that may be rcce i, eel is: i\l asccr of Di,·inicy 16 units :-. laster of Arts in Christ ian Educat ion I Z units Chri~t ian ;\liniscry & Leadership 12 units Reduction E ligible students coming from accred ited Bi ble co ll eges or C hri st ian li beral arts co ll eges 111ay
Second Year 29-57 units Thi rd Yea r 58-86 units Fourth Yea r 87+ units
Pre-Seminary Study
Th e fol low in g pre -seminary stud y guide lines are rcco111111endcd for s tud e nts who a rc pl a nning to :mend Talbot. The srndent should plan his or her collegiate c urri c u lum so that moderate competence will be possessed in a ll of these areas and sk ills deve loped so chat one can communicate eas il y, hav ing the abi li ty to wri te and spea k cl ea rl y with correct English prose .
T-4 • Ta lbot School of Theology
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