specia l speakers, inrcraccio n with faculty wives and eve nts des igne d to enhance community.
add e d. The progra m is a b lock course during Summer School with p repa rato ry work done during the S pring semeste r pri or to the cl ass itse lf. T he pre- tri p preparation may be accomplished with a sched uled class the semes te r prior or, in som e cases, b y perm iss ion , the work may be done indcpendent lv. SPECIAL PROGRAMS - NON-CREDIT Korean Talbot Institute for Bib lica l Studies (KT/BS) Dr. Victor Rh ee, Director T'hc Korea n Talbot Insti tute fo r Bibl ica l Studies (KT IBS) offe rs a wide range o f non-c redit bibli ca l, theolog ica l and ministry skill s study courses on T albot's La !\lirada cam pus. Its purpose is to equip believ e rs with b iblica l/theo logical founda tions esse nti a l fo r their s piritu a l growth and teaching God's word in the ir loca l churches . le is the goa l of KTI BS co ass is t c hurches e ffec t ively to be the church in an Cn\'i ronment chat is essentia ll y hos tile co the message of God 's truth. Courses mee t two (2) hours each week for six (6) weeks. Three dif fo ren t leve ls of ce rtifi cates a rc awa rded to students who have suc cessfull y compl eted the required courses. Courses arc taught prima ril y in Korean. A curre nt schedule o f courses be ing offe red may be obta ined through the offi ce of the
requ es t exempti on from ce rt a in requ ired cou rses. Normall y reduc t ion req uires two un d e rgrad ua te courses, in the same di scip line, co redu ce one g radu ate co urse (6 unit s und e rg raduate work co red uce 3 uni ts of g rad ua te work) for a limited amount o f graduate c red it. T o qua lify for reduc ti on , the swdenc mu s t have ea rn ed a " B" grade in e lig ib le coursework. Once th e s tud en t ha s b ee n accepted into the program, an eval uat ion wi ll be made by the Office of the Regis tra r following gu ide lines establi shed by the facu lty. The maximum numb er o f units chat may be red uced is 30 units for th ese I.A. e mph ases: Bible Ex posit io n , New Tes t a me nt, O ld Testa me nt , Theology, Philo so ph y o f R e li g ion a nd Ethics, and Bibli ca l and Theo log ica l Stud ics/D i, ·e rs ificd. Cou rse Prefixes Course pre fi xes indi ca te: BE Bib le Expos iti on CE Chris tian Education C L Wor ld Mi ss ion s
SPECIAL PROGRAMS - CREDIT Talbot-Israel Study Program Dr. Ri cha rd Ri gs by, Director T he T albot-B ibl e Lands Pro gram is a for-cred it swdy program in Israe l with an add iti onal exc ur s ion to biblical ly s ign ificant s ires such as Rome, e tc., held during the Janu ary lnce rcenn. The stud e nt has opportunity to see and experi e nce the geograp hica l (and co some ex tent, the cultural) contex t of the O ld Tes tame nt and es pecial ly the gospe ls. T he program is a bloc k co urse o ffe re d during a lternate yea rs with pre paratory wo rk done during th e semes ter prior to the I nte rccrm trave l course . Prepa ra to ry wor k ma y b e done with a sc hed ul ed class or independ e ntl y. T he pri ce of the course includes fo ur (-l ) uni ts o f c red it, a irfare, a ll meal s (exce pt two), hous ing, tips and miscel laneous expenses. Talbot-Turkey/Greece Study Program Dr. Ric hard Ri gsby, D irecto r ' l' h e Tai bot-Tu rkey/G reecc Prog ram is offered in a lte rn a te years co the Ta lbot- Israel program (a bove). While Ta lbot-Is rael stud ies the Old Testame nt and gos pe ls, ,-, 'a lbot- ' l'u rkcy/G reece cxami ncs archaeo logica l, hi s torica l and geo gra phica l backg round to ch e Acts, Epistles and Revelat ion. The pro gram visits Antioch and T arsus, as we ll as all main land sires vis ited by Paul on hi s First, Second and Third 1\ ! iss ionary Journ eys. It also visits the seven cities of the ch urches of Reve lat ion in addici o n to o th e r s ites. Th e p rog ra m is a bl oc k course dur ing ln cc rrcrm Uanuary) with preparatory work done d uring the semes ter p ri or to the class itse lf. Pre-tr ip prepara tion may be accom plished with a schedu led class th e semester prior o r it may be done independently. Talbot-Biblica l Mediterranean Islands Study Program Dr. Richard Rigsby, Director The T a lbot-Bibli ca l Mediter ra nea n i s land s Progra m is offered during Summe r. Jc begins immed i ately after Comme nceme nt and is compl eted prior to the seco nd S ummer Schoo l sess ion. During the program, th e cl ass studies and v is its most o f t he is la nd s men tioned in the Books of Acts, Reve la ti on, and man y of the Epi s tl es. The c lass wi ll vis ic Cypr us, Cos, Rhodes, Patmos, C re te, and 11 lalca; if ava ilab le, the is land s of D e los, !\ l yko nos, Sa n tor ini etc. will be
Th e follo"· in g a r e s pe c ia l swd ics courses to ass is t s tudents in becoming profi c ie nt in writ ing sk ill s essentia l for a n e ffec ti ve seminary ed ucat ion . Spec ifi c enro llment rc4 uiremencs arc indi cated in each course desc ripti on. SS 500 Theological W ri ting (0) G rammar, se ntence structure and paragraph developme nt for th eolog ica l wr iting. C riti ca l chink ing and composit ion including extracting information from sources, synthesis, format for written papers. · Ex peri e nce in writing papers in theological and related areas. A two-scmcscc r hour, non-cred it course requi red in the first semester of seminary swdy for swdcnts assigned by the Talbot \\'ri cing Proficiency Exam or certain swdcnts who have completed the ESL seq uc ncc. Students who do not earn a pass ing grad e in this course must re peat the course. Fee: A fee equ iva len t co two semes ter hours of tuiti on is required. SS 510 Theological Research Methodologies (1) Research ski ll s fo r use o f library and t heological refere nce wo rks. 1\ lcthods of r heo logica l writ ing wit h e mph asis on cr iti ca l think ing, persuasion and eva luat ion. 1\ lu sc be ta ken with in the first 15 un its of study. Req uire d o f all 11 1. Div. and !\I.A . s tud e nt s, except 1\ IACE (sec pro gra m di recto r). Pre req ui s ite : Pa ss in g sco re on Talbot Writin g Profi cie n cy Exam (TWPE) , if required, o r compl etion of SS 500 Theo log ica l Writing, if req uire d , with a pass ing grade. Concurrent enro ll ment in SS 500 and SS 510 is not a ll owed.
D E Doccor of Educat ion 01\ 1 Docto r of !\lini st ry H E Th es is
HT Hi sto ri ca l Theo logy LG Resea rch Languages NT New Testament Language and Lite rature O"I· O ld T estame nt and Semitics PH Philosoph y of Re lig ion Pil l Philoso ph ica l and !\ !ora l Th eo logy PT C hri s tian Mini s try and Leaders h ip SF Spiriwa l Fo rmat ion SS Speci a l Studies
KT! BS director on campus. Talbot Sem inary Wives Fellowship Darc ie Hultbe rg, D irector
Sem in a ry Wi ves Fellows hip prov ide s opportu ni ty for growt h and fellowship fo r wives of semi nary s tudent s . Preparation for sharing in a wide var iccy of min is tri es for which srndent hu sba nds a re s tud y in g is offe re d t h rough
TH Systematic Theo logy TS Ind e pendent Swdi es
GRADUATION INFORMATION Graduation with Honors Those g radu ating with a g rad e point average of 3.50 or h igher a re e lecte d to membe rsh ip in Kappa Tau E ps ilon, th e Ta lbot scholast ic hono r soc iety. This honor is noted on th e pe rmane nt record ca rd. For gradu ation honors, students comp le tin g t he ir program with a 3.50 G.P.A. are graduated with Hon ors. Students with a 3. 70 G.P.A. are graduated with H igh Honors. Stu de nts with a 3.90 G.P.A. arc gradu ated w ith H ig hcs r Hon o rs. CPrl sta11dr11rls for honors 11111sr be mer wirh 110 ro1111rli11g of1111111bers.
Ta lbot School of Th eo logy· T-5
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