1 2 Dow}// pay111e111s i11 !hegmr/11ate p;yrholof:y progra111 i11d11de the a111011 1s shoruw 011 1/iis srher/11/e p/11s 1/ie 11pplicable pene11111ges for dass fees . Iii addi1io11 to !he abo,:e, rharges.for vehicle regis1m- 1io11 a11d health i11s11m11ce 111 11s1 be paid i11 f 11// p/11s 75% of !he applimble Professio11al Growth Fee at the 1i111e of registmtio11. 3 Ass11111es 9 1111its per se111esler. I Doru•11 pay111ents i11d11rle !he a111011111s show}// 011 this srher/11/e p /11s !he 11pplica/;/e jJenmtages for class fees . /11 addi1io11 lo 1/ie above, charges fo r vthide regis1mtio11 1111d hml!h i11s11rr111 ff 11111s1 be paid i11 f11/I al !he 1i111e of registratio11 . Plan 2 - A cl own pay lll c n t at t he tim e o f regis tra ti o n w ith payme nt of an y re lll a in ing ba lance bv the firs t pay me m clue elate (Oc tobe r 15 - fa ll se lll cs tc r; f\ la rch 15 - spring sc lll esccr). Down paylll e nts in c lud e 60% of th e ba l an ce of tui t ion, room and boa rd , c lass fees and ve hi c le regis trati on less confirlll e d fin anc ia l a id plu s 100% of ins urance cha rges . No fin ance cha rges a rc assessed . Plan 3 - A cl own pay lll c nt as desc ribe d in PLAN 2 wit h th e re lll a ining ba lance in three pay lll c ncs (Occobc r-Deccm be r or\ la rch-i\ lav) . A fin ance charge of 1.5% pe r month of th e firs t $ 1,000 of unp a id ba la nce a nd I% pe r lll o nth of unpa id ba lance ove r $ 1,000 is added at each b ill ing to ca rry t he account. All payme nts arc clu e in th e S tu de n t Acco unt ing O ffi ce on o r befo re the 15th of th e mo n t h as indi cated in t he b illin g sulllma ry. PERSONAL CHECKS All pe rso nal chec ks s ubmitte d fo r any payme nt to t he Uni ve rs icv fo r anv c ha rge o r pavme nt will ha, ·c yo u r s tu d e nt I.D. nulllbc r writte n o n ch e m. If vo u prefe r not to have vo ur 1.0. nulllbc r wr it te n on vo ur check, p lease sub mi t yo ur payme nt by cas hi e r's chec k, money o rder o r whe n ap pro pri ate (o th e r tha n " ma il - in " pay lll c n ts) in cas h. l'11i 'Ue✓ -si1y s/11[( ru·ill ru•1i1e s111de111 I . D. 1111111/m:, 011 rhed·s rul1ere a sl11- de111 has 1101already r/011c so . DOWN PAYMENT i\linilllulll clown pav lll e ncs ' arc ca lc ul a te d acco rd ing co th e fo llowin g schedul e : ,lfas1er's <l:' l f11r/erf!:mr/11r1!e 1 Speri11! P✓ -0grr1111sl¢'.i 12-18 11 11i1s 9 1111ils O n Camp us $7,789 $3,76 1 O ff Campu s $5,869 $ 1,841 1-3 uni ts 100% 100% 4-6 units 75% 75% 7 uni ts and above 60% 60% Ph.D. &: D.,1/iss.Ie.l Crr1d11r11e A)'(hologyl 9 1111i1s 9-16 1111i1s O n Campus $.'i,635 $8,589 Off Ca Ill p us $3,7 15 $6, 189 l-3 uni ts 100% 100% 4-6 units 75% 7 units and above 60% 4 un its and above 75% Notes
budge t re fle c ts th e a,·cragc cost to full-tim e stud e nts fo r th e 2003-2004 acacl c llli c vca r (nin e lllonch s) : Undergraduate ( Based on 12 units Wi1h 0 11 Off [le r SC lll CS te r) Pare111s Ca111[!11s Ca111[!11s Tuiti on &: Fees $ 19,564 $ 19,S64 $ 19,564 Roo lll &' Board 2,808 6,400 7,9S6 Boo ks & S uppli es 900 900 900 Pc rso na l/ f\ Iisc . 1,656 1,476 1,800 T ranspo rtati on 828 594 936 TOTAL $25,756 $28,934 $3 1, 156 Graduate : Mas ter's Programs and Specials (Based on 9 units \\'i1h 0 11 Off pe r semes te r) Pr1rm/s Cr1111[! 11s i,//111(!11.f Tu iti on &: Fees $6, 138 $6.1 38 $6, 138 Roo lll &: Boa rd 2,808 6.400 7,956 Boo ks&: Sup p li es 900 900 900 Pe rso na l/ i\ Iisc . 1,656 1,47 6 1,800 Tran spo rta ti on 828 594 936 T OTAL $ 12,330 $ 15.508 $ 17,730 Graduate : Master's Programs and Specials (Based on Wi!h Off 12 lllOmh s) Pare111s Ca111[!11s T uiti on & Fees $ 10,296 $ 10,296 Roo lll e Boa rd 3,732 10,608 Boo ks C5' Suppli es 900 900 Pe rso na l/ i\l isc . 2.208 2, 400 T ra nspo rta ti on 1,1 04 1,248 TOTAL $ 18.240 $25,45 2 Doctoral - Ph.D. and O.Miss . (Based on 9 uni ts \\'i1h 0 11 O.ff [lCr semeste r) Parfllls Cr1111[!11s C11111f:!_11s Tuiti on & Fees $ 12,384 $ 12,384 $ 12,384 Room C5' Boa rd 2,808 6,400 7,956 Books er' S uppli es 900 900 900 Pc rsonal/ t'vl isc. 1,656 1,476 1,800 T ransportati on 828 594 936 TOTAL $ 18,576 $21,754 $23,976 Graduate Psycho logy (Based on 9 units I \'i1h 0 11 Off [lCr semeste r) Pare111s Ca111[! 11s Ca111[!11s T u iti on C5' Fees $ 16,504 $ 16,504 $ 16,504 lmc rtc rlll 2,064 2.064 2, 064 Prof. G rowth Fee 1,000 1,000 1,000 Room cl:' Boa rd 2.808 6, 400 7,956 Boo ks & Suppli es 900 900 900 Pc rsona l/ t\ li sc . 1,656 1,476 1.800 Transpo rtati on 828 594 936 TOTAL $25,760 $29,938 $3 1.1 60 PAYMENT OPTIONS A s tu de n t's acco un t mu s t be c urre nt (no o utsta nd in g ba la nces) pri o r to rc-c n ro lllll e n t in s ubseq ue nt sess io ns . Cos e of tuiti o n, room and boa rd and spe ci a l fees lll ay be pa id in one of the fo ll owin g wavs : Plan 1 - Pay lll e nt of each sess ion in fu ll on o r be fore the cl ay of regist rati on.
f in a ncia l Infor mat ion • 11
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