Master of Divinity Program
the requ ired le vel (2..'i) for continu a nce in the se rninary. A swd ent cannot graduate wh il e on probat ion. F. The sta ndard rare of p rogress through the progrnrn ( 12 un it, pe r semester)\\ ill a ll ow the program to be compl ececl in four years.
various perspectives fo r the purpose o f in cu lcating t heir cont ribu t ions and und erstand ing th e ir di ve r gences. All the while they arc meas ured bv the patte rn of the \\'ord. T albot's program focuses on the enti re person and is meant to contribute to personal spiriwal for mat ion as well as cogniti ve aware ness and the developme nt of min is tr y s kill s . The c urriculurn is stru ctured t0 de,·c lop "s usrai nable habits" chat can be continue d in life and mi nistry afte r grad ua tion. Th e various compo nents of chc curriculum arc des igned to cornplc rn em one another and to reinforce basic princ ip les to wh ich srndcnts have bee n ex posed in och e r parts of their seminary progran1. A goa l of th e program is to eq uip students to t hink bibli ca lh· and w res pond appropriatel y to the va ri ccv of cha l lenges of life and ministry.
s h o uld indi cate th eir cho ice of e mpha s is at the begin nin g u f their pro g ram. C h anges o f emphasis ma y b e author i1.c d unde r ce rtain circum"itanccs prior to the completion of -1 8 units, but a rc di scouraged after ch a t point. Srndents without a wo rk ing knowledge of Greek must cake NT 50 1 and 502 ( Beg inning Grcck) which arc not fo r credit unlc ss taken in place of clccci,·e units. Electives in the Curriculum Elccri, cs arc open to the sw dcn t's choice (c heck prerequisites) regardles s of e mphasi s , but chat choice ma y be gove rned by the fo l lowing guid e lines: 1) If writing a thesis, th e s rndent 's ad, isor mav req uire up to fo ur un its of e lecri,·cs in an area o f swd y in preparation fo r th e thesis; 2) Students who do not write a thes is a rc req uire d to take two additional c lect i\'e uni ts for a p rogram total of98 uni ts. Advanced Standing Applicants who h,we ta k en undcrgradu a rc courses in bibl ica l or th eo log ica l st ucli c;s mav request ad va nced sta nding ba,ed on co ll egiate wo rk. Sec Ad mi s s ions Requircrncnts for detaib.
The r-Ia sccr of Divinity cur ricu lum at T albot School of Theol ogy is desi gned co foster the pur poses for which the seminary was establ ished - preparati on for the propagation of th e faith. Th is pur pose enta ils an accurate knowl edge of the Wo rd of God, the source of faith and the effecti ve means of its commun1cat1on. The co urse of swdy is therefore designed around these two bas ic foc i. Believing firmly th at God in love and grace ha s prov ided an answer for the needs of the wor ld in Jesus C hri st and that this Jes us is the C hrist of th e Scripwres, Tal bo t emp has izes a knowledge of the conte nt of th e \\'o rcl o f Goel. So that che Word may be kn own and expounded accu ratel y and authoritativel y, matters of bibli cal background, in c luding the la n guages of th e Old and New T esta ments, are s tudied. Sound princ i ple s of literary interpretat ion arc a lso e xplore d as a bas is fo r the interpretation of the Scr iptures . On the basis of such interpretation there comes sys tematic s tud y so as ro organ ize va ri o us pares of t he Word inro theo logica l ca tego ri es. Since th e faith of roday docs not sta nd alone, bu t is rooted in pas t ce nturi es during whi ch God has preserved and in sm1cccd H is people, cog ni za nce of chi s her itage is taken in a swdy of the his rory o f the church and its doctrine. Prc,·ious interaction between faith and the wo rld pro, ·idcs a bas is for understandin g modern rimes. It is th e seminary's a im chat this knowledge of the faith first grip the li fe of th e s tudent and the n mot i va te the student to share it with the world. In accord with this latter a im instruction is given in viral areas of min istry and co111111un icar ion . From the preparation and de li very of ser mons to individual in volvement in co un se l ing, the c urriculum is designed to provide instruction that will facilitate propagat ion of the faith in the vario us field s of God 's ca ll. Oppo rtunity is also gi ven for the deve lopme nt of ministry skills as principles arc app lied in the con text of ministry in the church. With recognition that the Great Commission commands the church to go into the world to min ister to all peoples, the cross-currents of mod ern thought arc considered relevant to the preparation of God's ministe r. Throughout the course of instruc ti on, interact ion is prm·ided with
Two b iblical lan g u ages a rc required: Greek and I l c brcw. E ich er ma,· be taken first. G'ml- - :-JT 503, ;-..;T 60-1 and ;-..;T 60.'i e ac h required beyond begin ning Greek . A qualifying cxainination i, avai lable to all in ter ested swdcnts. Th ose who pass the e.\arn inarion may enro ll d irect!~ in NT 503: others must rake NT 50 1 and :-S.T 502 (two Llllits each) as prerequ isite tO NT 503. l!e/JJrw' - OT 603, OT 604 and 0 '1' 705 arc required . A qu al ifring examinat ion is a, ·ai lab le to interested swdents. Those "ho pass t he exa min ation may cake 0 '1' 60-1, plus .,- -1 units of I lcbrc\\ e lcct i, ·cs in stead o f 0 '1' 603.
All appli ca nts, to be accepted , 111 us t hold t he Bac helor of Arts degree, o r its acadcm ic equi, ·,dcn t. Th ey mu st h ,we a 2.6 (o n a -1.0 sca le) grade point ;I\ e rage. Those not rnc et in g this latte r require me nt, if acce pted , will be placed on probatio n. Graduates frorn approved un accredited co ll eges, if accepted , wi ll be gra nted pro, ·i s ional accepta nce, t hough exce p tions may he rnaclc when th e grade point a,·c ragc is 3.0 or hi g h er. Graduates from appro, ·cd un ac c redited coll ege, may be requ ired to take certai n additional liberal arts course work (not app li cabl e toward t h e g raduate degree), if their underg radu ate progra m did not include t hese courses. Swdents who have not had Greek but wish co take it in se minary ma y take Beginning Greek at Talbot and rece ive e lect ive c redit app lica ble coward the graduation rcq uircrncnr.
Pastoral and General Ministries Emphasis
Pro"idcs preparation fo r a , ar i e tv of profc,sional ministries including past<H, a~sociatc pa~tor, youth pastor, women's mini st ri es. college and seminary teaching and ot he r leadership roles . (Srndcnts anticipating a gradua te or under graduate teaching career wi ll need to pursue adnrnccd srndies beyond the r-lascer of Di \'i nitv program). Firs! YMr Fall Semester 131:: 517 I krmeneu tics/Bible Studv \ lc thoth ........... .3 HT 505 Patri5tic~ lcdie,·al Theology .3 :-ST 50., Introd uction to Exegesis' .... .. .3 TH 51I Theology I - Introduction: Rc,·clation and ,\awrc of God ........................................ .3 PT 706 Pcmmal Foundmions of .\ linistf\ ... ........... ..................... 2 PT 591 In troduction to Field Ed ucacion .................................. I SS 5 IO Thcologirn l Rc5carch ~ lcthodologies ..... ......... ....... ... .. 1
A. Sat isfacroril v comp le te 96- 98 scrnesccr unit s. Sec (D) bclm1. B. T ake the cour,e, pre scr ibed in the :-.laster of D i, ini ty curri c ulum . C. Complcte the rcquirc mcncs in one of t he emphases . D. S ubmit an acceptab le the s is (four unit s) chose n in cnn,u lrn cion with the major ad, isor, o r at the option of t he rnajor ,1ch isor and in li e u of the thesis, comp lete s ix unit s of clecri,-cs. Sw dents who wri te theses will ha,·c a tota l rcqu ire rn cnt o f 96 units and those who take s ix units o f electi,cs in lieu o f a thesis wil l h,nc a total requircrnent of 98 units. Fi,·c unbound copies of the thesis arc to be submitted to the lib raria n. E. At least 2-1 un its must be taken in thi s seminary by transfer swdcnt s. St udents arc pl aced on aca demic probat ion if their grade point average for anv sc111csccr falls bclm1 2.5 and re main on probation as long as the single semes te r of cumula ti ve grade point average rem ains below 2.5. Swdcnts on pro bat ion arc gra nted one semester in which to b ring the ir academic work up to
Emphas es a rc o ffe red in t he following a reas o f profess ional preparation: P(ls!oml (l11r/ Cmeml .lli11isrries Cl11isria11 l,r/11mrio11 P(ls/oml Cart' r111rl Co1111sdi11g ,1/ani(lge (l11r/ Fa111il1' .l/i11 isrries Eva11f(elis111 (I/Ir/ Discipleship ,l/issio11s (I/Ir/ Cmss-ml!J1ml , ll i11isrries Each s tudent is to select an e mpha s is a nd sat isfacto ril y co rn p iece its requireme nt s. Students
Spring Semester flE SZO Sur,cvof\ hmhcw Rc1clat ion
..... .3
HT 506 Rdormation and ~ lodcrn - ' l'hcolo~ ... ... .... .. ... .... ................ .3 :\'T 60-1 Exegesis in the Gospels ......... .3 PT 510 Ernngclism and Follo\\'-up ... ..3 TII 5 IZ Theolo~ II - \\'ork, of God, ,\ngcls, .\ Ian and Sin ...............3
T~6 · Talbot Schoo l of Theology
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