
JYj' 592 Fidel Eclurncion ......................0 PT 709 Spiriwal ~ lentoring Group ... ..0

Third Year

T l I 511 Theology I- Inrroduccion:

** S111rleu1s w·ho rlo 1101 v2•1i1e a thesis arr req11irerl lo ra!.-e CE 612 1owarrl

Revelat ion and '-:acure

Fall Semester


of Goel .... .. ... ..... .... ...................... .3

elective req11ireme111s .

OT 705 Exeges is in Genesis and

Sero11rl Yeflr

PT 706 Person.ti Foundations

Pastoral Care and Counseling

Selected Passages .................... .3

of~ Iinis try. .

........ ............2

Fall Semester

Provid es pre para t ion fo r minRSTP721 Na ture and Scope of

PT 591 Jnrroduction to Field

CE 600 Educariomd \ li niscry in the

ist ry co indi, ·iduals, coupl es, fa mlncegracion ................................ .3


................ 1

Chu~h .. ...... ......... .. .................... .3

PT 708 Adl'anced Pasroral

ili es and gro u ps focusing o n rc ne wa \ 1 prc parat ion 1 cnr ic hmt;nt

SS 51

(I Theological Research

CL .'i5S Introduction to \\'oriel

Counseling ... ........................... .3

~ lcchoclologics ........ ..... ............. 1

.\ liss ions ... ..... ...... ..... .... .... ......... .3

PT 72S Counseling T roubl ed

and equipping.


0·1·603 ElcmcnLs of Hebrc11 I ........... J PT 609 Expositot\' Preaching.. ....... J

............ .3

Families .. .

Spring Semester

FinI Yrar

PT 791 Field Internship ..


BE 520 Surve, of .\ latthcw-

TH 613 Theologv Ill -Christ.

Thesi, Fi rst Draft or Elective ... . ........2

Fall Semester

Revelation ....

..... ............3

Sah-acion and the Spirit ..... .. ... .3


13E S 17 Hermencucicsll3ible Study

CE S 1 Z Edurnt ion Admin istration .... ..3 N"I · 60-1 Exegesis in the Gospels ...... .. ..3 PT 510 Enmgelism and Follow-up ... .3 T H S 12 Theologv 11 - \ \'orks ofGod, Angels, ~ Ian and Sin ............... .3 11· r 592 Field Education ........ ................0 PT 707 Foundations of Pasroral Care

PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care

il bhocls

..... .3

Spring Semester

and Counseling ............ ...... ...... . 2

HT 505 Pat ri stic/~ lcd iel'alTheologv J NT 503 lmroduccion to Exegesis' ...... .3 T H 51 1 Theology 1- 1mroducti on:

13E 726 Exposiciona l ~lethodology in

PT 691 Field Educat ion .. ..................... . 0


Daniel, Revelation ................... .3

PH 602 Apologetics .. ........... ...............3 PT 70.l Church and Society .......... ..... .3 PT 740 Issues and Ethics in il linis[ly. .2

Spring Semester

Revelation and ~ature

13 E S 19 Surl'cy of Genesis - :'s lalachi ...3

of God .. ........ .. .............. ...... ........ .3

'(T 605 Exegesis in the Epistles

and Counseling...... ... ....... ........ .2

PT 792 Field Internship...

.... 2

PT 706 Personal Foundations

and Acts .. .. ....... ................... ... .... .3

PT 709 Spiritual ~lemori ng Group ... .. 0

Thes is Final Draft or Elective.............2-4

of~ liniscry ..

OT 604 Elcmentsof HcbrC\1· 11 .......... .3


15- 17

PT 591 lnrroduction to Field

....... .3

P'f 602 Pastoral .\ li nisuy...

Sem11d ) 'mr

Ed ucacion .. .

... I

PT 610 Contemporary 13iblical Preach-

Marriage and Family Minis tries Emphasis


. .......,

SS 510 Theological Research

Fall Semester

TH 61 -1 Theology I\ . - The Church

.\ lethodologies ... ....... .. ...... ........ 1

BI•: 519 Survey of Genesis - ~ lalachi ..3

Pr ov ides prep a ration for a va ri ecv of mini s trie s to co uple s and familie s as well as spec ific

and 1,ast Things ........ ............... .3

CL 555 lnrroduct ion ro \ \'orld


PT 692 Field Education .. ........ .. ...... .....0

~ lissions ............... ... ..... ........... ...3

Spring Semester

OT 603 Elcmenrs of Hebrew I ........... .3 PT 609 E,posicorv Preach ing ........... .. .3


BE 520 Sur1·c1 of.\ larchcw -

church fam il y mini seri es .

Thirrl Ymr

Re,·elation ..

...... ... .3

Beyo nd the course wo rk li sted below, t he stude nt is required to rece ive 30 hours of d idact ic ther­ apv (i nd ividuall y) and compl e te 400 hours of supe rvised counsel­

TH 613 Theology Ill -Chri st.

Fall Semester

HT 506 Reformation nnd ii locle rn -

Sah·acion and the Spirit ...... .. ... 3

OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and

Thcolog) .................................... 3

..... 0

PT 691 Field Education..

Selected Passages .....................3

'ff 604 Exegesis in the Gospels .... ... .3 TH 512 Theology II -Works of God,


PT 730 Biblical I,eadcrship and

.\ lanagcmem .................... ... ...... 3

ing (in Inte rn ship cl asses) .

Angels,~ Ian and Sin..

..... .3

Spring Semester

PT 791 l' icld Inte rnship.. ... .. .. .... .....2 Elccci, ·cs ..................................................... 3

PT 592 Field Educat ion ........................ 0 PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care

First Year

NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles and


.. .... ..... ..... ........ ...... .3

Thesis Fi rst Draft or Elccci, ·c. ..

.....-1-6 15-17

Fall Semester

and Counsel ing................... ..... . 2

OT 60-I Elemenrs of Hebrew ll .. .. ... . .3 PT 602 Pastoral .\ linisuy...... ..... ........ .... 3 TH 61-1 Thcologv I\ .-The Church

13 E SI 7 l-lerrneneut ics/13 ible Swdy

P' I· 709 Spiriwal ii lcmoring Group ..... 0 Elective ......................................... ... .. ...... 2

Spring Semester

~ lerhods .... .. ........ .......... ....... ... .. .3

13 E 726 Exposicional .\ lcrhodologv

HT 505 Pauis ci c/~ lcdievalTheology .3 1\T 503 lnrrod uccion to Exegesis* ...... .3 TH SI I Theologv 1- lnrroduccion:


and Last· l"hings ...................... .3

in Daniel, Rc,elmion ..... ........ . J

Seco11rl Year

PT 692 Field Education ........................0

PH 602 i\pologccics ......... .......................3 PT 703 Church and Societ\ .. . ............. .3 PT 792 Fidd Internship ....................... 2


Fall Semester

Revelation and Na ture

BE 519 Su rvey of Genesis- .\ lalachi ..3 CE 600 Educat ional ~lin ism' in the

of God .. .... ...... ...... .... .................. .3

Thirrl Ymr


........ ................ 2

PT 706 Personal Foundations of

·1·hesis Final Draft or Elccci, ·cs .............. 2



Fall Semester

:'s lin iscry...



H.I' 505 PatristicJi ledic, ·al Thcolo 6" . .3

CL 520 Imcrpersonal and lmcrcu ltural

PT 591 Introduction to Field

*1\'T 501 (I/Ir/ X7' .50.Z arr req11irerl for s111de111s v2•i1ho111 prior Cmel· s!ilrlv. Christian Education Emphasis e cv of p rofess ional miniseries in wh ich responsibil ities and skill s in Ch ri st ian Education arc: prom inent including pastor, assoc iate pascor. yout h pastor, women's miniseries

OT 705 E,cgcsis in Genesis


. ..... ..3

Educat ion... .

. .... . . ............. 1

o· I' 603 Elernenrs of Hebrew 1............. 3 PT 609 Exposiro,y Preaching ...... .... ... .3

and Selected Passages .. .......... .3

SS 5 10 T heological Research

CE 791 Ed ucational Pract icum ...... .. .... 1

~ lethoclologies ... ... .... ................ 1

CE Elcccivc ..


Prol'idcs preparation for a rnriPT 691 Field Education..



Thc:sis Fir,t Draft or Electives.. ..... ..... 3

T H613 Theologv Ill -Christ.


Spring Semester

Salrntion and the Spirit .......... .3

13E 520 Survey of ii latthew -


Spring Semester


Re,·elation .. ...

13E 726 faposicional .\ lechodology

Spring Semester

HT 506 Reformation and ii lodern - Theolog)' .................................. .3 N. r 604 Exegesis in the Gospels. . ...3 PT 510 Evange li sm and Follow-up ... .3 PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care

in Daniel, Re,·dacion ..... ......... .3

NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistl es and

H. r' 506 Reformation and .\ lodern -

and ocher leadershi p roles.

Acts .. ..... ..................................... .3

Theologv .. ...... ...... ........ .. .......... .3

Firs! Year

OT 60-l Elements of I lebrew 11 ... ....... .3 PT 60-l Pastoral Care and Ch,tplaincv.3 PT 628 ,\ lari rnl Counseling ................. .3 PT 692 Field Education ....... ... ... ........ ...0 TH 61-1 Theolog)' I\ . -The Church

P11 602 Apologet ics .... ..... ....... ............... .3 PT 70., Chu rch and Society ... .... ....... .3 CE 792 Educat ional Practi cum ............ 1 ·r'l1csis Firnd Draft or Elccci,·c** .......2--1

Fall Semester

and Counsel ing ......................... 2

13E S 17 l-lermrneuci cs/13iblc SrudY

PT 709 Spiritual ~lcmor ing Group..... 0 T H 512 Theologv 11- Works of God.

~bhods .. ...

15- 17

CE 600 Educational .\ linisn-v in

* ,\' j" .50! a11rl .\T .502 are req11irerl for s111rle111s v2•i1ho111 prior Creel- s111rl)'.

and Last Things ...

Angels. ~ Ian and Sin ............. ...3

the Church.. . ..... ......... .. ....... .3




1\T 50.l Introduccion to Exe,gesis• ..... 3

Talbot School of 1h eology • T~7

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