CLConcentration........ ..........................3
HT 505 Parris ri c/i\ ledieval Theology .3 NT 503 In trod uction to Exegesis' ..... .3 T H 511 Theologv I - Introduction:
PT 792 Field Internship .......................2 TH 710 Pneumatology ...........................2 Thesis Final Draft or Electives........2
Second Year
PT 692 Field Education ..
.. ..........0
Fall Semester
RSTP 722Systems of Integration ...... ...... .1
Revelation and Nature
Third Year
CL 555 Introduction to World
"NT 501 a11d NT 502 rm: required for srude11rs wirho11/ prior Cne/; sr11dy. •• Srude11rs are ro rhoose rwo ofrhefol lowi11g courses: CE 562; CL 7 27; HT 705; NT 701, 722, TH 717. 718.
of God... .. ............... ............3
i\ li ss ions ...............................3
Fall Semester
PT 706 Personal Foundations
OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I ............ 3 PT 609 Expository Preach ing ............. .3
OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and
of~ linisrry .................................2
Selected Passages
PT 591 Introduction to Field
TH 613 Theology Ill -Christ,
CL Concentration.... CL 791 Field Internship
. ..........3
Education .................................. 1
Salva tion and the Spirit ...........3
SS 510 Theological Research
Elective•• ..................... .... ........... .............. 2
Missions and Cross-cu ltural
Thesis First Draft or Elect ives ...............6
i'vlerhodologies .............. ............ 1
Ministries Emphasis
Spring Semester
Spring Semester
Prov id es training based on so und biblical and missiologica l
Spring Semester
BE 519 Survey of Genesis-!\ lalachi ... 3 NT 605 Exegesis in the Epis tl es and
BE 726 Expositional i\lethoclology in
BE 520 SurvevofMatthew-
principles for a var iety of profesDaniel, Revelation .... .............. .3 sional sk ill s in missions and crossNT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles and
Revelation ..................................3
Acts ............................................ .3
HT 506 Reformation and !\ lodern The-
OT 604 Elements of Hebrew 11......... .3 PT 602 Pastoral i\ linistry .......... ............. 3 TH 614 Theology I\. -The Church
Acts ............................................ .3
eulwral mini series .
ology ...........................................3
PH 602 Apologe ti cs ..
NT 60-l Exegesis in the Gospels ..........3 P'T' 510 Evangelism and Follow-up ....3 PT 592 Field Education .......................0 PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care
First Year
CL 792 Field Internship .......................2 Thesis Final Draft or Elective .......... ..2-4
and Last Things........................3
Fa ll Semester
PT 696 Internship ................................ 1
BE 517 Hermeneutics/Bible Swdy
13- 15
i\ lethocls3
and Counseling... .. .......... .. ...... . 2
"NT 501 and I T 502 a rc req uir ed for swdcnts without
Third Year
BE 519 Survey of Genesis-~ lalachi ....3 CL CAO Applied Anthropology ............ .3
PT 709 Spiriwal ~ lentoring Group .....0 TH 512 Theology Il - Works of God,
Fall Semester
prior Greek study.
PT 591 Introduct ion to Field
OT 705 Exegesis in Genes is and
Angels, ~ Ian and Sin ................3
..S1ttde111s ca11 choose m1y 011e of r!te fo//owi11g ro111wrmrio11s or ral:e a11y four of rhe folloru,iug cou/'Ses: A11thropology CL 501. 503, 507, 52//, 556, 561 or 702. Applied Li117:uisri1:r !SAL 520, 525, 529, 646, 648, 679 or 683; Church Plr111ri11gCL 520,556, 663. 727, 732, 735. 743, 744 or 765; Cross-mltural Educario11 CL 520, 575, 622, 715, 721 or 744; Missiol ogy CL 655, 722. 724, 747, 750. 752 or 755; Urbr111/Jl/11/ri-erh11ic CL 520, 53/, 559,560,567,583, or 744.
Education ................................... 1
Selected Passages ................ ..... 3
PT 706 Personal Foundations of
CE 675 Family Life Education ............ 2 PT 628 i\ larital Counseling ...............3 PT696 Internship .. . ............................... !
Seco11d Year
Ministry ................... ...................2
Fall Semester
SS 510 ' f'h eological Research
BE 519 Survey of Genesis -i\ lalaehi ..3 CE 600 Educational 1\linistry in the
i\ lethodologies .......................... 1
. ....... -\
TH 51 1 Theologv I - Introduction:
Thesis First Draft or Elective ................ 2
Church ....................................... .3
Revelation and Nature of
OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I ............3 PT 609 Expository Preaching. . .. .......3
Goel ......................................... .3
Spring Semester
BE 726 Expos it ional !\lethodology in
TH 613 Theology Il l -Christ,
Spring Semester
Daniel, Revelat ion ....................3
Salvation and the Spi rit .......... .3
BE520 Surveyof!\ latthew-
PH 602 Apologetics ... .......... ......... ..... .. .. .3 PT 703 Church and Socictv ................ .3 PT 696 Internsh ip .................................. 1 Thesis Final Draft or Electives .......... 2-7
PT 691 Field Education .. . ...................0 PT 722 Small Group Discipleship ..... J
CL 751 Theologyof~ li ss ion
.. ..3
Please Note
CL Concentration•• ................................3 NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis" ...... .3
Spring Semester
Thesis Co111:re Seque11m: If a
NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles and Acts.. . .............. .3 O' I' 60-l Elements of Hebrew 11 .......... .3 PT 602 Pastoral 1\lio istry.......................3
PT 592 Field Education
.......... ..0
den t e lects to write a the sis, th e course "Thesis First Draft" will be taken at the completion of 64 units and "Thes is Final Draft" ac the comple tion of 80 units. Ne ither is applicable coward g radu a tion unl ess both ha ve been completed. Some pre liminary steps must be completed by the end of the semeste r prior to rak ing Thes is First Draft. See the Talbot grad u ate srudem handbook for dera ils. Chrisria11 1l!i11isr1y a11d Leade1ship
"NT 501 a11d NT 502 are required for srude11rs wJirhout prior Creek sr11d)'. **Ar leas/ five ofyo11r elecrive 1111irs 11111st be chose11 fro111 rhefolloru>i11g lisr of classes: CE 512. 562, 622, 673,
PT 709 Spiriwal i\ lcntoring Group .....0 TH 512 Theology II - Works of Goel,
Angels, ~ Ian and Sin ................3
PT 6 IO Contemporary Biblical
Elective ...... .............................................3
Preach ing
... .3
PT 725.
TH 61-l Theology !\'-The Church
Second Year
Evangelism and Discipleship
and Last Things .................... .3
Fall Semester
PT 692 Field Education ........................0
CE 600 Educational Ministry in the
Provides preparation for a vari15
Chu~h ....................................... .3
ety of professional ministries including pasto r, associate pastor, youth pastor, co llege and seminary teac h in g, eva nge li st, mi ss ionary
Third Year
HT 505 Patristic/MedievalTheology .3 OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I ............3 PT 609 Exposirory Preach ing .............. 3
Fall Semester
CL SSS Introduction to World
.......... .3
TH 613 Thcologv Ill -Christ, Alremarive: and other leadership roles. In comFor students amicipat OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis Salvation and the Spirit ...........3 par ison to the Pastoral and Gening a ca reer reaching in higher edu and Selected Passages ............ .3 CL Concentration.. .. ....3 cation, the cou rses PT 79 1 and PT eral Ministries this program ha s PT 730 Biblical Leadership and PT 691 Field Educat ion ............. .. .......0 792 may be rep laced by CE 791 specialized training in eva ngelism 1\ lanagement.. .. . ................ J 18 and CE 792. A written petition is PT 791 Field Internship .......................2 and discipleship. (Students antici necessary, approved by the facul ry Electives• .................................2 pating a graduate or undergraduSpring Semester advisor and filed with the Office of ate reach ing caree r wi II need to HT 506 Reformat ion and i\ loclern Thesis First Draft or Elective.... ....2-4 pursu e advanced studies beyond Thcologv ..................................3 the Registrar. 15-17 the Master of Divinity Program). NT 60-l Exegesis in the Gosrels ..........3 Bible /<,"xposirio11 Alrer11r1tive : Spring Semester OT 604 Elements of Hebrew 11 .......... J For one of the four required Bible First Year BE 726 Exposicional ~lethodology in PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care Ex posit ion courses (excl uding BE Fall Semester Daniel, Revelation .................. .3 and Counseling .........................2 517 or BE 726) the srnd e nt may BE 517 Hermeneut ics/ PH 602 Apologe ti cs ............................3 TH 614 Theology l\. - The Church subsr iw rc th ree units of Greek or Bible Swdy Methods ..............3 PT 703 Church and Socierv ................ .3 and Last Th ings ..................... .3 Heb rew exegesis e lect ives.
T-8 • Talbot School of Theology
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