
Master of Arts

OT 604 Elements of Hebrew II .......... .3 OT 705 Exegesis in Genes is and Selected Passages .................... .3 OT 717 Old Testament in Near Eastern Context.. . . ........ .. 2 NT 501 BeginningGreek I ................ .. . 2 NT 502 BeginningGreek 11 .................2 NT 503 Introd uction to Exegesis ........ .3 Old Tes tament electives (4 exeges is, 7open) ................................ 11 General electives .. ....... .... ....... .. ....8-1 0 New Testament Emphasis NT 501 Beginning Greek I ................. .. 2 NT 502 Beginning Greek 11 ..................2 NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis ....... ..3 NT 60-t Exegesis in the Gospels ..... .... .3 NT 605 Exeges is in the Epistles and Aces .. ..... 3 NT 701 The World of the New Testament ................................. 2 OT 603 Elements of Hebrew l .... ........3 OT 604 Elements of Hebrew 11 .... ...3 New Testament electives ........ ......8 General elec ti ves .. . ....... ......8-10 Theology Emphasis Greek Option NT 501 Beginn ing Greek ..... 2 NT 502 Beginning Greek .................... ..2 NT' 503 Introduction to Exegesis........ .3 HT 722 Cults ofAmeri ca ..2 PH 602 Apologetics .. . ........ ... .........3 TH 709 Contemporary Theology ........ 2 Elecrives• (I ) T heology Elect ives (TH &. HT courses) ................8 (2) Theology & related electives (BE, NT , OT, PH, TH, & HT courses) ...6 (3) General Electi ves .. ll Total Units Greek Option • 39 Non-Greek Option BE 530 Elementary Principles of Biblical Languages... . .......... .3 HT 722 Culls of America ...................... .2 PH 602 Apologetics .. .. ...... ..3 TH 709 Contemporary T heology ........2 Elertives• (I) Theologv Elcctivcs (TH&I-IT cou rses) ....... 16 (2) Theola~, & Related Electives (BE, NT, OT. PH, TH, & HT courses) .. 6 (3) General Elcccivcs .. ....._]_ Total Units Non-Greek Option •39 Biblical and Theological Studies/Diversified Emphasis BE 530 Elementary Principles ofrhe Biblical Languages .... .............. .3 (Select one of the following) ...............2-3 HT 722 Cu lts of America CL 556 World Religions PH 602 Apologet ics PT 510 Evangel ism and Follow-up ....3 PT 703 Church and Society .. . .. ...... .3 CE 600 Educational ii linistry in the Church.. . ............... .3


the major adviso r, or at th e opt ion of th e major ad viso r and in li e u of th e t hes is, co mpl ete two add i­ ti onal units of e lec ti ves . Students w ho writ e a the s is w ill ha ve a total requirement of 64 units and those who cake cwo additi o nal units in lieu of a thes is wil l have a total requircrnc nt of 66 units. Students in Spiritual forma­ ti on c rnph as is subrnit an accept­ able Spiritual Formation i\lasrcr's Project-Thes is, which includes 3 units for wr it ing and one unit for pe rsonal growth ex pl ora tion. Th e Proj ect-Th es is rnu sr in vo lve both a theoretical and practi ca l- ex pe ri­ ent ial dime ns ion in consultation with thes is adv iso r. C. At least 2-+ units mu st be ta ke n at chi s semin ary. For Spiri­ tual f-' ormat ion empha sis, at leas t 51 unit s must be ta ken at this sen1inary. D. Obtain a 3.0 average with no grade below a "C-" in all courses co be cred ited coward graduation. E. Compl ete the en tire pro­ gram in no more than fi ve yea rs. Students arc placed on aca­ demic probation if th eir grade point average for any semester falls below 3.0 and will remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumu­ lative grad e point avera ae remains below 3.0. Probat ion swdents are granted one scrnesce r in whi ch co bring their academ ic work up to the required level (3 .0) for continuance in the seminary. A student cannot graduate while on probation.

or theological scudi es may req ues t a program reduction based on col­ leg iate work. Sec Admissions Requireme nts fo r detail s. CURRICULUM First Year First Semester BE 517 Hermeneuti cs/Bible Studv Methods.. ............... .3 BE 519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi ..3 TH 511 Theologv 1- lntrocl uction: Revelation and Na ture of God ......................................... 3 PT 706 Personal Foundations ofi\ linistry ..........................2 SS 510 Theological Research Method- ologies... ......... 1 Emphas is or electives• ........................... .3 IS Second Semester BE520 Survcyofil latthew- Rcve lation ..................... .3 HT 51-l HistoricalTheology Survey ... .3 TH 512 T heology II - Works of God, Angels, i\ Ian and Sin ............ ... .3 PT 709 Spiritual Mentoring Group.. .... O Emphasis or electi ves• .. ......8 17 Seco11d Year First Semester TH 613 Theology Ill -Christ, Salvation and the Spirit ......3 Emphas is or electives• .. ·······14 17 Second Semester TH 61-t Theology IV-The Church 1 and Last Th ings .. . .. .3 Emphasis or electives• ............. 12 Thesis.. or electives•. . .......0-2 15- 17 •up 10 6 grad11a1e e/errive 1111i1s may be 1ake11 i11 other schoo ls in Bio/a U11iversi1y with advisor's approval. ""Co11s11/1 rhe Talbor s111de111 hand­ book for prelimi11{/!y s!eps thar 11111s1 be co111ple1ed prior 10 e11rolli11g in the rhesis co111se. Bible Exposition Emphasis Select two•... ..........................................4

The i\ laster of Arcs degree, with emphases in Bible l~xpos icion, New Testament, Old Tescamcnc, Theol­ ogy, Philosop hy of Religion and Ethics, Spiritual Formation and Bib­ lical and Theologica l Studies-Diver­ si ficd (non- lang uage), ha s been developed for those whose ca lli ng co C hr ist ian se rvice is co pos iti ons of leadership for which the 1\ laster of Divinity or oc he r professional degrees arc nor normally required . le is structured co provide: 1. An understanding of Scrip­ tu re s for students anticipating Ch ri st ian miniseries chat would incl ude church adminiscrarors, para­ church orga ni zation leadership , counselors, uccnt-making" occupa­ tions in ocher rnltures, lay leaders in the local chu rch and oche rs. 2. A biblical backgrou nd fo r chose who are prepar ing for reac h­ ing in non-theo logica l fields. 3. An academic background for ch ose who find the i\lascer of Arcs degree amp le for a reaching position e ith er at home or in a fo re ign country. 4. A program of s cud v fo r mi ssionar ies who have only a bri e f furl ough rime in whi ch ro pursue fo rmal stud v of the Scriptures. 5. Sustainable sk ill s in spe­ cific mini ser ie s further de ve lo p­ in g yo ur abilities an d s piritu al gifts a nd st rengt h e nin g yo ur areas of weak ness .



Applicants muse possess a bac­ calaureate degree. Each should be a gradu ate from an accredited col­ lege with a minimum grad e poi nt average of 3.0 (on a -+.0 sca le). All applicants mu se submit a wri tten stateme nt outl ining their voca ti o na l o bj ect ives and how the degree might re late ro those objectives. f or spec ia l admissions dead­ lin es and requirements in vo lved in the Spi ritual Formation empha­ sis, contact Grad uate Ad mi ss ions . Due ro the limited enrollment in th is emph asis, all applicants will be pe rsonall y inte rviewed.

The academic programs lead­ ing to the degree Master of Arts with emphases in Bible Exposi­ tion, New Testament, Old T esta­ mem, Th eo logy, Phi losoph y of Re l ig io n and Eth ics, Spiritual Formation and Biblica l and The­ olog ical Studies-Dive rs ifi ed are compri sed of 64-66 units s tru c­ tured in common to include I ) biblical and th eo log ical founda­ tion s, 2) academic spec ia lization in one of four di sciplines requir­ ing bibli ca l language studies , or ge ne ral studies in whi ch bib lica l languages are not req uired , and 3) additional clccrivc courses deter­ min ed by the srndcnt in consulta­ tion with the ad visor. Reduction Appl ica nts who ha ve taken und e rgraduate courses in biblica l

' BE 602 Genesis "BE 608 Matthew ' BE 610 Romans

NT 501 Beginning Greek I ...................2 I\T 502 Beginning Greek 11 ...... .. ...... ..2 NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis ....... ..3 NT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels .........3 NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistl es and Acts ................................. .... .3 OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I ............3 OT 604 Elements of Hebrew 11 .......... .3 Bible Exposition electives .....................6 General electives .............. .. ........ ....... ..8-10 Old Testament Emphas is OT 603 Elements of Hebrew 1.... .. ...... .3


A. Satisfactorily compl ete 64- 66 semeste r units as outlined in th e curriculum charts be low. B. Submit an accepta bl e th e­ sis, cho se n in co nsultati on with

Ta lbot School of Theology· T~9

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