
BE, CE, HT, :\T, OT, PH, PT, TH dccti1 es (a maximum of 6 units in P' l'c1nd CE) ............................................ 14 Gener,11 clccti1-cs .................................9- 11

dence a min imum of 24 uni ts in t he Philoso p hy of Re li gio n and

Nole fllso that this 1110,e academic J1A with r111 emphasis i11 Spiri111a/ F on11a1io11 ir 10 be rlisti11g11isherl from

SF 645 Christian Virtue and the

Spiriwal Di sci pli nes-+ ..... ...... .-!

Ethi cs e111phas is.

SF 585 Personal Spiritual Direct ion ...0

!he more professio11a/ JIJ.A. i11 Spiri!111n1rrm

Spiritua l Formation Emphasis T h is emp has is progra m is dcs igncd as a personal growth and

/11al Fom/{/ fi o11 a11rl So11/ Care, !he lat/er bei11g fashio11erl more a/011g !he li11es ofr111 Appre111ice Tmi11i11g 11/orlel

SF 701 Spiriwal Formation Seminar. .3

Philosophy of Relig ion and

Ethics Emphasis


academic degree . It is an inte nSF 614 Theology IV-The Church & ru•hirh i11d 11rles a 1rai11i11g, s11pernisio11

Th e ma in purpose of thi s e mph as is is w help the srnde n t become ctn apologist and deve lop

Eschatology .. .... ................... ... .3

si ve, in tegrat i ve program vv ich in

a11rl serv ire ro111po11e111 i 11 sp iri111al

SF 520 Survey ofMatthew-

the Institute for Spiritua l Formarlirec1io11 a11rl 111e111ori11g .

the skills invoh·ed in doing apolotion at Ta lbot School of Theology, getic, 1l'ith special focus on philosode s ig ne d to equip 111 c n a nd

Revelation .............................. .. .3


SF 642 Spiritual Di sciplines

ph,· and social ethi cs. The atti tudes and character traits of an apologist wil l be foste red bv department Hctivit ies, profess iona l mode li ng, and teac hin g techniques . The s kill s necessary for the craft of apologet ics "ill be de, ·e lopcd by equipping the student to think for himself or he rself, do resea rch Hnd

Seminar+ ..............................4

women for t he mini stry of di sc iFr,II

SF SI 1 Theology I - Revelation &

SF 672 Personal Retreat and

pleship and spiriwa l format ion in ge neral , in thc loca l church, and fo r further academ ic t rain ing in Spiritual Formati on. The program moti ng g rowt h in the beli cl'e r' s inne r life of fa ith and prayer with God in the co nt ext of a s hared

...... .3

Nawre of God..


....... .... .-!

SF 5I7 Hermeneut ics & the Word in

SF 585 Personal Spiriwal Direction ...0 SF 740 Spiriwal Formation Project -

Spiritual Formation .... ............. .3

SF 521 Inrrocluction to Christian is des igned e ntire ly a round proThesis+

...... .. ...... .-!

Spirituali ty and Praye r ............ .3

Students in the Spiritua l For­ mation e mp has is will not take

SF 531 Hi st0f\·&Traditions of

ChristianSpiriwalicyH ......... ..4

HT 514, PT 706 or PT 709.

und e rsta nd th e necess ary ph iloSF 543 Personal Foundations of community and developed knowl­ sophica l and et hica l concepts for Spi rituality and Retreat+ ........ .3

Co-curricular Requirements Sec Inst itute Fo r Spiritua l Fo rmat ion (De partme nt) for full

edge-base in the Word.

SF 585 PersonalSpiriwal Direction ...0

spe lling out what Christ ians bel ieve Hnd why the y hold those be liefs.

Beca use t he program is ex pe­


riential and theo ret ica l in nature T he program is aimed at developSF 512 Theology 11- \\'orksofGod, with res pect w spiriwa l grow th ing ab ility to do apologet ics in variAngels, ~ Ian and Sin ................3

desc ripti on.

I. Per so nal Spirirnal D irec-

and th e d ynam ic pr ocesses

ous ministf\ programs such as para

SF 524 The History and Theory of

tion (SF 585)

inl'ol ved, the 1' I. A. Emphas i; in church and loca l church c va nge lChristi an Soul Care &

2. Didact ic Therapy

Spirit ua l Fo rmation draws upon

i,m, as well as prepari ng the sn1- dent fo r further graduate work in philosophy, ethics, religious studies, la", political science and theology. Pl I52-l :-lctaphysics I .... ....................... .3

Direction+ .. ... .......... ... ....... ........4

3. Faculty-S tudent Retreat 4. Personal Retreats (SF 672) All SF courses fo llow th e "O ne-Fourt h Rul e" in which a t least one fourth of each course is devoted w expe rienti a ll y rea liz­ ing or deepe ni ng what is taught . + "P/11s" ro11rses are i111mrlerl 10 give !he s111r/e111 rrer/i; for 1heore1irn/ a11rl experie111i11/ f!Wd' r/011e 0111sirle of !he dassroo111. Co11rses 'al'hid, 111ef'I !his req11ire111e111 are: SF 52./, 53 1, 5.12, 54], 544,621, 642, 6./5, 672, 7./0.

interdi sc ip lin ary facult y from


SF 532 Developmental Spiriwality

bot h T a lb ot and Ro se mea d Schoo l of Psychology and has the following compone ms: experim- 1ial-relario11a/ soul work in cl asses and co-c u rri c ular req u irements;

and Contemplati ve Prayer+ .. .3

SF 5-l-l Personalicy Development and

.. .4


PH 5-l-l Epistemology I

.... .3

SF 510 Theological Research

Pl I547 The Theology and Ph ilosophy

~ lethodologies ... ..... .. ...... .......... 1

and in-de pth 1heo1t1iml and inteSF 585 Personal Spiriwal Direct ion ...0

of Science ..... ............................. .3

g rative co urse work , empl oy ing t he c reation di sc ip lines s uch as theo logy, phi losophy, psychology

PH 566 Hiswry and Nonnati l'e


........... .3

vstcms of Ethics ..

SF 613 Theology Ill -Chri st, Salva-

Pl 1624 Seminar in Ethical Issues I .... .3

tion & the Spirit.

.... .3

Pl I 667 Seminar in Philosophical

and educat ion to a id in und e rSF 5 I9 Su rvey of Genesis-~ lalachi ... .3

An th ropology ...... .......... ............3

sta ndin g th e sp iritua l life and

SF 621 Spiritual Formation and

Pl 168-l Seminar in Philosophy of Rcligiun................. ......... .. ........ ...3 PH 68.'i Seminar in Philosophi cal The- ology. ........... .3 l'hilosophy Elccti1cs .. ....... .......................6 Electi, ·es ... ........... ..... .........................9 Reduct ion and Transfer Guidelines for Philosophy of Religion and Ethics Emphasis Srndcnts with sat is fa cro ry undergraduate para ll e l conte nt in philosoph y will be co nside red for course red uc ti on. All req uests for co urse redu c ti on arc subject to dcpartmcnca\ approval on a case by case bas is. Swde nts seeking co ur se red uctio n mu s t ha ve earned at least a " B" grade . Srndcnts ma y onl y transfer cou rse s that arc parallel in co n­ tent a nd rn ken from accredited grad uate school s and seminar ies. Req uest fo r transfe r of courses s ho ul d be s ubmitted to the Office of t he Registrar wit h pr ior approl'a l from the department. Swd e nts 111us t comp le te in res i-

Theology Semi nar.+ ............. .4

menwrin g.

T~10 • Ta lbot School of Th eo logy

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