
Master of Arts 1n Christian Education


legc,. if accepted, " ill be grancccl pro vis iona l acce prn nce , th o ug h excep t ions may be mad e "he n t he GPA is hi ghe r than 3.0. Boc h probat ion and prm·isional acce pc­ a nce ma\' be c han ge d to full accep ta nce if th e stude nt ea rn s a GPA of 3.0 or bette r on the first e ight units at T albot. Graduates from app roved un acc re cl iccd co l­ leges may be re quir e d tu tak e ce rtain ,1cl dici o na l lib era l arc s co ur sewor k ( not ap p lica bl e tO \\ ard t he g radu a te deg ree), if th e ir unde rgraduate progra rn did nor inc lude these courses.

Th e Standard Program: 56 Units

Second Semester TH 614 Theology IV - The Church and Lase·rhi ngs ........ .3 CE 512 EducationAdministrat ion.... .. .3 CE 562 Interpersonal Dcvclopmcnc .. .3 CE 622 Philosophyof i\ liniscry.............3 CE 592 Teaching i\ liniscrv Practi cum or CE 692 Practicum in i\ linistry II .. ...... 1 CESpeciali z,1 tion course ......................... 2 15 * The " /i1er a 111re revieru 1 " is o resermh projerr 011 a 111i11is11y iss11e that is 1ah11 i11 Cl '. 633 r:hris1ir111 F.d11a1- 1io11 Re.reanh a11d \1 '1i1i11g. /1sfoc11s is 011 the ide111ifim 1io11 , c•l)(i/11a1io11, sy11- 1hesis a11d app lira1io11 of releva111 sorial srie11ce reser11 ,h a11d biblical/rhe­ ologiml p1i11riples lo a 111i11is11y 11eed i11 the s111de11r's r,rer, of sperializa1io11. Dt111i/,- 011 the li1em111re review m11 be ob1ai11ed i11 C/~·633. Ir is i111po,1r1111 that .1/ACli s111de111s 1101 'filwir 10 rake CF. 633 i11 their last semester. Advanced Standing Appli can ts who ha ve ta ke n unde rgradu ate courses in bibli cal o r ch e o log ica l s cucli cs may reques t ad va nced standi ng based on co ll egiate work . Sec Admi s­ s ions Requireme nts for deta il s. Master of Arts in Christian Education Accelerated Program: 36 Units Scucl e nt s e nter in g chi s pro­ gram must ha, ·c the followin g: 1) An un de rg raduate deg ree in Chri sti an Educa ti on with a 3.0 GPA in courses ta ken in the major. 2) A cora l of at lease 30 hours in Bibl e/theo logv . 3) An ove ra ll GPA of 2.6 (T hose with a GPA of 2.6-2 .9 will be pl aced on probation. Sec ear lier sect ion on admiss ion quali fi cations.) -+) In ad di t ion t0 the above , demonstrat ion of compete ncy in th e conte nt of any wai ved or sub­ st ituted courses wil l be assessed at the time of admi ss ion. 5) Ac leas t cwo yea rs of voca ­ ti ona l experi e nce in ed ucat ion al mini s tr y a ft e r co mpleti o n o f undergraduate degree. For stud e nts who qua lify for thi s program , graclua ci on rcqu ire­ me n t s rna v be s ati s fi e d in 36 semes te r uni ts. Biblc[rhcology ... ..9 (inclucling l3E S17, TH 717, T I-I 718, Bible electi ve) Chri stian educa tion core ....................... 19 (includingCE 518,552. 623. 633•. 691. 692. PT 706. 707, 709; select one of

As a g raduate deg ree of th e Dc parcme nc of C hri ,cian Educa­ ti on, th e mi ss ion of the i\ l. A.C.E . program is co de,·e lop and equ ip ex pe ri e nced c h u rc h a nd pa ra ­ church se rva nt-l eade rs in mind , c ha racter, and ab ilit y co se rn; Go el a nd furth er I li s kin gdo m throu gh bibli ca ll y- based edu ca ­ ti onal 111ini scri cs 1 acco rding to a parti cul ar area of spcc..: iali zaci on.

Th e prog ram leadin g tO th e 1\laste r of Arcs degree in Christian Education, with a ministry special­ iza ti on in children 's ministry, yo uth mini stry, gencral Chr ist ian ccluca­ ci on, fa mi ly and adult mini st ry, cross-cultural education ministry, or spiritual forrnaci on. includes a mini­ rnurn of 56 units of study. The stu­ de nt who is abl e co e nro ll in 1-t un its each semeste r can compl e te the degree in two years. The stu­ den c who en roll s for less th an 1-+ units ma y be abl e co acce ss I nc c rcc rrn a nd S umrn e r sc hoo l courses and sci\\ cornplece che pro­ gram in two yea rs, or n1ay require aclcl iti ona l t ime co compl e te t he deg ree prog ram. The prog ram rnust be comple ted within fi ve cal ­ end ar yea rs frorn t he first en ro ll­ ment. A litera ture review concern­ ing a ministry issue isalso required. CURRICULUM First Year First Semester CE 52 1 Psychologica l Foundat ions of Christian \ liniscryand Lifescvlcs ......... .3 CE 633 Chri stian F:ducation Research and \\'riting• ....... ... ... .................3 CE 552 Li fespan Development in \ li nis cry. .......3 TH 511 Theology I - Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God ........... .................................. 3 CE Specialization course ...... ....... ? 1-+ Second Semester BE 517 Hcrmencucics/13ib\e Study i\ lcchods ....... ..... ... .. ... .. .. ...... ...... 3 l3E 520 Surveyofi\l atthcw - Revclacion ....... .. ........................ .3 7 ·1-1 512 Theology 11- \\'arks of God, Angels, . Ian and Sin ....... ... .... .3 l>°T' 706 Personal Foundations of \ linistry ......................................2 CE Speciali zation course .. ..... ....2 Literature Review . .. .................................0 13 Sero11d Year First Semester 13 E 519 Survev of Genesis - i\ la\achi .J T l I613 Theology 111 - Chri st, Salvation and the Spiri t .......... .3 PT 709 Spiritual II !encoring Group .....0 PT707 Foundacions of Pas toral Care and Counse ling... ... .2 CE 591 Teaching \linism· Practicum or CE 691 Practicum in i\ liniscry I.... ....... 1 Choose one: p· r 703. CL 520, 680 . .3 CE Speciali zation course ............ .. ...... ....2 1-+


Th e goa ls of this degree prepa­ ra ti on arc co enabl e the student ro: 1) Dernons trate und e rsrn nd ­ ing of bib lical and t he ol og ica l co nte nt inc luding sou nd p rinci­ ples of in te rpretat ion and appli ­ c.:ac1on. 2) l':ngage in t he proccs, of pe rso na l spiritu a l cl eve loprn cnc and di sc ip les hip in the conrexc of Chrisci ,111 co rnmuni ty. 3) Demo nstrate th e abili ty co teac h bibli ca l t ruth based o n so und th eo log ica l. edu cat iona l, and soc ial sc ie nce princ ipl es an d resea rch. -+) Demonstrate the abilicv ro des ig n. impl e me nt , and direct edu cat iona l mini se rie s base d on prin ciples o f lea d e rs hip a nd ad mini s tra ti on and a so und phi ­ losophy of 111 in ist r, . 5) Demonstra te che ,rbi litv co be a serva nt- lead e r with a parti c­ ular ,·ocacional fo cus in a church or parachurch conrcxc. MINISTRY PREPARATION In li ght of increasing de rnands fo r perso ns tra in e d in C hri s ti an ccl ucac ion, ch e prog ra rn rs des igned ro pre pare indi" iduals ro se rve co rn pece ncl y in a growing nurnbe r of functi onal roles . Along with co re.: c las5cs. a , ar iecy of courses ro rrn;cc stude nts' incli vid ­ ua lizc d nee d s a nd goa ls ar c offe red in fi ve areas of emphas is: C hildre n's i\ lini stry, Youth i\ li n­ isuy, Adule and Farni ly i\ lini stry, Ge nera l Chri sti an Educati on ,\lin ­ iscr ies and Cross-cultura l i\ l ini stry.


A. Satisfa cror il y complete 56 semeste r unit,. Sec ( D. ) be low. 13. T ake ch e co ur ses p re­ sc ribed in th c i\ lasce r of Arcs in Chr ist ian F:ducac ion curri culum. C. -+ 00 ho ur s of sup e r" ise cl fi e ld mini ,c rv apprO\'Cd b\' a fac­ ulty advisor. D. Complete t he program in no more than fin; yea rs. lo. Compl ete an accc pca bl c l i te ratu re rev ie w o n a mini st ry iss ue re la te d co a se lec ted spe­ ciali1. ac ion. I-' . Obta in a 3.0 a, ·eragc wit h no grade b e low a "C-" i n a ll co ur ses co be co u n t ed cowar d graduat ion. G. At leas e 2-+ uni cs uniqu e co t he p rog ram mus e be ta ke n a c chi -; seminary. A student must have at leas t a 3.0 GPA (on a -+. 0 scale) co gradu ­ ate. Stude nts arc placed on ,1ca­ demi c probat ion if their GPA fo r any sc rn es ccr fa ll s bc low 3.0, and will rema in on probat ion as long as the ..:; inglc s<..:mcscer or curnula­ ti\'c GPA remains be low 3.0. Pro­ bat ion st ud e nts a rc g rancc cl one semeste r in whi ch co bring th e ir academi c work up co the requi red i<.:\el (.HJ) for cont inu ance in the semin ar,. A student ca nnot grad­ uate ,rhil e on probati on.



' t'h c acadc1Y1 ic program lead­ ing co t he 1\lasccr of Arcs degree in C hri s ti an Ed ucation is st ru c­ tured ro inc lude ( 1) bibli ca l and cheo log ica l fo und at ions; (2) a co re curri cul um cons isting of found a­ ci onal cou rses and prac ti ca l skill s; (3) a rnca ci onal spcciali za cion.

All applicants rnu sc hold th e 13 ac hc lor of Arts degree or its aca­ cl e rni c e qui va le n t. Th ey mu s t have a 3.0 GPA (o n a -+. 0 sca le). Those acce pcc cl who do not mee t thi s la tte r re quire me nt will be pl aced on probati on. Grad uates fr om ap pro\'cd unacc redicccl co l-

CL 520,680, or PT 703) C. E. Specializa ti on .. .. Literamre Review.. . .

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Talbot Schoo l of Th eology • T ~ 11

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