Master of Arts i n Chr ist i a n Ministry and Leader s hip
PT 628 \ lariral Counseling ... .. ..... ...... ..3 PT 722 Small Group Discipleship ... .. .3 PT 775 Parenr Education in 1' 1inisrrv .2
Specializations Available Master of Arts in Christ ian Edu cati on - Ch il dren's Min istry CE 62-1 Chi ld Del'clopmcnt and
Th e Mas ter of Arrs in Chri stREQUIREMENTS
ian 1' li nistrv and Leade rship with e mp hase s in Pastora l Care a nd
Applicants must possess a bac calaureate degree. Eac h should be
Or a general C.E. electi ve ..
.:... 2
Co unse ling, and Women 's 1'lin a graduate from an acc redited co l is rr ies , is d e s igned as a profes lege wit h a minimum grade point
Master of Arts in Christian Edu ca tion - General Christian
Teach ing I (Birth-Age 5) ........ ?
CE 626 Child Dc,·clopmcnt and
s io na l prog ram fo r sp ec ia li zed
ave rage of 3.0 (on a -1 .0 sca le).
-1 ·caching II (Ages 6-12) ....... ... 2
Two age -leve l courses on deve lmini stry. Ir has been deve loped
All appli ca nts must submit a
CE 635 ~lodcls of Ch ildren's
fo r those whose ca lling to Christwr itten srn tcmc nt outlining t he ir ian service is to pos iti ons of lcadvocatio n a l obj ec tive s an d how
opment and ed ucmion (from CE
~linism ....... ........................ ..... 2
62-1 , 626.66 1,678)
One of:
One course on mode ls of mi nistry ( from CE 566, 635, 675, 7 16,
ers h ip fo r whi ch th e J\ lastcr of D iv init y o r o th e r profe ss io na l degrees are not normall y required.
t he degree might re late to those
CE 6-16 Current ' J'rcnds in Child ren's
objcctil'cs .
1' 1inist,, .................... .............. ..2
PT 722, 775 )
Or a general C. E. clectil'c ..... ..................2 Master of Arts in Christ ian Educati on - Youth Mi ni stry CE 566 Youth Group Dc,·clopmcnr
One othe r C.E. elect ive Master of Arts in Christian Education - Cross-cultural
lt is structured to prov ide:
1. An unde rstand ing of Sc ri p w rcs fo r s tud e n ts a n t ic ipating C hri st ian mi nistries t hat wo ul d include pasto ral or lay coun se lors, para-church organ ization counsel ing, wom e n 's ll'1ini srrics 1 spec ial ized " te n t- m a k ing" occ u pat io ns in o th er cultures , lay lea ders in
A. Sat isfacto ri ly compl ete 6-1- 66 semester un its as outlined in t he curr iculum charts be low. B. Subm it an acceptable thes is, chosen in co nsultation wit h t he rnajor ,1dvisor, or at the opt ion of the major adl'isor and in lieu of the the elect ives . Stude nts who write H the sis, complete fou r addit ional units of 6-1 un its and those who rake two add itiona l uni ts in lieu of a thesis will have a mral requircmcnr of 66 units.
Education Ministry
,111d Programmi ng ................... .. 2
One of either:
CE 661 Adolescent Culture and
SCL 575~ 1ulti-cultural Educ-a tion ....... .3 SCL 721 Cross-cultural ' I·cachi ng/
Dcl'elopmcnr. ................... ... ... ..2
CE 663 Youth Education and
Learning Strategics
.......... ...
for Curriculum .............. .. .... .3
One of:
the loca l church and othe rs.
Two courses from:
CE 6-18 Current Trends in Youth CE 555 Para-church Youth \ li ni st ry ...2
2. A bib li ca l backg round for
SCL 53 1Peoples of Ethnic America .... .3 SCL 556\ \"orld Religions ....................2-3 SCL 622lnrcrcultural Commun ieation.3 SCL 6-lOApplied Anrhropology.... .....3 SCL 765Cross-culrural Leadership ... ... .3 * S111dm1s selec1i11g this specializa-
those who are preparing fo r co unsis wi ll hal'e a tota l rcquircrnent of
~ linist,, ......................................2
se ling in secul ar fie ld s.
CE 681 De,·clopment of Youth
3. A prog ram of s tudv fo r miss ionaries who have onl y a br ief furl ough time in whi ch to pursue
Speaker Sk ills ...... .... ..................2
Or a general C. E. clcctil'c ...................... .2 * S111de11/s i11 this 4mirdizr11io11
C. At least 2-1 units mu st be rnbs1i1111e Cf:.,' 5-13 Co1111seli11f[ Arlotaken at thi s sem inan. 1io11 sho11/d cdw tale SCL 520 /111erfo rmal study of the Scriptures and lesrents r111d '/"h eir /'(lrellls, for D. Obta in a 3.0 :1l'cragc with perso11al r111d /111err11/111ml Adj11s/- wo ul d li ke to emphas ize pasto ral PT7()7 Fo1111r/(l /i o11s of P(ls/oml 111en1 (J) i11 their C. I{. core. coun se li ng or wome n's min istries. no gra de b e low a -- c -·• in a l l Gt1!t' a11d Co1111seli11g. -1. Susta in able ski ll s in specou rses to he c re dited towa rd General Christian Education c ific min istri es furth er deve lopgraduat ion . El ectives Master of Arts in Christian Eduing yo ur abi li t ies and sp iri t ual CE 511 Foundat ions of Leadership E. Complete t he e nti re pro g if t s a nd s tr engt hening yo ur gra m in no more than fi ve y<.; c.Hs. cat ion - Adult/Fami ly Min is try CE 51-l \\'omen and J\ Jen inChristian CE 675 Familv Life Education in 1' lini stry areas of wea kn ess. Studcnt s arc pla cc d on aca the Chu rch .................... ..... ........2 CE 570 Specia lSrud ics in Ch ristian dem ic probat ion if the ir grade point CE 678 Adult Dc,·clopmcnt and Women's Ministries avcragc for an\' semeste r falls below Education Educ,1t ion .............. .... .... .. ...........2 The Maste r of Arts, Women's 3.0 and will rema in on probation as ' ['woof: CE 612 \lissionarv Educa tion 1' 1inistr ics emphas is, is des igned CE 616 Principles of Cu rriculum long as the single semester or cumu CE 716 ~linistf) roSinglc Adults ....... .7 to eq uip yo u fo r a spec ifi c mini stry Development lat ive grade point al'cragc remains PT 627 Premarital Preparat ion and to women in a loca l church co nbelow 3.0. Probat ion students arc CE 6.18 Current· r rends in Christian Counsel ing .............................. ..2 text. I t is set up to develop Education granted one semester in "h ich to stre ngt hs in bot h Bible/ t heo logy bring their academic work up to the CE 6-14 \ lusic in the Chu rch and co un se lin g/teach in g . T he requi red lel'cl (3.0) for continuance CE 6-19 InstructionalTechnology program emphas izes preparat ion, in the scmimirY. A student cannot CE 683 Camp Leadership e nri c hme n t , equ ip pin g a nd graduate wh ile on probat ion. CE 72-1 Advanced \ lcthods of renewing ministr ies in such cl asses Educational Instruction as Co un se lin g 1' lini s tr v, G roup Voca t ions or pos itio ns fo r which EMPHASES Counse ling, Wome n and 1' lc n in t he J\ l. A.C. E. progra m p repa res REQUIREMENTS lini s try, Sex Ro les in Soci e ty, stude nts arc: and Psychology of Women . ,If i11islet/Direc1or ofChris1ia11 Erl11 - Program Structure A ma j or foc us is o n ac t ual a,1io11 The academ ic programs leading prac tice in wome n 's mini str ies in .lli11is1er of Yo111h to th e deg re e 1' lastcr of Arts in loca l churches . Our purpose is to Pamd111rch Childre11 a11d Yo 11!h Ch ri stian 1\ lin istry and Leadership .lli11is11ies Staff prov ide loca l churches with spewith emphases in Pastora l Care and Prrslot/Direclor of Childre11 's c ia li sts in t he fi e ld of \ \"o me n 's Cou nse ling, an d \\'ome n 's 1' 1in Al i11is1ries isrr ics arc compr ised of 64-66 un its
M in ist ri es who have b uilt t he ir cou n se l i n g, ad mini s t ra tive a n d
strucrun.:d in common to include: 1)
Pastor ofAr/11/1/Fa111il)' Al i11is1ries Pr,stot/Director of Si11gle Ad11/1
teac hing skill s upon a soli d biblibiblica l and theologi ca l foundations,
ca l a nd t heo log ica l base . T he program wil l prepa re you for such pro fess ional pos itions as d irecto r
2) academic spec ial ization in one of four disc iplines requir ing biblica l language stud ies, or gcncral studies
, lli11is11ies
Ch11rch B11si11ess Ar/111i11is1ralor Co1111seli11![ a11d Fa111 ilv Mi11 i,"lries Chris1ia11 Camp Ar/111i11is1m1io11
o f vvon1 c n 's m ini s eri es, o r assoc iin which biblica l languages arc not ate pasto r of Christ ian educat ion , required, and ., ) add itional clccti1·e whil e prov iding special emphas is cou rses determ ined hv the student in the area of wome n 's concerns. in consultation with the ack isor.
T ~ 12 • 1a lbot School of th eo logy
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