Master of Arts 1n Spiritua l Formation and Soul Care
Cr//1.,11/r rht '/it!bor sr11rlmr /,(l11r/OBJECTIVES
direction , (h) actua l pract ice in doing soul care and spir icual men toring II ith othe rs in a church or uni, crsir, context and (c) profes
Advanced Standing
hool ji"· pnli111i11111T slt/>s //,(I/ 11111.,·1 ht m111plt!l'rl prior ro t11rolli11g i11 rht
Appli cants II ho h,11 c rakcn unde rgraduate coursc, in biblical or rh eo logical studies ma, rcq ucst atha nccd ,randing based
The \ laster of .\rts in Spi rirnal Formation and Soul C:arc i, dcsigncd a, a pcrrnnal gro11 th,
rlusis ro111xc.
academic and profc"ional prosional supcrl' ision from a fac ul ty
on collegiarc 11 <HK. Scc \dmisEMPHASES
gri.lm for " mini"itr:. It i.., an incen"ii, e. inccgrnci, e program 11ithin the Institute fo r Sp ir itual Formation at T albot School of Tb cologs, de, e loped to equip men and "omen for the 111ini"icr: of discipleship, ,pirirnal d1n.:ction, formation and soul ca re in thc local church and for furt her acadcmic crainin,!.!; in '-ipiritual Formation. T he program i, sh,ipcd around promoting grcmth in the bclic,cr\ inncr life of fai th and prn,cr 11ith
spiritual mcnror regar ding the student's sou l 11ork with others. Conscquc nt l), th e i\ las ter of An, in Spir itu a l Fo rmati on and
sions Rcqui remcnts for detail,.
Pastoral Care and Counseling ( :1, h22 Inrercultural Communication .., I' ' 1· hO-l l'a1tor,1l ( :,ire and ( :hapbine1 ..1 1r1 ·1,28 \L1rital (:ounscling ..................., 1 1 • I 6% Inrcrn,hip .... .. .............. .... ......... .3
First Year
Soul Care is intended to
he lp prc
parc students for profess iona l and la1 ministries as associate pa sto r and teac her of adu lt mini ser ies, spirirnal dircction, rc:ac hing, me n toring, di sc ipleshi p as we ll as prcparat ion for fur the r edu ca tion and training in Spiritua l Forma
First Semester
BE :i 17 I lcrmcncurics/Bihlc
Stud, \lcthod, ..........................,
.... J
PT 70., Church and S,x:irn ... l'T 708 \ch anccd Pastoral
BE S I 9 Sun c, of( icnc111 - \ l.ilach1 ...\ Tl ISI I Thcolo.g1 I - lnrrml11ct1on:
( :01 111,ding .... .............. .... ..... .. .. .3
Re, clarion and '\arurc
l'T 7l'i Coun,cling Troubled
of God
.... .....l
. .......,
l'T 706 Personal Foundanon,
PT 7-lO l"uc, and Eth ics in \lini,tl'I .2 I,. 1· 807 S, ,rem, of Inrcgrarion .. . ........ J
God in the context of a sharcd comtion to teach in Christ ian uni vcr
oD !ini,m
...,ic: and sem inary conrcxcs.
munits and de, ·clopcd k11011 lcdgc hasc in rhe \\'ord. sp iri tual forma tion and soul care. It fr,cuscs specif~ icalh o n 11a)S to deepcn one's kno11 lcdgc ,111d opcnneS\ to God
SS 510 ·1·hcolog1cal Rc ,card1
i'l lcrhodologic,..
............. 1
Cl•: SI-! \\omen and \lcn in C:hri,rian
Ernpl rnsi~ or clccri, c, .............................l
( .I·: 'i21 l\1chological Foundation, of
\pp licancs must possess a bac
Second Semester
C:hri,ri,111 \ linism
and I Ii , 11ork as 11c:II as undcrsrandcalaureate degree. Each should be
BI' SZO Sur, c, of\ latth<.:11 -
(.I . .'i-l.1 ( .oun,c ling \dolcscc1m and
ing of one\ ...,elf and ochc r..., in orde r
........ , )
Rc1 clation ...
a grad uate from an accredited co l lege II irh a minimum grade point a, crage of 3.0 (on a -t.O sca le). .\II applicants must subm it a 11 ritten statement o utlin ing the ir , ocational o bj ec ti, ·cs a nd how the dcgrcc might re late to those For specia l ad missio n cleacl li ne, and rc:q uire ments, conta ct Graduate ,\dmissions. Due co the uniquc nature of thi s pro
T heir Parent,
gro11 mmird conformit1 of char
I IT 5I-l I Iisrorical Thcoloh" S11
I'\ c1 .....\
( :1·: 67.'i 1:,1111 i1' I.iii: Education
acter and inner lifc in the ima.l(c of Christ. In rnrn, it train, leader, in soul care to he spir itual mcnrors,
T l I SIZ Thcolo1-," II - \\ork, ofCod.
(:I, 520 Inrcrp~r,onal and Intcrculwr.11
..... ..1
,\ngcls..\ Ian ,ind Sin
PT 707 Fo11 ndation, of l\
l'I 162-l Seminar in 1-:rhical Js,uc, I I' I 7'i0 I)irccrcd Stud, Research l'T 77.'i 1'.ircnr Ed11carion in \lini,m
director, and teachcr, 11 ho
II ill
Care and ( :oun,clin.l!;.....
assist ot hers in th eir jnurnc: of grm1th in C:hri,r and I lis hod,. In
PT 709 Spiritual \lcntoring (;roup.....0
Empha~i, or clccti1 cs
l'T 802 Sp1ntual Con fliers am!
ordcr to accomplish this, thc proohjccti, cs.
( :cn1n)cling
gram ha-; a sub...,tantia l emphas is on understanding the d, namic, of the l nd11clling I loh Spirit a, thC) interface human pcrsonalit, and
Seco11rl }'ear First Semester
Tl 1717 Thcolog, of l luman '\aturc
Women's Ministries Emphasis c: 1-: 512 Education .\dmini,trarion ..... .., U·: .'il-l \\omen and \lcn in \ lin i,m .! ( :1·: 691 Practicum in\ lini,m I ............ I Cl•: 69! Practicum in \ Iini,m 11......... 1 (:I, .'i!O lnrcrpcr,onal and
Tl I 61.l Thcolo,g) 111 - C:hnst.
Sailmion and the Spirit .......... ..i
relational d, namics. ' 1·hese intcgragram . a ll applica nts wil l he pe r
............. J..±
Ernpha;i, or clccri, cs
ti1 c cnde,11 or, arc cnhanccd h) the ln ...,titutc's c.liu.:r,;;c un in.:r"lity-\\ idc facu lt1 11 hich dr,111s pa rtic ul arh upon Roscmcad School of 1'S1 chol o.l(\ and T albot School of T hcolo1-,"). bringing ,1 "idc range of c,pcrr i...,c and cspcricncc to hcar upon th e proccss of human ,pi rirnal gro11 th
sonal!) intervie11 ed.
Second Semester
\ djusrmcnr ..................................l
T l 161-l Thcoloh" I\. -The Church
I'' 1· 62K \ briral ( :oun,cling ...................l PT 6.l2 Fo11ndation, of \\ omen's
and I,a,r ·1'hin_g, ..
Emphas is or clccri, cs· ........................... 12
.\. Satisfacroril ) comp lete 66 semester units as out lin ed in t he
\lini,tric, ................................... !
Thesis.. or clccti1 c,
.......0-2 15-17
l'T 7 l.'i Counseling T roubled
curr ic1 1lum.
• I 'pro 6 gmr/11111< dnlii·t 1111irs 1/l(ty be ralen i11 otha s,hoo/., i11 lllo!tf l '11it•n:,iry u,·itl, tfrl;:i.wr's tfjJ/Jm,·rd.
and ,mil care.
B. 1\t least S I units mu se he
Spccialitarion ...
.......... 10
lkcause the program i, espcritaken clt chi ..., "i:cm inary.
l·:lccri1cs ....................................................8
cntial. theoret ica l and mentoring in C. Obtain a .lO a,·crage with no nature, thc \ laster of t\rts in Spirigrndc bcl<lll a "C-" in all courses to tual Fo rm ation and Soul C:are is be crcdited toll ard graduation. fashioned a long the Iinc, of an D. Com pl ete t he en tire p ro ,\pprcnr ice Training \l odc l II hicl1 ~ram in no more than fi, ·c yea rs. includcs the follo11 ing components: St ud ents arc pl aced o n aca ( I) /'.\/H•ri1•11ri({/-1d({fio111,I sou l dcmic probation if the ir g rad e \\ or k in \\ o rk and co-c urri cu la r point a,·crage for an) semes ter fa ll s rcqu irement'.'l; lx: l<lll 3.0 ,md 11·ill rc: main on pro (2) in-dept h !hl'lln'liml and i1111• gr111ic..·,, cou rse ,,ork. empl oying the bat ion a, long as the si ngle semes creat ion di sciplines such a, thcolter or cumul ative grade point aver age remains bc\o,, J.O. Probat ion ng,, philosop hy. pwc hology and students arc granted one semester in II hich to bring their academi c (.l) 1·,iriou s training and sen11·ork up to the requi red level (3 .0) ice opportun it ies including (a) for cont in uance in the seminary. A cour',C\\ ork c_\c..., igncd co era in "ltUstudent ca nnot grad uate whil e on dcnts to do sou l care or spiritual prolrn tion. cducation to aid in understanding the spiritua l life and mentoring; and
Talb ot School of Th eo logy· T~ 13
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