
Master of Arts 1n Spiritua l Formation and Soul Care

Cr//1.,11/r rht '/it!bor sr11rlmr /,(l11r/OBJECTIVES

direction , (h) actua l pract ice in doing soul care and spir icual men­ toring II ith othe rs in a church or uni, crsir, context and (c) profes­

Advanced Standing

hool ji"· pnli111i11111T slt/>s //,(I/ 11111.,·1 ht m111plt!l'rl prior ro t11rolli11g i11 rht

Appli cants II ho h,11 c rakcn unde rgraduate coursc, in biblical or rh eo logical studies ma, rcq ucst atha nccd ,randing based

The \ laster of .\rts in Spi rirnal Formation and Soul C:arc i, dcsigncd a, a pcrrnnal gro11 th,

rlusis ro111xc.

academic and profc"ional prosional supcrl' ision from a fac ul ty

on collegiarc 11 <HK. Scc \dmisEMPHASES

gri.lm for " mini"itr:. It i.., an incen"ii, e. inccgrnci, e program 11ithin the Institute fo r Sp ir itual Formation at T albot School of Tb cologs, de, e loped to equip men and "omen for the 111ini"icr: of discipleship, ,pirirnal d1n.:ction, formation and soul ca re in thc local church and for furt her acadcmic crainin,!.!; in '-ipiritual Formation. T he program i, sh,ipcd around promoting grcmth in the bclic,cr\ inncr life of fai th and prn,cr 11ith

spiritual mcnror regar ding the student's sou l 11ork with others. Conscquc nt l), th e i\ las ter of An, in Spir itu a l Fo rmati on and

sions Rcqui remcnts for detail,.


Pastoral Care and Counseling ( :1, h22 Inrercultural Communication .., I' ' 1· hO-l l'a1tor,1l ( :,ire and ( :hapbine1 ..1 1r1 ·1,28 \L1rital (:ounscling ..................., 1 1 • I 6% Inrcrn,hip .... .. .............. .... ......... .3


First Year

Soul Care is intended to

he lp prc­

parc students for profess iona l and la1 ministries as associate pa sto r and teac her of adu lt mini ser ies, spirirnal dircction, rc:ac hing, me n­ toring, di sc ipleshi p as we ll as prcparat ion for fur the r edu ca tion and training in Spiritua l Forma­

First Semester

BE :i 17 I lcrmcncurics/Bihlc

Stud, \lcthod, ..........................,

.... J

PT 70., Church and S,x:irn ... l'T 708 \ch anccd Pastoral

BE S I 9 Sun c, of( icnc111 - \ l.ilach1 ...\ Tl ISI I Thcolo.g1 I - lnrrml11ct1on:

( :01 111,ding .... .............. .... ..... .. .. .3

Re, clarion and '\arurc

l'T 7l'i Coun,cling Troubled

of God

.... .....l


. .......,

l'T 706 Personal Foundanon,

PT 7-lO l"uc, and Eth ics in \lini,tl'I .2 I,. 1· 807 S, ,rem, of Inrcgrarion .. . ........ J

God in the context of a sharcd comtion to teach in Christ ian uni vcr­

oD !ini,m

...,ic: and sem inary conrcxcs.

munits and de, ·clopcd k11011 lcdgc­ hasc in rhe \\'ord. sp iri tual forma­ tion and soul care. It fr,cuscs specif~ icalh o n 11a)S to deepcn one's kno11 lcdgc ,111d opcnneS\ to God

SS 510 ·1·hcolog1cal Rc ,card1


i'l lcrhodologic,..

............. 1


Cl•: SI-! \\omen and \lcn in C:hri,rian

Ernpl rnsi~ or clccri, c, .............................l




( .I·: 'i21 l\1chological Foundation, of

\pp licancs must possess a bac­

Second Semester

C:hri,ri,111 \ linism

and I Ii , 11ork as 11c:II as undcrsrandcalaureate degree. Each should be

BI' SZO Sur, c, of\ latth<.:11 -

(.I . .'i-l.1 ( .oun,c ling \dolcscc1m and

ing of one\ ...,elf and ochc r..., in orde r

........ , )

Rc1 clation ...

a grad uate from an accredited co l­ lege II irh a minimum grade point a, crage of 3.0 (on a -t.O sca le). .\II applicants must subm it a 11 ritten statement o utlin ing the ir , ocational o bj ec ti, ·cs a nd how the dcgrcc might re late to those For specia l ad missio n cleacl­ li ne, and rc:q uire ments, conta ct Graduate ,\dmissions. Due co the uniquc nature of thi s pro­

T heir Parent,

gro11 mmird conformit1 of char­


I IT 5I-l I Iisrorical Thcoloh" S11

I'\ c1 .....\

( :1·: 67.'i 1:,1111 i1' I.iii: Education

acter and inner lifc in the ima.l(c of Christ. In rnrn, it train, leader, in soul care to he spir itual mcnrors,

T l I SIZ Thcolo1-," II - \\ork, ofCod.

(:I, 520 Inrcrp~r,onal and Intcrculwr.11

..... ..1

,\ngcls..\ Ian ,ind Sin


PT 707 Fo11 ndation, of l\

l'I 162-l Seminar in 1-:rhical Js,uc, I I' I 7'i0 I)irccrcd Stud, Research l'T 77.'i 1'.ircnr Ed11carion in \lini,m

director, and teachcr, 11 ho

II ill

Care and ( :oun,clin.l!;.....


assist ot hers in th eir jnurnc: of grm1th in C:hri,r and I lis hod,. In

PT 709 Spiritual \lcntoring (;roup.....0

Empha~i, or clccti1 cs


l'T 802 Sp1ntual Con fliers am!

ordcr to accomplish this, thc proohjccti, cs.


( :cn1n)cling

gram ha-; a sub...,tantia l emphas is on understanding the d, namic, of the l nd11clling I loh Spirit a, thC) interface human pcrsonalit, and

Seco11rl }'ear First Semester

Tl 1717 Thcolog, of l luman '\aturc

Women's Ministries Emphasis c: 1-: 512 Education .\dmini,trarion ..... .., U·: .'il-l \\omen and \lcn in \ lin i,m .! ( :1·: 691 Practicum in\ lini,m I ............ I Cl•: 69! Practicum in \ Iini,m 11......... 1 (:I, .'i!O lnrcrpcr,onal and

Tl I 61.l Thcolo,g) 111 - C:hnst.

Sailmion and the Spirit .......... ..i

relational d, namics. ' 1·hese intcgragram . a ll applica nts wil l he pe r­

............. J..±

Ernpha;i, or clccri, cs

ti1 c cnde,11 or, arc cnhanccd h) the ln ...,titutc's c.liu.:r,;;c un in.:r"lity-\\ idc facu lt1 11 hich dr,111s pa rtic ul arh upon Roscmcad School of 1'S1 chol­ o.l(\ and T albot School of T hcolo1-,"). bringing ,1 "idc range of c,pcrr i...,c and cspcricncc to hcar upon th e proccss of human ,pi rirnal gro11 th

sonal!) intervie11 ed.


Second Semester


\ djusrmcnr ..................................l

T l 161-l Thcoloh" I\. -The Church

I'' 1· 62K \ briral ( :oun,cling ...................l PT 6.l2 Fo11ndation, of \\ omen's

and I,a,r ·1'hin_g, ..


Emphas is or clccri, cs· ........................... 12

.\. Satisfacroril ) comp lete 66 semester units as out lin ed in t he

\lini,tric, ................................... !

Thesis.. or clccti1 c,

.......0-2 15-17

l'T 7 l.'i Counseling T roubled

curr ic1 1lum.



• I 'pro 6 gmr/11111< dnlii·t 1111irs 1/l(ty be ralen i11 otha s,hoo/., i11 lllo!tf l '11it•n:,iry u,·itl, tfrl;:i.wr's tfjJ/Jm,·rd.

and ,mil care.

B. 1\t least S I units mu se he

Spccialitarion ...

.......... 10

lkcause the program i, espcritaken clt chi ..., "i:cm inary.

l·:lccri1cs ....................................................8

cntial. theoret ica l and mentoring in C. Obtain a .lO a,·crage with no nature, thc \ laster of t\rts in Spirigrndc bcl<lll a "C-" in all courses to tual Fo rm ation and Soul C:are is be crcdited toll ard graduation. fashioned a long the Iinc, of an D. Com pl ete t he en tire p ro­ ,\pprcnr ice Training \l odc l II hicl1 ~ram in no more than fi, ·c yea rs. includcs the follo11 ing components: St ud ents arc pl aced o n aca­ ( I) /'.\/H•ri1•11ri({/-1d({fio111,I sou l dcmic probation if the ir g rad e \\ or k in \\ o rk and co-c urri cu la r point a,·crage for an) semes ter fa ll s rcqu irement'.'l; lx: l<lll 3.0 ,md 11·ill rc: main on pro­ (2) in-dept h !hl'lln'liml and i1111•­ gr111ic..·,, cou rse ,,ork. empl oying the bat ion a, long as the si ngle semes­ creat ion di sciplines such a, thcolter or cumul ative grade point aver­ age remains bc\o,, J.O. Probat ion ng,, philosop hy. pwc hology and students arc granted one semester in II hich to bring their academi c (.l) 1·,iriou s training and sen11·ork up to the requi red level (3 .0) ice opportun it ies including (a) for cont in uance in the seminary. A cour',C\\ ork c_\c..., igncd co era in "ltUstudent ca nnot grad uate whil e on dcnts to do sou l care or spiritual prolrn tion. cducation to aid in understanding the spiritua l life and mentoring; and

Talb ot School of Th eo logy· T~ 13

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