
Master of Arts 1n Minist ry

C Admission Procedure 1. The applicam\ pmcntial to compete successfully in a graduate program II i11be det<: rmincd h1 the

SF (,-15 C:hnstian \ ·irruc and the



Spiritual Disciplines .............. J

The :\ las ter of t\rrs in i\ linisrr, is de s igned for indi1 iduals II ho ha,<: been in mini stfl for a signifi­ cant number of ,ca r, and ha, c not had the opportunit\ to earn a bac­ calaureate degrcc. Graduate le, cl training i~ !HO\ idc.:<l in sc, cral essential aspects of professional ministf\ in order to enhance 1ignifi­ cant l1 the effccti1 cness of partic i­ pating ministers. In estab lishi ng chi~ program, rhc \Cm inar~ is cndca,·oring rn address specific nccd, of the Church as it funct ions in t he major ethnic comm un ities 11 ithin the Southern Ca lifornia area. The tll o primar, foci of the pro­ gram arc biblical and pracricc1 I stud­ ies. The biblical emphasis prol'idc, an increased br.:adth in kno11 ledge including its background and sound pr inciples of litcran imcrprcration. Pract ical studies concentrate on the cnhancc,m:nt of ministrl and com­ munication skill,. The goal of both emphases i, imp rm cd r:spcrt isc in a minism· of the \\'ord as it rclatcs to the dail, Ii, <:s of peopk and th<:ir

SF 677 Soul Care Practicum 1.............. 7

First Ymr


i\ las tcr of 1\rr,

Guidanc<: C:ommit­

First Semester

SF 70 I Spiriwal Formation

tec, 11·hich will interl'icw each appli­ cant and e1·aluate all crcd<:ntia l,. 2. Each appro1<: d applicant 11·ill be enro ll ed tcnraciv.:11 in thc :--.1:istcr of.\rc, in .\lini,trs program

SF 511 Thcolog1 I: Rc, ,elation and the




;\'anire of God ..................... ..... .3

Second Semester

SF ., 17 Hermeneutics and the \\'ord in

SF 520 Su" cy of\ latthew-

Spiritual Formation.................. 3

Rc1clation .................................. 3

SF SZ 1 Introduction

to ( :hri,ti:1 n

SF 585 Personal Sri ritual Direction .... 0

until 32

units ha, e been com­

Spiritualit\ and l'ra,cr ............. 3

I\ ·: The Church and

SF 61.J Thcologi

p leted, of II hich Z.J must be in co re courses as descr ibed bc lm1.

Sf- 533 History ,u~d Traditi~n, of

........... J


Christian Sriritualit) ................ 3


(,-12 Spiritual Discipline,

SF 5-13 Personal Foundations of


......... . ➔


Spiriwalit) ,111d Retreat+

.. 3

SF 670 Intensil'c lournev In11ard and

SF 585 Personal Spiriwal Direction...... 0

Retreat+ ·

· ................... -!

,\. Satisfacroril) complete 6.J scmcstcr unit, as outlined in the


SF 678 Soul Care Practicum II............ 7

SF 577 Sou lCare Prcpracticum I and

cu rr iculum.

Profc,sional 1,thics ................... .3


B. Qualif, for candidae1 status at the conclusion of 32 units. At

Second Semester

SF 512 Theolor," 11 :\\'orksofGod,

S<:c rkpartrncm listing ·'Sprirthe completion of 32 of che contcnt of the \\'ord of God.

units, an e,·al­

Angels. ~ l:111 :111d Sin ................ 3

uarion wil l be made rc,g,irding adm ission to candidac1 sraw, in che :--. la,rcr of Arts in :'l lini,m pro­ gram. Swdcnts II irh a grade poim avcragc of at least 250 11 ill rccci, ·c candidacy ,taru,. Studem, 11 ,ti, a Gl'i\ between 2.00 and Z.50 11 ill be allo11·cd to complctr: an addit ional 8 units (for a total of .JO) w be cred­ ited coward a certificate in mini">tr\. C:. At least 2-l units must l;c

itual Formation lnsr inm:" for full

SF 52.J The 11 ismr, and Theot\ of

description .

Christian Soul Care and

1. l'er,ona l Sp iritual Direc-

Di rection ....

. ....... )

tion (S F 585)

SF 532 De, clopmcnral Spiriwalit\

2. Didactic T hc rap,

and Conrcmplati1c l'ra, cr ...... 2

.,. Facult1-Studem Ret reat

Sf,' 5.J.l Pcrsonalit\ De, cloprncnr and

.J. Persona l Retreats

Psychopatholog,· .................... .3

5. Preliminary Oral l nter-

SF 578 Sou lCare l'rcpracricum 11

1ie11·( PO I)

eternal dcstin,.

and Professional Referral. ....... 3

6. Intensi, e Journey Inwa rd

SS 510 ' l'hcological Research ~ lcthod-

Retreat (SF 670)


.. ,.... 1

taken at chis seminar, .

. Ill SF ro1mesfollo,J1: iht "OwADMISSION

SF 585 Personal Spiritual Dircction .......O

I). Obrnin a 2.50 (;!' ,\ 11 ith no grade belclll "C:-" in all course, to be credited tmrnrd waduation.


Fo1111h Rulr " i11 "'·hirh 111 ll'llsl 011/' /011r1h of mrl, m111:1·e is dn·oted to l'.lj}frim1i11ll1• 1nt!izi11K or de1pe11i11K

Sero11r/ } 'ear

A. Persona l Qualifications 1. Completion of fi,c ,cars 111 ministr1 and prc,.:nth on a chu rch ,raff in an official capacic,. 2. Partic ipation in the \ laster

First Semester


Complete thr: entire pro­

.,-hat is 11111gh1.

SF 519 Su"cyofGcnc\11-.\l alachi ... J SF 585 Personal Spiritual Direction ... 0 SF 61.1 Theologi III: Christ, Sal,ation

gram in no more than si" year .... F. Prior to candidac; status. swdcms II ith a GI'\ belo;, 2,0 arc

+" Pl11s " ro111:,1's flit' i111mded to I;h·e tht .r111dm1 1n•di1 for thwJ'f!timl a11d i'.lj)/'/il'lltial 'if'or!.· do11e 0111side of the dm:m,om. This 11jJjJli1's to 1hefoi­ lou,•i11g m11rnT SF 5-13. 6./l. 670.

.. .3

and the Spirit

of ,\ rt, program in :-- 1ini,rr1 preplaced on probation and remain on sumes a significant l<:1<: l of minprobation a, long as t he single i1tr1 experience and personal matsemc,tcr or cumulati,e GPA uration. Thc program\ imcm i, rema ins bci<J11 2.0. .\ ftcr candidac, to prm idc an option for thos<: 11 ho stat u"i i~ granted. the minim11m des ire rn enhance their mini,tr1· GI'/\ is adju,tcd upward to 2.50, but II hose circumstancc, of age 11 ith probation calc11h1red accord­ and finance\ make a return co a

SF 621 Spiritual Formation and

Thcology Seminar


ing!) . Srudems on probation arc grnmccl onc scmcstr:r in which to bring their academic II ork up w the r<:quircd le, cl for cominuance in the

to their ongoing church ministr1. baccalau rcat<: program <.lcrrimcnrnl 3. ,\pp licam, u,uall, wil l .not have the ll .. \. or cqui1 a lent degree. Talbot offers mhcr pro­ grams for applicants II ho ha, c t he baccalaureate dcgr<:e.

"iemmar~. t\

student cannot grad u­

ate II hilc on probation.


-l . Thrc<: rcfcrr:nccs arc The :-- laster of i\rt, in .\ l ini,cry required: church or denominacurricu lu m includes courses in: 1·) tio nal endorsement: persona l core curr iculu m. 39 un its; and 2) fr i.: nd: and minis rrv co lleague (or rn inistr) emphas is, 2.'i units. The cmr loye r if currentl, c111p lo1ed tota l rcquiremcm is 6-l units. outside the church). T he courses ,pecificall) iden­ tifie d bv department and num be r 8 . Academic Qualifications in the chart br:1011 arc required in 1. Equi, alcne1 of t11 o ,·cars the core curriculum. In addition, of collegiate le, cl s.t11dies. · <:ach swdcnt mu,t complete t he 2. Proficicne1 in Eng l ish requi rements of one emphasis language. during the program.

T ~14 • Talbot School of Theo logy

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