
C e rtificate 1n Biblical Studies


The following; chart presents the curriculum seque nce for students who will be "full -time" in the pro­ g;rnm. Swdems who" ill be enrolled on a ''half-time" basis should plan to comp lete eight units each semester, norn1ally cak ing cou rse:-, indicated a:-i •'first year" before those in the "sec­ ond year" group. Firs! )'ear First Semester BE .'i 17 l-l crmencutics/13ible Srndi ~ lerhod, .. . ............3 CL 55:i Introducrion to \\'orld \lissions .. . . .........3 PT SIO Enmgclism and Follclll-up ... J PT 706 Personal Foundations of \linism............ .. .................. 1 Tl 151 I Theolog) I - Introduction: Revelat ion and :\arurc ufGod ................................. J SS SI O Theological Research \ lc.:thodolol(ies. ... I I S Second Semester Bl! SZO Su"·es of\ latthe" - Revelation ............... .3 T l I .'i 12 Thcolog, 11 - \ \ 'orks of God, ,\ngcls, ;<. Ian and Sin ..... J PT 709 Spirirnal \lentoring Group .....0 Emphasis or clccri,cs.. .. ...................9 l.'i Sem11rl Year First Semester BE., 19 Su,,c, of Genesis- \lalachi .. 3 Tl I 61.l Thcolog, 111 - Christ. Sahation and the Spirit.. .........3 CE 600 Educarional \ linism in the Church .......... ..l PT 703 Church and Socicrv ................. 3 Emphasis or clcct i, cs.. .. .....................6 18 Second Semester Tl 161-1 Theolo!;) I\ ' -The Church and Last· 1·hings ........................l I IT SI-I Hismrical Thcoloi:,") Su"e' .....l Emphasis or elecr i, ·cs .... .. .. 10 16

BE 726 Expositional \lcthodologs in Daniel/Revelation ............ .3 PT 602 Pastoral ~lini sm ...................... .3 PT 609 Expository Preaching .............. 3 PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling ............... 7 PT 730 13iblical Leadership and \ lanagcment. .... l CE S.'iZ Lifespan Development in \linism ................................. .3 Electives ............6 ZS Missions Emphasis CL 5-16 The I li ,torical Dc,clopmcnt of the \\'oriel Christian \ Im cmcnt .......... .3 CL .'i60 l ' rban Research and \linism·.3 Cl. 6·l0 .\pplicd Anthropologs for Ch ristian \\'orkm .......... 3 CL 727 Principles of Church \ lultiplication ......... .. ... .3 CL 7.51 Thcologyof\lission ...... 3 lliblical or Theological clccti,·es ............-1 ICS clccri,es............ .. .........................6 ZS Christian Education Emphasis CE 512 Education Administration ..... J p· 1· 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling ............... 7 Biblical or ·1 ·hcological clecri,·cs ............-1 Christian Education ckcti, cs.. ... I 0 Elccti, es ..............................................6 2.'i Marriage and Family Min­ istries Emphasis* CE 675 Famil) I,ifc Education ........... .? CE 691 Practicum in\ linism· I . . I CE 692 Practicum in \ Iin ism 11 .......... 1 PT6l8 Psvchopatholol() and Asscs~mcnt ............ ................... .3 PT 628 \ larital Counseling ................. .3 p· r 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling ................ z Elccri,cs........ .. ...... . .. ...................... 10 Select three units from the follo\\'ing electives: CE 512 Education Administration CE .'i.'i2 Li fespan Dc,clopment in \linistry CE 562 Personal and Interpersonal De, ·clopmcnt CE 622 Philosophy of \linim, CE 716 \ liniw) to Single i\dultS PT 725 Counseling Troubled Families Total 25 . \ pplirr1111s 11111.,1 ha~•e I.? 1111r/1•r­ Kmrl11a1e Sl'llll'Slt'I' 1111i1s of /JS)'tholof!J' ,c•hirh i11d11rle erl1rm1io11rd psyt/10/of!J• all(/ flh11or111al psvrlrolop p/11s eight 1111i1s of Bihie 1111rl/or rlor11i11e ro111:,1•s. If these 1111i1s 'u'·tn' 1101 j)r111 of thf' s111- rlm1·s 1111rlerimrl11r11e program they 11111s1 he tah'II p1ior 10 m111J!lt•tio11 of 36 1111i1s lov!'t11YI the rl1xre1'.

TH S11 Thcolcil()' I - Introduction: Rc,clation and :S:aturc of God.. .. .....3 T l 1512 Thcolol() II - \\'orks of God. Angels, \ Ian and Sin ............. 3 TH 613 Thcologs Ill -Christ. Sah ation and the Spirit ........... 3 TH 61 -1 Thcologs I\ . -The Church and Last Things ......................, SS .'i IO Theological Research \ lcthodolog;ics .......................... 1 Elccrivcs in BE. :sJT. OT, Tl I, Pl I. ..... 6 Elccri, cs .. .. .. ............................................ ... -+ the po;:, do not krio;"th;e fJeopie wm of Goa, ,JoAt the JJi,. . · ui neJther Ill -riage; e the . ariy nor, /leaven. 31But l:JJ ~ like dead......hav; t the resurrA You 32'[ e you not read IVhat".1 · 1 am theGOd of Isaac, and the of Abrahali not the God of th God of Jacob' 3 JWhen th e dead but of tJ Were astonish ed crol:'ds heard t e at his teach· mg.K The Greatest Co i1:J4-40Dp - " mmandment '"' 12:28-JJ 34Heanng that J ~dducees, I; the p~sus had silenc -lOne of them ansees got tc ed . him With , t~~ expert in the law, Which is the s question: Jo"y Law1" greatest comma d E i11· n ment esus replied ,, 'L C od With al/ You; ove the Lord souJ and With al/ heart and With al/ ~e first and Your mma.' o i JBTJ 9 And th greatest J . e second · . commandrr neighbor IS /Jke it 'L the Pr has Yourself. 'p, 40Ali' ove ' men ts ~P, ers hang on these tw the Law. . ocomma ~:e Son Is the Christ? PP-MJc 12:35-J?· 41Whi1e th . , lk21J,.1....,,, e Pharisees w er, Jesus asked them 4~~~ gathered tc ,, about the Christi{? WWhat do yo The . hose son ' son of DaVict " IJi.e said lo them I 'f /// tlrer replied. 1, speakJng by , th:1°w. is it then th . ?,for he says, Spim, Calls him

The Ce rtificate in Bibli ca l Studies program is des igned with rwo speci fi c needs in mind . The first is for persons who seek a year of stu d y in prepa ration for lay sc n ·icc with an O\'Crscas mission agency. or for more effective lay involve me nt in the life of their local congregation. Ir also se rves as a "trial year in seminary" for persons who wish to test their gi fts and sk ill s with a ,·iew coward poss ible furrhcr preparation for full-time C hri stian mini stry. Certificate co urse work may late r be applied towa rd a ~laster of l)i vinitv or J\ laster of Arts degree.


Applicants mu st possess a baccalaureate degree fr om an acc redite d college with a mini­ mum g rad e poinr a,·eragc of 3.0 (on a 4.0 sca le). All app li cants must subm it a written sta tement o utlining thei r vocational objectives and how the ccrtificatc re lates to those objccri,·e,.


A. Satisfactorily comp lete all courses for a coral of 32 semes ter units a outli ned in the curricu­ lum belo\\·. B. Obtain a .,.0 GPA with no grade be low a "C-" in all courses to be c redited toward graduation. C. At least 2-1 units must be taken at this semi nars·. D. Comp le te the entire pro­ gram in no more than five yea rs. Students arc placed on aca­ demic probation if their GPA for any semeste r falls below 3.0 and will remain on probat ion as long as the si ngle semes te r or cumul a­ ri,·e GPA rema ins below 3.0. Probation st udent s arc gran red one semeste r in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (3.0) for co n­ tinuance in [h~ seminary. A stu­ dent cannot grad uate "hile on probation.


Each swdem must select a min­ istry cmph,1sis and comp lete t he requirement of that emphasis dur­ ing the program. Four emp hases arc l'l(rrcml, offered: Pas/om/ F111j)hr1si.,· .llissio11S C/11is1ir111 Fr/11m1ir111 . 1/rmifl[<I' r111rl Fm11ilv. lli11ishies Pastoral Emphasis Select one• ........... 1

CU RRICULUM BE 517 Hermeneutics/ Bible

Srndv \ lcd1ods ........................ .3 BES I9 Sun c, of Gcncsis-:-dalachi .... .3 BE SZO Su"n of\ latthrn- Revelation ...............3

•BE 602 Genesis • BE 608\latthc\\ 'BE 610 Romans

Ta lbot School of Theology· T-15

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