C e rtificate 1n Biblical Studies
The following; chart presents the curriculum seque nce for students who will be "full -time" in the pro g;rnm. Swdems who" ill be enrolled on a ''half-time" basis should plan to comp lete eight units each semester, norn1ally cak ing cou rse:-, indicated a:-i •'first year" before those in the "sec ond year" group. Firs! )'ear First Semester BE .'i 17 l-l crmencutics/13ible Srndi ~ lerhod, .. . ............3 CL 55:i Introducrion to \\'orld \lissions .. . . .........3 PT SIO Enmgclism and Follclll-up ... J PT 706 Personal Foundations of \linism............ .. .................. 1 Tl 151 I Theolog) I - Introduction: Revelat ion and :\arurc ufGod ................................. J SS SI O Theological Research \ lc.:thodolol(ies. ... I I S Second Semester Bl! SZO Su"·es of\ latthe" - Revelation ............... .3 T l I .'i 12 Thcolog, 11 - \ \ 'orks of God, ,\ngcls, ;<. Ian and Sin ..... J PT 709 Spirirnal \lentoring Group .....0 Emphasis or clccri,cs.. .. ...................9 l.'i Sem11rl Year First Semester BE., 19 Su,,c, of Genesis- \lalachi .. 3 Tl I 61.l Thcolog, 111 - Christ. Sahation and the Spirit.. .........3 CE 600 Educarional \ linism in the Church .......... ..l PT 703 Church and Socicrv ................. 3 Emphasis or clcct i, cs.. .. .....................6 18 Second Semester Tl 161-1 Theolo!;) I\ ' -The Church and Last· 1·hings ........................l I IT SI-I Hismrical Thcoloi:,") Su"e' .....l Emphasis or elecr i, ·cs .... .. .. 10 16
BE 726 Expositional \lcthodologs in Daniel/Revelation ............ .3 PT 602 Pastoral ~lini sm ...................... .3 PT 609 Expository Preaching .............. 3 PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling ............... 7 PT 730 13iblical Leadership and \ lanagcment. .... l CE S.'iZ Lifespan Development in \linism ................................. .3 Electives ............6 ZS Missions Emphasis CL 5-16 The I li ,torical Dc,clopmcnt of the \\'oriel Christian \ Im cmcnt .......... .3 CL .'i60 l ' rban Research and \linism·.3 Cl. 6·l0 .\pplicd Anthropologs for Ch ristian \\'orkm .......... 3 CL 727 Principles of Church \ lultiplication ......... .. ... .3 CL 7.51 Thcologyof\lission ...... 3 lliblical or Theological clccti,·es ............-1 ICS clccri,es............ .. .........................6 ZS Christian Education Emphasis CE 512 Education Administration ..... J p· 1· 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling ............... 7 Biblical or ·1 ·hcological clecri,·cs ............-1 Christian Education ckcti, cs.. ... I 0 Elccti, es ..............................................6 2.'i Marriage and Family Min istries Emphasis* CE 675 Famil) I,ifc Education ........... .? CE 691 Practicum in\ linism· I . . I CE 692 Practicum in \ Iin ism 11 .......... 1 PT6l8 Psvchopatholol() and Asscs~mcnt ............ ................... .3 PT 628 \ larital Counseling ................. .3 p· r 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling ................ z Elccri,cs........ .. ...... . .. ...................... 10 Select three units from the follo\\'ing electives: CE 512 Education Administration CE .'i.'i2 Li fespan Dc,clopment in \linistry CE 562 Personal and Interpersonal De, ·clopmcnt CE 622 Philosophy of \linim, CE 716 \ liniw) to Single i\dultS PT 725 Counseling Troubled Families Total 25 . \ pplirr1111s 11111.,1 ha~•e I.? 1111r/1•r Kmrl11a1e Sl'llll'Slt'I' 1111i1s of /JS)'tholof!J' ,c•hirh i11d11rle erl1rm1io11rd psyt/10/of!J• all(/ flh11or111al psvrlrolop p/11s eight 1111i1s of Bihie 1111rl/or rlor11i11e ro111:,1•s. If these 1111i1s 'u'·tn' 1101 j)r111 of thf' s111- rlm1·s 1111rlerimrl11r11e program they 11111s1 he tah'II p1ior 10 m111J!lt•tio11 of 36 1111i1s lov!'t11YI the rl1xre1'.
TH S11 Thcolcil()' I - Introduction: Rc,clation and :S:aturc of God.. .. .....3 T l 1512 Thcolol() II - \\'orks of God. Angels, \ Ian and Sin ............. 3 TH 613 Thcologs Ill -Christ. Sah ation and the Spirit ........... 3 TH 61 -1 Thcologs I\ . -The Church and Last Things ......................, SS .'i IO Theological Research \ lcthodolog;ics .......................... 1 Elccrivcs in BE. :sJT. OT, Tl I, Pl I. ..... 6 Elccri, cs .. .. .. ............................................ ... -+ the po;:, do not krio;"th;e fJeopie wm of Goa, ,JoAt the JJi,. . · ui neJther Ill -riage; e the . ariy nor, /leaven. 31But l:JJ ~ like dead......hav; t the resurrA You 32'[ e you not read IVhat".1 · 1 am theGOd of Isaac, and the of Abrahali not the God of th God of Jacob' 3 JWhen th e dead but of tJ Were astonish ed crol:'ds heard t e at his teach· mg.K The Greatest Co i1:J4-40Dp - " mmandment '"' 12:28-JJ 34Heanng that J ~dducees, I; the p~sus had silenc -lOne of them ansees got tc ed . him With , t~~ expert in the law, Which is the s question: Jo"y Law1" greatest comma d E i11· n ment esus replied ,, 'L C od With al/ You; ove the Lord souJ and With al/ heart and With al/ ~e first and Your mma.' o i JBTJ 9 And th greatest J . e second · . commandrr neighbor IS /Jke it 'L the Pr has Yourself. 'p, 40Ali' ove ' men ts ~P, ers hang on these tw the Law. . ocomma ~:e Son Is the Christ? PP-MJc 12:35-J?· 41Whi1e th . , lk21J,.1....,,, e Pharisees w er, Jesus asked them 4~~~ gathered tc ,, about the Christi{? WWhat do yo The . hose son ' son of DaVict " IJi.e said lo them I 'f /// tlrer replied. 1, speakJng by , th:1°w. is it then th . ?,for he says, Spim, Calls him
The Ce rtificate in Bibli ca l Studies program is des igned with rwo speci fi c needs in mind . The first is for persons who seek a year of stu d y in prepa ration for lay sc n ·icc with an O\'Crscas mission agency. or for more effective lay involve me nt in the life of their local congregation. Ir also se rves as a "trial year in seminary" for persons who wish to test their gi fts and sk ill s with a ,·iew coward poss ible furrhcr preparation for full-time C hri stian mini stry. Certificate co urse work may late r be applied towa rd a ~laster of l)i vinitv or J\ laster of Arts degree.
Applicants mu st possess a baccalaureate degree fr om an acc redite d college with a mini mum g rad e poinr a,·eragc of 3.0 (on a 4.0 sca le). All app li cants must subm it a written sta tement o utlining thei r vocational objectives and how the ccrtificatc re lates to those objccri,·e,.
A. Satisfactorily comp lete all courses for a coral of 32 semes ter units a outli ned in the curricu lum belo\\·. B. Obtain a .,.0 GPA with no grade be low a "C-" in all courses to be c redited toward graduation. C. At least 2-1 units must be taken at this semi nars·. D. Comp le te the entire pro gram in no more than five yea rs. Students arc placed on aca demic probation if their GPA for any semeste r falls below 3.0 and will remain on probat ion as long as the si ngle semes te r or cumul a ri,·e GPA rema ins below 3.0. Probation st udent s arc gran red one semeste r in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (3.0) for co n tinuance in [h~ seminary. A stu dent cannot grad uate "hile on probation.
Each swdem must select a min istry cmph,1sis and comp lete t he requirement of that emphasis dur ing the program. Four emp hases arc l'l(rrcml, offered: Pas/om/ F111j)hr1si.,· .llissio11S C/11is1ir111 Fr/11m1ir111 . 1/rmifl[<I' r111rl Fm11ilv. lli11ishies Pastoral Emphasis Select one• ........... 1
CU RRICULUM BE 517 Hermeneutics/ Bible
Srndv \ lcd1ods ........................ .3 BES I9 Sun c, of Gcncsis-:-dalachi .... .3 BE SZO Su"n of\ latthrn- Revelation ...............3
•BE 602 Genesis • BE 608\latthc\\ 'BE 610 Romans
Ta lbot School of Theology· T-15
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