
FINANCE CHARGES A fin a nce charge of 1. 5% per month of th e fir st $ 1,000 of unpaid bal ance a nd 1 % per month of unpaid ba lance over $ 1,000 is added at eac h bill in g to ca rry t he account. Tran­ sc ripts (offi c ial and unoffi cia l) arc withheld if a stlldcnt has an outstanding obligat ion ro the L 1 ni, ·c rs ity or is in defa ult on any gove rnment based loa ns. i\ 11 pavmcncs to a Stllde nt 's account after e nrollmen t should be addressed as follows: Accounting Department Biol a Uni ve rsicv 13800 Bi o la A,·cnuc La 1\lirada , CA 90639-000 1 In add iti o n , to in s ur e timely process in g, the s tud e nt name a nd JD nu m bcr m usr be c lea rl y no ted on a lI pay­ ments . A s tud e nt is n or registered a n d ca nn ot atte nd classes until sat isfactorv financial arra ngeme nts h ,l\"e bee n made with the St ud ent Acco un t in g Office. REFUNDS - WITHDRAWAL Inasmuch as fac ulty engagements and ot he r commitmcms a rc made by the L' nivcrsity fo r the entire year in adrnnce, th e fo ll owing refund sc hedu le has been cscab li shcd in orde r that th e Uni, ·c rsicv and the stlldcnt ma\" share the loss e quitabl y when it is necessa ry for a stlldcnt ro with draw from school: Fall and Spring Semester Refund Policy Withdrawal within the first two weeks of classes: I. Tuition - full amo un t, less e n ro llment deposit (s tu­ dents with s ix or fewer units , $25; auditors, $20) . 2. Room - e nd of the month in whi ch th e stude nt offi­ c iall y checks out of the residence hal l. Withdrawal after the second week and before the end of the eighth week of classes (except for special programs) : I. Tuition - pro-raced as of end of week in wh ic h s tu­ de nt withdraws. \\'eek 3 - 80% Weck 4 - 74% Weck 5 - 67% 'vVcck 6 - 60% Weck 7 - S-1% \\'eek 8 - 47% 2. Room - e ncl of the month in whi c h the stud e nt o ffi­ c ia ll y chec ks ou t of the residence hall. Withdrawals after eighth week of classes: I. Tuiti on - no refund. 2. Room - e nd of t he momh in which t he stud e nt offi ­ c ia ll y checks our the residence hall.

F irst-time stude nts rece iving Federa l Stlldent Financia l Ass ista nce are subject co t he Statuto ry P ro Raca Refund as prescribed by federal la \\". ln terterm and Summer Session Refund Policy I. Room and Board is pro-raced to th e encl of the week of offic ial withdrawal. 2. $2.'i of the tuiti on c ha rge is co nside re d a registration fee and is non-refu nd abl e. 3. Official withdrawal from Summer Session mu st be mad e through th e Office of the Regis trar. Refund races a rc determined by the date in wh ich the written req ues t fo r reg istra tion c ha nge o r withdra wa l was mad e. Refunds arc subj ec t co th e fo ll owing sche dul e : ■ F irst week - com plete refund, except $25 reg is­ trati on fee . ■ In a cwo week course - no refund the seco nd week. ■ In a three or fo ur week c lass, 30% re fund e d dur­ in g the second week, none thereafter. ■ In fi , ·c week c lasses. 58% th e seco nd week, 30% the third \\"eek, none chc rcafcc r. ■ C lasses ch a t do nor fa ll " ·ithin th e regula r sess ion dates \\"ill s till fo ll ow the refund sc hcclule und e r the fir st sess ion. All a rranged co urses fol low the refund sched ul e of t he fir st sess ion. No co urse mav be dropped after its e ndin g date, and no ruic ion wi ll be re fund e d if a st ud e nt un offici a ll y withdraws afte r th e final dav to o ffi c ia ll y drop a c lass has passed. C lass fees are no r refund abl e after the seco nd day of th e sess ion . Tuition refund s for c lass changes (whe re appli ca ble ) will be made in th e sa me man ner as re fund s for wichcl rawa ls (i. e ., fu ll refund within first rn·o wee ks of c lasses and pro­ rated refund afte r seco nd week until e nd o f e ig hth week). All refunds mu se be requested by prope rl y comp let in g and submitting a de pa rture ca rd o r c lass drop form , th e offi­ c ia l withdrawa l elate dete rminin g the amount of refu nd. C lass, la bo rato ry, hea lth , in s uran ce, parking, ac ti vity and other fees arc refund ab le onl y if withdrawal is on or before th e final dace o f late registra ti on. ;-..Jus ic fees a re for pri vate mu sic lesso ns and arc refund­ ab le in th e sa me manner as tuiti on , except no refund after the s ixt h wee k. OUTSTANDING BALANCES As Biol a is an educational instirution, any balance owin g on a s tud e nt ' s account is an ex te nsi o n of c redit by the Uni­ ve rs it y a nd is co ns idere d an ed ucat iona l loa n wit hi n the mea ning o f sec tion 523 (a) (8) of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. If a loan becomes in clefaulc, Biol a may di sc lose th e defau lt, a lo ng w ith other rc le,·a n t in formation, to c re el it bureau o rga ni zat ions and turn th e e ducat iona l loa n over to a co ll ec­ tion age ncy for co ll ec ti on. Should thi s act ion be institute d by the Unive rs ity, th e re will be addi t iona l charges for rea­ sonabl e co llec ti on of the ba lance du e. All tran sc ripts and diplomas sha ll be withhe ld until the ou tsta nding amount is pa id in full. An account is co ns id e re d pa id in full when al l checks c lea r th e bank.

12 • Financial Information

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