Certificate 1n s iritual Formation
Master of Theology
B. Obr,1111 a ,.o (;!' \ 111th no _grade bclm1 a "( .. in all u111rsc·, to be credited to\\ ~Hd grat1u~1tion. C:. \r least 27 units must he taken at th1" ,Lmtnaf\. D. Complc:tc· the enr11c pro gram in no more th:rn ti, c \ car .... Students .ire pl.ICcd on ac.1- dc1111c prob.1C11 n 11 their ( ;p \ fc,1 am ,cmcstcr foll, helclll , (I ·111d \\ ill remain on probation ~'' Ion-. a.., the ,1ngk '-IL lllL\tcr or L'l11n11Li ti1c(;P\rcnuimhclm1 ,.0. Proh:mon -..cudcnt.., .1rc t!,rantcd one -..cmc"itt:r 1n \\ hich en bring; their academic 11ork up to the n.:qu1rcd lc1C.:I (.,.0) lil1 comin1wll'c in the ... cm111~1r, \ ..,tutknt e:1111101 .!.!.rad11arc "h1k on Hnlut101 CURRICULUM
llin.:ctor: \lmcr I l11bbard. l).l'hil.
The: C<.:rrificar<.: in Spiriwal I or mation i'\ an introducrory yet intcn ,in;, intcgr~1ti, c progr,trn ,, ithin the Institut<.: for Spiritual Formarion ar T a lbor School of Theolog,. designed ro assist indi,id11 al, in th<.:ir personal grcl\\ th. prm 1d<.: ,ome training in la, m1nism of sp1m11al formation in the local chu rch and gi, e rhe stud<.:nt opportunit, to understand thc:ir _gifrcdne" in order to determine: 11 hc:th<.:r th<.: I,ord i, calling them to more trainin,l!; and preparation for rnini\t~. The program is designed cntircl-:, around promoting growth in th<.: bdic1·c: r\ inner life of faith and pra)er with (;od in the conre,r of a shared co11111111nir, and d<.:1 elop<.:d kno11 lcdgc:-ba,c in the \\ 'ord. spiri t11al formation and ,oul care. It foc11,e, ,pecificalh on 11a\S to dccp<.:n one\ kno11 lcdge and open ne" to God and I Ii, 11ork as 11cll ,1, understanding of one's sdf and mh crs in order m gro11 ro11ard confor111- i~ of charncter and inn<.:r lif<.: in the image of Christ. In ord<.:r to accom pli,h this, the progr,1111 has a ,ub srantia l emphasis on undcrsrandin[( the dynamics of th<.: l nd11e ll in,g I lol) Spirit as thes interfan: human p<.: rsonalir, and r<.:1.nional d) n,unics. Thc:se int<.: grari1<.: cnd<.:a1C>r1 arc cnhanc<.:d b, th<.: lnstirnrc\ di1crse uni, ersir, -11 ide faculrs that dra11, parriculari) upon Rosc;1,ead School of l'ss chologs ,md · I al bot School of ' ('hcc ;lo~. hr.inging ~l \\'idc r;.111.~c of e,percis<.: ,ind c,periencc rn bc,1r upon rhe proce" of human spirirnal grcJ\\ th and ,oul care. Certificate cour,<.: 11ork 111a, later be app lied [(Ill ard a \ laster c;f Di , inir, or 1\l asrer of.\ rrs degree . ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applicants must possess a baccal aur<.:a((; degree from an accredited college 11irh a mini- 11111m grad<.: point a, crag<.: of .,.0 (on a 4.0 ,cal<.:). \II applicant, mu,r ,ubm1r a written "itatcmcnt outlin ing their vncarional objecri, <.:s and he"' rh<.: certificate rdates [(I the objccm cs. For sp<.:ci,Ii admissions dc:,1d lines and requirements i111olsed in the Certificate in Spirirnal For mati on, contact Graduate .\d111i , s ion. Du e to the unique nat11rc of t his program , all applicants II ill be pcrson ,Iil) intcnic11ed. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS r\. Sati,facroril) co111plcrc ,Iii courses for a total of 36 ,cmcster uni r, as outlined 111 the curricu lum bc l()l1.
\II applicants arc required to ,uhmH ,1 l'cr,onal Sr,nc111enr of one w r11 o double spaced r, pc- 11 rittcn pa_gc, <.:,press in g their c.1rcn _goal, .ind pcr,onal ohjcc mc, 111 ,cck1ng the Th. \I. degree. ( ;raduatc, of other ,eminaries mu,r tile a full application 111rl1 rhc ( lfticc• of ( ,raduarc \dmissions. \ Li,rcr of I)i1111it1 ,rudcnrs rnr rcnli, enrolled at Talhor 111a) file li,r .1d111iss1on bs suh111imng a II rir tcn request [(I the (;raduate C:0111- 111mc<.: in care of the Of'licc ofCrad- 11are \dm1"1ons. This rcquc,r ,hould 1nd1Latc Jl1\ change.:, in 111ar- 1tal srarn, or doctrina l com icrion, since cnrollmcm in the \la,tcr of I )111111t1 degree ln addinon. ,1pph c.1nr, ,hould s1.~111f\ their imcnrion to .!lmlc ill the Sr,111dards of Con dun of lliob l 1111 cr,1rs. Talbot \L1srcr of D111nir) ,t11dcllt, 11 ho h.11 c co111plcrcd HO or mon.: lll11t"i. ·1nt.l "111>,c current l llllllliatis c (;I'\ i, .l.2.'i or abm e ma, be granrcd a concurrt: nt cnrollrnenr option. lnt crc,ted ,cn101, should conract the Of'lice of (; r,1d 11.1 te \d 111 ission, for dct,11lcd 1nfonnarion. \pplic,1nr, 11 ho hasc grad11- 1tcd frorn I .Iibor 111rl1 a \L1,tcr of ll111111t, degree 111,1, file for adm1"1on according w the fol io\\ 111~ .!.!:llidl.'llllcs: /., \.\ tlttlll lU.."O _\'(///:\' sim·r grrtrllltl/l()/1 /m111 l t1I/J111: ■ Rc.\dm1t \pphcation ■ Personal Srat<.:111<.:nl N1/u.·u11 /-u."IJ //lldfit:t )'t'l/1:\. Slltrl' 1 /r/flllt1//0J/. ■ Re \d1n1t \ppl1cation ■ l'a,tor l{efcrcncc on form prm idcd hs the \dmi"1ons ( )nice ■ l'cr,on,Ii St.1rcmc11t f)..tl'/t...·1 \'tf/1:\" I/Iii . !.rtlrflltl//011: ■ I 1111 ,1pph, c1r1on ■ l'cr,on,Ii St,1rc111cnt l'.1lhor _graduates ,hould 1ml11dc 111 the l'cr,onal Sr,1rc mcnt any chan_e;cs in marital ..,rn r11-. or doctrinal con, iction'-1 ... inc<.: t;r.1d11,1t1lln 111th the \la ster of ll111111t1 degree In add1r1on, the, should ,1_[(n1t's their inren t1on re, abide '" rhc Standards of ( ond11cr of ll1c,la l ni1 cr,ir,. \ 111,·: (}//11 ir1/ rl11m11/l'IIIS f>/'/ - ,·, 111, ti /01 r1t!111i.1sio11 or rc,J/1111/1011 /J, 0111, j>rlll of !hr s111rlwr's rm1r/1111ir /ii, r111rl 1111m1r1llr m1111111 hi' n·1111m·rl or ropi, rl J;,r r!i,Hill/llio11.
l'hc \ L!,tcr of Thcolo.~1 c11r nc t\11 n l"i 1 clullcng111,!.!; po"it-g,r~tdu ate dc.!.!,rcc prrn. .?;ram dc"iigned to c,q111p ,rndents 111rl1 spcc1.Iii1..:d .K~H.lcnrn. k1111\\ kdgc ,llld ~llh .1nccd pn,f,.. ss1on,il ,kill, 111 on<.: of the the olo!.!,tl Ii disciplines.. ·!'he prot!;ram s o spc.:n 1 1ntcrc"it to ... tuLknrs 11 ho .1,p1rc to tc.ll'h - 11 hcrhcr 111 the d11m h, .1 Bible rnlk:gc· or ,cm1 nal\, :111 c.:,tuh1on ccntc.:r. or in ~1 cro,,-t. 11lrural ..,ccnn.!.!;. I hi .... 1.., in .1crnrd II ith both \.T..S. ( the \sso ci,nlllll of Thc·lllo,;1cal Schools) and \_\_I\.( .. (rhc \rneriun \sslll'!.ltlllll Ill ll1bk ( .ollcge,) 11 lmh con,1dcr rhc I h. \I. degree rhc.: 111111111111111 uluc 1t1llnal ,-rcdcrni.d ti,r rc,.1d11n_g hilHJl I ,11HI thL''li<igical .... 11hJL.'l't"i It .1,c1ccl1ted ,crn11111ic, and ll1bk "l hool .... 'I hL program :tl ... o pro 1 IL', an c ,celk nr prcpar.1tion ti,r rh"'c' 11 ho .1nr1npatc further ,rnd, at the· l'h I). ,md l'h ll. lc1L'I (J11.Iiilicd 1t11dents a,p1nn[( to c ,cllcncc .ind lcader,h1p 111 111,111, ·trt:a, of m111i .... rr~ ~tnd sen - 1cc f"r ( 'hri,t lind the Th.\l pro ....,r.111 pL.1...,011.tlh t:nrich1n" and .ll' Hklllll ilh ',(IJPllLH111,g.
REQUIREMENTS Required (ou ,c.s
',I .'ii I l'hcolo~ I 'ii 'il2 'I hrnlo~, II SI r,J, l'hcolo"" II ( 11oof h ce OR ',I 'i I 'J Sun c, ol ( 1L11L'1ts- \ lab, h1 ',I 'i20 'i11r1c1 of\l.mhc11 Rc1ela111J11 ( I \\o oft\\o) , ... ... b SI· :; 17 I lcrmcnc11r1, ind the I\ ord n 'ipirirual 1-c,rmanon 'ii 'i21 lntrod11,·ti1Jn ,, , ( :Jm,n,m 'ipirit11alit1 and l'r.11c, ....... , 'ii 'i24 I l1,w1, .1ml I hcors Ill ( ·1 ri,n.111 S"ul (,.1rc .m, 1 I l1rcnion ., .-1 'ii :;., I 111,ror, md I radition, cf( 'hn,- 1.m Sp1mu.1h 1 .................. .➔ 'ii 'i.l2 Dc,dopmc 11 Sp11Hu.Ii1r ,nd C11mcmpL1t , ... Pn,cr ' ',I· :;4_; l'er,oml I , und.1t1on, cf Sp1ntualit1 1d Rcrrc.n.. SI· 'i:-i.'i l'cr"u1.1l Sp11H11.1l I)ircrnon ..... II lc.1d1 ,emc,tcr enrolled I 'ii· h21 .',p111rual 1·"1111.mon and l hcolo.~, ',rn1111.ir ()I{ SI· 7111 Sp1m11al I ornut11u1 'icm111.1r 'ii· h-12 Sp1nr1ul Ili <1pl111c, '>cn1111.1r .J SI' r,7 2 l'cr11Jn.-d Rctrca1 md l·1mnari1,n 4
I he srndcllt 11111st prncnr ,[ll ,11ucd1r d l\.1cl clor of \rt, ,1nd B.1,' c lor or \l.1,tcr of 1)111n1t, dc"rcc,. Spcuf1calh the, ll111,·t h,t\l: 11u111Lt11H.:d .ir 1c~1-.t a .t2S .1, c1 ,lt'l' 111 rhctr I )I\ 1n1t~ program ~11H.l ha, e crnnplctcd at lca,t nine ,c!l1c, rcr lwur, of Creek hc,sond bc_~in nill!.!, ( ,rl"ck and mnL "'iCl11t:srcr hour-. ol I lclHc11. \ppliu11t, dciil'lcnt 111 rhc h1hlt,al Lrnh11,1_~cs 111,1, rakl' the pruc·q111s1tc 11111(, .1r L1lhot II hilc .1k1 l" o her I h \I cc ur,e,, lmr suC'h ddiuc·11nc·, n 11,t he 111.1Llc up hi fDrl. m11rL th Ill lh unit" 111 othL.r 11 >Jll ts I'> J\ lie r.1ke11. I )i1111H1 tk ..:t.:, pre...,cntcd ,·rom non .1n:red ircd ...,cm1n~1r11..:-. .111d chcolog,ical "hool, arc 1ndi1 id,ulh c1 aluatcd. I lciil'lclll'!Cs dNc ned m ,11d1 ca,c, lll.l hL" mad1..: up h, u111r-.,c \\ork .tt ·1·alhot or other ,pcnticd accredited insrit11tion-.,. ~tlldl'nt"i mu,r a\-.o ha, c the personal qualtficnion, ne< ,·"·111 for a ll11!11,tc·r of Christ. 111dudint.., JHOl11l"iL of fur11rc ll'-ICful ne"- I'hes m11,t be ,p1rnualh qual- 1f1ed ill prm 1cl111s.: c1 idcncc of .1 horn l!.!,,1111 C\JK·ricncc :111d I crn1-.,1-., 4 1 cnt ( .I ri ....ci:111 111.rnncr ofhfe \nt, /hr 111//1111111111 /()/• f,/ ffflli /or rldll!t"'IIJII lo th, Iii. II. />mgm111 ,,. rt /0/111 of ,7:; J>rl/" d.! // m11t/J1i/tl
ll nn,
'>cc Spiritual I or111,H1on ln,n
r11tc for full dl'1cr1ption. ■
l'crs1Jn.-Ii Spll" t 1al l)1rcctlllll (S I :iH:i) Fauilt,-Stuclenr Retreat l'c:r,onal lkrrcar, (SH,72) Ill .\F mum, /o//o.,:· th, "0111
■ ■
1-'rillrlll R11/,." /II u hi,!, (I/ 1111,1 1)//i /011 llh of t 111 It , 0111 ,t is rl, l ·01, rl /rJ 1•\f>o1m1111/lr 1wli 111, 01 r/11/"11111:: o.··ltf/! is ltll(!!,lt!. + F1111ltr n1101,, ··1,/11s ·· r-0111:,t \' r//f 111/11/f/rr/ lo f!,i,·, th, ,111rlu1! ,nrlit fr)/ rh,ontiuil r111rl ,prri,1111ri/ .. 01/ r/011t (l/,·o 011/sidr of tit, ,/,11,rrH1111 This 11/)fJli,s lo tit, (ol/ou.;.·i11,rf 1"f1lll\r·.1. SF:;_!./, :;_11, _:;-13 r,-1.!, n7.!.
T~16 · Talbot School of Theology
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