The papers ,ubmittcd ma, be the product of course\\ork. F. Program Requirements Th e Th.\\. 89 1 Researc h Seminar (3 unic,) a nd Cr: 72 ➔ 1\dnin ccd i\ lc thod, of l'.duca tiona l Instruction (2 unit ,) arc required of all ,tu d c nt ,. regard less of major. Sec the dc,cription of the major areas for othe r cou rses chat ma, be required b, a ,pccific department. The pro gram requirement, for both crack, " ill be distributed as follcJ\\" Thesis Track ■ S unit>C prc,cribcd ■ 12 units: maJor a rea ■ J uni ts : ckcc i, ·c ■ 6 unit,: che,is ■ comprchc.:n\i, ·c c;xa rni,ucion Non-Thesis Track ■ .'i units: prc,cribcd ■ 1 S uni ts: m~1jor area ■ 6 units: elccri, c ■ comp rchcn\i\'<.; c,am ination Student, arc required to cake a minimum of I ➔ unit, in Th.\\. cour,es nu m ber ed in the 800 ,crie, . with the remainder at the 600 and 700 lc,e\,. l ' p to t\\o cour,e, from a different depart ment ma, be taken in th e major a rea "ith the app rm·a l of the ,cu denr·, progrnm ad, i,or. ,\ Th. \I. ,tudcnt mu,c carr\' nine (9) or more unit, to be consid ered a fu ll-time ,rndcnt. Tho,e ca r rying less than nine units arc consid ered part-time ,tudcnt,. ,\ ma,i mum of ,i, (6) unit, n1c1, be taken b, Th.\ I. ,cudent, in "i n~lcpcndcnt ,cud:,. cour, c,. le is recommended that chis be done in the middle or latter portion of the program. and in am ca,c the aLh ance appro, ·a\ of the major departmenta l ach i,or and fac ul t\ member conce rned is req uired. G. Research Seminar .\II Th .\ \. ,tudents are required to take t h e 890 lc,e\ Resea rch Scmin,rr. The semi nar is de,igned to introduce the student tO research methodolog, emplosed in the , ·ariou, biblical and theologi ca l di,cipline,. The semin ar i, led hs fac ulc, repre,entati1 c, fr o m each of the departments in biblical and theo logica l ,tudics. The ,emi nar i, a fou nd at ional part of t he Th.\ I. progrnm and is rc,en cd fo r the Th.\ \. stud e nt, only. Srndents majoring in \l i"ion, and lntcrcul tural ,tu die, "ill he required to take Cl, 897 Rc,ca rch Seminar, CL 879 Rc.,carch \)es ign, or one of th e 891 Biblical research seminars in comu lrntion \I ith their aLh i,or.
H. Concurrent Enrollment Option Senior T albot i\ l. \)i\'. s tud e nts who ha, c completed 80 or mo re unit, and arc acce pted in the Th.i\ J. program arc permitted co cake up co four units of Th.\ \. coursework in the last seme ste r of the ,\ laste r of l)i , init\' program (additiona l Th/, L courses ma, be take n in I ntercerrn or Summc:r Sessio n ) . Thes e cour,cs m,1, nor be credited cowa rd the \I.Di,. degree and mu st meet a ll normal Th .\ I. sta ndard s. T hi s option ,r\ \m, ·, students ,d10 h,ffe only one or n, o courses remaining in thei r :\I.Di,. progra 111 to gee ,caned on t he ir Th.i\ l. program "hilc finishing their\ I. Di,. I. Comprehens ive faam inations ,\ 11 candi d ates li,r the Th. 1\ l. dcp-;n.:c n1u-,r pa~-, a ,, rittcn com prchcnsin.:: c,am inat ion o,·cr the major lick\ of ,tuck ' I 'hcsc exam in1.1tion"' ....enc a'I a major means of C\ aluacing rhc ".itudL:n r' s acacicn1 ic compc ccn c.":- in the major area. Compn.:hcn'l i\ c c.,aminarions may be ta ke n an, time after comp lc· tion of 18 unit, o f T h.\\. co urse "ork . Onh t\\0 retake, of t he c,aminar ion arc permitted. }. Thesis Option Student, "ho opt to "rite a the, i, J11L1>t produce an accc prnb le piece of rc!-iearc h c\ · idcn c in g a high degree of ,c hol a rly compe tence in the ,wdenr ·s majo r. Infor mation regarding thesis form and submission deadlines i, pro, idcd in the Th.\\. Prog ram I landbook and the "Thcsi, Info rmation·· sec tion of t he Talbot g rad uate s tu dent handbook. The o ri g inal and t\\ o copies arc to be presented co the librar, fo r binding. Studenr, "ho complete the che ,i, registration ,cq uencc (i.e. Thesis Fir,t l) rnft and Thesis Final Draft ) " itho ut fini,hing the thesis, mu st register for 111·'. 899 Thesis Cont in uous Regi,rra cion each seme s ter unril the thc,is i, complete in order to maintain degree ">Cat us. ()n]y one scar fo llcl\\ ing the compl e tio;, of course "ork is norm,rll, allowed for comple tion of a chesi~. t\ s tu dent ma, go be,oml thi s one \'car period onh b, ad, ance pcrmi,sion of the GradtHJtc Committee. Such perm i, sion is usua lh· granted only in c,crcn1c circum-.rnnccs.
elective cour'>C'> ma~ also be take n in the area of Christian ,\lini st ry and Leade rship. .\'ru:• 'J'estame111: For students "·anting to do ad, a need \\Ork in the hi-.,r<H~. language, rhc olog, and exq~e,i, of the ;'\c\\ T c,carncnt. '.\:T 81.2 The \\ .o rl d of the '.\:c" Testa ment is required. Old 'fr,1r1111m1 a11rl Sc111itirc,: For srndcnt, " ·anting to do adrn nccd \\ork in the hiswr,. archacolog~, languagc. rhco l og, and c:,_egc,i, of the Old ' I \:...,ramcnt. .1/issir//ls r(//rl l11Mrnlt11ml S111rl il's: For -.,cudcnt'> ,, ho ,,·ant to cmpha si1,c the bibl ical cheol o~~ of mis\ions and take ach·ancc:d courscm,rk in .\ Iis ,ion, and l rncrculrn ra l Studic,. '/11mlogy /m1pb,rsis i11 ,\)•stm1r1tir Yllr'Olog1•): For ,wdent, \I ho \\'ant m take ~1c.h"anccd cou r..,l; "ork in S, stcmatic ' I'hcology. Tl I 709 C:ontemporar, T hcol og, i, required. 71,mlogv /r111phmi., i11 ilistoriml J!11'0I0,~'1'): For ,wde rm \I ho \\ant to take ad,anccd cour,e \\Ofk in S,,ccmatic ' \ 'hcolog, but" ith ,omc cmpha,i, on the hi,torical dc,clupme nc of doc trine. T l I 709 C:ontcmpor,m Thcolog, i, required. 711l'Ologv I Philo.iOJibiml all(/ . I/om! '/ 11mlogrJ: For srndc nt, \\antin.~ to do aLh-a nccd cour,c\\ork at the interface of philo,opl" ,md thcolo~. the emphasi, "ill prepare ,tudc nt, to e ng,1ge in integrated philo sop hi rnl. rheological and bi bli cal reflection on the doctrinal and ethical comJH>ncnt, of the C: hri ,tian \\orkh ic\\. I'\\ 8 12. Phil osophi cal Theolo~ . I'\\ 82.°\. \ lcrapll\ ,ic,. I'\ I 8-L\, Epistemolog,, and I'\\ 866. I li,ton and '\ormaci, e S" tern, of Ethics, arc required.
Degrees arc awarded to quali fied ca ndidate, at the uni,crsit\'\ ,,·inter and spring commencement'>. Students arc required to be present for graduat ion unlc" ,1dn1nec per mission to graduate in ab~cnt ia ha" been ,ccured. To qualif\' for grad u ation, ca ndid a tes must ha \'e com pleted all requi red coursework (26 units) \I ith a 111ini111um grade poin t a,eragc (Gl't\ ) of 3.2.'i and satisfac torih passed their comprchen ,in: examinat ions. '.\:o grade less than a C (2.0) wi ll be credited roward the Th.\ I. degn.:c unit,. Students \I ho repeat courses for the purpo, c of rai sing their GPt\ 111ust adhere to th e L' ni\'c rsirs·s ge neral polic, for grades. as spelled out in the gradu ate program cmalog. Candidate, for the ' J'\1 .\ I. degree should also mani fe st prom ise of usefulness in Christ ian minist ry, exhibit e:,_c 111pL11, ,111d con, i, renr Christian charac te r and c , idcncc sou nd theological beliefs in accordance wirh the unin~r~ir, \ doc trinal Sta tement. i\ddicio~al rcquirc111cnt, arc as follows: A Res idence Requirements A minimum of r,,o '>Cll1C'>tcr'> in res idence at T albot is rcquin:d
for the T h. i\ I. degree . 8. Transfer Credit
L.p co four unit s of Th.\1. lc,·c \ credit from another acc rcd i tcd se minary or theological sc hoo l mav be acce pt e d to \\ard fulfillment of Th . \I. cour,e requireme nt, . C Time Limit for Degree ,\\\ co ur, e, c,a minati o n and thesis requir eme n t, must be complet e d "ichin fi, e ~ car,. beg inni ng on the date of the ,c u denr' s firs t reg istrat ion for Th.\ I. cour,e s at T albot. D. Major Areas of Academic Study \ lajors in the T h.,\ \. program a rc offered in the following areas: ■ /Jiblr F.,positio11: For ,rndenc, who wanr ad,·anced training in Englis h Bibl e a;, preparat ion for teach ing or preaching the Scrip tures. C:our;,c, cmphasi1.c chc historica l and eu lwral back ground, hcrmcncutica l i"lsucs. synthes is. analy~i~ and un ique..: theo logica l contribut ions of Old and 1\'c" · \'esrnmc nr books. prm iding example, of a sound cxpos itional appro,tch to Scrip wre. For chose swdcnts "ho " ish to empha,i1.c preaching and comnninicarion tcchniqLH..:\.
E. Program Options
Th e Th . \I. i, a 26 ,cmester hour program \\ ith nn> option\ for program smrcturc: ,1thc,is mrck and a non-thesis track. Snrdcnt, choos ing the the,is track \I ill complete 20 unit, of co1 1rse\\ork and" rite a thc si, for" hich the, "ill be a" arded 6 semester-unit, Df credit. Students opti ng for the non-thc, is track "ill be required to complete 26 unit, of co u r,c\\o rk . T he, "ill a\,o be asked to ,11hmit t\\ o paper, to the majo r department "hich g i, ·e c, i dcnee of their abil it\ to re,carch and "rite on a high academ ic \e\'cl.
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