
Ph.D. and Ed .D 1n Ed ucat ional S tudie s P r o grams

Director: Kc, in La\\' son, Ed.D.

transition in their career path. T he c urri c ulum partic ul ar!,· e ncourages critical thinking, inrcgrati\ ·e sy n­ thesis o f Scripture and soc ia l sc i­ ence data , and ori gina l resea rch. Cou rses tvpicall v fol lo"' a graduate sem inar format requiring s tudent initiative for significant partic ipa­ tion in class d iscuss ion. Sma ll class sizes of 8- 12 stud ents perm it s uch a dial og ical fo rmar 1 an important c lement for promoting cr it ica l and integrat in; t hinking .

include d in one's progra m to stuck further the re la t ionship o f e d uca­ tiona l a nd t heo logical conce ptions. As members of a C hri st ian uni­ \ crsity community, program facu lty be lieve that relating one's faith to an academic di scipline goes beyond the theoretical a nd cogniti ve . Opport u nit ies for fcllo\\'ship, dia­ log ue and worship arc seen as ,·ital parts of th e coca! e ducational p rocess . Talbot School o f T heol ­ ogy spo nsors a wccklv chapel sc n ·­ icc. Var ious di scussion times over meals and mhcr social acti,· itics pro­ , id c a n o pportunit,· fo r informal. out-ol~c lass interact ion wit h faculty a nd s tudents . Students are also e nco uraged to become in"o lvcd in o ne of t he man y loca l churches in th e Southern California area.

com p e tc nci in research a nd th e contributi o n of t hcor\' to the p rac­ t ice of educat iona l rnini st r \'. Re sea rch training in t h e Ph.D. program is st rong in sc lcctcd area" of ongoing facul ty research. Both degree prog ram s arc offered in the normal reside n tial for­ mat, o r with a m inimum resid entia l format. MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL MODULAR OPTION - PH .D. & ED.D . For thw,c "ho ca nnot loca lI\' access a doctoral p rog ram in e du ­ cation "ith C h ristian pcr,pcc­ ti,cs, "" offcr bot h of our doc­ tora l degree program, in a spec ial fo rm a t. Th e use o f m o dul a r co urse \\'Ork makes it possib le for st ud e nts to contin ue ministerin1; with their currl'. nt orga ni 1.a ci ons \\ hilc complet ing thcir Ph. I)_ or " d. 1) . in J;ducatio n a l Studies deg ree. T"o distinct tracks arc a, ·ailablc for each degree. Ph.D. - Current Faculty Track The c u rrent facu!t,· t rack is open o nh· ro full-time o r adj unct facult, in Ch ri st ian highe r c:du ca­ tion \I ho meet the regu lar qualifi ­ cations for adm iss ion to o u r res i­ dent ial doctoral pro1;rarn. lt ,cr\'eS the needs of facult, · ca ll e d to teach \\ ithin the broad t~clds of Christ­ ian educat ion and practical rhco l­ ogv who h,n c not ,·ct ea rn ed the ir d octo ral degree. b u t "ho ca nnot relocate to pursue a program . Partnership " ·ith \'our School: Th i, track is designe d to bring together rcsourccs and s upport from vo ur sc hoo l and from 'J'albot to hclp you complete vour course of stud y. The application materi­ als pro\'idc a fu ll desc r ip t ion o f the support needed from vour sc h oo l for ,our participation in thi, program (c.g.. a doctornl men­ to r, and rcduct ion of work load during t he course \\'Clrk phase) .

FACULTY ProfeS>ors: \nthOn), Dirks, I"lcr. I,,1\1 son .\ ssociate Professor: C unning ham Assistant Professor: Kirn


Talbot Sc hoo l of' Theo logy of 13iola l ' n i, crs ity o f ft:rs grad ua te \\'O r k lt:ading to the Doctor of J;:ducation ( l·:d .D. ) an d the Docto r of l'hil osoph, (Ph.D. ) d egrees in 1-:ducational Studies . Talbot's doctor,11 programs arc accn.:d itcd b) the .\ssociation of Theologica l School, and the \\'cstcrn r\ ssoc ia­ tion of Sc hools and Colleges. The doctor,11 ckgrcc, esta bli s hed in 198-t, is offered \\'ithin the Depart­ ment of Chr ist ia n "ducation at · I'al bot School of· rheo log,. The doctora l cou rse of study is designed for men a n d \\'ome n to enhance their leadership ro les in a nuict') of ed ucat ion al miniseries "·ithin God's J..:ingd orn - the loca l church, educat ional institutions. parachurch, and rnini l-i try organi za­ t ions throughout the\\ orld. Studcnts come to t he program alread, hm in/.( com ple ted a grad u­ ate dt.:grcx and ~ignificant mini~try ex perience in t he field of ed uca­ tional ministry. In general. doctoral students ,1rc establis hed \I it hin a particular ministr) orga ni ion and return follo\\'ing comp letion of the progr,1m. .\ fc" students arc in


An important compo nent o f the T albot doc toral progra m is the intcgrati,·c synthes is of socia l sc i­ e nce darn \\'ithin a Christian world vie\\' perspective. Since both edu­ ca tion and t heology add ress the human cond ition , the doctoral fac­ ul ty bclic, ·c there is a great dea l to be gai n e d by a n intcrdisc iplinarv st ud y of biblica l a nd th eo log ical kn o\\' ledgc. phil osophi cal issues, huma n de,·e loprnent, the teac h ­ ing- le arning p rocess, and iss ues of leadership. Co n sc qu cnth·, s tu ­ dents arc ex pec ted to come to the progra m "ith a su ffici e nt b ac k ­ g ro und of theo logica l training. (A minimum of 18 grad ua te unit s of' Bibl e and t h e ology is required. For t hose lacking these prerequi­ sites. distance karning courses arc a,a il a ble fro m T albo t School of Thcolog). Con tact t he Graduate Ad mi ss ions office fur furth e r infor­ rna tion.) I n a d dit ion, clcct i \'(; co urses in t h eo logy may be

DEGREES OFFERED ■ Docto r of Educat ion ■ Docto r of Phi losophy

Th e Ed.D. a nd the Ph.D. pro­ grams ge ne rally s ha re a common fo undation of required co re courses. Students se lect ing T a l­ bot's Ed.D. in Educationa l Stud­ ies arc ge n era ll y focused on imp ro\' ing th e ir educa ti o nal lead­ ersh ip and teaching in t he ir prac­ tice of rn iniscr,· lead ers hip, while a lso develop ing kn ow ledge and s kill s of resea rch. Those choosing T a lbot's Ph.D. in Educational Studies degree a rc interested in combining cducarional mi n ist ry leaders hip and teac hin g with a strong e m p has is in d c , ·e loping a

SAMPLE PH.D. SCHEDULE (-IS units of coursc\\Ork, comprehcnsi,c examination, and dissertat ion)

4 Years - Full-time study* - General Emphasis** - Res idential Program

.Sj;1i11K (odd ) car,)

First Year

Fa//(c,cn ,cars)

////1'!1en// 1•: lccti,c =2



807 Educat ional Research ,lcthods 3

HO.) I Inman l)en;\opmL:nt & I ,earn ing 805 'l't..:athm.g & Curriculum Theory

Ekcti\'c =S ,1.

3 J



El ccti\'c =3 Elective =4


Electi, c =I



Spri//K (e,·en years)

Second Year Frt//(odd years)



806 Theolo,gical Research & lntel(fation

801 Philosop h. Issues in 1•:d Swdic, 3 808 Stat. :--l c thod, in Ed. Research 3

3 3

Ed.D. - Modular Tra ck


SCI, 80.l Qual1tati,·c Research

Th e Ed.D. modular track 1s o p e n co any person who meets the regular qual ifi catio n s fo r admission to the re,idcnti,tl doc­

J 9

Elccri,e =6

88-l Docrnral Internship

886 Comp rehcnsi, c Exam Orienta. 0

890 Dissertation Ori entation



tora l program.

Third Year

Modular Design

K87 Cornprehcn,i,c l~,aminarion ·

0 0

89 1 Di sscmn ion•

Courses arc offered in June (four "eeks) and J a nu ar, (o n e \\'CCk) each , car. Prcli rni nar, and fol lo\\·­ up a,s ignmcnts arc a part of each course. Student, "ill need to trans­ fer in certain ,1d\'a nccd resea rc h methods co urse\\ ork. spec iticd fo r each trac k, from ot he r acc red ite d uni,·c r!')ities near where thev li,·c. Si nce course " ork must rn c~ t cer-

890 Dissertation Orientation

Fourth Year 891 Dissertation

89 1 Disserta tion

Dissertat ion Defense and Graduation

Student, ,, irh gon;rnrncnt

loan\ or wi th international ~cudcnt ,·i~a.'i lllU.'it maintain full-cirnt.: studt..:nt snHu ~ each fall and ..:;pr ing

semester" hilc enrolled in doctoral stud ic, (min imum 9 units per fall and spring semes ters). Students enroll ed in 887 arc con,idcrcd full-time swdcnts for that semester onh. During dissertation swdies, swde nts arc gi,·cn full-time sraw, up to four semesters of 891. · • Students in the '-'on-profit I,cadcrship Emphasis \\'ill subs titLJtc core comscs 80-1 and 818 for 803 and 805 listed in thi s sample sched ule.

T~18 • Talbot Scho ol of Th eology

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