guests. Detai led information regarding t h e defense and final submiss io n deadl in es for gradua tion mav be found in The Disser rnrion c;uidc lines I landbook. Graduation Requirements All student, must present an acceprnh lc di ssertation, sar isfacmrih pass their eomprchensi, ·e examina tiom, and complete all cou rse \\ork "ith a mini mum 3.2.'i G\'1\ ro q11al if, for graduation. Beyond comple tion of academic requirement,, Doetorn l Program faculty must al,o recommend t hat the studc11t is eligi ble for conferral of rhe degree on the ha,is of e, ·idcnce of Chri,c ian life and character established during hi, or her course or ,tudies. 1\II financial obligations must be settled. :\ttcn dancc at commencement cere monies is req ui red,, hen the degree is granted unless appro,al has been recei,·ed from rhe Dean to graduate in ab,emia (scc the Docwral Pro gram I land book for futhcr detail,).
Advancement to Candidacy O ffi c i a l ca nd idacy for the d octo ra t e s ig nifi es an ach ·a n ced stage in t h e s tu de n t', progress a n d is c h arac t erized b,· se l f d irec ted resea rc h in t he comple t io n o f a di sse rtation under the di rect io n of a fae ult v d isse rtat ion ad\'iso r. In o rd e r to be admitted ro candidacy, t h e student must have s uccessfull y: ( 1) P asscd t h e Comprehen si\'C Examinat ion, and (2) Rece i ved a p pro, ·a \ of a d isserta ti on p roposal b, t he stu de n t's d isse rt at ion committee. Dissertation Afte r pa,s i ng the Compre h ens i ve Exa min ation, t h c su, dent w ill e nro ll in DE 89 1 D is sertat io n (3 u nits) up to four sem este rs . A s tud e nt 11111 st en roll for a m in imum of two terms of DE 89 1 a nd m ust be en ro l led in 89 1 or 89.'i Di ssertation Exten s ion the semester of graduation. Di sserta ti o n s tu dents arc consid e red ful l-t im e fo r a maximum of four semeste rs of DE 89 1 onk. Doctora l studems must submit a d issertation c, idcnc i ng h igh atta inmem in schola rship. Detailed inform atio n may be found in the D issertation G ui delines I landbook. Final Dissertation Defense Th e f ina l exa m in at ion is an oral defe nse of t h e dissertation before t h e st udent's dissertation committcc ,111 d other in\'ited
Doctoral Program Proposa l D u ring the first te rrn of study and in consu ltatio n w it h rhe p ro gram director, srudents identify the respecri,e 2 1-unit ( Ph .D. ) o r IS-unit (Ed.D.) elccci,c, p rogram theY "ill complc tc, a long "ich the remaining core co urst.:s, to mee t the 4~-,emesce r u nit (P h.D.) o r 36- seme,ccr unit (Ed.D.) m inim um rcquircment. Then, during t h e ,econd term of ,rnd~. at a meet ing wit h the p rogram di rector, students present thei r doccora l P rogram Pro posal. Once apprO\ ed, t h is sched ule ser\'es as the projected co urse of stud~. A copy of the Program Proposal is placed in the student's fi le. \ lodifications must ha, ·e pr ior apprO\ al of thc program d irecto r. Comprehens i ve Examination During the fina l semeste r of cm,rse\\ ork, the student a lso e nrol ls in [lb: 886 Comprehensi\'C E,ami nation Or ientat ion ro prepare fo r D E 887 Comprehensive Examina tion the folio\\ ing semester. L'pon completion of a ll cou rse work, rhe student completes the Comprd1en , i, e E,amination before engaging work on the diS>ertat ion. The Com prehensi,·c Exam ination c,·a\uates the ,tudem·s attainment of program stuch objecti\'es. Detailed informa tion about the Comprehensi\'C 1•:xamina t ion is ,wailab lc in the Doctoral Program I landbook.
rain requirements, appro, ·a\ is requ ired pr ior to enrollme nt in any course to be cramkrred for t he doc toral progr,rm. Al l ocher course, arc taken on our campus. a llo,, ing facc to-facc in)rrucrion and interact ion "ith facu\c, and fc llo"-students. T he cour,e work phase is des igned to be completed in a li tt le over chrcc ,cars. Course requi rements. com prchcn-,in; exami nation, and di sser tation requirements an; genera ll y the same as for thc re, pecci, ·e resi dent ial program. Cohort Approach Ne" g roups of studcnts bq;in thc p rogram c, ·cry t\\ o to three , cars. Students wo rk through the core courses rngether. "i t h some choice of cleeci,c options to fit their srnch· interests. The first co hort began in Ju ne 2002. The 11<.:,t group wil l begin in J u nc 2004. Contact the Graduate .\dmis,ions office fo r more infor mation on the schedule. Appli ca ti on for Admissi on Contact the Graduate Admis sions officc at Biola L' ni,ersit\ for a more detai led b rochure and application materials. Ile sure t0 ask for informationa l materials regarding the specific p rogram: the Ph. f)_ Current Facu lty Track or the Ed. \). :\lodu lar T rack doctoral program in Educat ional Stud ies at Talbot School ofTheolog,.
T he doctoral program seek, to adm it applicants" hose background clear\\' demonstrate scholarl, apti tude, a commitme11t to the historic Christian faith, personal character and integ rity. a sen ice-oriented morin1tion toward cndc~n·cHs of educational ministr\· and a deepen ing relationship "ith God. Biola l l nivcrs ir: doc" not di ...criminatc on
SAMPLE ED.D. SCHEDULE 06 trnirs of cou rsework. comprehcnsi,·c csamination. and dissertation) 4 Years - Full-time study* First Yea r Fa//(c,cn Years)
\ \'hilc the docto rate I\ not ct\\arckd simply for completion of stated course \\Ork. the Ph.\). degree requires 45-scmester units including 24 units of core c\as;,es and 21 units of elecc i, cs, plus the Compn;hcnsin; Exam in ation and Dissertation. "hereas the Ed.\). degree requires J6-semcster units including 21 units of core c \a,ses and 1.S units of ekcti\'e, . plus the Comprehensi, ·e 1•:xamination and D issertation. T he doctoral program director "icn·c..., a-.. the !')tUdcnt'".) ach i~or "ho ass ists in p lanning t he sched uk of courses and supen ise, the student·, progress in the program and rhe de, e lopment of an elcc r iu..: program ba-;cd on the t\\ 0- \e,1 r projected schedule of courses being offered. L' p to 6 unit, of gr,1duatc co u rse \\ork direcrh related to t he speciali,.a tion ma, be taken in other departments at Biola t · ni,·crs it\ o r tran,ferred in from othe r accredited graduate in.;;ritution').
Spri11g (odd \'cars) 807 Education,11 Research \ lcthods
803 I luman Dc,clopment & Learning (3) or 80.J \ lgt & Org lkhavio r in 'so n-l'rof(3) or 805 Teaching & Curriculum Theory (3) [or818 \,cadcr in 'son-profir Org in Spring; Sdecr two from thl:se four con.: cou rses! l•: lccti,c =I Second Year Fa//(odd ,car,) 806 Theological Research & lntcgrarion l•:lccri,c =-! [or SC:L 80.\ Qualirari,c Research (3)j Elccti, c =S
Elcctin; =2 Elccti\'e =3
J 9
Spri11j! (c, en ,cars) 801 l' hilosophica\ l»ues in Ed Studies 808 Statistical ~ lcthods in Ed Research [or SCL 80.l Qualirn,i,c Research[
88-l Doctoral Internship
886 C:omprchensi1c E,am Orientation (0) 890 Dissertation Orientation (0 )
Third Year 88i Comprchcn..,i, e Examination 890 l)is,crrn,ion Orientation Fourth Yea r 891 Di,scrrnrion
0 0
89 I Disscrtarion ·
891 Ilisscrtation
l)issena,ion Defense and Graduation ~srudcntr.; \\ith go\'crn 1rn.:nt loan.., or with international srudi..:nt , ism, muse maintain full-rime student )raw'! each fall and spring semester \\'hile enrolled in doctoral studies (mi nimum 9 units per fall aod spring semesters). Students enrolled in 887 arc considered full-timc ,midcms for rhar <:ierncr..rcr only. During di"sc rrn rion studic~. ~rndcnrs an.: gin..::n full-ri1rn.: stat11.., up ro four semc:-.tcrs of 891.
1albo t School of1heology · T~19
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