
the basis of racc, co lor, national ori­ g in, et hnic group identification, gender, age or plwsical disa bilirv. Persons intcrcstcd in attending should request the docroral app li­ cation form (the same form for both d egree programs) for Talbot School ofThco logv from the Grad­ uate Admissions office at 13iola Uni\·crsity . r\s in rnany graduate progrn111s. enroll111cnt is limited. In order to be ad111ittcd to full graduate standing. the applicant must comply \\'ith the tc,llo"'ing: (I) I L11·e completed at least three )Cars of ft11l-ti111c ,·ocational expe ri ence in educational min­ ism· with c,·ickncc of leadership g ifts and abilities. (2) I l,11 c earned a i\ la ste rs degree in Christian or Religious 1-:ducation ( .\!ACE or 1\IRF) o r its equivalent fro111 an accredited educational institution. IC:qui, ·a­ lcncc is defined as an ea rn ed master's dc~rcc of 36 s.cmcsrer units of graduate study in areas related to the Christian education 111inistry, in cluding 18 units of graduate Bible and tl1eolog1·. At least one course in each of the follo\\'ing areas s hould ha, ·c been co111plcted: Philosoph, or lli storv of Christian fclucation. 11 uma1; Dc1·clop111ent or Educa­ tional Ps,cholog,, Educational Administration. In terpersonal Co111munication/Group Dvnamics or Counseling, C urriculu111 Design and/or \lcthods of Teaching, Research .\lcrhocls. i\ minimum GPA of 3 .25 on a --LO scale in all prc\·iou-; graduarc \\'Ork is required. Students \\'hose formal educa­ t ional preparation docs not includc all of the rcquirccl prerequisite course ,rnrk mav be adm itted pro- 1·isionall, 11 ith a deficiency of mas­ ter's lev~I courses. Sec i hc Doc­ toral Program I landbook for sev­ eral 11·ays to address deficiencies. (3) Sub111it a co111plcted Talbot School of ' J'IH.:ologv clocwral appli­ cation form and $50 appli cation fee. The form ll'ill provide a place to indicate the progra111 for ll'hich appl icat ion is being made, either the Ph.D. or Ed.D.. and II hich format. e ither the residential or rnodular. (-1) Subrnit scores on the Grad­ uate Record 1-:x,rn1ination (C RE) (minimu111 combined 1·erbal and analytic score of 1000). l nforrna­ tion regarding GRE resting elates and location 111a1· be obtained bv writing to the Educational Test­ ing Sen ice, Box 955, Princeton. 1\ew Jcrsev 08591 (, or call 1-800--ffl-2255 t0 register. International students ll'hose na t ive language is not English arl.'.

required, instead, t0 submit scores on the T est of English as a Foreign Lang uage (TOEFL) and the Test for \\' ritrcn English (T\VE). Prefer­ ence in admission will be given co those who score 600 papcr/250 co111purcr or ove r on TOEFL and -1.0 or over on ' I '\\"E. ' J'hose scoring between 580 paper/237eo111purcr a nd 599 paper/2-+8 co111pu ter o n TOEFL wi II be assessed on a ease­ bv-casc basis. '!'h e TOEFL and T\\'E arc ad111in istcrecl rogethe r on ce rtain test dares. For 111orc infor­ mation ca ll (609) 771-7100. L\X (609) 771-7500 or "rite: Test of English as a Foreign Languagc 1 13ox 6 151 . l'rinccrnn, New Jcrsev. LI.S.A 085-tl-6151. ( Students s hou ld consu lt the general 13iola Uni, e rsir,· guidelines (see t he Admission of Non-Native English-Speaking Students section at the beginning of the university catalog as well as the Adrn iss ions of Intcrnational St ud ents section at the beginning of the' r a lbm earn log section). Since doctoral sc 111inars invoh ·c regular srnd cnt discussion. it is expected that internationa l stu­ dents h,11 'e the requisite ab ility \\'ith spoken Engl ish to be a contributing 111e111bcr of s uch discussions. (5) Present evidence of poten­ tia l for original academic research at the clocwral lc, ·el by submitting a sarnplc of scho l,n lv writ ing (ll'ith citations and bibliography), prefer­ ab ly related to education, of at least I0, but no more than I5 pages, for- 1mmccl according to APA style. (6) App li ca nts rn a1· be asked to he interviewed bv the program director or the Doc.coral Prograrn committee as a requirement for admission. .\'ote: D_[/hia/ dom111en1s pre­ smted for admission or l'"iJa/11(!/ion become pr111 of 1/ie stndmt'., amdm,ir file and nonntilfi, a111no1 be n't11med or ropiedfor dis1rib111ion.

Research Competence

The first cohort began in June 2002. The ne xt group ll'ill begin in .I unc 200-t. Con met thc Grad­ uate t\clmissions office for more information on the schedule. Since enrollment for both degree programs is limited anc\ admi ss ion is on a sclccr ivc ba~is, applications s hould be made as earlv as possible. T 'he Doctoral Program committec will process complctccl applications on a monthly basis. Appl ications sub­ mitted after the c\cadline 11·ill usu­ al ly be considered for the folloll'ing semes ter (res id ential program) or the next cohort (modular p rogrnm). 1:i nan ci al scholarship a nd dis­ serration fellowship applications arc availab le in the Docwral Pro­ gram office (ap pli cation deadline: i\ larch I ). Full-time. residential doctoral students arc gil'cn prior­ ity for awards. Prirntc sources of scholarships may be located on the we bsite: 11· Admission of lnternalional Students and Resident Aliens See Adm ission and Rcgism1- rio11 and Requirements section at the bcginning of the catalog. Special Study Status Students acrivclv enrolled in an accrcditccl docwral ,;rogram in edu­ cation may be eligible to rake an clcctil'C class in Talbot's docwrnl progr,1111 either fo r enrichment pur­ poses or transfer credit. t\n abb rc­ l'ia recl application for such pur­ pose, would include a complctccl short specia l sess ions form. a letter from the registrar of the school indicating good standing and a completed pastoral reference form. Those wishing to c,plore the possiblitv of entering doctoral srndies, \\'ho gencrallv rnccr the doctoral admission requirements, may be able to enroll in one sum­ mer doccor~d elective course ~h a special student. Cnnrnct the Grad­ uate t\dmissions office at 13i ol,1 Uni, ersitv for more information. GENERAL ACADEMIC INFORMATION Classification of Students Docrnral students meeting all entrance requirements will be classified as rc,gular graduate su,­ clents. Students \\'ho do not ful­ fi II all ent rance requirements may be admitted 11·ith pro,·isional status until the) compensate for any dcficic nc,·. 1\ormally all pre­ rcqui,itcs must be s;1tisficd 11ith the first t11 '0 semesters of doctoral study. Full-rime swclv is defined as nine units per scmc~tcr.

Specific research skills appro­ priate for proposed clisscrcat ion stud\" art: to be clc111011stratecl. The doctoral progra111 director ll'ill l'ali­ datc cornpetencc through re, ·ic"' of examinations, completed rcse,irch. or course II ork. Appropriate research mob ancl mcthocls include biblical languages, modern lan­ guages, -;catisrical anal~ sis and research methodologies applicable t0 educational problc111s and issues. Deficiencies in research compe­ tence ma, result in aclclirional pro­ gram specialization component,. Grading System .Students II ishing to obtain a doctoral degree must maintain a consistent!I high acadc111ic per­ formance throughout their program. t\n 01·crnll grade point a, cragc of 3.2.'i on a -t.0 scale. is required. Only grades of '"A, .... B.'" '"C" earn graduate credit. although the coursc grade of B- or lo\\·cr "ill rri1;gcr a rel' ie11· of the stuclcm's qu,1li ficar io11 to remain in the program, ~1:-, noted bclrrn· under ,\caclcmic Dismissal. Gr,1dcs of all students arc recorded in the Office of the Registrar. Grading is on the follo11 ing basis: Grade Grade Points A Superior ,1chic1·c111cm -l.00 r\- Significant achic\'cmcnt .).67 13+ I ligh ,ranclard achic\'crnent .).3.) B Standard graduate achie, crnem 3.00 B- Lo11 srnnclarcl achic1·c111cnt 2.67 C+ i\ l ini111u111 passing pcrfor111,111cc 2.33 C i\linirnum passing performance 2.00 C i\linimum passing performance 1. 67 I' Failure 0.00 R Dissertation research in progress 0 00 S Sarisfocror, 0.00 l ' l ' nsatisfacwr, 0.00 i\n '"S" incli;ates sarisfactor\ eornpletion for courses listed fro111 DI, 887-889. A "\\"'" indicates an official 11 ithdra11al from a course and docs not affect the st11clcnt's grade a, ·cragc . t\ " l 1\\ "'" indicates an unoffi­ cial ll'ithdra11 al. St11dcnts who register for a class but do not attend ir arc automatically given the _grade of ., LI\\"" 11 h ich wi 11 infl ucnce the grade a, eragc the -;amc as an "F.'' A teniporan mark of ' 'R I) '" ( Report l)clavcd) ll'ill be 1,sed in special cases of extreme hardship \\'here. an cxccn~ion i, "arrantcd

Application Deadlines Residential Ph,D. & Ed.D.

There arc two application deadlines in the residential pro­ grarn: for the fall semester it is April 15 and for the spring semester it is ;\.°ovcmbcr 1. Minimum Residential Ph,D . & Ed.D. Th ere is on ly one applicat ion deadline for modular programs and it is ;'\ol'embcr 1 of the aca­ clcrnic yc,1r in which a ne\\' cohort begins .- A cohort of doctoral stu­ dents will enter their rcspccri,·e doctoral programs c, ·cry two co three years in the rnonth of Jun e, a lth ough coursework begins the previous February.

T~20 • Talbot School of Theology

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