
Electives Program (21 units) In cons u \rati on 11·ich the pro ­ gram adv isor, th e swdcnt design s a program (21-scmcste r-unit mini­ mum ) in li g ht of educational ba c kgro und and vocacional and resea rch in ccrcscs. E lective courses offered bv doccora l faculty pertain to areas of expertise and co n t inuing faculty swdy and a rc numbe red from 8 11 through 865. Recc nth· an emphasis in Non­ profit Leadership and Admini s tra­ tion has been impl e mented a nd these el ective courses a rc g rouped toget her fol lowing the Genera l Emphasis li s ting. In se lect in g a prog ram of swd y, swd e ncs ma y incoporacc an y elect ives offered (consult th e two-year proj ec ted sc he dule of co urses). In addit ion, su fficient latitud e in de s igning e lective course ass ignme nts permits s u1- den cs to pur s ue a var iet y of researc h inccr csts . Co urse s arc usuall y offered on a rotating bas is eve ry two or three years . Ed.D. in Educational Studies Program (3 6 units of course­ work) Core Studies (21 units) A ll s tudent s complete 21 s emeste r unit s of req uired co ursewo rk. Students sho uld pur­ s ue th e completion of co re co urses ca rll' in t he ir program. Foundationa l Core (6 units) ■ DE 801 Philosophi cal Issues in Ed ucat ional Swdics (3) ■ DE 806 Theological Integ rati on for Ed ucat ional Srndies (3) Soci a l Science Co re (6 uni cs) Selffl /YJJ•o co{{rses: ■ DE 803 Huma n Dc , ·e \op­ me nt and Lea rnin g (3) ■ DE 8041\lanage me nt and Organ izat iona l Be ha vior (3)

form, at least two c urrent refer­ e nces, and any desired suppo rting rnacc ri a ls. The letter sho ul d be addressed to chc Doccoral P rogram Committee, stating the reasons for requesting readmiccancc as wel l as any ot her iss ues deemed releva nt b y th e appli ca nt. The letcer should dircc tlv address chc ca uses fo r dismissal, and present a rea lis­ t ic plan a nd rime sc hedul e for compl e ti on of the program, should readmi ss ion b e gra nted. Th e applicat ion will be co nsidered with the regu lar admi ss ions pool.

assuring d octo ral -l el'c l sca w s of th e course . Docu mcntatiun ma y include catalog desc ripti o ns, sy l­ labi and ocher su pporting nrnteri­ ab from the profcs;or of record or dc parcmcnc, as dee med necessa ry. Failure to Registet/Unoffic ial Withdrawal Students who fa il co reg iste r o r pay thc nccessary po rtion o f t h e ir tuition bill in any g i,·cn semeste r without arranging fo r a leave of ,1hsc nce or formal with­ drawal a rc d isrn is sc d fr om the program by default si nce offi c ial reg istrat ion for chat semes ter was nc, ·c r compl eted . It is the s tu­ dent 's responsibility to be awa re of preregistration and registrat ion procedures a nd de adline s, and program deadlines fo r paying cuiti on a nd fees. Students "h o un o ffi c iall y withdraw frorn t he program a nd a rc later rcadmirtcd may be req uired to pay contin uation fees for semeste rs durin g which they wcrc not enro lled and a rc subj ect co doccoral program c urri cu lum c ha nges and gradu at ion require­ me n ts impl e mented du ring their

and approved by the dean. A su1- dcn t muse a pp ea l for a n " RD" g rade before t h e end of t h e semester. Such a grade incum:d in one semeste r mu s t be rnad e up by chc e ncl of the first nin e (9) we e ks of the next sc rn cstc r or the grade will a ucomacica ll y bceornc a " \\ '." A " \\I " ca n be rnad c up onl y by repetit ion of th e cou rse. No grade ocher than an "RD" may be altered once ic has been reported co chc Office of the Reg­ istrar unless an error was made in grading or re co rdin g. The se cha nges can only be rn adc upon written appro va l of th e inscruccor, the dean and the regi strar. Academic Probation A s tudent failing to maintain th e rninimurn GPA of 3.25 wi ll be place d on academic probatio n. The following semester, s ho uld the student not mee t chc mini­ mum c umulati \'C GPA (3.25), the Doc toral Progra m cornrnittec will re v iew the matt e r and the s n1 - clcnt is s ubj ect co di smi ssa l frorn the doctoral prog ram. Academic Dismissal Students II h o receive one course g rad e of ' 'B-" o r lower will be re viewed by the Doctora l Pro­ gram committee, and arc subject to probat io n o r disrnissal from the pr ogra m. F o r a seco n d course grade of " B- " or lowe r, the Doc­ tora I Pro g ra m co mrnicccc will review t h e matte r a nd the s tu ­ dent is s ubj ect co di smi ssa l from the docto ral program. Time Limit for Degrees A ll course and aca cl c rni c require ments mu s t be co rnpletcd within s ix yea rs frorn th c dare of the s tudent 's firs t regis trat io n for graduate s cudy in ch c doctoral program 1 unless an extension has be e n gra n te d b\' the Doctoral Program committee. The disser­ tation mu s t be completccl within rwo yea rs of pass ing the compre­ h c nsi ve exa m s . I f a program exte ns ion is approved, t he s rn ­ clent will jointl y regi s te r for DE 892 Program Extension and DI~ 895 Di ssertation Extension. Transfer Credit Students ma\' tran s fcr up to s ix semester hours of ap pli ca ble cloctora l-lc vc l courses from an accredited g rad uat e sc ho o l or t heological sc rninary, afte r seek­ ing prior apprcwal from th e pro­ gram director. Transfe rred course work mu s t b e co mpleted after beginning the doctoral progra m. It is chc swdcnc 's responsibil­ it y to prol'id c d oc um e n tat ion


Th e c urri c ulum of the doc­ toral prog ram is o rga ni zed into two p ,.tr t s: a se ri es o f co mmon co re cou rses tak e n by all s tudents a nd e lect ive courses from whic h t he s rnclcnt will se le ct chose a p propriate for a pro gram of s tud y. Docto ral courses a rc num ­ bered in chc 800 series. l1 p co six se me ste r un i ts of 600 o r 700 se ries mas ter 's- leve l univcrs i cv cou rses may be in c lud e d in th~ clcc ri vc'i program. Ph.D. in Educational Studies Program (45 units of course­ work) Core Studies (24 units) A ll s tud e n ts co mpl e t e 2-l se me s t e r u nit s of requ i red cou rsewo rk. Founda t ion a l Core (6 units) ■ DE 80 1 Philosophi ca l Issues in Educational Stud ies (3) ■ DE 806 Theo log ica l Integra ti on for Educational Studies (3) Soc ia l Science Core (6 units) General /~111phmis: ■ DE 803 Human Deve lop­ ment and Learning (3) ■ DE 805 Teaching and Cur- riculum Theo ry (3)

program inacti\·iry. Leave of Absence

ln ac ci,c st ud e n ts arc chose who h,l\c requested and been gra nted a 1,eal'c of Absence from the program. A Leave of Absence ma, be granted upon petition for c h ange of status if t here is d ee med s uffi c ient reaso n for interrupting t h e program a nd intent ion to return to the progra m. A Leal'C of Absence mu se be re newed by pet ition eac h semes­ ter and mal' not exceed two con­ sccum·c scrncscers. I\ Iissionarics may pet iti on to be exempted . A L eave o f Absence longer than two semesters will requ ire with­ drawal from the prog ram a nd a pet ition for rcadmission if t h e st ud en t later wishes t o rega in acci,·c status. E ac h L ea, c of Absence must rece ive th e approval of t he swd c nc' s di sse r­ tation ad, iso r, if app li cab le, and t he final approl'al of t he Docto ral Prog ram co rnmitcec. Swdents on lcal'c arc required co register for DE 897 Lca\'e of Absence each term (a onc-u nit fee is assessed). Readmission A person who has been d is­ mi ssed frorn che docto ral program may make reapplication to t he program a minimum of six months after termination. The reapp li ca­ tion should bc in the fo rm of a let­ ter and include a nc\\ appli cat ion

No11-profi1l.earlt:rship a11rl Ar/111inis1m1io11 E111phmis: ■

DE 8041\l a nagcment and Orga ni za tional Beha vior (3) DE 8 18 Leadership in Non­ profit Organizat io ns (3)

DE 805 Teac hing and C urriculum Th eo ry (3)

DE 818 Leade rship in Non-profit Organizations (3)

Researc h Core (9 units) ■

Resea rc h Co re (6 units) ■ DE 807 Educational Resea rch I\ Iet hod s (3)

CL 803 Qualitati ve Research (3)

DE 807 Educa tional Researc h I\ lc chods (3)

a11rl eilhff: ■

CL 803 Qua lirnci vc Research (3), or DE 808 Stat is tical l\ lcthods in Educat iona l Resea rch (3)

■ DE 808 Statist ica l l\l cr hods in Educational Resea rc h (3) S!Nrlm!s shoNlrl p{({:rnt' the co111 - ple1io11 of core coNnes ertr!v i11 their progm111. Inte rn ship (.1 units) ■ DE 88-l Docto ral Internship ( 1-3)

Intern ship (3 units) ■

DI:: 88-l Doctoral Inte rn ship (1-3)

Talbot School of Theology· T~21

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