
and go, ·crnancc roles arc exam ined and app roaches co stimulating the activc involvement of cru '.'.,tces in org,111i1.arional affairs arc explored. DE 831 Administration of Chris­ tian Higher Education (3) IC:xp loracion of major responsibili­ ties in the adm ini stration of higher education with a \'it.:,, ro broaden the 'itudcnc'..:; awareness of t he complexities invoh·ed in educational leadership. Emphasis is gi, ·en to a discussion of the department, of faculcv, shared gol"t;rnmcnt issues. swdc n t affairs, adl'anccmcnc, lega l affairs, librnr\", and support sen· iccs. DE 836 Current Trends in Amer­ ican Higher Education (3) An exam ination of crit ical is..,ues facing :S:orch Amer ican uni, ersi­ tie, and discussion of the acqu isi­ tion of I iablc premising data. rel­ e1·ant strategic planning issues, anU future prograntmaric des igns. DE 841 Team Development and Leadership (3) l,xp loration of thc dvnamics of effcctil'e 11ork teams. the de,cl­ opmenc, maintenance and bene­ fits of leadership teams in educa­ tional ministry settings. Inclu des a focu.., on team assignmcnt 1 srrnregies for team development, beneficia l leadership practices, and the application of team scraregics to , arious loca l a nd cross-cultural ministr\" settings. DE 842 Volunteerism: Issues in Development and Supervision (3) An ad, anccd study of l'olunceer management principle, and prac­ tices wit hi n , arious loca l and cross-cultural ministry and non­ profit sett ings. Ex,1mines a rheo­ logica l rationale for the role of l'O l­ untccrs in ministry and religious non-profit organ izations, including key issues influencing vo lun tee r moti\'~1tion, rccruirmcnc, cquir,­ ping, support. and supen ision w e nh ance the expe ri ence and effec­ til'cnes, ofl"o luntce rs in ministry. DE 843 Change, Power and Conflict Management (3) t\n ana lys is of the change process. the ro le of power and auchoricv in the dc1 e lopmcnc of change and conflict, and approaches to con­ flict management. DE 844 Contemporary Issues in Non-profit Management (3) Des igned co change its ,uhsrnn­ ci, ·e focus each year. chis seminar d ea ls with non-profit manage­ ment and policy issues of current or co ntinuin g interest. Special focus is g i1 ·en co the dynamic

nawrc of leadersh ip and its re la­ rionsh ip rn social inscicucional con textual izarion. DE 845 Selected Topics in Educational Leadership and Administration (1-3) Esploracion of se lected issues led by resident fac ul ty or visit in g professors. DE 847 Legal and Ethical Considerations in Non-profit Organizations (3) Laws affect ing the estab li shment and operat ions of non-profit organizations arc identified and discussed. and the ethical qu es­ tions and va lu e dilemmas encountered by leade rs of non­ profit organi1.acions arc exp lo red. DE 848 Multiple Staff Management (3) lssucs related to che comp lex nature of multiple staff manage­ ment in chc ch urch and re li gious non-profit organization set tin gs arc identified and discussed. T op ics include methods of srr uc­ curing adminis tr ative and pro­ gram ,rnff. fiscal management, technological inn ovat ions . and sea ff de, clopment. DE 849 Fund Raising and Institutional Advancement (3) An o, ·cn ie11 of the principlcs inl"<>il'ed in th e administration of philanthropic organizatio ns. An examination of l'ario us types of fund-raising including annu al fund, corporate fund rni\ing;, grant writ­ ing, pla nned gil' ing, capital cam­ paigns and indi,·idu al solicita ti on. DE 856 Non-profit Financial Management and Control (3) Business principles ,1pp li ed to the financial accountabi li ty and fiduciar, responsibilities of those in the non-profit administrat ion. This course introdu ces the scu­ dcnt ro basic financial 111anagc- 111cnc contro ls and techniques required for effective manage­ ment of non-profit organizations . Topics discussed includc fund accounts. bud_gcting, rc,Tn uc forecasting. financial statement, and reports, cash-flow manage­ ment. and capita l linan cing. University Courses as Electives l "p co s ix uni ts of c lcec i, ·c gradua te course ll"Ork direccl,· relatcd to the program of stud\" may be ca ken in ocher deparr ­ mcn ts H 13iola l ' ni , ·c rs ir y or transferred in from oche r acc rcd­ ir ccJ g radu ate in st itution s. For example, rhe fol loll"i ng unil'ersiry cou r:,es may ha,·e some relcl'ance for a st ud e nt' s program. How-

ever. since enrol lment may be limited. the srndcnt muse obta in permi ss ion from the in s tructor and the dean of chc sc hoo l in which the course is offe red. Talbot School of Theology ■ TH 717Theologyof Human :--!aturc (2) Tl I 718 Thcolog, of Christ­ ian i's' urcurc (2) School of lntercultural Studies ■ SCL 72 1 Cross-cu lwral Teach ing/Lcarning Strategics for Curr ic ulu111 (3) ■ SC I , 765 Cross-cu lrn ral Lcadcrship (.,) Rosemead School of Psychology ■ PY 6 10 Dc,·elopmcnt of ■

DE 851 Curricular Materials Design and Development (3) An adva nced swdy of th e rationale for and gu iding principles of curricu­ lum des ign and devclopmcnr. Srn­ dcnrs mav direct the ir assignmcnrs co loca l chu rch, para-church or higher Chri stian education sett ings. DE 853 Curriculum Innovation and the Change Process (3) An examinat ion of thc princip lcs underl y in g effccr i, ·c c hange strateg ics as these relate co the impro ve ment of curr ic ul ar cle­ me nts of ed ucational ministr\". DE 854 Effective Teaching Research (3) An introduc ti on ro and exam in a­ tion of current research on effec­ tive teaching as it relates ro the objectives and min istry modch of C hristia n edu cation. The emp lrn­ sis will be on eva luat ing, SYnthe­ sizing and appl ying maj or research findings ro th e uniqu e purposes and contexts of the C hurch·s edu­ cationa l efforts. inc lu ding local church and parachurch miniseries. C hri st ian sc hools. cros,-culcural mini stries and hi gher ed ucation. DE 855 Selected Topics in Cur­ riculum Theory and Teaching (1-3) Exploration of ,elected issue, led by res ident faeu lr v o r v isiting professors. DE 861 Educational Psychology in Educational Ministry (3) An adva nced cxploration of learn­ ing, lea rnin g sty les . and s tud ent mot ivatio n with impli cations for the practice of teaching and learn­ in g in local church , para-c hurch and hi ghe r educat ion sett ings. DE 862 Faith Development (3) Ana lysis of var ious aspects of faith dcn.:lopmcnc. Particular in ves ti ga tion o f the relationship of chi s litcrarnrc ro human devel­ opment theory and resea rch and co bibli ca l und ersta ndin gs of growth cmrnrd maturity in Chr ist.

Religious Understanding in Children and t\dole,cencs (2) PY 7.,3 The Self: Theological, Philosophical, Psvcho logica l and Cross-cultural Perspectives (3) TP 7-t.'i i\ lacuriry: Psychologica l and Theological Pcrspcccivcs (2)

Research Electives DE 874 Writing for Publication (3) A st ud y of research and writing in ch c field of C hri stian e duc atio n with an emp hasis o n preparing manuscripts for publication as journal art icl es.

DE 875 Selected Topics in Educational Research (1-3)

Exploration of selected issues led bv res id e nt facult\" or vis iting professors. Independent Studies Up to four units of directed scudv opportunities may be arranged with res ident faculty. ■ DE 880 Directed Research ( 1--l ) ■ DE 88 1 Direcccd Readings ( 1--l) Comprehensive Examination See m1n111 Dor/oral Progra111 I!r111d/Joo/,-for a dt'lailed expla11a1io11. DE 886 Comprehensive Examination Orientation (0) l nvo lvcs attendance at a se ff1in ar designed to or ient srndcncs co t he Co111p re h ensi1 c Examination compo nents (exam co bc taken rhe following scmescer) and sub­ mission of prcpar;uion ass ign­ ments. Rcqu ir ed for Ph.D . & Ed.D. swdc nts as a prerequisite for DE 887 Cornprchcnsi,·c Examination. No fee . DE 887 Comprehensive Examination (0) Follo11 ing the cornplct ion of al l cou rsework. or in the final term of coursework , the student completes

DE 865 Selected Topics in Human Development and Learning (1-3)

Explorat ion of sc lccred issues led by resident faculty o r , · isicing professo rs. No11-jJrofi1 L e({r/ership a11rl Ar/111i11is1ra1io11 F.111jJh({sis DE 829 Governance in Non­ profit Organizations (3) This seminar deal s with roles of vol­ unteer boards of trustees which gov­ e rn non-profit organizations. :'I lech­ ods for the selection, moti vat ion and training of volunteers for leadership

Talbot School of Th eo logy· T-23

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