Doctor of Ministry Program
resources to meet students needs. Pre-registration for spri ng semes ter takes p lace in November with act ual registration in Jan uary; prc rcgisrrnrion for fall rakes place in Apr il with actual registration in August. Since courses a rc pre-se t, the Doctor of t'l lini stry program assistant will a uto matica ll y send vo u pre-eomplctcd registration
goa l of the Talbot program is to he lp yo u acquire new sk il ls a nd competenc ies as wel l as hone and develop rh ose you a lready have . The program desires that yo u have a rcp crroirt: of ski ll s that will meet the needs of yo ur min istry contex t and provide a base for yo u r furnrc ministry lc,1dcr s hip de, ·c lopmcnt. C. Congregational Change Our d esire is to enric h a nd s tre ngthen vo ur specific area of mini stry. This is accomp li shed b y focusing on cong regationa l theory and research and by pro v idin g a,s isrnncc in diagnostic and analytical assessment. Our goa l is co assist you in congrega tional ana lys is, teach new meth ods for churc h gro" th, health and acl mini ~rrac ivc managcmcnt 1 and he lp yo u apply these in vour local mini stry context . D. Personal Con tribution \V e also want you co share yo ur uniqu e doctoral contribution in such a way char ic has a grea te r impact for Jes us C hri st. This goal is achieved through publication in the field of ministry and the pro vision of other ministry resources. \Ve believe that yo ur or ig ina l con tribution to the un de rsta ndin g and pracricc of ministry will have a signifi cant impact on chc wor ld for our Lord Jesus Christ. PROGRAM FEATURES A. Calendar Year Study Th e Doctor of i\liniscry pro gram is caught O\ 'C r a calenda r year but you a rc actual li on ly on the Talbot campus for a t\l'O-weck res id e n cy each Jun e. Srndents wi l l receive learning modules beginning in Ja nua ry and com p lete these readin gs a nd ass ign ments prior to the June rcsidcncv. Afte r the re s ide ncy classes srn dcnts comp le te post-residency ass ig nme nts including read ings, research and ass ignments. 8. Registration \\ ' hilc students scud, ove r the e nti re calendar yea r and aerna ll v on ly spend two weeks at the T a l bot campu s, you must register for classes in both the spring and fall semester of each ca lendar yc,tr. Thus, in the vcar vou begin yo ur srndics, you "ill register for the sp ring semester and then registe r aga in fo r the fall semes te r. Pre reg istrati on a llows the admin istra tion to allocate faculty and
the various components of chc Comprehensive Exam. Ce rtain compo ne nts must be identifi e d and approved prior to receiving a prc-reg istracion signatu re. The stu dent is considered full-t ime while enrolled for DE 887. Fee: $100. Dissertation See !ht rurre111 Dissenario11 G'11irleli11es for 11 de/ailed explatlfllio11. DE 890 D issertation Orientation (0) Th e co urse in vo lves attendance at a semina r designed to or ient the scud e nt to prepa re for work on the dissertation p roposa l, with follow-up assig nments to be sub mitted and eva luated bv the e nd of t he se meste r. Re q;,ir e d for Ph.D. and Ed.D. swde nts as a prerequisite for DE 89 1. To be ta ke n cwi ce: conc urrc nth· wi th DE 887 Compr e he ns ive.Exam a nd in the semester prior to
The Doctor of i'vli ni stry degree is the hi ghest professional degree fo r pastora l and min istrv leaders. "The purpose of the profess ional doctorate is to equip one for a high level of excellence in the practice of t'I Iinisrry" (Associat ion of ' J 'hcologi cal Schools, Standards for Accredit ing) . T his program of study ac Tal bot School of Theology g ives you the opportunity to achieve high lev e ls of cxcc llc ncc and competence in ministry. The 21st century offers many unique cha llenges and oppor ru n ici cs. Visionary, dynamic and skill ful leaders arc needed to guide th e church. The Talbot Doct0r of t'llinisrry program ca n he lp eq uip, tra in and e mpower yo u for more effec t ive pastoral a nd mini stry leadership. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Th e Talbot Dor/or of Jlli11isr1y Degree i11 Pr,sroml a11d Jlli11isl1)' Leadership is a unique curriculum track that focuses o n rea l-wo rld ski lls and competenc ie s yo u need to fa ce th e cong regat ional m in istry and wo rld- v iew issues of today and tomorrow. Our purpose is to renew and transform pas tonli leaders, c hurch es and communi ties toward the purposes a nd goa ls of Jesus C hri s t.
in fo rm atio n each semester. C. Annual Cou rsework Requ irement
Each yea r scudcncs must com p letc 12 units of co u rsework, which is considered a full load of stud, for the Doctor of t'llinistry studcnc. Fi rst Year Dt-1851 -I Dt-1853 -I Dr--18S5 2 D i\1891 2 Second Year [)1\1 86 1 -I Dt-1863 -I Dt-1865 2 Dt- 1892 2 Third Year Di\ 187 1 -I Dt-1873 -I Specified E lecti ve 2 Specified E lective 2 Dt-1899 Dissertation 6 -1 2 The co urse conccnr covers many d ifferent topics that arc organized under common themes and is taught by a va ri ety of fac ulry members. D. Residency Classes C lasses a rc held at the Talbot campus each .I unc for rwo weeks, beginning on Tuesday so you will on ly be away fr o m h ome one weekend. The unique three-year, rhrcc-rcsidcncy design sequences yo ur lea rning contcnc so ch ar you a rc finished with coursewor k in three years. Swdcnts will nor mal!\· use the fourth yea r for the completion of the doctoral project. E. The Research Sequence Students arc taught and men rorcd in the docrnral proje ct process o,·cr the three years of swdi. Each yea r s tudents rake two un its of resea rch for a total of six units in the program. In the first yea r students learn resources a nd meth o do log ie s for doctoral writing and the var iou s project opt ions. In the second yea r srn d c n t s le a rn form and style, resea rch met hod s and mode ls , se lect a topic and complete a li t-
enrol lme n t in DE 887. DE 891 Dissertation (3)
After successfu ll y completing the Comp rehensive Exam, the sw dcnt begi ns dissertation stu di es with e nro llment in DE 89 1. Sub sequent enro llment in DE 89 1 for fa ll and spr ing terms is continuous up to four terms, for which the student is cons idered a ful l-t ime student. A student must registe r for ac least two terms of DE 89 1 and must be e nrol led in DE 891 or 895 the semester of g raduation. DE 892 Program Extension (0) Students e nroll ed in DE 895 D is sertat ion Extension wil l a lso be enrolled in DE 892 Program Extension upon the approval of the Doctoral Program comm ittee. Fee: $100. DE 895 Dissertation Extension (3) I f a s tud e nt ha s no t gradu ated afte r compl et in g fou r terms of DE 89 1, upon app rova l from the Doctoral Prog ra m Committ ee , the swdcnt mu st e nro ll in DE 895 each fall and spring term unt il the student graduates. The s tud e nt wi ll be cons id e red less than ha lf time. Leave of Absence DE 897 Leave of Absence (0) For s tud e nt s who have been granted a n official lea ve of absence fro m the doctoral pro gra m. A fee equ iva lent to one unit of tuition is normall y charged .
In gene ral , the goa ls of o ur Docto r of t'l l ini srry program a re focused on gro\\"th in spec ific skil ls and competenc ie s for pastoral ministry and leadership. In this conrcxr, sc ho larsh ip and research arc emp ha s ized to b ring theory and pra xis into practical applica tion. The T a lbot program is unique because we also focus on : A. Personal Renewal t'l linistry leaders who wane to run th e race and finish well need a so lid personal, marriage, family and community ba se to lead from and thro ug h. Our goa l is to help you develop a deeper level of self- und e rsta nding an d ma ste ry. and integrate this with yo ur rheo logical knowledge and practice of ministry. As yo u grow sp iritua ll y, e mot iona ll y a nd inre l lec w a ll y you will learn to lead oche rs in the process of dynamic persona l spiritual tran sfo rmati on . 8. Profess ional Growth Effccci,·e pastoral lead e rs need u niqu e s kil ls a nd compe tenc ies for mini s try. A primary
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