
istrv concc.:xt through a special emphasis in pasrnrnl counse ling sk ill s is focused on issues in mar­ ri :1gc, farnih· and youth rninisrrv. Residency 3 (third , car) ll'i ll addrcss challenges in congrega­ tional rnini srrv and the primar,· goal is ministry transformation. ,\ s the church cxiscs ro li,·c.: our rhc life of Christ in this wo rld and m fu lfill the Grt:at Commission, the thi rd rcsidt:nc, focuses o n kq issues in cong regationa l dc1t:lopmcnr and minisrr,· in cluding church grmnh. health and rc.:ne" :11. adminisrrnrion, finance and rnulci-sraff manage­ ment. Thc residc.:nc, ends" ith a focus on I is ion and mission for the.: fururc with a specia l emphas is on the unique kinds of pmt-mod­ ern ch:ill cn_gc, facing the church.

1 .,·e111t1rl for 11r/111issio11 or f"'i..'fll11a1ir111 bnm 11' /Hll'I of the st11rll'11r's amde111ir file r111d 11on11rill1' m111101 he n'/11m{'(/ or copier/for rlistri/1111io11. requirements docs not ncccss,-n­ il\' guarantee admission into the program. I 11 ge neral. a high stan­ da rd of o,·cral l performance.:, especial!) in the practice of min­ istry, will be the governing crite­ rion. Admission is limited to 20 new st ud ent~ eac h year. .\'oft' : Offirifll dow111e11ts JJre­ sor or ocher ministry supe r, isor or leader, another from a clerg, col­ lc.:aguc.: outs ide of your cur rcnr min­ iscn· ass ignment. and a third from a lay person in you r congrega ti on. D. Statement of Support Submit a letter ,cnt from a leader of vo ur c hurc h board or local ministr') assignment indicat­ ing their support of your studies in the.: Docror of i\ l inistn pro­ gram. This is not to be an indica­ t ion of financial support. Rather. ir is a srncc.:mcnt b) your ministr~ cmplovcr that indi cates the ir sup­ port of ,our proposed stud ies and :1pprorn l for rr.11 cl and stud\' rime. E. Internationa l Students If Eng lish is yo ur seco nd lan­ guage.: you must ha1e a T OEFL score.: of 600 or complc.:tc an edu­ cat ional course seq uence at T al­ bot before beginning a1w Docwr of i\ l inism swdies. F. Interview ,\ ppcar for a formal inrcn·ic11· with rhc director of the Docro r of i\linism program. Fulfillmrnr of the :1bo,·e basic

Swdcnts ,ire placed 011 aca­ demic probation if t heir gra de point ,11c ragc for am semester fa ll s below .1.0 and "ill remain on pro­ bation a, long as the.: single semes­ ter or cumulaci,·c grade point al'c r­ age remain, below 3.0. Probation ,wdcnr, arc granted one semeste r in II hich to bring their academ ic \\Ork up to the requ ired lc,cl (3 .0) for cominuance in the seminarv. A stude nt cannot graduate while on probation. COURSES (TTDM) 851 Foundations and Disciplines of Spiritual Formation (4) Explores the bibliGtl, t heologica l mid histori ca l foundations of ,piri­ walin and spiriwal formation. S tudents II ill read classical texts .111d recent literature and explore n1 ri ous models of spi riru.liiry. Th e cou rse ernphasi1.cs understanding tht: nature of the spiritual disc i­ plin es and t heir relationship w personal gro" th, idc.:nrif) ing t heir pachnlogical rnan il'cstacions, and app rec iating their impact in one's personal and cornrnunitv exper i­ ence. T opic, 111a1· include va ri ous approaches to. and experiences in pra,·er, fasting, solitude. aces of scn· icc and meditation. 85 3 Discipleship in the Home and Church (4) I lclp swdcnts estab li sh b ibli ca l discipleship as the co re.: of their ministries. Biblical re,1chi ng and principles "ill he.: c.:,amined carc­ fulh ,o that swdcnrs can dc1·clop a concrete parncligm of disc ipl e ­ ship." hich "i ll be appl ied co their mini str ie s and persona l li1·es. In this course ,tLH.lcnts learn hcl\\ to :1,si111 il :1re the proc:cs, of becoming li ke Christ so rhar the, can be more inrcmional in ,haping their mini stries to carr\' om biblical d is­ cipleship in their personal li,·es , homes and local miniscr, contexts. 855 Character and Leadership Development (2) l!~p lorcs the impact of perso nal and family hisrory on the rheolog­ ical out look, cmoriona l congr u­ ence., rc larional attractio ns a nd moral decision, of rhc Chr istia n leader. Ir in,·oll'es I arious assess­ ments and explorations to deepen self-understanding and increase personal :t\\arcnc,s before God. Th en. it sc.:c.:ks to integrate this understanding \I ithin a larger rime-line perspecri1 e and to help c.:ach swdenr idenrif) and define

eraturc n.:1 ie\\. In the third ,car, sr 11d c.:nrs hone their form and , r,l e, \\'rite.: the.: first rwo chapters and finali;,c rhc.:ir docroral p roject resea rch and "riring sequence. THE DOCTORAL PROJECT Swdenrs "ill conduct rc.:scarch and de, clop a project in their major field of interest. · I'he projee r 111a, focus on the II ricing of a book 111anuscripr, the research of a criti­ cal issue. the de, elopmcnt of a ne\\ program or an in-depth case stlldy of a ministr, sitll arion. Ordi­ narily, the 111inimum length" ill be 100 page, and the m,l\imum length 250 pages. I nrcrnarional students 111lht linish their doctoral project II irhin one vcar of comple­ tion of the core course work of .16 unit,. Complete.: information on t he doctoral project is a,ailablc from the l)octor of \linism office. For 111orc information. please con­ tact: The l).\ lin. program. Talbot School of Thc:olog,, La \lirad:r. CA 906.N-000 I.


t\clmission co rh e Doctor of :--. li ni,m program" ill be grnnrcd on :1 very se lcct il'C and indil'idual basi, 11 ith tht: folio" ing basic rcquircrncnt'.-,; The.: degree i, built upon an accredited \laster of l )i1 init) degree (or cqui,·alcnt rheolog ical preparation). high academic achic1 cment anti professional corn pc tcncc, and ,ubsta nti al pro­ fl'."i~ional c,pcrit.:nct.: in rnini..,tr~. A. Application Ca II o ur office at 562-903- -!822 or contact u, 1ia thc "cb at (hnp://1nn1· to request an application online. Cornplcrc and st:nd in the appli­ c,1tion to the.: Office of t\d 111 is­ sion s-Tal bot along with the application fee: $-lS. Th en. com­ p lete the folio" ing admission requirements as soon as poss ible. 8 . Autobiographical Essay Corn piece a r, pcd. I 0-pagc cssa, that include, , ·our educational history, m ini ster ial expe r ience, a cr itic:il incident report. :incl , our rca,011, for seeking the l).\ l in. degree. The critical incident report should discuss a critical inc ident that occurred in one of you r min­ iscr, context,. You shou ld e,plain ll'hat happened, ,our responses as a leader, and the outcomes. Please also reflect on the biblical. sp iritual and relational iss11c, inl'oh-ed. C Letters of Recommendation Submit lcncrs of recommenda­ tion scnr from three sources. One from , ·our denominational su pcn·i-


Residency 1 (first )Car) "ill focus on spirirual transfonnation and leadership and the pri111ar, goal is personal rr:111sform :1r ion. The process of ch:111ging the II orld for Christ begins "ith pc:r,onal change and spiritllal rransform,n ion. This residcnC) begins with tht: pe rsonal life and hisron of the leader and bridges into the current professional a~-;ignmcnt. Specific content fir"it integrates pcr..,onal, marriage and farnil) renem1I. sp iritual transforma­ tion and discipleship in the context of the leader\ personal life. then as skills and competencies for leading others in this process. Residency 2 (second ,car) 11 ill emp hasi;,c communication skilh for the leader and the primai, goal is professional transformation. The pastoral leader is a communi­ cato r of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and this goal is reached through preaching, reachinf!;. counseling and li , ·ing our the life of Christ in re lat ionsh ip . In t he second rcsi­ dcnc~. you focu., on tht:: core com­ muni ca ti on ,kil\.., ncc<..:'.-1..,ary for effect ii e pastoral and minisrn leadersh ip. These include.: con­ cc.:mporan biblical preaching, ad, ·anccd pasrnrnl coun,c.:l ing and conllicr resolution and reconcil ia­ t ion skil l,. Thc.:,c ski lls arc.: karnecl and intcgr,1tcd wirh a prac­ tical emphasis 011 the entire min-


A Satisfactoril\' complete -l2

".,ClllCStCr units.

fl. T a ke t he co ur ses prc­ scr ibed in the Doctor of :-S 1in isrrv curri cul um. C. Submit an acceptable doc­ tora l project, chosen in co nsu lta­ tion with the docrnral advisor. D. Obtain a 3.0 a, erage with 110 grade below a "B" in all courses robe c red it ed toward gradu:1rio n. I·:. At lease 24 units of cou rsc- 11 ork plus the.: doctoral project mu st he completed at thi s semi nary. F. Com pl etion of the pro­ gram in no less than th ree years and no more than fi\'c . Intc rna­ tional swdcnrs must comp lete th e program in no less than three yea r~ and no more than four.

Ya/bot School of Theology· T~25

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