
REFUNDS - OVERPAYMENT Payments co stude nt acco unts whi c h res ul t in a c redit balance ll'ill be refunded upon request, or in acco rd ance with cash management regulations as required by federal regulations for students having federal aid. Requests for adj ustments to charges muse be made within fo ur months from the date of the student's statement on wh ich the charge first appea rs. FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION It is the desire of Biola Un ivers ity, within t he limits of ics resources, to provide financial ass ista nce to st ud e nt s with demonstrated need, especially those who, w ithout suc h a id , wou ld not be able to attend Biola. The Financial Aid Office provides counse ling and ass is­ tance to stude n ts and their families in str ucturin g the mos t appropriate package of financial aid. The nivcrsicy is comm itted to locating sufficient financial a id to permit enro llment of C\·ery scudcnt wishing to attend. T hi s com­ mi tment is based on a partnership whi ch inc lud es student and family support; fede ral and state grants and loans; and financial aid from Biola. Biola Cn ivcrsity docs not d iscr imin ate on the bas is of sex, race, co lor or national and et hni c o ri g in in admin istra­ tion of its scholarsh ip and loan programs.

each year of accendance. Dependent c hildren of pastors/missionaries/Christian workers must file FAFSA a nd the appropr iate app li cation (avai lab le in the Financial Aid Office) to receive this scho lars hip. Biola employee dependent schola rsh ip recipients arc nor el ig ibl e. A/1111111i Depe11de11t Srho/arship. Awarded to childre n whose parents ha\·e comp leted 30 units of coursewor k at Biola (in c luding Arcs and Sc iences, Sc hoo l of Professional Scud­ ies , Ros emead, Schoo l of Business , School of lntercu ltural Scudi es and Talbot) at rime of entrance. Faculty and staff dependents arc not el ig ibl e. Church ,llatchi11g Scholarship. (Up to $500 from Biola) Biola will match one awa rd per yea r up to $500 for a full-rime s tu­ dent demonstrating need. The match is prorated for pare­ time and Doctor of Ministries scudcncs . BOLD and ELI srndents are not e li g ibl e . The C hurc h' s awa rd must be subm itted in full within the first four weeks of the semester, and must be accompa­ nied by the Ch urch l\latching Sc ho larship Application s igned by the pastor o r Chu rch Board l\lember. Fa ll semes­ ter deadline is Oct 1. Spr in g semester deadline (for sp rin g entrants on ly) is l\larch 1. FAFSA must be filed . Preside!ll's Award. (80% cuition) Sen ior standing at Bi o la with incen cion to graduate at t he end of the schoo l yea r req uired , a long with a minimum 3.60 GPA, attenda nce at Biola for at leas e two yea rs as well as pe rsona l qualifications. Awa rded to one senior. Music Awards. /\lade b y the music deparcmenc to music majors w ith hi gh-perfo rm ance and scho lastic capab iliti es. The scho la rs hip must be used for the area in which the app li ca nt auditioned. Recipients may also be required to participate in an ensemb le . Two spec ia ll y designated scho larships are open to organ and composition majors on an annua l competi tion basis. These prestigious awards, equa l to the hi ghest music scho l­ arship granted, are The Rayner Brown Scholarship for Com­ pos iti on, and The Timothy Howard Scho la rsh ip fo r Organ. Athlelic Scholarships. Offe red to students who demonstrate outstand ing ab ility and ac hi e\'ement in a particular spo re. Awa rded by th e Achl ctic Department Fore11si{'s Scho/a!'Ships. Offered to participants on th e sc hoo l's competiti ve speech team. Scudents awa rded this schola rsh ip are not necessarilv commun icat ion majors. Federal Aid to Students Federal Pell Gm111 Program. A federal program designed to assist students with financial need. 'fhc maximum g rant is $2,700. Federal Suppleme111a1y Educa1io11a/ Opport1111ity Gra11t (FSEOG) Program. Campus-based federal aid, is fo r needi­ est undergraduate scudents . l\lust be eligibl e for Pell Crane. Federal Work Study. Und e r this program federal funds pa y 75% of a st ud ent's wages, while the Universitv pays the re maining 25%. Wages paid to scudencs in the work srndy program va ry accord in g to the scudcnt's qualifications and duties performed. The Un ivers ity ca nnot guara ntee a job


All students wis hing to be cons id ered for need-based aid arc required to file a FAFSA and a Un iversity Aid App li cat ion. Bio/a Need Gm111 or U11iversity Award. T he Uni ve rsity will provide a Biola ecd Crane or Cniversity Award up to $8,000 to students wit h exce pti o n a l need a nd limit ed resources. Un iversicv Award is based partially on GPA. l\ lu st file FAFSA and Unive rs it y Aid Appl ication forms. Award amount based on on ava ilability of funds. Amdemi{' Scholarships. ($ I ,500-$6,000) Awa rd ed to the top 15% of incoming freshmen and transfer students. Based on hi gh schoo l and col lege GPA and SAT/ACT sco res . Scudc nts are notifi ed of award ac time of accepta nce. Renewable if GPA requ irement is met as outlined in scho larship policy. SURGE Award. ($4,000-$6,000) Awarded to und e rrepre­ sented students not eligible for academic scho lars hips. l\ lusc have 3.0 GPA. Requ ires participation in Cu ltura l Encoun­ ters program. Award ing by comm ittee begins l\larch 15. Co1111111111ity SeJ vi{'e S{'holarship. ($2,500) Awa rded to freshmen and transfer students who have demonstrated outstanding spir­ icual leadersh ip and serv ices in their commu nity. Award ing by committee begins I\ larch 15th. Renewable with demonstrated leaders hip involvement and se rvices at Bi o la. l\ lu st file FAFSA and a sepa rate application. All first year leade rship and awa rd recipi ents arc required to register for both semesters of GNST 105 Leadership I\ le ntorship Program. Depe11de111 Sdiolarships . ($1 ,200-$ 1,500) All dependent c hil­ dren of pastors. missionaries o r C hri st ian wo rke rs (p rimary fam il y income must be through a church, mission board or Christian non -profit agency) will be awa rded a scholarship

Financial Information· 13

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