Bible Exposition
870 Symposium (1-4) Top ics and merh od s of le arning va rv and in c lud e a va ri etv o f dif kr;nr Ch r istian leader s· in lec tu re, 11orkshops a nd svmpos iums . 871 Principles of Church Health and Growth (4) H e lps students understand scien tific princ iples de ve loped to da te in th e field of ch urc h grow th , cm c rs rel eva nt contemporary lic eracure o n the s ubject and he lps students acqu ire t he ba sic s kill s n ecessary fo r diagnosin g the hea l th of the loca l chu rc h and de s ign in g prog rams fo r future growt h. The cou rse is des ig ned to provide laboracory field ex peri ence in s cud ying churc h gro ,1 ch 11 ich direct researc h into g rowing chu rc hes in Southern Ca li fo rni a. 872 Creative Models of Ministry (2) t\,siscs the C hri st ian leader 111 understanding and us ing newer models of min iscrv. Definiti o ns, scre ngrhs and weaknesses of new mode ls w ill be ana lyzed to assist participants in determining ll'hich nc 11· models may be appro pri ate to their 0ll'n context. C hange man agement s kill s for implementation of ncll' miniseries will be exp lo red. 873 Church Leadership, Admin istration and Finance (4) \,cads stud e nts t hrough a biblical , organizat ion a l and psycholog ical understanding of leaders hip, moci , ·acion, plann in g, evaluation, c han ge princ ipl es and o rga niza tional de,·e lopmenc. Pa rticipants ha, ·c the opportun ity to exam in e their lea der s hip s t y le a nd co develop styles through g roup expe ri ences and case studies. Attent ion is g ive n to issues of finance includ ing b udgeting, accou n ti ng, fund raising and accouncab ili ty.
rhc core , ·,dues char form their unique miniscr, philosophy. 861 Contemporary Biblical Preaching (4) lo,amination of contemporary preaching. attention is gi"c n co a , ariet1· of pn::1ching forms suc h as cn1ngcli:,c ic. cxpo~ icory, life-situa tion, socio-prophetic, biographical, dialogue, as ll'cll as radio a nd rc le , ision n.:chniques. Students II ill be inqJJved in borh acwal preach ing and preaching anal\'s is to hone specific ,kills and competencies. 863 Advanced Pastoral Counseling (4) 1-:quip pascors a nd Christian leaders to effect ii cl, prm·idc help co peo ple in need. Focuses on de, ·elop menr of a spec ific clinical model fo r counseling through , ·arious stages in a local ministry contt;Xt and cc:aches swdcnrs the skills and competen cies necessar\' for assessment. b ibli cal and spiritua l imen e ntions, c ri sis inren cnr ion, la11· and et hi cs, and referral. Spec ial ,mention is gi,·e n w marriage, farn il y a nd youth cou n sel ing a nd mini st r, 865 Confl ict Resolution/ Reconciliation (2) 1->,plores the conternpornry cul tun.: of conflict, a li enation and sc;paration, and leads stude nt s thro11gh the biblical principks of handling conflict between per sons and II ithin Chr ist ian organi- 1.ations and rniniscrics. Spec ific modcb of conflict rnanagcrnl..!nt ll'ill be a nal\'zed and cr itiqu ed for application ll'ithin Chr ist ian rela tionships and organizat ions. Sw dents \\'ill del'elop specific sk ills and cornpetc;ncies in cornrnuni cating for confl ict resol uti on and rc;conciliation.
875 Ministry to Marriage and Family (2) Focuses on che unique role of marri age and familv II ithin ch,; Christ ian c h urch. communi t\' and var ious m i ni~cr,· conte.\t',. It helps scudcnts d~, clop an under stand ing of ministrl' to marriages and farnilics today and con s ider, spec ifi c issues s uch as di, orce and bl ended-famil ies . 876 Church as Connected Community (2) Students arc challenged to dc,·clop mode ls for rninistl'\ char appreci ,1te the intc rd cpcn~lcnc, of the C hri st ian bodv and see k·, co develop and c111po11 er people through such relationships. Spe c ia l attention is gi, ·cn to ,mall groups and ocher social S) srem, for practic:11 ,1ppl ication. 880 Independent Study (1-6) A directed indi,· idual sttllh wherebs· rhe student 111,l\ do adn1nccd rc;ading or research into an area of special interest. A pro posal mu se be p reparc;d according co gu id e line s al'ailablc in t h e D.l\lin. office and appro, ·ed b, the D.i\ lin . director. 891 Introduction to Doctoral Research (2) An introduction co the Doctoral Project procc;ss and to rc;so urces availa bl e for doctoral research a nd writing including the librar1 . comp ut er l,1b a nd Intcrnec. ,\lso introduces students to the methodologies for ch,; 1'ariou, doccoral p rojec t optio n s and help s s cud cncs idcntif, a wpic and develop a pl an for writing their doctoral project. 892 Research Methodologies (2) Students gain e,pcricncc and deve lop compete n cies in the re sea rch and w r iting process. Specia l attention is g i, ·cn to wr ir i ng in the Tu rabian form and stl' lc and ro qualiratin: and qu,111- ciraci,·e research methods. St u dents produce a lite rature r<.:1 i,;11 for the ir docroral p roject. 893 Data Interpretation fo r Doctoral Writing (2) Students finali,e their docroral project research and 11· riting seq uen ce and applv for approl'al of their docroral project ropic. 899 Doctoral Proj ect (6) Stude n ts must complete a doc toral proj ect to meet t he require ments for graduation. Sec Doc tora l Project guidel ines.
Cha ir: John C. H utchison, Ph.D.
FACULTY P rofesso rs: Cunis . Russell ,\ssociace Professors:\\'. Fl on, I lcllerman, I lu rchison, T alley Assisrnnr Professors: I lu ltb<.:rg, i\ la bi e
\ \'hile t h e entire sem1nar1 c urri culum contributes to th~ goal of acc u rate exposition of Sc ripture, it i, the purpose of chi, department to focus on the fo l- 1011 ing: ( I ) sound hc;rrneneuric,, ll'hich leads to accurate interpre tation and application of Scrip rnrc: (2) inrroductor\' issues fo r each Old and :--/c11 ; \ 'esramenr book II hich inform accurate Bible exposition, including aut hors hip, historical and cultura l background. theme and purpose, or unique thc;ological contribu tiom: (3) s,·nthcsis and anal, ,i,. accompl ished through biblical su r1'c1· a n d analysis of ,e lected passages and books. cnJbling one ro inte rpret Scripture in li ght of the ' 'big picture": {-+) e,po,ition and arp licacion, pro, ·iding exam ples of II ell-orga ni zed, rele, ant messages and Bible studies from the English Bibl e books studied. COURSES (TTBE) BE 517 Hermeneut ics and Bible Study Methods (3) A study of principles for sound interpretation and application of the Bible. including anall'sis of presuppositions. genera l rules and ,pcciali,cd principle, for the ,·ariou, biblical genre and phe nornena and the de, c lopme nc of an e>.c;getical rncthod. Rc;quircd of I\ I. Di,. and ,\1.A. students. BE 519 Survey of Genesis Malachi (3) A broad stm·c, of t he Old Testa ment books, including sekctcd introductor\' and critical issues. rcle1 ant background. rnajor themes and di,·isions, and c ru cial problems. Required of \ l. l)i,. and i\ l. A. students. BE 520 Survey of Matthew Revelation (3) A genera l o, cn·ie,, of the ~ TC\\ Te stament books, in cl udi ng ,elected introduccor,· and cr itical i5sucs. relcl'ant background, rnajor themes and di, isions. and cruc ial problems. Required of :d.l)i,. and \ I.A. students.
T~26 • Talbot School of Theology
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