Christian Education
Cha ir: Ri chard J. Leyda, Ph.D.
BE 741 Issues in Biblical Exposition (2)
BE 530 El ementary Principles of the Biblical Languages (3) Ba, ic principles of language that arc foundat ional to interpret ing t he biblical text. O,·e r l' iCII' of th e structure of the biblica l languages, e1•,duarion of rheorie, of Bib le translation . and in str uct ion in the use of n1rious cools based on the o ri g inal lang uage,. The course ll'il l aid t he srndent in understanding issues that arise in inrcrprerarion because of the original languages. Required of ,\ IA ( B{l 'S) swdencs. BE 602 Genesis (2) ,-\n expo,ir ion, ll'ith an emphas is on important cr iti cal and contt.:m po raf\· is,ues. and biblical rheol ogy, e,peciall) the Abrahamic
CE 521 Psychologi cal Foundations of Chri stian Ministry and lifestyle (3)
A seminar foc u s i n g o n se lected techn ical a nd practical issues in t h e field of biblica l exposit io n.
l nYcsc igar ion into the major i..,..,uc-.; of e du cational psscholog , · and human dc, elopment, including dcl'elopmcnral theories, lcarning theo ri es, 111 oti l'ation. ind i , ·id ua I diffe rences, self-concept, hu111an narnrc , soc ial clc1-clopmcnt, and pcrsonalir, de, elop111cnr. l)iscus s ion of major rheor ic, a nd theo rists of pwcholog,. Integration of th co log, and psl'cholog, an emphasis . Required of \l..·\.C.E. srndenr,. Offered fall semester. CE 543 Counseling Ado lescents and Their Parents (2) An Ol'Cfl ic11 of the issue, related to providing pastoral counseling to adolescents and their parent, in cluding add icri, e beha, ioral problc111s, ,drnormal clc1·clopmen rn I conce rn s, inrcrsention ,111d enr ic hment counseling and a11arc ncss of II hen and rn II hom rn refer ,1do lescenrs for professional ther apy. Required of\!. .\. in Youth i\ l in isrr). Offered fall. c1·en ,ears. CE 552 Life Span Development in Ministry (3) 1\ su 1Ye1 of hu111an de, elopmenr resea rch with attention gi, ·cn to ph,sical. cogniri,e, socio-emo t ional. moral, ,rnd faith aspects ,1s the\' relate w spiriwal dc, elop- 111cnr of the indi, idual and the famill' as a b,1sis for a holistic C hri stian ed u cation ministr1. Required of \l.r\.C.E. and \I.A. in \ l in.(Pastoral Emphasis) stu d ents. Off<::red sp rin g ,e111c,tcr. CE 555 Para-church Youth Ministry (2) Focus on the 1·,ir io us r, pes of para-church minisrr, to junior high and high school age stu dents a1a il able. I nclude, princi ple, 11 hich 111akc para-church l'Outh ministr, different from loca l church Youth minisrr, and prin c ipl es for beginning a nc11 para-church campus club. Elcc ti \'t.: . B~ arrangement. CE 562 Personal and I nterper sonal Development (3) Emphasis on pcrsonal and inter perso nal gro11 ch through indi, idu,11 assignments and ,mall group inter actions. Opportunin g i, en for s piritual. phYsical. emotional. mcn ra I a n d relational de, clopmcnt. Req uired of r110 , ·e,ir :\I. \ .C.E. students. Offered sprin,t; semester.
P rofessors : Anthonv, Dirks. lss lcr, Lawson Associatc P rofesso rs: Carr, Cunn ingham, l,eyda Assistant Professo r: Ki111 Resea rc h Professor: \\'ri ght
l'rcrequisire: BE 726. BE 743 Old Testament Backgrounds (2)
J\ pr csenrn ti o n of the c ultural developme n t of t h e Holy L and and na tion s of the Fertile C re,cent in relation to Israe l, t he s tra tegic location of the I loly Land, the c li m a re and to p ography, a n d t h e locat ion of important place names. Elect il'c for Th.i\ l. s tud ents; och e rs bv deparm1cnta l permiss ion. BE 750 Old Testament Wisdom and Poetry (2) ,\n cxpos irional study of key pas sages a n d the m es in P sa l111 s, Prm e rbs, Job and Eccles iastes. Spe cial emphas is is g iven co the charac ter i,rics of O ld Testament poetry, the un ique purposes of O ld T esta ment wisdom and hymn ic literature and the rheological rclenmce of each bmk in ministry today. BE 770 The Life of Christ (2) ,-\ chronologica l and espos irional stud y of Jesus Christ's life on earth. e111 phasizing rhc hi stor ica l, cultura l and theolog ical inrcrprerntion of key e,·cncs and teachi ngs in C hrist's life, as II e ll as the similarirics/diffcr c nccs of the fo ur gospe l acco1 1nrs . BE 806 Bible Exposition Seminar (2 -3) Special co u rse work for l3E 111ajors who wis h to s tud y a par ticula r area of Bible expos ition. 1·:lcctil'c for Th.i\l. students. BE 807 Exposition of Central Prophetic Passages (2) :\ s pecial concentr,n ion on expo :, i tion of sclccred prophe cies with regard to c ulture, views and the intcgrat ion of the passages with an Ol'Cra ll bibli ca l p icture. E lccri,·c for Th.:'11. stud ents. BE 880 Directed Research (1 -4) S uperv ised re scarc h in se lected areas of biblical s tu dies . Elccri, ·c for Th .i\ l. stude nts. BE 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Di scuss ion and application of the ccntral a reas of Bible E:sposition research and related fiel ds of study. In structi o n in researc h, including the idencifiearion of a p roblem, t hc ,reps underta ken to rcsoll'e a prob le111 . a nd writi n g t h e results. Rcquircd for the first se111cs rcr of rhc Th.i\l. (B.i:. ) progra m. A sec ond semes ter may be ta ke n to con t in ue resea rch in the area of interest.
Th e a i111 of the department of C hri st ian education is that of developing Christ ian educators 11 ho understand the significa nce of an e du cat ional ministry and who possess the s kill , n ccessarl to function as Ch ri stian ed uca rors. To this end, course offe r ings ha, ·e been des igned co b lend rheor1 and practice. i\ lost elcc ti\·c co ur ~cs arc des igne d for cra ck ing rn acco 111111odate the srn d e nr ',, ocatio na l s pecia li zatio n.
Col'c nanr. l,lccr i, c. BE 608 Matthew (2)
,-\n exposition, emphas izing background i"ue,, purpose, s tru ctu re, and int e rp retation of' narrati\'C; litcracun.:. Elccti\ c. BE 610 Romans (2) An cxpo!-,it ion. cmp back ground i..,s ucs. purpose, ...,crucrun.~. del'eloprnenc of the argument. a nd t heological contr ibution,. Elcctil'c. BE 722 Directed Research (1-4) Guided research in some bibli cal a rea relating co cxpo\it ion. accord ing to the ,wdenr's need and rek l'anc,· to 111inisrr). l:kcri,·e. BE 726 Expositional Methodol ogy in Daniel and Revelation (3) Application of es posit ional method to ,elected passages fro111 l) an icl and Re, e la ti on. Discussion of' cru ci,11 background and critica l issues, book structures, inte rprctil'e d iffi c ulti es, practical i111plic,1tions a nd various app roaches to undcrsrn nd i ng the rest of each book. Required ofi\ l.Di l'. progra111. S ug ges ted clecri, c for \ I..\. progra111. Prerequi s ite : 13 I~ 517. BE 731 Exposition of Old Testa ment Segments or Themes (2-3)* BE 732 Exposition of New Testa ment Segments or Themes (2 -3)* BE 733 Biographical Exposition of Selected Bibli ca l Figures (2)* *These electives II ill he offered in cycle, ll'ith t he breadth of the scope of each offering dcter111incd lw: 1) the c, pc rri,e of ,m1i lablc facultY: 2) current issues of scholarl) and 1;rac t ical importance: and 3) ba lance in regard co recent offc ri ngs. BE 740 Advanced Hermeneutics (2) A seminar focusing upon issues in p hil osophical h er111ene uti cs a n d t he philosoph, of language II ith s pecial attentio n to the nature of the Bibl e and its a pplicatio n. Pre requisite: 131-: 5 I 7.
COURSES (TTCE) CE 511 Foundations of leadership (3)
liwestigat io n in w lead ers hip the ors ,111d practice leading t0 the developme nt of a bi hli oce n tr ic philo,oph, of leadership: practice in ba sic kadership s kill s : study of application of concepts in th e c h u rch and para-church agcncics . l::lecti1·e. By a rrange111cnr.
CE 512 Education Administration (3)
An anal)si, of' leaders hip and ad111 ini srrari1·c princip les and procc "es a, th ey a pph· to the c h urch and para-church agencies . Special attent ion to the re lat ion of ad111inisrrative fu nc ti o ns and min ism·. Required of i\ 1.l )i,·. (C. E. ), i\ l. A. \ !in. (C. E .). and 1\IAC.E . studcncs. Offered spring semester. CE 514 Women and Men in Christian Ministry (2) A n inl' es ri g ati on of the role of won1cn and men in m ini st ry and lead e rs hip in the light of Scripture. Also includes a discussion of issues men and \\Omen in the mini"irry face II hen wo rking togethe r. l•:lcc til'C. Offered spr ing, el'en years. CE 518 Staff Development (2) An in-de pth look at issues s urround ing the de, ·e lopmcnt. s upcrl'i sio n. a nd support of, o luntcc r sea ff as well as t he dvnamics of mu ltiple sta ff ministf) and way, to enha nce the 11o rk of m in isrn· teams . Required in Accek:rated i\ lAC.E. progra111. Offered spring. odd years.
Talbot School of Theology· T~27
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