
of rhe church ' s educat iona l pro­ gram through ,, hi ch mi-:;~ion"i arc caught. l·'. lec ri vc. By arrangt:me nt. CE 616 Principles of Curriculum Development (2) Conside ration of c,sential clt:­ mcnc~ in cu rri c ulum fo rmation. Inrensi, c srudy of varied e~ isring curri c ul a. t\nahsis of conrt:rnpo­ rar\' trends in curri c11lu111 p roduc­ tion. lilecti,c. l'rcrcquisirc: Cl•: 52 1. Offcrcd lntt:rtt:rm/,u ,nmcr. CE 622 Philosophy of Ministry (3) ln, ·csr.igacion into chc rheological. histor ical. and philosophical founda­ tion, whi ch unde rl ie C hri stian min­ ist r,. 1•:.\amincs rhc development of educational ministr, as a disci­ pline, reflccting on rhe tradirion "e hmc inherited and considering the c han g i n,g mini"itr: scene. Al"iO includes an in, csrigacion of curren t practices of minisrrv through an anal\'tical pt:rspt:cri,e. Dcs igncd co help the minister c, ·aluarc minism programs and respond ,Yith remc­ d ial or cnrichmcnr strateg ics. Required of \l .. \.C.E., \l.l)i,. (C. 1-:. non-thes is) srudcnrs. Offcred <ip ring scmc"itt.:r. CE 623 Theological Foundations and Issues in Christian Education (2) Exa111incs the biblical / rheological foundations for cduc.1tional 111in­ istry from an c, ·angclical pcrspcc­ ti\'C, and a , ·,irit:t\ of rhco logical i"i'\UC\ impacting i t"i practice in the past. prcscnr. and furnr<::. Rcquirt:d in ,\ccclcrated \l.i\.C. I'.. program . Offcn.:d fa ll. odd yea rs. CE 624 Child Development and Teaching I (Birth-Age 5) (2) ,\ srnd, of the de, clopment of the ch ild from birth to agt: 5 "irh an emphasis on the dc1 clopmcnt of effccri , ·e ed ucat iona l approaches and teach in g proccsst:s r har encourage moral, cogn iri, c, and social de, elop111cnr, and g rmnh in knowledge.; of and fait h in God. Required of C hildren's \lini sm ion srudenrs. Offcred ~p ring 1 cn~n yea r '>. CE 626 Child Development and Teaching II (Ages 6-12) (2) .\ scud,· of rhc de,·elopmenr of the child from agcs 6-12 with an em phasis on the developrncnr of t:ffccri1·c ed uca tional approacht:s ,1nd tt:aching proct:sscs thar t: ncourage moral. cognit in:, and social de, clopmcnt, and 1; ro" th in kno,, ledgc of and faith in God. Req u ired of Childrc n 's

\lini srr, Spt:cializarion srudt:n rs. Offcred spring. odd yea rs. CE 633 Christian Education Research and Writing (3) Basic 111erh ods of rheological and educational rc"tcarch ,, irh a"t-.,css­ mcnr of cach method for use in religious education. Course will includ e.; units on rheological research, introduction w surisr ical mt:asuremcnrs and introduction ro res earch dc,ign. Stude nt s "i ll dc, ·elop rhc lirerarurc re, ic" graduation rt:quirt:111cnt as part of this cl,1ss. Rcquircd of all \ I \CT srudc nrs. Offered fall semesrt: r. CE 635 Models of Chi ldren's Ministry (2) An cxplorarion and assessment of , ·,irious contc111por,u, approachc, rn chi ldren's mini,m·. from b ir th to agt: 12. Includcs pr:1ctice in the de, elopmenr of 111inisrr, strategics in\·oh·ing famil~, com­ mu nir,. and church resources. Required of Children's \I in ism Spcciali1arion srudenrs. Offered fall, odd years. CE 636-637 Independent Study (1-2, 1-2) In-deprh ill\ estigation of a topic under the guidance of rhc Christ­ ian education department u... in g standard rl'. ... carch proccdt1rcs. T op ic sclccrion and cou rse enro ll ­ ment is h, ad, isor's appro, al. U ccr i, c . B, arrangement. CE 638 Current Trends in Christian Education (2) ldcnrit\ ing a nd understanding chose issues "hich arc of pri111ar, conct:rn rn the t,eld of Christian education roda,. Opporrunir, "ill he pro, idcd for indi, idual and group n.:st:arch in areas of pcrsonal concern. The course \I ill ill\ esri­ gate current c.;ducational trt..!nc.l..,, altt:rnati, c church education pat­ terns and ne\\ forms of ministry. Elccri,-c. lh arrnnge111enr. CE 644 Music in the Church (2) Th e place of music in the church's prn_gram. Criteria for the se lect ion of appropriate 11111si c. T ec hniqu es for leading music and rcnching, ario us groups. The relarionship of 111usic to \I ors hip . insrrucrion and fcllm, sh ip . 1-:Jec­ ri, ·e. B, arrangcment. CE 646 Current Trends in Children's Ministry (2) E, am in c..:"' contemporary mcnL­ rnents ,111d trends in child rt:n 's min­ isrn . .\ddresses legal. socia l, and adminiscraci, c i"isucs ..,urrounding

the practice of child ren's min istry roda\'. Offcred fal l. e, en vca rs. CE 648 Current Trends in Youth Mini st ry (2) Emphasis on rrends and i,sues relatcd ro life on a contt:mpora ry junior hi gh or hi gh schoo l pub li c sc hool c:1111pm. Includes princip les fo r development of relationsh ips bcrwct:n the ,ourh 111in ist<.: r and local schoo l administrawrs which " ill enab le bod1 to funct ion effcc­ ri, ·t:h. t\lso contains princ iples for blending srudenrs from public. parochial and Chri st ian camp usc, into yo ur yo uth group. l'.lecrive. Offt:red spring. t:ven , ·cars. CE 649 Instructional Technology (2) De, e lopmcnt and administration of media fo r 111 inistn. l ' scs of the com purer, pr int. audio, , idco, 111ixed media and multi111cd ia rcchnolog,· for promorion, cducn­ rion and mocirntion. Elt:cti, e. By arra ngt:menr. CE 661 Adolescent Culture and Development (2) Finding an d meeting , nr needs, "riring objecri,·t:s for ,ourh min iscrv, lcadership of learning experience'> and o u t­ reach exper iences, disciple-build­ i ng and rt:, iew of an1ilab lc resources. Development of per­ so na I plan s for minist r). Rcqui rcd of \ I.A . Youth i\ lin ­ istry. Offered fal l, en;n , ·t:ars. CE 663 Youth Education and Leadership (2) l, mphasis on rht: leadership role in the loe,tl church, eol legt: cam­ pusc.s and 111ission ficld. Dc1·t:l­ op mt:n r of a ,ourh lea der s hip program ,, irhin the loca l ch urch. Srurh of c,rra-c hurch organi1.a­ rions and parent-teen rclation­ ;, hips and rninisrr, c111phas ized . Rcquircd of \ l. r\ . Youth i\ lin ­ ism. Offcrcd fall, odd yt:a rs. CE 675 Family Life Education in the Local Church (2) Ohjccri, e,, organi;,ation and adm ini stration of a program of fa m­ i I\' life cducarion in rhc loc,1I chu rch. Includes an anal ys is of cur­ rent trends in fomih lifc ed uca tion. Required of i\ l .. \. \ l in. (\ I.F .. \I. ) srudenrs. Oftcrc.;d fall. odd ve,1rs. CE 678 Adult Development and Education (2) A srud y of iss ues and clc\'elop rn cn­ rn l tasks of adults. Attention ro the mini,m of 111eeting rht: nt:cds and urili1ing the potcnrial of adults. Electi, c. Offcrcd spring.

CE 566 Youth Group Develop­ ment and Programming (2) r\ s re p bv s rep approac h rn rhe buil ding of a youth group and cb·d­ op ing a yearl y youth group mini"itr~ prog ram. Emphasis ma\" be on either junior high or high school agc group and course \\ ill co ntain an emphasis on dc,·clopmcrn of com­ munit\' within rhc group. Required of t-.1.A. in Youth /l lin ism. Offered spring, odd yea". CE 570 Special Studies in Christ­ ian Education (2) Designed for srudc rns who desire.; a spec ifi c course cornern nor cm - e re d in any of rhe regular!, offe red classes . .\ lay be raken rwice wirh different emphasis. Co nt e n t will diffrr based on need/interest. Possible required fee. Adm iss ion ro cou rse b\' ach·i­ so r approva l. By arrnn1;cmenr. CE 591 Teaching Ministry Practicum (1) Str ucrun.:d cxperiences in reach­ ing of rhc Bible in church or para­ church voea rion al serri ngs. RehHcs ro developmcrn of speaki ng sk ills req uired in p rofcssional ministr, pos itions . Lcsson prcpararion and pr esenta ti on arc cmp hasi1cd. Required o f \ l. i\ .C: .1-:. srudcnts with limited minisrr, e,pcricncc. Offered fal 1/spri ng. CE 592 Ministry Leadership Practicum (1) Str uctured cx per icnccs in leader­ s hip in a ch urch or parachurch \·ocational sett in g. Empha..,izc.., app l icat ion of leadership a nd managem ent sk ill s rn ministry s itua ti ons. Required of t-. 1.A.C. I~. students " ·ith li111itcd ministr) experience. Of'fcrcd fall /spring. CE 600 Educational Ministry in the Church (3) Ana lys is of mini stries of edifica­ t ion as rh e\' rel ate ro the personal. rh e congregational and the ad111in­ isrrat ive aspects of minisrr\' "ith peopl e.; of all ages. Focus is on the exp lanation of rnrious methods and re so urces an1il ablc for 111in­ istrv and on rhe de, elop111cnr of individual skill s in commu ni cat­ in g a nd leadin g in these min­ istries . Requ irt:d of \ I.A. (:-- Jin.), t-.1.A. ( B./T.S.) , and \I.Di, ·. sru­ denrs. Offercd fall/spr ing. CE 612 Missionary Education (2) Objectives, prog ramming, acci,·i­ ties and adrnini strati,·c meth ods of impl e me nti ng a program of mi ss ionary education. In, ·cstiga­ cion in to the auxi lia ry organization

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