
s piritu a l retreat is required. Grading is on a Crcdir/:-'10 Cred it basis. Required of ,ti\ 111.Di\'., 1\l.t\. students. Fee: ,\ fee equi, - ,tl ent to one semester hour of tu ition is re qu ired . PT 711 Advanced Sermon Preparation (2) ,\ skill-rcfine111cnr practiculll in the essentials of cxposirorv p reaching, including c, ·aluation of off-campus pulpit ministr\'. Pre­ requisites: PT 609,6 10. l~lccc i, c . PT 715 Principles and Ethics of Communicat ion (2) An e,planation of the princip les of communic,1rion and ho\\' they effect learning and change. 1\11 e,amination of the ethical issues of persuasion such as emot ional appeals, use of guilt, fear and personalities. Elccri, ·e . PT 717-718 Research Seminar (1-2) In -depth in,cscigation of a topic under the µ;uidance of the Christ­ ian \linistf\· and Leadership dcparttllcnt using standard researc h proc<:durcs. Topic selec­ tio n and course enrollment is h, dcpartrncnt apprm·a\. \Jecri, e. PT 721 Pastoral Skill Development (2) C:ombinin1; of classroo111 experi­ ence with field trips to ja ils, prisons. hospitals. sanitariutlls and various self-help groups. Exposure to che problcllls of humanit, and special­ ises who" ork "irh chose prohlc111s. Pre requi site: PT 602. l.:lccti,·c. PT 722 Small Group Discipleship (3) An examinat ion of the role of smal l groups in the local church for developing biblical commu ­ nitS'. Ernphasis is placed on unde rstanding interpersonal rela­ tionships, character dc\'elopment and skills for organ izing ,rnd lead­ ing a small group ministr,. Elcc­ ci, ·e. Required of :-- I. Di,. \C:rn n­ gclism and Discipleship. PT 725 Counseling Troubled Families (3) A comparison of posici,·c and negative familv systems in Scrip­ ture. in thco r\' and in church life. The development of a tca111 approach to intervention, cn ri ch- 111 cnt and equipp ing for ministry to families. P rerequ isite: PT 628, 706, 707 or their cqui, ,de nt s. Required of 11 1.Di,·.. ( P .C.C.), (111. F .\ I. ). \I. ,\. (1'.C.C . ) and \ l.r\. :--.lin. (\ I.F .:---1.) students.

PT 620 Principles and Practice of Worship (2) Exploration of bibl ical. psycho­ logical. practical, historical and conrempo rar , d imensions of C hri st ian worship. Elccti\'c. PT 621 The Asian Church in the American Society (2) A srndy of \'arious factors that impact the ct'fccri, ·cness of a sec­ ond generation English rninisrr~ with a first generation A-; i an c h urch. These facto rs in cluclc how immigration history and fam­ i \v structure shape leadersh ip sr,·\e and chu rch structure. Since these strucrnrcs contribute to on­ going conflict with r\mer ican soci­ eta l ,·al ucs. bib li cal principles arc cxplon.:d to personal\\' and corpo­ rarch address conflict resolution. PT 625 Issues in Asian-American Ministry (2) A research and discussion based symposium addrc~::iing va ri ou~ issues related to pastoral ministry within the ,\sian American con­ text. Among the man,· issues c1dd rcsscd arc in tc r-gcncrat iunal, rheological. and min istry philoso­ phy concerns. Recommended for all students interested in or cu r­ rent!, irn·oh·cd with Asian Amer­

through the course . Required of 11 1.A. tl li n ism· and P.C.C. srndents. PT 627 Premarital Preparation and Counseling (2) Coun se li ng techni q ues applied to dating and courtsh ip, and premar ita l adjustments. Prin­ cip les and structu res of premarital co unse ling arc s tressed and demon­ strated. Emphas is on the use of 'l'JTA, Pre pare and Fam il y Hisco t) ' analysis. Prerequisite: PT 707 or permiss ion of professor. Required of :--- 1.A.C.E. Reduced Program stu­ dents. Offered fa ll , eve n yea rs. PT 628 Marital Counseling (3) Exp lores the foundations of mar­ ri age a nd marital con fli ct from Scriptural and ps,chological p<:r­ spcct ivcs. Rev iews approaches co cou n sel ing and explores c hange and growt h procedures and ski ll s . Pre requis ite: PT 707. Required of 11 1.Di \'. ( P. C .C .) a nd lin .( l. ).

lencc. socia l ills, and the polic ical pro cess. Req uired of f-- 1. A. P.C.C., a ll 11 1. Di\'. except mission and urban miniseries. PT 706 Personal Foundations of Ministry (2) Focu sed on the importance o f sclf-u nd crsrnnd i ng for spi ri rna I and emotional well-be ing as well as cffccci, ,c mini~rry to hurting people, a n in,,cscigation of the impact of personal and family his­ tory o n theological outlook, cmo­ rio n al congruence, relational arc raccion~ and moral decisions. Sc, cra l personal assessments as wel l as one or more rhcrap,· ses­ sio ns arc an integral pa rt of this course. Grading on ,1 Credit/No Cred it basis. Required of/\ 1. Di, and ;--. l. t\. students . Fcc: $--W. PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counse ling (2) This is an introducrorv co u"c designed to acqua int students with the breadth and scope of Pastoral Care and Counse ling. Srndcnts wil l learn the conccxr,. principles, and practice, of pasmral counse lors including counse ling models. using the Bible in counseling. how to make a pastoral dia~no<;i-;, kc~ o b srac lc s and oppo rtuniti es in process, communication sk ills. legal and ethical issues. and the referra l process. Pre requ is ite: PT 706. Required of ti I.Di\'. and 11 1.i\. students. exce pt ' \ AP 11. PT 708 Advanced Pastoral Counseling (3) 'l'h is course mo\'es beyond learn­ ing rel ationship sk ill s to de, e lop­ ing skill s time help people with t he rcaliLation of physical. spi ritu al. c111mional and moral issues in th eir \i, ·es . Sccondlv. there is a focus on sk ill s chat h elp peop le take responsibility for the ,marcncss chcy ha, ·c gai ned. The spi ritu al transfo rm ation proces~ is inte­ grated inro the dc\'elopment of these skill s. Prerequisite: PT 706. 707. Required of i\ l. Di\' . and 111.A. (P.C.C.) m,dcnts. PT 709 Spir itual Mentoring Group (0) Each student is required tO par­ ri c: iparc in a semester- long men­ tori ng group. This is an opportu­ nity to build 111orc intimate rcla­ tionsh ips "ith God, other stu­ dents, and a sr ir itual mentor and to experience God's present action in their life. Spiritual tl lcntoring Croup is to be taken in the se111estcr imlllediatcly fol­ lowing PT 706. /\n O\'ernight

PT 632 Foundations of Women's Ministries (2)

Thi s course is designed ro pre­ p a re a student co \'alidatc, develop and mainta in a bibli ca l, contemporary ministry ro women in th e local church. Issues suc h as philosop h , · of ministry, life stages of women. leadership dc\'eloprnenr, current ,rnd future trends and program dc\'c loplllent wil l be addressed. Required of

ican 'dinisrries. Elecri,c. PT 626 Group Counseli ng Leadership (3)

11 1.A. \\"omen' s tl l iniscrics. PT 691 Field Education (0)

Learn 1;roup leaders hi p skil ls that can be applied to , ·arious contexts including church. counseling and comnrnniry. Course focuses on content and skills de,·c lopment and ,ou \\ill acrnally lead a new group w ith supcn ision pro,·idcd

Weekl y irn·o lvcmcnt in min istrY with satisfactory complccion of st ud e nt' s self-c\'a lu at ion form and superv iso r's t.:,·a\uat ion form. Requ ired of 11 1. Di, ·. students. PT 692 Field Education (0) \ Veckly invo lvement in 1ninistry with sa ri sfactor\' complet ion of stu­ dent 's self-c"a lu ation form, super­ visor\ c,·aluat ion form and sermon eva lu ation fortll . Required of ti I. Di\'. s rndcnts. PT 696 Internship (1 -2) Directed experience in p reparation , enr ichment, equipping and retllc­ dial lll iniscr ics in selected chu rches. tl lay be taken for a tllaximulll of fo ur uni ts . Prereq ui s ite: P'I' 707. Required o f 11 1.A. P.C.C. majors in their last three sctllcstcrs. PT 703 The Church and Society (3) A study of biblical eth ics a nd chc ro le the local ch urc h plays in the communit y . Special attent ion wi ll be gi\'e n to lllajor soc ia l pro b lcllls such as sanct it y of life, c h etll ical abuse. domestic \' io-

T~30 • Talbot School of Theology

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