cernment in the life of the director who seeks to attend co the work of the Hol y Sp ir it in one's own lifc and the life of the cl irectcc in order to cooperate with the H is rnini srry. This course provides a beginning framework for understanding issues rel eva nt to profess ional ethics in the life and pract ice of the sp iritu al d ircccor and the ir relationsh ip with a directee. This first course crnpha sizcs a sma ll , interacti ve grou p for mat for the deve lopment of skill s. For i\ l.A. Soul Care students only. A passing grade for this course of B or better. Any student rcceiYing a grade of 13- or below must retake th e course until a B is earned. Prerequi site: Student must have eompletccl at least 9 units in order to enroll in Prcpract icum I, included in which is SF 5-t3. SF 578 Soul Care Prepract icum II and Professional Referra l (3) The seco nd o f a two-course sequence designed to facilitate the development of the empath ic lis tening, interpersonal skill s and basic sp irirna l g uidance techniques tha t form the basis of effective spiritual direction. During this course, direct observation and taping of the stu dent's first clinical spiriwa l direction practicum in the university's Center fo r Spirirnal Renewal arc uti li zed to provide a closely supe rvised intro du ct ion to th e sp iritu al direction process. I t a lso educates the prospective spiritua l gui de to rccog n izc more severe psychological adjustment disorders that a re in need of psychological or psychiatric referral. Prerequisite : SF 577. Course s ho uld be taken co nc ur rentlv with or subsequent to SF 52-t. SF 585 Personal Spi ritual D irection (0) Students experience their own spiritual d irection for the purpose of dee pe ning their se lf awareness and relat ionship with Goel and implicit training in doing direc t ion with others. The s tudent is encou raged to be open anu hon est with the spir itual guide, hid ing nothing regarding one 's rela tionship with God and, within reaso n, attending to the direction of the gu id e . Required of a ll SF students each scrncstc r e n rolled.
\\ ricccn commun ication and lan g uage usagc , general rules a nd special ized principlcs for the va ri ous biblical genre, and the place of the \\'ord of Goel in Chr isti an spir itual growth frorn a biblical, expe riential an d historical perspective.
etc.) and their hi sto ri ca l-thco rer i cal root s (Orthodox, R o m a n Catho li c, Reformed, Lutheran ere.) . Attenrion is given to appre ciaci on1 evaluation and critique . \ ·arious experient ial projects a rc designed to facilitate unclcrsrnncl ing, appreciation and personal growth with respect to these tradi tions. Requi red of all S F stud e nts . SF 532 Developmental Spi ritual ity & Contemplative Prayer (2-3) An exp loration of thc various stages of growt h involved in the believer\ journev, employing both experie ntial and biblical data. Particular focus is g iven to Sc. Jo hn of the C ross who devel oped perhaps t he most elaborate and influential approach to understanding the work of the Spirit in , ·ariou, phases of the Chr is tia n 's Ii fe a ncl how th is relates to t h e relat ionship bet\\ een discursive a nd contcm plati,·c pra ye r and meditation. Required of all SF students. SF 543 Personal Foundations of Spirituality and Retreat (3) Thi s course focuses upon the importance of se lf-understandi ng for spir itu al and emo ti o nal well being'" well as effective ministry to hurting people. It includes an in,·e;c igation into the impact of personal and family hi story on the o log ical outlook. emot io na l co n grucncc, relat ional attractions and moral decisions. Several personal asscs~mcnts as we ll as one or more thcrapv sessions arc an integra l part of thi s course and will require an addit ional fee. Required of all S F f\ lA students. Fee: $-tO. SF 544 Personality Development and Psychopathology (3-4) An ove rview of persona lity clcvel oprnent and the major forms o f psYchopatholog) from a depth psycholog;ical perspective (psy chodynamic and existentia l ). This course provides a fr ame work for understand in g the dynamics inherent in personality dc,·c lopmcnt an d cli,tortions of that dc,·c lopment under the influence of sin. Required of all SF ,\I.A. srndents. SF 577 Soul Care Prepracticum I and Professional Ethics (3) The first of a two-course sequence designed to facilitate the dcvelnp rncnt of the empathic li steni ng, interpersonal skill s and basic spiri rnal guidance techniques that form the basis of effective spiritua l direc tion. Beginning ,mention also is given to the clc, ·elopmcnt of dis-
6. Intensive Journey Inward Retreat Req uireu of students in i\lA in Spiritual Formatinn & Soul Care only. Due to the nature of soul work inrnlvecl in spiritual din.:ction and in harmony with its tradition , each swdent is required to have a total of three weeks of extended retreat in isolation or partial isola tion to exp lore and cultivate the inne r life in the presence of Goel unuer the supervision of a spiritual gu id e and one's ath·isor. The stu dent should enro ll in four units of SF 670 "lntensive Journey ln\\arcl" concurrentl y or upon complet ion of retreat. The costs for such a retreat arc the responsibility of t he student and not the Inst itute or l ' ni,ersitl.
Rcquircd of all SF students. SF 519 Survey of Genesis Malachi (3)
A broad sun'cl of the Old Testa ment books, in clud in g se lected introclucton· and critical issues, rel crnnt background, major themes and divisions, and crucial p rob lems. Required of SF \IA students. SF 520 Survey of Matthew Revelation(3) A genera l o, ·cn·iew of t hc Ne,, Testament books, including; sclccrcu introcluctorY and critica l issues, rclcn,nt background, major themes and di, ·isions, and c rucia I problems . Rcq u ired of S F i\ 1. :-\. students. SF 521 Introduction to Christian Spirituality and Prayer (3) An introductor,· study into the nature of spiritual formation and t he , ·a rious \l'avs that Christ ian s have sought to deepen the ir rela tionship with Goel. with s pecia l e111phasis g i, en to the nature and practice of prayer in the Church and the Christian life. Required of all SF students. SF 524 The History and Theory of Christian Soul Care & Direction (3 -4) An introduction to the history and theon of sp iritual sou l care, 111cntoring and direction from a biblical, experient ia l and psycho logica I perspcctiH:. Specific focus is on assisting others in deepening their re lat ionsh ip \l'ith God thro ugh increased scns iti vit\· and rcsponsivcncss to the Hol y Sp irit 's prcscnce and \\'O rk in all areas of li fe (including the com mon and ordinarY). Attention is also gi, ·en to understanding t he pcrsorn,tl dynan1ics at work with in and between the guide and directcc and t he role of sp iritual guidance with in thc broaucr con text of pastoral care and 111emor ing as we ll as in the more specific di,cipline of sp iritu al direction. Required of all SF students. SF 531 History and Traditions of Christian Spirituality (3-4) An explo ration of spirituality t hr ough Church hi story. The course introdu ces the student to the vario us traditions of spiritual ity (contemp lative, h o line ss, \\'orcl, char isma ti c, soc ia l reform
SF m 111 :rt'S 11re O//ll' oj)e/1 lo s111- rlm1s wJhn have hem ar/11/illerl 10 r111 IS F . II.A. or Cn1i(imll' j)rO!(llll/1. All SF m//1ses follow· 1h1' "O//e Fo11r1h RI/le" ii/ rdirh r11 /em! 0/11' fol/ r!h of efl(/i 1w11se is rlt"L'O!l'rl lo experie111ialll' n'tl!izi/1!( or dn'f1mi"g fil•hat is la//ght. "Pl/ls" ro111 s1'.r all' i//ll'llrlt,rf 111 givt' the s11tde//l n-erlit for theoretiml a/Ir/ exJJe1ien1ial 'a'.'od.· rlo//e rJ/.w 0111sirle of the dassroo/11. See SF Deg1-ee Pro gm/1/sfor lisli//g of '-P/11s "rm1rsts. SF 511 Theology I-Introduction: Revelation and the Nature of God (3) The nawre, method and rationale of Christian theolog,·. Re,·elation, both general and spe c ial , in,pirn t ion, canonicity and illumination of Scripture. The doctrine of Goel, in cluding His existence, attr ibutes. and Trinitarian nawrc. Required of all Sf i\l.A students. SF 512 Theology II: Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin (3) God's eternal plan including hi s k ingdom purpose and re demp tive focus; Hi s \\Ork of creat ion and concinucU acti\ iry \\ ichin c reation. The angels both good and CYil including their origin. present state, work and destiny. Crea ti on of rnankind in God's image, human nature, the foll and effects of sin upon hunrnn it\. Hum an life in relation to the divine institutions of the famill and ci,·il go,·crnmcnt. Required of all SF 1\I.A. students. SF 517 Hermeneutics and the Word in Spiritual Formation (3) Training in biblical interpretation and its relevance to the process and goals of spiritual forrnation. Emphasis is given to analy,is of
SF 613 Theology Ill: Christ, Salvat ion and the Spirit (3)
The pcrson and sav in g work of Christ. The nature and app lication of sa h ·ation including th e person and \\'O rk of th e Spirit. Special emphas is on the practi ce of sancti ficat ion in personal Christian li ving. Required of Sf M.A. swdcnts.
T~32 • 1albot School of 1heology
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